
The day I met him

Since the beginning high school I've always been a nerd...always into studying and reading books. Never did I ever spare a thought about falling in love with someone or being in a relationship. I am a very simple girl not that pretty either like the other girls in my school. I've also been bullied in 9th grade for my looks.

Now I'm in 12th grade but I'm still the same but my life completely changed since the day I met him.. yeah it was in 11th grade that a boy named Jacob entered my school. He looked handsome and had a cute smile.

I've always had this feeling that my existence doesn't matter to anyone and I used to hate myself for that but I don't feel the same anymore. Jacob started talking to me since day 1 of 11th grade. I used to be the quietest person in my class but even after that he started talking to me. Eventually we started talking more and more every day. As we kept talking, I came to know more about him. He was home-schooled for 10 years and this was the first time that he joined a public school. He was the child of a famous singer of our town 'Mr. Diego'. And he also told me that he was an adopted child. He was quite like me too but slowly he started to get some friends and used to hangout with them all the time. We used to talk during lunch breaks and maths periods were so fun with him. He was very intelligent too and kinda liked to party.

We later exchanged our numbers and We started texting each other. He was very sarcastic and was totally the right person to talk to when bored. We became great friends and I really enjoyed to spend more time with him.

Oops! I totally forgot to mention that my name is 'Miya' and I'll keep the rest for my next chapter.

Keep reading 😊