
Chapter 21

At midnight, my phone beeped.

I woke up at once, but fell back asleep almost right away. My dreams had been too good to ignore. It was the second reminder beep that went off two minutes later that finally got me reaching for my phone on the nightstand.

The words blurred. I had to squint to see it was a text from Fisher.

You up?

My fingers were still asleep because I didn’t recognize the words I typed in. I had to delete them all and start over.

I’m here.

Can we talk?

My instincts said yes, but the familiar sounds of my house as it slept reminded me I wasn’t alone. Chat?

I was hoping to see you.

I wanted to see him, too, but too much noise could wake up my parents. That would make for an awkward conversation if they came and knocked on my door.

On the other hand, I was an adult, and if I wasn’t being disruptive, it shouldn’t matter if I had a call in the middle of the night.

Parents sleeping, so can’t be loud.

No making you laugh. Got it.