
Chapter 8


You have slept in a bed; HP and MP have been restored 75% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy opened his eyes and found himself in the med bay of Camp Half-Blood. After he brought Grover into camp Chiron, who now had his horse half out, and a blonde girl immediately came forward and helped Percy carry Grover to the med bay where some other kids started to get to work on him.

Chiron had made sure Percy was alright before telling to boy to get some rest, Percy didn't want to saying he was fine but one look from the guy and he knew to shut up and go to bed. And so now Percy got up and walked to Grover's bed. His friend was asleep, from what one of the healers told him he would wake up any day now.

Percy sighed and quickly walked downstairs. It seems this big place where the med bay was located was called, and stay with me here the name is very complicated, the Big House. Yeah not much imagination there. Percy walked out of the building was Chiron and another man dressed in a yellow shirt with black polka dots on it.

Percy Observed him and immediately his eyes' widened;

Dionysus, God of Wine,




Race- Olympian God







Dionysus is the God of wine, but never call him 'the wine-dude'. He is known for hating Heroes in general and hates children of Poseidon in particular due to the actions of Theseus. Dionysis has been made into the Camp Director by Zeus himself as punishment for going after a Nymph that was off limits. Also he doesn't get to drink any wine.

Dionysis has no opinion of Percy.

A God. An actual Olympian God. Percy had his mouth open as he saw the God's stats. The only thing he knew for sure about that man was his name, race and a bio that could be copied of Wikipedia.

Percy eventually got over his state of shock and walked up to Chiron, "hello Chiron."

The teacher saw Percy and smiled, "hello Percy. I was wondering when you would show up."

Percy smiled and then turned to the Olympian sitting there, "hello Lord Dionysus."

The man looked up and then raised an eyebrow, "how did you know it was me?"

Thinking on his Percy replied quickly, "one of the campers told me."

The man seemed to accept it as he then ignored Percy and went back to his game. Percy sighed at this and turned to Chiron, "Chiron I need a favour."

"What do you need Percy?" Chiron asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Where is the location of the Underworld?"

Chiron's eyes widened and Dionysus looked at Percy, "WHAT?!"

"I said where is the-"

"I know what you said! Why do you want to go into the Underworld Percy?!"

"Hades has my mom," Percy replied as he looked at Chiron right in the eye, "and I plan on getting her back."

"Percy you can't it is far too dangerous! I will not allow you to leave this place under any circumstances!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "try and stop me." Percy leaked a little bloodlust that both Chiron and the Olympian next to him notice.

The man looked at Percy and then sighed, "fine. But wait for a few days. Rest and prepare yourself because believe me you will need all the time to prepare you can get."

Percy nodded at this, "where can I go to train?"

"I'll have someone to take you on a tour of the Camp," Chiron replied as he looked out and saw a blonde haired girl with a orange shirt walk by, "Annabeth! Come here for a moment."

The girl was the same one that helped him out with Grover last night. Quickly Percy Observed her.

Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena











Annabeth Chase is one of the oldest Demigods in camp and has trained hard every year in order to prove herself a competent child of Athena. After running away from home at a young age she met up with two other demigods, Luke a son of Hermer and Thalia a daughter of Zeus. She remembers Thalia dying in order to protect her and vows never to be weak again.

She is amazed Percy managed to defeat a Minotaur on his own without any training.

As Percy read her stats he became painfully aware of the fact that the only reason he even wins any of the battles he fight is because of luck, a plan or his powers over water. He closed her Observe box and turned toward Chiron and her.

"This is Percy Annabeth," Chiron motioned to Percy, "he is going to be joining camp. I would like you to show you around."

Annabeth nodded and motioned Percy over as the two demigods walked around the camp.

"So claimed or unclaimed?" Annabeth asked breaking the silence.

"Sorry?" Percy asked.

"Did you godly parent claim you yet?"

"Oh….what's claiming?" Percy asked.

"It's when the symbol of your parent appears over your head. The ones that are claimed are sorted into different cabins along with their siblings. So if you were a child of Athena you would be in my cabin."

"I see," Percy said nodding, "has anyone not been claimed?"

Annabeth nodded, "lot's. Most of the unclaimed are put into the Hermes cabin."

Percy nodded and noticed they were walking along a stream that flowed through camp cutting it in half. Soon they passed by a volleyball court, "this is the volleyball court."

"Of Death?" Percy asked.

"I'm sorry?"

"Is it the volley ball court of death?"

"Ah...no. It's just a volleyball court."

"Really? In a camp filled with the children of the Gods we have a plain, just a volleyball court?"

"Yes, yes we do."

"Kind of boring."

"We play basketball there sometimes if that helps make it a bit more thrilling."

Percy shrugged as they moved further ahead and came upon the arts and crafts area. Here there were several cabins each for a particular craft, like there was a place for marble sculpting. A place for pot making and a place to make jute bags. What? Why thought everything would be related to Greek crafts? What's wrong with a cool jute bag?

After that Percy and Annabeth passed the lake, which Percy was so going to check out later, and they saw the Amphitheater where several campers were gathered to hang out. There was a big circular platform in the center with seats all around it in the form of a hemisphere and the seats further raised as it went back.

Annabeth waved to a couple of people in the sea of orange and they waved back. "Those are my siblings," she told Percy and they moved onto the next part of the tour.

"Wait, all those guys are you siblings?" Percy asked pointing to the group of 10 or so demigods.


"But some are the same age as you!" Percy replied, "and isn't Athena a virgin goddess?"

"You know you're Greek Myths, I'm impressed," Annabeth replied, "and yeah she is. But the thing is goddess don't carry their children for 9 months like humans, most carry for a week or so at most."

"A week?!" Percy cried out, "holy shit talk about mood swings!"

Annabeth chuckled, "yeah I guess. And Athena is a virgin goddess but she gives birth to her children the same way she was born, through her head."

Percy's eyes went wide, "so she has a…..in her head?" He said pointing at his forehead.

"What? NO!" Annabeth cried out laughing, "no, gods no. She simply creates us out of the brainpower of herself and the man she has chosen. We are born of the mind, not of the body. She doesn't have a….thing in head."

Percy sighed, "good because that is crossing a line I don't think I can handle being crossed."

"Come on funny boy we still have lots of ground to cover."

Eventually the reached something Percy thought was the coolest thing ever invented. Annabeth stepped in front of him and held a hand out, "behold and tremble the bane of demigods everywhere, the Climbing Wall!"

The figure was a huge wall with coloured stepping stones littered all over it's face. Percy could see the wall was so disjointed and messed up it would impossible to know where you're going. Here were chainsaws in the wall, an electric buzzer or two and the coolest thing ever, lava flowing down the wall.

Percy's eyes shined like the sun reflected off the sea. He dashed towards the wall, if this didn't get his Vit up nothing will! But Annabeth grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him back, "you can commit suicide later. For now on with the tour!"

Percy grumbled and whined but he got over it. The two crossed the stream cutting across camp and came to a huge building which didn't have a roof and was surrounded by white pillars. There were twelve tables around the building, each a different colour and a hearth in the center whose firing was going strong.

"This is the Mess Hall, where people come to eat. And that," Annabeth pointed to a row of seats in the back, "is usually where Chiron and Mr. D sit."

"Mr. D?"

"Oh right. Dionysus."

"An Olympian god let's you get away with calling him Mr. D?"

Annabeth shrugged, "he honestly doesn't care."

Percy shrugged as well and the two moved on moving further inwards as Annabeth showed him the cabins. There were twelve of the in total. Two big ones on top and five smaller one on each side. Each were a different colour and had different themes going on.

"These are where most campers are staying," Annabeth said and then pointed to a grey cabin with an oel on top that looked like a library, "and that is my cabin."

Percy nodded and then looked around and saw a sea blue cabin, 'that must be mine.' Suddenly an idea popped into his head, "hey Annabeth every cabin has a speciality right?"

"Yup," Annabeth nodded and she lead him to the next location.

"So Athena cabin has high intelligence-"

"-And Wisdom," Annabeth put in, "lots of wisdom."

"Right. That and Apollo cabin is good at archery and healing and stuff like that right?"


"So would it be alright if I trained with each cabin?" Percy asked.

"Well….it would depend on who you ask and if their cabin head is okay with it. Like for my cabin I am the head counselor since I have been there the longest. And if you want to come over and help out or something I wouldn't be against it or anything."

Percy's eyes widened, "are you serious?"

Annabeth nodded, "we don't turn back anyone who wishes to learn more. Anyway on with the tour."

Annabeth took Percy to what looked like a metal shed which was a short walk behind the Athena cabin. "this is the weapons shed our armory. It's filled with armour and other cool stuff we use."

Percy nodded not surprised they had an armony. Heck he would have thought them crazy if they didn't! Inside were racks of spears and swords. In the corner were basic bronze shield like the one Percy had and on the shelves were greek style armor.

Soon they moved again and this time went along what looked like the tree line of a forest. "This is The Forest most of the nature spirits and a few harmless monsters live here. Inside there is a stream that splits the forest into two parts, during capture the flag in which the whole camp participates in , we use the forest as a place to fight."

Percy nodded, this was the perfect place for him to train in secret. Dense trees, monster lurking about and a stream for him to get the Water Body bonus? Perfect!

Annabeth then took him along toward what looked like from far a huge Arena. But before they could move on a group of three big tough looking demigods approached them.

Percy quickly observed the biggest one there;

Clarisse La Rue, Daughter of Ares

Lv- 18



Race- Demigod







The daughter of Ares, Clarisse is know to be mean tough and downright scary to face in combat. The one good quality in their otherwise power driven girl is her loyalty towards her camp and her love for her sibling. Other than that stay away from this one she is know to try and dunk new campers in toilet water in order to initiate them.

She hates Percy already before meeting him, don't take it personally she hates nearly everyone.

Percy's eyes flew over her stats and wondered just how far behind he was when compared to other demigods. He could beat, easily in fact, but that didn't change the stat difference. She was basically a well trained demigod and Percy only had his dad's powers to fall back on when in trouble.

The girl, Clarisse, walked up to Percy and Annabeth and snarled, " well well well if it isn't Annabeth how's it hanging nerd."

Percy rolled his eyes and whispered, "enters stereotypical super villain."

Annabeth giggled and Clarisse looked at Percy immediately switching targets, "and who is this? A new camper?"

Percy shook his head, "no I'm an old camper."

Clarisse looked surprised at that, "I haven't seen you here before."

"Yeah I'm kind of a shut in," Percy said and then grabbed Annabeth's hand, "anyway you were showing me around?"

"Hey wait!" Clarisse called out and chased after the pair "if you were an old camper why is Annabeth showing you around?"

"I told you I was a shut in," Percy said, "hence I have no idea where everything is."

Clarisse looked like she was thinking hard about that and then looked at Percy, "what's your name?"

"Peter Johnson, son of...well I don't know," Percy replied smoothly thank you lying skill.

"Alright then prove it, where does Chiron sleep?"

"Not here," Percy replied.

"Well of course they are not here! I'm asking you where he sleeps!"

"The Big House?"

Clarisse smiled, "wrong!"

Percy moved backwards before Clarisse could reach him. He then activated Blood Control discreetly and then made her trip. Percy then grabbed Annabeth and the two ran away as Percy made the other two Ares kids trip also.

Annabeth ran quickly laughing all the way. Eventually the two stopped in front of the giant Arena with had several students all over the place training with weapons and all that. Annabeth laughed as they stopped, "did you see that?! Clarisse literally tripped and landed on her ass!"

Percy grinned, "yeah I know, I was there remember. So what is this place."

Annabeth composed herself and then spoke, "this is the Arena. Demigods come here to train and help each other out. The Apollo kids help with everyone's archery while the Ares students deal with everything else, but no one really asks them for their help because they tend to belittle people a lot."

Percy nodded, so this was the place he would most probably spend most of his time. Annabeth then pointed to a place far away from the Area, "those are the Stables which have horses and Pegasis. You can ride them during special classes which the Demeter cabin does."

Percy nodded, "and that's it? That's the official Camp Half-Blood tour?"

Annabeth smiled at him, "well that's the official sights at least. It's up to you to further discover this place on your own. Find your own secrets, and believe me there are plenty, and even have your own private spot in camp somewhere."

Percy nodded, "so what now?"

"Well now I go back to my cabin while you go to the Hermes cabin come on," Annabeth said as she walked away motioning for Percy to join her.

"Wait why do I have to go the Hermes cabin?"

"Well you are unclaimed aren't you?"Annabeth asked.


"Then you go to the Hermes cabin until you godly parent claims you."

"But what if you already know who your godly parent is?"

Annabeth stopped and turned around, "you who it is?"

Percy nodded, "yup, kind of easy actually."

Annabeth frowned in thinking, "is it Tyche?"

Percy blinked, "who?"

"The Greek Goddess of luck," Annabeth replied, "the way Clarissa tripped back there was pure luck, and the fact that you somehow survived a run in with the Minotaur let alone beat him is amazing lucky. So I assume you must be her son."

Percy's eyes widened with that statement. He was lucky but last he checked his mom was pretty human. "No my godly parent is human," Percy said grinning, "so guess again Wise Girl."

Annabeth smiled at her nickname and the two spent the entire way to Annabeth's cabin talking about who Percy's dad was. For a smart girl she was pretty dumb. I mean sea green eyes, come one the answer is right in front of your face!

Eventually they reached the Athena cabin and Annabeth invited him in.

"You sure I can come in?" Percy asked.

"Sure and like I said we welcome anyone who wants to learn. Also the way you manipulated Clarisse is good sign in regard to how smart you are."

Percy grinned and the two walked into the Athena cabin. Inside the beds were all pushed to side while most of the cabin space was filled with smart board and workstations. There were several computers all over the place and even screen showing 3-D projects like a new weapon or a war plan.

"Welcome Peter Johnson to the Athena cabin," Annabeth said gesturing to it all.

Percy chuckled at the name he gave Clarisse but who otherwise impressed with the cabin. Yup he was going to get some sweet Int and Wis points over here.

Percy was then introduced to Malcome, Annabeth's brother and most of the cabin mates. Malcolm then turned to Percy , "so Percy what do you want to know?"

Percy smiled, "everything."

Suddenly a cold wind blew through the cabin as suddenly the children of Athena got a scary look in their eyes. It looked demonic, it looked evil and it promised pain.


Due to exposure to the Athena cabin's lust for knowledge perk a skill has leveled up by one!

Detect bloodlust, Lv-8 (21%)

This skill will detect any bloodlust directed at the user. It is an instinctive skill.

Will detect within 60 feet and will tell origin.


An Hour later,

Annabeth turned to Percy as the sound of a conch being blown was heard. "Come on Percy it's time to go for dinner."

Hidden underneath a mountain of books Percy rose up like a zombie. His eyes were white and he had drool coming out of his mouth. "Must have knowledge."

Annabeth hit him up the head snapping him out of it, "come on Percy we shouldn't be late."

It was hell on Earth of Percy. The moment his Detect Bloodlust skill went off he knew he should have kept his mouth shut. The children of knowledge live up to that title by stuffing Percy with as much as they could. And you know the truly scary part? They were just getting started.

One the plus side he got a couple of Stat points and a leveled up skill;

Due to constant torture-studying, you have gained +3 Int

Due to use of your brain to try and process your newly force feed information you have gained +5 Wis

A Skill has leveled up!

Language: Modern English, Lv-19 (4%)

Due to you being a demigod you have Dyslexia, but with hard work you have overcome your disabilities and you're reading is now near grade level-College+

+30% reading speed

Percy closed the boxed in front of him and followed the rest of the cabin to the Mess Hall. Once there Percy was about to go and sit in the blue table, which was Poseidon's table, when he was called over by Chiron.

"Hey what's up Chiron?" Percy asked as he approached his teacher.

"Percy I just wanted to inform you that Grover has woken up," the centaur told Percy with a smile, "he wanted to talk to you. I suggest you talk to him after dinner."

Percy shook his head, "nah I'm not really that hungry right now I'll go see G-man right now and see what he needs. It could be important."

Chiron looked worried but then sighed, "very well Percy. After dinner all the campers gather around the hearth in the center of where all the cabins are located. I believe you know where cabins are yes?"

Percy nodded and soon Chiron dismissed him. As Percy walked to the Big House he pulled a pancake out of his inventory and started munching on it. He was hungry, starving really. But the truth is that he far more worried about Grover. He was Percy's best friend and Percy wanted to make sure personally he was fine.

By the time he made it to Big House the cakes were gone and Percy was full. He went to the second floor where the med bay was and saw Grover sitting in the bed furthest from the door. Percy smiled and walked up to Grover, "hey G-man."

Grover looked up from the book he was reading and noticed Percy. He smiled," hey Percy! How are you?"

"Good, good. Things are...weird. I now have a huge family on my dad's side, so that."

"So did you get a tour of the camp?"

"Yeah a child of Athena called Annabeth gave it for me. She was very through," Percy said and the shivered remembering his 'study' session with the Athena cabin.

"So Percy..." Grover began, "I think we need to talk about your parentage."

Percy blinked, "what about it?"

"Percy….you were never meant to exist."

Percy looked at his friend for a moment, "you really need to work on your delivery."

Grover sighed, "Percy I'm being serious. After World War 2, which was actually a war between Zeus, Poseidon and Hades children the three gods swore never have demigods again. They said their children were too powerful and influenced the world far too much."

"So wait... Hitler was the son of Hades?"


"...I'm not surprised."

Grover shrugged, "most aren't. Anyway as I was saying the big three swore never again to have children. But Zeus broke that pledge, and since you exists, Poseidon too."

This had his attention, "who was the child of Zeus?"

Grover sighed and looked up at the ceiling. His eyes became wet and he looked like he was remembering something, something sad, "her name was Thalia Grace."

At the sound of her name Percy's head immediately made the connection between this demigod and the name Thalia he read in Annabeth's bio.

"I was assigned to protect her and bring her and two other demigods back to camp. But I failed. Monsters tracked us down and she held back to by use more time. She got hurt bad Percy, very bad. But with her dying breath she asked for her dad's help in order to protect the camp. You remember that barrier we passed through?"

Percy nodded.

"It was made due to Thalia's sacrifice. If you go to the beginning of the camp there will be a pine tree bigger than all the other trees there. That is where Thalia is, after she died Zeus transformed her into a tree and it is her protecting that allows demigods today to live in peace."

Grover then turned to Percy, "please don't reveal yourself Percy."

Percy looked at Grover and then looked away and out of the window. After a moment of silence Percy looked at his friend, "Grover…..I'm sorry but I refuse to hide myself any more. I don't this Thalia but any girl brave enough to sacrifice herself and in her dying breath ask for something that selfless must be an amazing girl. Would you really ask someone like that to hide herself from the world?"

Grover shook his head , "I know Percy but… I don't want you to get hurt."

Percy smiled, "relax I won't."

After speaking to Grove for another few minutes Percy headed to the main camp fire area where the campers were all gathered around the camp singing songs. Percy smiled at this and waited in the background just watching them sing and be happy, but all the while he was thinking.

Should he do it? Should he reveal to the world who he was? If he did it was force his dad's hand making him have to claim Percy. If he didn't then he would be forced to live in the Hermes cabin which was already full. Percy smiled, well his dad was kind of a dick to have never even wished him a happy birthday once in his life soooo fuck it.

Percy walked up to Chiron and whispered in his ear causing the teacher to look at Percy in concern, "are you sure you want to do this Percy?"

Percy nodded, "I'm not hiding myself anymore."

Chiron nodded and troted his way to the center of the camp. Slowly everyone became quiet and all eyes were on him.

"Now as some of you might know yesterday the Minotaur was spotted outside the camp grounds," this made some of the kids worried while the children of the Ares were hoping they could kill the thing, "it was chasing a demigod Percy Jackson."

At that Percy walked up and stood next to Chiron. Percy saw Annabeth and the rest of the Athena cabin smile at him while Clarisse was furious that he had given her a fake name.

"Percy managed to defeat the monster in single combat and will now be joining camp."

"Bullshit!" cried one child of Ares, "you mean to tell me an untrained demigod beat the Minotaur?" Several other campers raised their voice in objection and roared their disapproval.

Chiron nodded "I understand it is a little difficult to believe but it is true. This is mostly due to who Percy's godly parent is," he then turned to Percy, "if you will Percy."

Percy nodded and then uncapped a water bottle that he took out of his inventory before hand. He then used his water control and pulled out the water and transformed it into a trident. Percy held the water structure in his hand like a real trident and then looked at everyone with his sea green eyes, "my name is Perseus Jackson. I am the son of Poseidon."

The entire camp was silent as a grave as jaws started to drop. Percy grinned, "what happened? Son of Poseidon got your tongue?" And suddenly a green trident apeard over Percy's head, 'well at least dad is paying attention to what I'm doing.'