
The Narrator & Lazy Boy

Oliver was a foolish, ignorant, and irresponsible young man who had just turned 19. His parents let him live by himself and sent him money every month for food and other essentials, hoping that he would learn to be independent. But Oliver was terrible at managing his life. He squandered his money on useless things all the time. One Saturday morning, after saying goodbye to his friend Cassie who lived nearby, Oliver felt a weird sensation in his mind. “What the heck? Why do I hear a voice that narrates everything I do, think, and say, and sounds like it’s coming from everywhere?” Oliver said, utterly baffled and irritated by my narration.

JohnatenDBrown · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: The First Encounter

As Oliver walked through the forest that lay on the outskirts of his town, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned around quickly but saw nothing.

He continued walking but couldn't shake off the feeling that someone or something was following him. He quickened his pace but the rustling continued.

Finally, he stopped and turned around again. This time he saw a small creature peeking out from behind a tree. It was about the size of a rabbit but had big floppy ears and a bushy tail.

"Who are you?" Oliver asked nervously.

"I am Flibbert," the creature replied in a high-pitched voice. "I am a Flufftail."

"A Flufftail? What's that?" Oliver asked curiously.

"We are creatures of the forest," Flibbert replied proudly. "We live among the trees and take care of them."

Oliver was fascinated by this strange creature and wanted to know more about it and its kind. So he sat down on a nearby log and listened as Flibbert told him all about the Flufftails and their way of life.

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