
The Narcissist Master and the previous Sword Goddess

"I'm just too handsome. When I was born even the Heavens rumbled for me as if to welcome me. When I look at someone they lower their gazes, because I'm just too god#@m hansome. I am matchless everywhere my talents blind anyone! My spear is indomitable, eternal, ethereal and unstoppable! All other paths and weapons are mere thrash in the road, only the spear deserves respect!" These were the words said by an old man. "When I picked up my sword I was invincible whenever someone got in my way I killed them all. My sword is cold and emontionless. I was almost able to ascend to godhood but I still died." said a little girl who was running for her life.

Shoishiro · Action
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133 Chs

"Are you calm yet?"

Hearing his words just now made Chen Xiao sigh once again. He could finally remember why everytime he meet Liang Chen he would get an horrible headache and make a few new enemies every once in a while.

But there was someone here who could not process it for a few moments, and when he finaly processed it, all those present felt their cultivation bases suddenly becoming restricted, the air beginning to churn everything that even if they did not breathe, just by the air touching them they would fell like they were burning, or even the air touching their Ki, the Ki would begin to wane and fade immediately.

Followed by it was an intense feeling that everything that was touched by the air and had either the slightest bit of heath on them or was formed by flames, would be turned to cinders and become part of a great formation.

But the scariest part was that that was only the feeling they all felt the very same instant that feeling appeared. The next few moments they immediately felt that they had nowhere to run to, the whole space surrounding them was now just a great pool of sinister flames, and above them was a spear formed by illusory flames that did not emanate any sort of heat, energy or danger.

They were of course special flames, ones that did not exist in the same plane as them, but once they did, then no matter how far they run to, they would still be killed by the heat wave of those very same flames.

Ao Shuang was extremelly mad at this moment and no longer restrained his anger any longer and let it run amok.

His flames seemed to have fed of his anger, as they also became a lot stronger. They began to burn even more wildly and now space seemed to have been slightly affected as it began to tremble slightly, just enough to miss it if you did not study space to a profound level or just by being powerful enough.

Many within the Ao Clan seemed to have felt it and looked towards Ao Shuang with excited gazes. All of them with different opinions or objectives.

For example Elder He, the moment he felt it he immediately rose to his feet and put his hands behind his back as he no longer looked towards the Viewing Mirror in front of him, but looked into the distance. He seemed eager to go and fight, but he also knew basic etiquette of private battles within the clan.

They wouldn't die anyways, so people just let then go and get beaten, so what reason did they have to stop them?

Interfering in one of them did not mean a beating or punishment, it was simply a rule accorded by all members of the clan, since all of them had previously been of the younger generation.

But the most fearsome thing of all was that in the past if you interfered in one, you would just be beaten up by a few of your generation, but now if you interfere in onr, it means that you will have to face all of the elders in the entire clan, and they would only stop once they got bored, and that would not happen so soon.

But the ones that would beat you up in last place were of course Elder Li, Elder He and Elder Xi, and they as the well known elders that didn't really care what condition you were in when you got to their hands, would make you terrified.

To Elder He he would obviously not fear any elder, much less Elder Li or Elder Xi, even if they came together.

What made him stop was a huge character that appeared midair above Ao Shuang.

Even Ao Shuang did not feel its existence. That character said "Water". And once it descended, it began to transform as real water came out of it.

If it was any ordinary water, it would just disappear by the heat cause by Ao Shuang's power, but this water seemed completely unaffected, it simply eliminated all pressure wherever it passed through and then destroyed all flames it touched.

Then it rushed at Ao Shuang. When it hit him, Ao Shuang slammed towards the ground. He tried to struggle but was simply slammed back towards the ground yet again.

In midair a figure appeared. This was Ao Li, who was simply gazing at Ao Shuang as he pushed his righ hand up and then smacked it towards the ground and the water coming out from the character became stronger.

Then he simply asked in a indifferent voice "Are you calm yet?"

I will try and make up the missing chapters tomorrow if I have the time. Sorry about it.

Shoishirocreators' thoughts