
The Nameless Path: Endless System

Michael Coldwater, a game designer for a big company with a good amount of medical knowledge from his parents goes to sleep after finishing up some patches and glitches & bugs on his office desk. However, when he wakes up, he raises as the [Nameless] from [The Magicians] with only his soul and the [Endless System] in a big forest. ** " A Creator arises from the darkness, and life follows him. His family quarrels, blows are exchanged, and the Dark Gods pour in through the wounds. The world, once so vibrant, collapses under the weight of Chaos, but its glory can live forever so long as one remains to remember it." —Lileath, Goddess of Prophecy ** ◇~◇~◇~◇ « Disclaimer: I don't own any of the anime, manga, movies, novels, fanfics, and TV shows, I may ever mention or Integrate into this Fanfic of mine.»

Nameless_000 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter - (1) « Beginning And End »

« Word Count - 1354 »


" Alright, done with inputting and filling in all the Classes, now I just need to get auto-document generate documentations and relation diagrams from the source code, then I can start the bug hunting for real." A handsome male said in a charming British accent sitting on a black office chair looking at a medium-sized monitor that sits on a common office table that is found everywhere. He has bright greens eyes and long dark brown hair that looks black tied into a bun. He wears a long black sweater that is opened up showing a gray T-shirt displaying his six back and black pants with the additional black footwear.

"*Yawn*...Mmm, Michael, are you going to take a nap? Or at least sleep?" An above-average female said after a good yawn looking over to the handsome male's side now identified as «Michael».

Not even looking up, Michael said as he begins typing on his keyboard in a lazy voice."I will if our 'amazing' and 'lovey' manager stops coming to me every time a bug pops up."

Hearing Michael, the female shook her head and went back to her side as she said."Then, I wish you good luck." After saying this she immediately fell asleep on her desk.

Typing fast on his keyboard, Michael said still fully aware she's already asleep."Mmm, sweet dreams Jennifer."

Then like in a trance he worked and worked on all the bugs his 'all-powerful' manager gave him till he fell asleep on his desk.


Suddenly appearing behind Michael is a beautiful Goddess-like female possessing long black hair touching to her ankles with brilliant golden eyes. She wears a long white and gold revealing dress that displays her silky smooth white jade skin.

In a swift motion, she unexpectedly started caressing Michael's head with a mysterious smile revealing deep profound unknown emotions.

Similarly, after caressing Michael's head, she mumbled something in a unique language then disappeared as a golden sphere left Michael's body.



" Ugh!"

Opening his eyes, Michael found himself in a pure white void-like place devoid of life or anything for that matter as far as his eyes can see.

However, that was short-lived as two pure black spheres appeared in front of him releasing a dangerous yet innocent aura that invited him to accept them fully.

"""« Will you play with me? »"""

Abruptly Michael heard a male and female naive and childish voice in his head.

Looking around himself he concluded he's either dead or in a lucid dream. Though, He's more on the dead side as he probably hasn't slept for a two whole week...he thinks(?) and all the unhealthy amount of fanfics he read and are still reading when his 'beautiful' and 'wonderful' manager lets him go home or have a break.

Having come to that collusion, he just shrugs his shoulders and said looking at the two pure black spheres nonchalantly."Sure, why not."

"""« Hehehe~! This is going to be so much fun. I think anything is more fun if you do it with friends. »"""

As Michael heard this, pure black liquid-like blood started to come alive from below his feet. The black blood was already up to his waist. Suddenly the blood below his feet started to move around as if it was alive, creeping up and down his body like vines.

The black blood in the pool was like vicious snakes, untiringly wrapping around him until it formed a bloody cocoon.

A wave of intense pain spread throughout his body. Michael felt as if his brain was being sliced into pieces. It felt even worse than death. It was as if tens of millions of tiny worms were drilling into his body and squirming around in his arms, legs, bones, and viscera; eating away at his blood and flesh.

Michael couldn't see anything. He wanted to scream, but couldn't make a sound, and neither could his body move.

A strange liquid started flowing slowly along his ribs like a small stream and tore open his veins wherever it passed. Then the liquid rapidly accelerated and divided into numerous strands, madly surging into the seven hundred and twenty meridians within his body.

The pain in his head grew stronger, Michael felt some weird changes happening within his meridians. He felt that his seven hundred and twenty meridians had enlarged significantly, as they interchanged between feeling scorching hot and biting cold. It felt extremely uncomfortable.

Soon after, his meridians turned into a little cyclone and were swirling madly.

A small amount of the black liquid infused itself into every cyclone and was swiftly absorbed into them. After absorbing the liquid, the cyclones became enlarged and the process accelerated.

The intensity of the pain was almost unbearable. He felt that his body was like a huge vessel, filled with the strange black liquid. It was transforming him in ways he couldn't possibly comprehend.

"The liquid is transforming the meridians in my body…"

As this thought flashed through his mind, he fainted.



In a vast and endless green forest with towering trees yearning to reach the heavens is a long blue river that is home to all kinds of aquatic life. By this river is a black and purple floating sphere possessing what looks like a universe inside it amassing stars with colors greater than the rainbow itself!

Oblivious of its own location the sphere started moving around the area resembling a newborn baby taking in its surrounding.


Then like a ghost, it passed right through a tree by it. Likewise following this strange scene an even stranger scene transpired.


The tree the sphere passed through disappeared into itself, comparing anything to think the sphere is a black hole rather than a harmless-looking sphere that could of fool anything.

After eating the tree the sphere started to consume other stuff around itself matching a new child retrieving a new toy from someone.

Several hours later the sphere created a barren wasteland around itself.

Similarly, floating In the middle of this new plain peacefully and carefully is that harmless-looking sphere unmoving as if it's asleep.

Following the sphere going into slumber is a large group of Kobolds with red and orange scales holding various small weapons In their hands with most wielding trap tools and already made traps. Nearly of all the kobolds are not wearing anything, male or female.

Leading this large group of Kobolds is a bright blood-red Kobold wearing a long orange rob possessing and red gems and ornaments around it. This Kobold in general holds a long staff also having the same red and orange ornaments spreading around it.


Suddenly, without warning the Head Kobold waved its staff around causing it to shine bright red. Then as if obeying the color a little red fire started to flicker, on and off as the Head Kobold waved it around in a trance numbering an unusual language producing a yipping accent.


With enough force to make a human fly back, the fire exploded rendering the Head Kobold to fly back. However, like it won a billion dollars the Head Kobold shot back up to its feet and ran to where the slumbering sphere is and did a full-blown dogeza In front of it.

Following the dogeza, the Head Kobold started chanting in its own language.

"€¥€¥€~ ¥¢£¥£€£¥£~ ¥¢¥£€£¥~!*



" Ugh!"

When Michael finally came to his senses after having that void-like hunger that made him eat every his path.

He found an enormous group of kobolds in the dogeza position yelling some sort of prayer In front of him.

" Fierce God, you whose gifts ensure our survival, I O God  Of The Unknown, I praise and honor you! May your divine aura bring the aspects of the unknown to our world! O  Sacred being in the unknown! May your sacred divinity graces our lands!"

Before Michael can even comprehend that prayer he heard a ding~! in his head with the following gray and white hologram screen.

[Ding! « Endless System Online~! »]

Hearing that cold and emotionless mechanical voice in his head, Michael thought.' Fuck me.'

Newbie Author! Please go easy on me! If you see any misspelling or weird sentence structure please let me know!


Now on a real note. My little brother told me I should try writing some fanfics on this app/site because to him I have good grammar. Hearing him I was like "why not."

So here I'm.

The update schedule should be 2 to 3 every week because I work at my father's car shop and sometimes helping my mother at home because I'm a good son...sometimes.

So I hope you enjoy this~

Nameless_000creators' thoughts