
The Narrator & Lazy Boy

Oliver was a foolish, ignorant, and irresponsible young man who had just turned 19. His parents let him live by himself and sent him money every month for food and other essentials, hoping that he would learn to be independent. But Oliver was terrible at managing his life. He squandered his money on useless things all the time. One Saturday morning, after saying goodbye to his friend Cassie who lived nearby, Oliver felt a weird sensation in his mind. “What the heck? Why do I hear a voice that narrates everything I do, think, and say, and sounds like it’s coming from everywhere?” Oliver said, utterly baffled and irritated by my narration.

JohnatenDBrown · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: The Curse is Broken

Oliver traveled for many more days and nights, facing countless dangers and hardships along the way. But he never lost sight of his goal.

Finally, after many long weeks of travel, he arrived back at the dark and foreboding forest where he had first met the sorcerer.

He made his way through the twisted trees and thick mist until he stood once again before the sorcerer.

"I have brought the flower," Oliver said as he held out the shimmering blue blossom.

The sorcerer took the flower and held it close. He closed his eyes and began to chant in a language that Oliver did not understand.

As he chanted, the air around them began to shimmer and glow. The mist parted and the trees seemed to stand taller and straighter.

And then, suddenly, it was over. The sorcerer opened his eyes and smiled at Oliver.

"The curse is broken," he said. "The narrator is free."

Oliver felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had done it. He had broken the curse.

He thanked the sorcerer and turned to leave. But as he walked away, he heard the narrator's voice once again.

"Thank you, Oliver," the narrator said. "You have set me free."

And with those words, Oliver's journey came to an end. He had faced countless dangers and overcome impossible odds. But in the end, he had succeeded in breaking the curse and setting the narrator free.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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