
Chapter 29

“I’ll call you at six to tell you where to pick me up in the city,” she said.

“Wait.” That hadn’t been the plan. “It was your idea to come.”

“And I’ve done my due diligence.” She shooed us away. “Go. Have fun. And keep your ringer on so you don’t forget all about me.”

With a wink and a wave, she was gone, leaving me and Fisher standing next to the car.

“What did you two talk about while I was gone?” I asked.

Fisher smiled. “Family secrets. Now you heard the girl. Let’s go have fun.” 10

“Where to?”

I took it slow as I pulled away from the curb. In spite of all our discussion, Fisher had never told me where exactly our second date would be. I hadn’t pressed. The surprise was part of the fun, or at least, that was what I’d thought before seeing him in person.

“I was afraid you were going to ask me that,” he replied with a laugh.

I refused to pay attention to my stomach’s sudden pitch sideways. “Why? Did something happen?”