
The Nameless God is Not The Hero Of the Story: Max Charisma In Heaven

[The story is not as straightforward as it seems, and there is a premise behind it all. The MC is not as Heroic as he thinks that he is, and later on you see the darker side of him.] [Check out my new book 500th Time Reborn. A World Only Know By Women: The Karma System] Talon was once the most revered swordsman and mage his world had ever seen. Then he defeated the final Demon Lord and was forcibly ascended to Heaven. Once there, Talon was told that all of his life's accomplishments meant nothing in the eyes of the All-Mighty. This was because Talon only ever killed the evil in the world and never interacted with anyone; that was his job. Now Talon was a nameless God, mocked and abused by the others. The only way for him to gain a name for himself is to enter other worlds to help the hero ascend like him, but Talon is tired of fighting. As much as the new God tries to ignore the other Gods and even the prodding of the All-Mighty himself, it's impossible. Talon is dragged into worlds, but he is resolved to clean up the other Heroes' messes and get back to Heaven to his easy life. The problem is that there is something wrong with his stats. All of his stats are normal except for one. "What am I supposed to do with maxed-out charisma?!"

Magic_ · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Everyone Hates You, Get It?

Anyway, at least the place looked nice and I was looking forward to spending some time there, but nothing about what Gaston had said made any sense to me. After all, what did the name really matter?

"Your name in Heaven is your right to guild Heroes from afar, but you only know how to move forward with care for others. My son, you were given many chances by Gaston to make a change and have your name remembered. Now, you stand before the All-Mighty, and your only achievement would have been to get what you wanted, but in the end, you didn't even get that."

I could feel the voice in every cell of my naked body, and I felt like an insect next to a mountain. I had nothing that I could say, not that my mouth would move if I wanted to.

"Because of this, Talon, you shall be labeled as The Nameless God, and the other Gods will scorn you. There is only one road to change this. You must help personally guide the Heroes of other Gods that need your help. If you help them defeat their great foes, then you will slowly earn yourself a name and the respect of the others. I can't force you to do this, my son, but I also will not let you remain idle," the All-Mighty told me, and I looked down as any hope of relaxing evaporated like water on a hot rock.

I still couldn't talk, but anything that I would have said would have been an excuse.

It was true, I was to blame, but this didn't make me any less sour after wasting my entire life doing what I was supposed to!

I just nodded.

"I am glad that you understand, but I can see that you are still going to be resistant. I will not be holding any of the gods back, so you will have to deal with them if you choose to stay. Also, if you decide that you are just going to waste time when you are summoned, the current watching God will make your life a living hell. That is all. Please enjoy Heaven, even though you haven't earned it."

The last part stung, hearing from the big cheese himself.

The gates before me opened, and a new strange world appeared before me filled with clouds, opulent structures white and gold, rivers, waterfalls, and more than I could ever describe. There were also people everywhere of all shapes and sizes, but not all of them were human; some of them were Demons.

"Well, Well, Well. I rushed here as soon as you killed me! Haha! I just wanted to see the look on your face! Oh, man! Totally worth taking that sword to the face! Look! We got a new God here! Come say hello to Heaven's first Nameless God, if you can even call him that!" Keshoc the Demon Lord laughed, and people started to gather around me.

"That one had no business here!"

"Never even save a cat out of a tree! Only cared about himself! Shameful!"

"You call yourself a God? Not likely; go back to where you came from!"

"Useless Nameless God!"


The insults kept coming, but I barely noticed; what was most concerning was the fact that I was only wearing a loincloth. I bent my knees, testing my strength, and it was even greater than before.

I grinned and jumped far up and over the group and landed softly on a cloud, but then I was kicked off it to smash into a golden dome. I dented it with my body, but the kick had hurt more, but nothing was broken.

Strange, I had felt the pain, but there were no injuries.

"Not going to dodge the second?" Helmsped, God of Lighting Gorillaz laughed as he kicked me in the face again.

I somehow knew his name, but I couldn't see the kick coming.

I smashed into a marble walkway, and pain radiated through my body, but before I could move, Helmsped was over me. He started to punch, kick, knee, and elbow me, and all I could do was take it.

"Every hour, from now until you prove your worth. Every hour, I am gonna spend at least ten minutes kicking the shit out of you. You messed up, and now everyone hates you, get it? You can fix it, or we can keep doing this."

The beating continued, and then it was over, but it was as though a mountain had hit me. I was picked off the ground and brought up to eye level with the big blonde man.

"See you in an hour if you aren't in a world," Helmsped said to me and then flung me out into the open air.

I was too sore to even care, but my body still worked fine, which was beyond weird. There should have been a bloodstain on the marble, but my body didn't have a scratch.

Suddenly, I hit the ground, rolling through perfectly trimmed grass, and got up right away. Only a tiny cute looking woman was sitting in a small pavilion, drinking tea.

"Nameless God, I require you to make me tea," Jessel, Goddess of The Dragon Hand, ordered me, and I groaned.

"I am not your errand-"

I couldn't finish my sentence. Jessel was instantly in front of me, driving her fist so far into my solar plexus I was sure she touched my spine. Then in the same instant, she punched me in the throat, and I collapsed, trying to gasp for breath, but nothing would work.

"Even though you are a weak and pathetic Nameless God, you are still a God and cannot die. I am the nicest person you will meet here. Now go make me a tea, or we repeat, I have work for you, or I can pass you off to the next God that is waiting in line. I do not like to wait," Jessel commanded.