
The Narcissist Master and the previous Sword Goddess

"I'm just too handsome. When I was born even the Heavens rumbled for me as if to welcome me. When I look at someone they lower their gazes, because I'm just too god#@m hansome. I am matchless everywhere my talents blind anyone! My spear is indomitable, eternal, ethereal and unstoppable! All other paths and weapons are mere thrash in the road, only the spear deserves respect!" These were the words said by an old man. "When I picked up my sword I was invincible whenever someone got in my way I killed them all. My sword is cold and emontionless. I was almost able to ascend to godhood but I still died." said a little girl who was running for her life.

Shoishiro · Action
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133 Chs

"Good friends don't come often, but when you meet each other you will know who they are."

The moment Liang Chen saw him he became quite interested in him.

It was not because of his cultivation level, but because of the man himself.

He a muscular body and was very tall, probably more than 2 meters in height.

He also had a slightly handsome face, but that face was better suited for a scholar, that mixed with the way he suddenly changed everything about him in an instant, it was clear that he would fit among scholars anywhere, if he did not have a fit on his temper all of a sudden.

Watching him, Liang Chen became more and more interested, based on the fact that the man actualy took out a book and began reading it with a contemplative look on his face, that would make all those that saw him think that he was indeed a scholar.

But this did not stop the man to not forget to continue beating his disciples with his cane with an incredibly swift pace and rythim, never beating the same one twice.

Liang Chen approached them, until he wad only 1 meter from them.

The three disciples looked pleadingly at Liang Chen, but they received the cold shoulder, as Liang Chen completely ignored them and continued to stare at the man.

The man felt Liang Chen's gaze on him ever since he had appeared, but he neither took any offense to it, like he also never bothered to ask or comprehend why Liang Chen was staring at him.

Seeing this, and seemingly able to understand the man's thoughts, Liang Chen nooded his head slightly.

All of a sudden Liang Chen attacked the man in front of him with an unimaginably swift spear strike.

That spear strike looked like a ferocious predator that had just found its prey, abd did not have any intention to let it leave with either its life nor have the slightest resistance.

Feeling this, the disciples were shocked and began to try and retreat to not be dragged into the fight that might unfold.

The man seemed to have been expecting that attack, and he simply slapped at it with his bamboo cane.


A deafening boom occurred when the two attacks connected, but that was not the end.

Liang Chen immediately attacked yet again when he saw his attack getting destroyed like it was nothing.

He stabbed forward towards the man's neck.

Seeing this the man couterattacked with his bamboo cane, but before the two made any contact, Liang Chen turned his spear with a motion from his wrist, as the back of the spear threatened to attack the man's sides.

Noticing this the man lkst his scholarly look, as he now looked like a starving beast that had found its match and wad prepared to fight with everything it had to get that prey.

His eyes glowed red, and his air began to rise with no wind kr anything, it simply rose feom the pressure the man was emanating.

He also turned his spear with a motion from his wrist, as he also made a spear from Ki and attacked with his other hand.

Seeing this Liang Chen put his left hand on the spear and threw it to counter the two spears coming at him.

These actions may have seemed long, but in fact they were not.

This played out in a matter of an instant, even blinking would make you miss it.

They were extremelly fast, and their actions seemed practiced, as if the two had done this before and even practiced it before starting just now.

But, it was a fact that the two had just met today at this moment.

The two traded several rounds in mere instants, as the three disciples watched at the side.

They were incredibly focused and did nkt dare to miss anything, they did not even dare to make any formation to save this exchange of moves either, even if that formation took just a mere instant to make it, none of the three dared to even miss the movement of their hair, as if doing so would mean the end of the world.

After a few moments the two finished their exchange. They separated and stared at each other.

After a few moments of doing so, the two suddenly laughed out loud and began to walk at each other.

They spread their arms and hugged and started talking about their previous exchange, as if the two were old friends that had met after a long time.

This stunned the three disciples, as well as Chen Xiak who had arrived the moment the two began to trade blows with each other.

Of course, Chen Xiao was not that stunned, only partially, and he waved it off after slightly shooking his head, as he cracked a smile.

Seeing Chen Xiao, Liang Chen froze for an instant, before turning his head slightly with an ashamed look on his face.

Seeing this Chen Xiao waved it off with an hand, and simply produced a bottle of alcohol and a table out of nowhere and started walking towards them saying.

"Good friends don't come often, but when you meet each other you will know who they are."