
Chapter 60

Chapter 60:

Thalia lowered her spear at the far wall of her prison. She channeled her mana into the spear causing electricity to spark down the shaft. She took a deep breath and charged forward, she swung her spear up, the tip collided into the wall, the electricity surging through the wall.

"Shit!" Thalia cursed, she removed her spear from the wall, 'not even a dent,' her mana had surged into the wall, but it didn't have a single scratch on it.

"That won't work," Morpheus' voice called out as he suddenly appeared in the middle of the room. Thalia narrowed her eyes, he looked different, his wings were thinner, his suit was damaged, he had been in a fight.

"Percy's here," she smiled.

Morpheus nodded, "yes...he was. And now he's not."

"Where did you send him?"

"Somewhere nobody could survive," Morpheus explained with a hint of regret in his voice, "such a pity. I really didn't want to do that."

"He'll survive," Thalia spoke up, "he'll survive and he'll come back. Just you wait," the daughter of lightning snarled.

"No my dear...he won't," Morpheus shook his head, "he's gone, dead."

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "riiiight, totally. You do you're talking about Percy Jackson right? The guy who escaped the underworld when he was 12?"

"Yes, that's true...but I never said he was in Hades now did I?"

Now Thalia looked worried. Her anger grew as she growled, "where is he?"

"It doesn't matter," Morpheus shook his head, "he's dead, now the survival of all demigods is insured-"


Thalia charged ahead, lightning shot through her fist as it collided with Morpheus's chest causing the god to go flying backwards into the room's bed.

"Shut the hell up! Where is he?!" Thalia roared as lightning sparked to life around her. It danced in waves, almost life like, her eyes glowed electric blue, her muscles bulged as the power surged through her.

Thalia jumped into the air and brought down her spear. Morpheus rolled to the side just in time to avoid the attack, causing the spear to break the bed in half. Thalia swung around, using the spear as a pole to kick the god in the chest knocking him on his ass. She pulled the spear out of the bed and leveled at his throat, lighting sparking on the blade, her eyes glowing with held back fury, "where is he?"

"He's dead," came Morpheus's simple reply, he looked at the spear in her hand, "are you going to kill me?"

"I'm thinking about it."

"You do realise that if you do do that this entire realm will break apart and everyone who is asleep will die?"

Thalia growled, "why should I believe you?"

"I swear on the Styx what I said is true," the God replied, and suddenly the roar of thunder rang out startling Thalia, she could feel the power just outside this room, the lightning in her blood called out to the lighting she heard.

Thalia narrowed her eyes, "so you and the realm and connected huh?" Morpheus smiled, believe she would let him go in order to save the life of everyone else there. But instead of stepping away from him body Thalia grabbed the God by the collar and pulled him up, pushing him into the wall.

"What are you doing?" the God asked curiously.

"Getting out of here," Thalia then charged at the God, Morpheus was so surprised he failed to move in time causing Thalia's spear to pierce him in the shoulder sending a wave of thunder surging through the God and into the wall behind him.

"ARGH!" he cried out in pain, the wall behind him surged with electricity as suddenly it began to crack, and then suddenly to broke open.

Thalia charged forward and found herself back in the purple and red corridor from before. She pinned Morpheus down onto the ground and looked around, desperate for any sign of her beloved, "Percy?! Percy where are you?!"

"He's gone," Thalia snapped to Morpheus to yell at him but suddenly was dealt with a blast of energy straight to her face sending the demigoddess flying backward.

Morpheus groaned as he pulled her spear out of his shoulder and climbed back on his feet. He held his injured shoulder, golden ichor dripped out slowly staining the ground, but thankfully it was healing.

The God threw Thalia's spear to the side, "that was smart of you, bet you feel proud of that huh?"

Thalia's face hurt, it was numb from pain. She held her nose, it was bleeding, she got on her feet and squinted at Morpheus, but even through the pain she had only one question, "where is he?"

"I told you, he's dead."

"Really? Wheres his body?"

"I sent him somewhere where nothing can exist. Outside these walls is oblivion. We exist even below Tartarus, stuck between the void and reality. No one can survive."

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "you have met Percy Jackson right? Tall guy, great kisser, has a trident in his pocket along with a sword? Super hot?"

Morpheus growled, "he's dead Thalia Grace! Understand that!"

Thalia huffed, "okay, let's say he is dead, not that I believe you, you claim to want to protect demigod kind, and yet you just killed our best warrior. How stupid can you be?"

"Kronos agreed to stay away from here as long as we do not interfere with his plans. We have no need of a warrior."

"And you expect the crazy farmer to keep his word?"

"He will keep his word!"


Cracks in the air suddenly appeared down the corridor from Thalia and Morpheus. They shined neo blue as they grew bigger and bigger in the shape of a circle. Air started blasting out of it, fresh air, Thalia felt her connection to the winds activate, this was wind from the real world.

The demigoddess turned to Morpheus, "50 dollars say that the first one to step out of the portal is going to be a titan." Morpheus didn't reply, he was too busy staring at the portal in horror, he whispered in a low tone that Thalia couldn't hear, 'no, no, no, no!'

A shadowy silhouette walked through, it was a big figure, with a missing right arm. Thalia had never meet him, but she knew who he was.

Hyperion stepped through, his armour gleaming gold like the sun as fire licked his skin. He held his flaming sword with his left hand while his stump of a right hand had a bronze shield strapped to it.

Morpheus rushed forward, "what are you doing here?! We had a deal!"

Hyperion looked down at Morpheus and smiled, "we are altering the deal Morpheus."

"Kronos gave me his word!"

"My lord promised you nothing! He just implied it, next time get an oath from him you stupid minor god!" Hyperion raised his sword and brought it down on Morpheus. The God flapped his wings and managed to get away by a hair's breath. But his right wing was injured, a gift from Percy, and he stumbled and fell on his back.

Hyperion jumped forward and brought his blade down again, Hyperion froze, and for a second he accepted his end. But Thalia didn't. She ran forward and grabbed Morpheus' by the collar and summoned the winds to blow them away from the attack.

They landed a good twenty feet away as Thalia threw Morpheus to the ground, "I don't want to say I told you so, but I totally told you so."

"This is not right! Kronos promised!" Morpheus yelled out.

"Yeah well life's a bitch ain't it?" Thalia readied her spear as Hyperion got on his feet, sword at the ready. The portal then became shady again as another figure stepped out. This one was dressed very strangely, he wore a set of blue striped white pyjamas and had snow white hair. His eyes were drooping, almost as if he was half asleep, but the moment Thalia saw him she knew he wasn't an enemy to be trifled with.

"H-Hypnos?!" Morpheus gasped, "what are you doing here?! Did you bring him here?!"

Hypnos ignored Morpheus, instead turning to the white pods hanging on the ceiling containing the demigods. He turned to Hyperion and said in a very droopy voice, "they're in there. You can take them out, but as long as Morpheus lives you can't kill them. Injure, yes, torture, yes, but no killing. The only person who can kill in this world is Morpheus."

"So how do we complete our mission?" Hyperion asked.

Hypnos shrugged, "it's simple, he is the only one who can kill...but also the only one who can die," he turned to Morpheus, "so just kill him."

Hyperion smiled, "with pleasure."

Morpheus was scared, "what are you doing Hypnos?! This isn't you!"

"And please be quick about it," Hypnos sighed, "I do hate it when he starts talking, keeps going on and on, it's almost like he loves the sound of his own voice...oh wait..."

Hyperion charged at them, Thalia grabbed Morpheus by the collar and summoned the winds once again. The two flew away as Hyperion gave chase, Thalia looked back, they wouldn't have much time, and she couldn't keep this up forever, not with the amount of wind she had under her control. If this was the normal world than maybe, but no dice.

"We need a plan Morpheus!" Thalia yelled out as she swirled to the right avoiding a fireball Hyperion threw at them.

"I-I don't know! We can't let them get to me! If Hypno's get's his hands on me then he could steal my powers and use it to kill every demigod here!"

"Well fuck! Still think this was a good idea?!" Thalia cursed as she danced around, avoiding Hyperion's fireballs, while carrying an injured god. She prayed, 'please Percy, I need your help!'

Nowhere and everywhere:

"Okay...what the Hades are you talking about?" Percy asked staring at the figure claiming to be Chaos, the creator of everything and everyone.

"Well first of all I'm not the creator of everything and everyone, just a few things," the being shrugged.

Percy blinked, "what?"

"Sorry, just doing some fourth wall breaking, please ignore it," Chaos waved Percy's confused look away, "you see simply put I'm a being far above you, as such I see the world differently. I can understand things you can't."

"Like what?" Percy asked.

"Like the fact the world is controlled by the whims of a jackass and the annoying chatter monkeys that follow him," Chaos shrugged, "but I can't really complain, the fact that I'm even allowed to say that means the jackass likes me enough as a character to give me said freedom. Or maybe that freedom is just an illusion, who knows?"

"Ah…..I'm sorry...but what?"

Chaos chuckled, "never mind, it's not important. What is important though is why you are here. And it's not because every story involving you needs me as an obligatory cameo. Who am I? Stan Lee?"

"Dude you have got to start making sense."

Chaos shrugged, "it's simple really, I created the world, but who created me?"

Percy was stunned, "I….I don't know."

Chaos nodded, "exactly, and you aren't supposed to know. Ever. It ruins the fun after all. But it doesn't matter right now. Right now we have a job to do, you my friend need talking too, and I am here to give it to you."

Percy was surprised, but before he said anything Chaos jumped out of its chair and the sky world around them vanished swirling into a misty fog. The ground turned into a lush field of grass with trees around them, but the fog was so thick Percy could barely see through it.

"Where are we?" Percy asked.

"We are in the same place as we were before, nowhere," Chaos replied, "I just changed things around. Come on, I have things to show you," the figure motioned Percy to follow as it walked into the misty forest.

The trees slowly gave out revealing a familiar sight, camp half-blood, only this time it was empty, like in one of Percy's IDs. As they walked into the camp however Percy started to see something, the shadows started to move around, he heard laughter, his laughter.

And then suddenly he saw himself as that boy from two years ago. He saw that 12 year old boy looking up at the climbing wall. He looked barely old enough to stay up past 10, Percy was surprised, he never realised how young he truly was.

"That's me," Perry said as the younger Percy turned to his side and spoke. Suddenly Annabeth appeared next to him, she smiled and chuckled before grabbing his hand and walking away. Chaos moved to follow them, motioning for Percy to do the same.

"It's very strange to see oneself, not like a reflection. You find that you are often...bigger than you originally thought," Chaos said with a shrug, "I don't know why, but that's always the case. Maybe it has something to do with your spacial awareness or something."

"What is this?" Percy asked, "this is….a memory?"

"Correct!" Chaos cheered, it snapped it's fingers summoning a lollipop into Percy's hand, "here, have a lollipop!"

The demigod blinked in surprise, "ah...thanks?" Percy licked it and suddenly his senses became altered. A feeling of warmth spread over him, he felt safe, the worries he had, the constant stress on his shoulders let up. He sighed in relief, "t-that felt amazing. What is this?"

"Ah. figured that it isn't a normal lolli have you?" Chaos sounded amused, "you are right of course. It's the emotions you felt when you first came here. You felt warm, safe, not a care in the world."

"My mother had been kidnapped by the God of the Underworld," Percy replied flatly.

"Meh, so what? It was just one soul, who cares?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "are you trying to piss me off?"

"Ha, is this the part where you threaten me?"Chaos chuckled, it snapped it's fingers and suddenly the camp melted away, replaced with a scene from hell. Percy and Chaos stood in the middle of lake of lava. They stood on a rocky platform that was slowly being chipped away piece by piece.

Percy's eyes went wide, they rock wouldn't last long, he took off into the air using his telepathic flight skill. Immediately the stoney platform broke off, Chaos however stood right there standing on the boiling magma, like it was just a day in the park.

It looked up at Percy, "understand this Percy Jackson, in the real world you can get away with threatening the Gods. There was always a chance for you to defeat them, to surpass them. Even if that chance was 0.00001%. But when facing me," it snapped it's fingers and suddenly Percy was falling.

'What the shit?!' Percy cursed, he started to panic, he expected the claim of Gamer's mind to wash over him soon but it never came. He felt fear strike his heart, his powers had been switched off and he couldn't find the on switch. He tried to focus, but he couldn't and he went into the pool of magma.

Percy closed his eyes and expected pain, he expected to burnt to a crisp. But the heat never came. The pain never came. He felt the magma around it, and it was cold, like water he got out of the fridge. HE opened his eyes and found himself swimming in the organe liquid, he was alive.

Percy let out a gasp of relief, he was alive. Suddenly Chaos stood before him, stood, like the lava around them didn't exist.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega Jackson. You cannot defeat me, there is no chance of that ever happening. This is not a boast or a brag, it is a fact. I am a part of you Jackson, as you are a part of me, defeating me would be akin to a leaf trying to kill a tree. Pointless, difficult and suicidal."

Percy opened his mouth to speak and suddenly they were back in camp, back in his memory. His clothes were dry, it was as if that whole ordeal never happened. Percy looked at Chaos. "I'm not calling you lord."

"I wouldn't expect you too," it shrugged, "saying that I'm your lord implies that one day I might not be, or that one day you might replace me. It's a very small title giving an ego boost to small beings, I don't need to be reminded of what I am."

Percy remained silent, he was releasing slowly just who he was talking to. This thing….it was a cut beyond every enemy he ever faced. Zeus, Kronos, Darkseid, they all limits. Even Cthulhu, the being Percy felt for barely a second was stronger than all of them combine, and yet it had limits. Chaos did not.

"I see you are finally realising what it is you are facing," Chaos nodded, "yes Cthulhu is indeed powerful, the willpower of a planet behind his back. But I have the universe behind mine."

"Stop reading my mind, it's annoying," Percy hissed.

"Sorry… also about my earlier comment of your mother. You must understand though my perception of reality and yours is different. When a soul is born it enters the world, to you that's amazing, but to me it's just like reading the first chapter in a story. When the soul lives I live through it, and when it dies the story ends. But the book, the soul, it is always a part of my library, it is always with me, it never leaves, so death is…..just too small of an event for me to care about."

Percy eyed the being up and down, he was honestly uncomfortable at the sight of it's clothes. Most Gods had clothes like this, galaxies and all that. But with Chaos, it was like the galaxies displayed weren't just cosmetic….they were real. The thing literally wore galaxies as a suit.

Percy thought for a moment before speaking, "if...if you are all that powerful and if life is simply….that small to you. Then why am I here? Why did you bring me here?"

"Percy," Chaos chuckled, "I never said life was insignificant to me….I said death was. Death in a single moment, a small minute event, but life...well that has an impact in the world now doesn't it?"

Percy sighed, "that isn't an answer."

"It wasn't meant to be," Chaos paused for a moment before speaking, "tell me...do you even know why the Fates gave you your power?"

Percy frowned, "if you are really as powerful as you claim to be then you would know the answer to that question."

Chaos shrugged, "I wanted to ask you instead of telling you, I believe you found that annoying, yes?"

Percy sighed, "Gods help me."

Chaos chuckled, "right… so...do you?"

"I...I think so," Percy looked around camp, he knew it wasn't real but still he couldn't help feel a sense of pride and connection to this place. "I think I'm supposed to save this place."


"Yeah...from Kronos. Am I right?"

Chaos shrugged, "partially, but no, that's not the reason why the Fates chose you Percy, nor why they gave you this power," Chaos snapped it's fingers again and suddenly a quest box activated in front of Percy;


Quest Alert!

Find about the real history of the divine!






Percy's eyes widened, "what does...what does this have to do with me?"

Chaos looked at Percy, "everything."

Dream World:

Thalia dodged another fire ball, this was starting to get tiring. She turned around and sent lightning bolt at Hyperion, the flash of blue lighting hit the Titan in the chest, but it didn't even slow him down.

"You're going to have to do better than that bitch!" Hyperion roared as he swung his sword forward sending a wave of flames at Thalia.

"Yeah yeah!" Thalia sent a harsh blast of wind whisking the flames to the side. She continued to fly away with Morpheus by her side, she turned to the God, "any bright ideas?"

"W-we can't let them hurt the demigods, we have to stop them!"

"I don't know if you haven't notice but the only ones who are here right now are me and you. You aren't strong enough and I am barely making a scratch!"

"Then….then we even the odds," Morpheus looked up at the white pods, "I have a plan."

"I'm listening," Thalia did a barrel roll avoiding a blast of fire sent from the angry fire Titan, "and make it fast!"

"Turn right here!" Morpheus yelled out just as they neared a fork in the tunnel. Thalia banked hard and shot into the tunnel. Hyperion skidded a bit but quickly managed to gather himself and continued the chase.

"Now what?!" Thalia yelled.

"Keep him busy for a few seconds," the God the lowered his head going limp as Thalia struggled to hold the unconscious God.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Thalia cursed.

"Come back here girl and I won't kill you!" Hyperion yelled out sending a ball of fire that Thalia almost didn't see. She managed to lean on Morpheus weight in the last second to escape the attack, but the went spiraling down and into the tunnel wall.

"Shit!" Thalia cursed as she pushed the unconscious God to the side and got on her feet. She drew her spare just in time to block Hyperion's downward swing. Her bones vibrated from the shock of the impact as Hyperion's strike stunned her for a second.

The Titan disengaged and pushed forward swinging his sword at every opening she had, her limbs, her neck, her torso, her head. Thalia managed to block each strike with her spear, placing it just in time to stop the flaming blade. But the force of the attacks started to drain her, her hands were becoming numb, and the flames had heated her spear, it hurt just to hold it.

"ARGH!" Hyperion roared, he swinging at Thalia's side, the daughter of lighting tried to block it, but the impact was so strong it sent her into the other side of the wall shattering her spear with a loud crack.

She closed her eyes from the pain. Her head was numb, her hands were hot, she still held onto both parts of her spear but they were broken beyond use. Her chest was heaving, her ears ringing, and she could feel the vibrations of Hyperion's foot steps coming closer.

"And with this the prophecy will end," Hyperion claimed, he raised his blade up high. Thalia opened her eyes and looked up at the Titan. "Any last words?"

Thalia stared at the Titan, Hyperion wondered if she was finally accepting her death, whether it finally dawned on her there would be no last minute rescue this time. But instead of fear, hope came into her eyes.

She smiled, she smiled that cocky smile Jackson so often did, and she said, "yeah, just one. Alpha lighting."

And in a flash of blue she was gone.

"What in Ha-"


It was the sound of Thalia's heel smashing into Hyperion's spine. Pain shoot through the Titan's body as he was sent flying into the wall in front of him. He quickly turned around and swung his blade wildly, but there was no one there.

A flash of blue and then a voice whispered into his ear, "boo." Two hands covered his eyes and suddenly electricity surged through his head as every single scene in his body became overloaded with pain.


"Argh!" he yelled, but the pain never stopped. It went on for what felt like infinity and suddenly it stopped.

Hyperion feel to his feet as smoke poured out of his ears. He fell flat on his face and standing behind him with electricity surging through her body was Thalia, her hair standing up wildly from the electricity she was generating.

Thalia drew back her fist and channeled her mana into it. Blue lightning flashed in the palm of her hand as it slowly morphed into a sphere, she then thrust her hand downwards only to have Hyperion roll away at the last second.

Thalia's fist impacted the ground sending a several lighting bolts every which corner, one catching Hyperion in the side. Thalia clicked her teeth in disappointment as she jumped back gaining distance between the highly skilled swordsman and herself.

The Titan stood up, his feet wobbling, "w-what did you do?!"

"A little trick I picked up from a stupid mermaid," Thalia smirked, "like it? I made it with Kronos in mind, but I suppose you'll do as well."

Hyperion's growled, "pathetic spawn of Zeus! I'll have your head!" He was upon her with a single leap, Thalia smirked, and in a flash of blue lighting she was gone. Hyperion looked around for the daughter of lighting but just then a lightning bolt came flying down striking him in the temple.

"Argh!" the titan cried as he fell on his knees once again. He growled as he saw Thalia land a few feet behind him.

"Best thing about fighting with lighting? Everyone always wears such nice conductive armour," Thalia's fists sparked alive again as she flashed forward.

"Enough of this!" Hyperion smashed his sword forward summoning a shockwave of flames that lashed out and threw Thalia back. The lighting girl rolled across the room but quickly got back up and faced another ball of fire.

Thalia activated her speed and dashed down the corridor, "Alpha bolt!" she cried sending a blast of lighting at Hyperion. The titan was too big, he couldn't doge, so he took it head on using his shield.

'Shit,' Thalia sent blast after blast of lightning at him, but Hyperion kept coming straight for her, charging like a mad man with his shield held up in defence. He was upon her now and swung his sword at her head.

She jumped to the side to avoid the attack, but Hyperion's large metal boot came to meet her face. 'Shit!' she cried out as she activated her lightning speed, dashing to another corner of the room. This time however Hyperion could follow the lightning, she was getting tired. He roared sending a blast of fire at Thalia which she barely dodged by throwing herself to the side.

Thalia quickly got back up and readied herself for another assault. She was panting now, sweat covered her face. That was the problem with this power, it was a last ditch resort, to be only used when you have no other choice. Thalia needed to end this, now.

"Flaming arrows!" Hyperion cried out as suddenly dozens upon dozens of fire arrows appeared over his shoulders. They all drew back slowly like they were being knocked into invisible bows and took aim at Thalia.

"You fuc-"


The arrows zipped through the air. Thalia couldn't go back, they would reach her easily and she doubted she could outrun them for long. She did the only thing she could, she charged forward.

She activated her powers and charged at Hyperion, the first wave of arrows were already launched, and she was running right at them. The first few slowly made their way towards her head, but Thalia was fast enough to dodge them, bending downwards as she ran through the hail of arrows.

As she approached Hyperion she zipped past his side with her impressive speed, but the moment she was next to him his shield came up and smashed her side sending her flying into the tunnel wall.

Thalia felt pain again, that numbness. Her lighting was slowly draining away, she was exhausted. Hyperion's large steps came upon her, "you were getting slower."

Thalia gritted her teeth as she stood up holding her side in pain, "I know."

"Given time you would have been an impressive opponent girl," his voice had...pity? No...no it was something else, but Thalia couldn't bring herself to care.

He created a ball of fire and held it before her, "good bye daughter of Zeus, and say hello to Jackson for me," he flicked his fingers sending the fireball right at her. Thalia however had no intention of dying.

Her legs gave out, from exhaustion or on purpose she didn't know or care. The fireball hit the wall right above her head, Thalia felt the heat on her head, 'sigh, please let me not be bald!' She swung her leg up and kicked Hyperion right between his legs.

The Titan of the West squeaked in pain as any normal man would as he stepped away holding his groin in pain. He growled as he looked at Thalia, "I'm going to kill you for that!"

Thalia channeled the last of her mana into her right hand for one last lighting blast as Hyperion got ready to charge her. But the moment he took that first step a flash of gold whisked through the air plunging into Hyperion's remaining forearm.

"ARGH!" Hyperion yelled in pain at the horror as he dropped his sword in shock. A golden spear was sticking out of his remaining arm, "my arm! My fucking arm! Who did this!"

"That would be me!" Hyperion and Thalia turned to the new voice. There standing with a look of pure rage on his face was Jason Grace.

Behind Jason was Julia and Robb from the Roman camp, along with a few other kids Thalia remembered from her own camp. Jason stood before them with bright yellow lightning dancing across his body as his face expressed pure rage, "get away from my sister!"


"Are you going to say something or are you just going to stand there silently?" Percy groaned.

"What's that? Oh sorry, it was a cutscene, I had to stop otherwise I would be forced to repeat everything, and believe me there is nothing more than a pain in the ass that having to say something twice," Chaos replied with a shrug.

"I...I see….is the cutscene over now?" Percy asked in halting words.

"Yup, that's why I'm talking to you now, duh," Chaos replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Right," Percy nodded, "well are you going to tell me what's going on or what?"

"I will, but first, maybe a change in scenery," Chaos snapped it's fingers and Percy found himself sitting in a booth in a small coffee shop her frequented in New York. Chaos sat in front of him and they both had two cups of black coffee in front of them, Percy looked around and saw no one else there, they were alone in an empty New York city.

"Tell me Percy how do you think the universe was made?" Chaos asked as he sipped his drink.

"I-I….well, the big bang?"

Chaos nodded, "correct. And how do you think the Gods and all their origin story fit into this world?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry, but what do you mean?"

"Every religion has a different origin for the universe. Greeks as you know believe I created everything, or more specifically I created the Primordials who created the Titans who created the Gods who created humans. The Christians believed I created everything end of story. The Egyptians believed that world rose from a sea of chaos that is ever spending and infinite, the Hindus believe that….well it's a bit meta physical but let's just say it involved a God creating everything and then lusting after it."

Percy blinked, "huh….hindus are weird."

"No, not really. It's just their ideas are a bit too complex, but then again if you are trying to give an origin for the universe you shouldn't expect anything less," Chaos shrugged, "now tell me, how does this all fit in as one?"

Percy thought for a second before speaking, "you. You are the key figure fixing it all together. The Greeks have you, the egyptians believed the world came from a sea of you, the christians and the muslims basically believe you are everything and...well I don't really know all that much about Hindus."

Chaos nodded, "correct. And for the record Hindus believe in one God as well, me."

"Wait, but I thought-"

"That they had hundred and hundreds of Gods for everything? Yes, that is also true. Each and every God represents a piece of me, a piece representing a certain personality or aspect of life. A fighting Goddess to represent the fury of women, a sagely God to represent the immovability of the human spirit, the ruler of Gods to represent absolute law of my existence and even death to represent the end of all, which I can do."

Percy nodded as he followed along. He sipped his drink and looked at Chaos, "so….what are you?"

Chaos tilted his head, "what do you mean?"

Percy could hear the amusement in it's tone, that meant he was on the right track. "I mean what are you? You aren't a God, you told me that much, you aren't a….you aren't anything that I know off. So what are you?"

Chaos remained silent for the longest time, Percy feared he may have crossed a line he shouldn't have, but in the end his patience won as Chaos spoke again. "When I first introduced myself what did I call myself Percy?"

Percy formed, "Chaos, you called yourself Chaos."

"No, before that," Chaos sipped his coffee, "think."

Percy recalled back to when he first met this being, when he first felt his amazing stature and he remembered, "collected human abstract opion system."

Chaos nodded, "correct. Now….what am I?"

"I don't know."


"You can't just say think and expect me to get an idea!"

"Then think harder!"

"Oh shut up! Shouting never works!"

Chaos shrugged, "then think."

Percy growled as he closed his eyes and he started think. The words, 'collected human abstract opion system'. C. H. A. O. S. Collected, human and system, they were simple enough, but A and O, what did they mean? Abstract options? What are abstract options?

"They are thoughts," Chaos spoke up, "abstract options means one's thoughts."

Percy glared at the entity for reading his mind, again, but he was too focused on continuing his train of thought to do anything more. So thoughts, so that meant he was collected human thoughts? What does that even….mean….no...it wasn't possible.

Percy looked at Chaos with wide eyes, "you….you are everything right? The beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. Right?"

Chaos shook his head, "no. I'm not. When I said I was the Alpha and the Omega I meant not in terms of age, but in terms of power. When compared to me nothing on Earth is stronger, or weaker. I am all and everything humans believe in. You are starting to understand, yes?"

"A-a collection, you're a collection of human thoughts and ideas," Percy realized. A look of shock on his face as he slowly pieced together what he was being told.

"Yes," Chaos sipped his drink, "you know we talked about all those religions before but we never talked about a very popular one, buddhism. Did you know that it is actually a branch of Hinduism? It's true, very similar ideas and everything, Buddha himself was once a Hindu prince named Siddhartha, nice guy, kind of preachy though. Also had the same look of horror on his face you do when he met me."

"You met Buddha?" Percy asked in shock.

"Yes, it's a very popular story in the real world," Chaos said as he pushed the cup of coffee to the side, "one day Buddha was praying, he was in a deep meditative state unlike ever before. He didn't eat for days, he didn't move at all. He was stuck in a limbo within his own mind, until he realised he wasn't alone. Until he realised he was with me."

"Y-you didn't call him...did you?"

Chaos shook his head, "no, I didn't. He came here by his own power."

"How? How is that even possible?! He's just a human right?! He isn't a demigod or something?!"

Chaos shook his head, "no, you are right, he is just a human, but you of all people must realize humans are much stronger than the Gods they pray to in some ways."

Percy stayed silent as he pushed his cup of coffee away, "so...what happened?"

"Well he asked me a lot of questions, and I answered. I told him everything he wanted to know, and he left with a knowledge no other human before obtained. The truth. Well no other human except you that is. Until now."

Percy blinked, "wait if whatever he found out was really all that amazing then….why didn't he tell anyone?"

"Because if he knew if he did it would destroy the world as we all know it," Chaos explained, "like it almost did 2,000 years ago."

Percy's eyes went wide, "w-what did you say?"

"Didn't Argo tell you Percy? Didn't he tell you to ask, to search for what happened all that time ago? Why the world was almost destroyed?"

"I-I never thought to look. I was always so busy that I didn't-"

"No...I suppose you didn't. The reason the world was going to be destroyed Percy was because back then people knew, they knew the truth that Buddha realized. And it gave them power and you know what they say about power and corruption."

"What was the truth?" Percy feared to ask.

Chaos looked at him, and for a second Percy swore he saw every single galaxy on itself blink out of existence. Suddenly Chaos chuckled, "the Fates are knocking on the door. They are trying to stop me," the galaxies blinked again, "they really don't want me to tell you. Apparently you aren't ready for it."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "no...no for once I want to know. All this time I was happy just being able to protect the ones I love but now I need to know! Why did they pick me?! Why me out of all the people in the world?! What the hell happened 2,000 years ago?!"

Chaos nodded, "Buddha realized the truth. That God, the divine world and everything humans believe in...is a lie."

Percy blinked, "what the actual fuck are you talking about?"

Chaos chuckled, "well that's one reaction. Honestly I half expected you to blow up and start going crazy."

Percy leaned back on the booth and sighed, "look what are you talking about? I'm the son of a God. I have literally visited Olympus countless times. My best friend in the son of a God, my girlfriend is the daughter of a god, I have meet Gods! So how the hell are they real?!"

"Remember what I said?" Chaos spoke up in it's calm voice, "remember what conclusion we drew up? That I am the origin of all religions in the world? That they all in some way admit I created everything?"

"Yes but…." Percy's eyes went wide, "oh my...oh my God." Chaos created everything, chaos, the collected humans abstract opion system. A collection of human thoughts and ideas created….religion.

"There is one power humanity posses that no other creature in the universe has," Chaos continued, "one power that separated them from everything in creation. The power of belief. The power of hope. The power of thought. Humans survived because they believed they would, that belief soon grew in size and power. Eventually that power became strong enough to create life. And the most widely held beliefs at the time became real. The Gods became real. One day they were stories and the next they weren't.

"And 2,000 years ago people became aware of this power, they became aware that they held the key to create things that could destroy mountains with a thought and they used them, they used the Gods they worshiped to kill each other. They nearly destroyed the world, and so the Gods, every single pantheon in existence at the time came together and sealed away the divine world and the human's world. They set up rules for each of them to follow, the ancient rules, to ensure that humanity would never cause it's own destruction again."


Quest completed!

Find about the real history of the -

"Oh not now," Chaos huffed flicking his arms to the side dismissing Percy's blue screen.

But Percy wasn't even paying attention. His face was pale, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "H-how? How is that possible?! How could...how could this be real?! Am I not real?! Is my dad just a figment of my imagination?! What are you talking about?!"

"Ah, there's the freak out."

"Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" Percy stood up and threw their table out the large cafe window. He could feel his anger giving him strength, "how? How the fuck do you expect me to believe this?! How the fuck can humans have such a power and yet never discover it?!"

Chaos shrugged, "it's not easy to control, or understand. But with proper training anyone can do it. Well, maybe not anyone."

"Bullshit! Even if that was true then I would have at least heard about something like that! There would be whispers! There would be rumors! Someone somewhere would have mentioned it!"

"But they have mentioned it to you Percy," Chaos stood up straight reaching Percy's shoulders, "they have told you time and time again. In fact I believe you have personally dealt with this power before," Chaos reached out and touched Percy's shoulder. The demigod flinched in surprise, but watched as Chaos traced a finger from Percy's left shoulder to his right hip, "I believe you know it as Haki."


Quest Completed!

Learn about Haki!



"By the way just because it says you will get Haki doesn't mean you will just instantly learn it," Chaos explained sipping his coffee, "you still have to learn it."

Percy's eyes went wide. "N-no...haki can't...it can't rewrite reality, it can't-"

"It can," Chaos snapped his fingers bringing Percy and him back to the sky world from before, "tell me Percy, every time you saw it being used...who was the wielder?"

Percy thought of it, he remembered seeing Artemis use it to turn him into a deer. His father used to to clean a lake in central used it to….to survive his Death touch, a power that the Fates themselves back up via Percy's gaming powers. And Eracleous used it to cut into his flesh. Except Argo all of them were divine all of them….were divine.

"None of them were human, they were all created by haki, by faith, by will power. The haki of a divine will always be weaker than that of a human's. That's why they performed mere parlor tricks while Argo defined the Fates themselves when he survived your Death Touch. It's man's weapon against god, because it is the weapon that created the Gods in the first place."

"T-that isn't….Argo...why hasn't he killed me yet? If Haki is really as powerful as you say then shouldn't he be able to kill me just by thinking it?"

Chaos shook his head, "no. The will of one man is rarely enough to alter reality so badly. It would take hundred if not thousands of humans wishing for it to happen. And that too provided all those humans knew how to handle Haki like an expert."

"T-this isn't possible! What the hell! Am I real? Is Thalia? Is camp?! If the Gods aren't real then everything I fucking know is-is a-" Percy head started to spin as he held it in pain. He dropped down to his knees and fell back, panic and horror rushing over his thoughts.

Chaos sighed, "I guess it was a little too much to take in," the being sat down next to Percy, "and for the record….you are real. So is Thalia, nd Grover and Michael and everyone else in world that you live in."

"Even the Gods?"

"Especially the Gods."

"But you just said that they aren't real. That...that they were made...by man."

Chaos shrugged, "humans are born out of vaginas, Gods are born out of thought. What's the difference? They came into existence in different ways, doesn't make them any real. Haki makes things real Percy, it's not an illusion."

"Then….then what about all those stories? Of Rhea giving birth to Zeus and my father? Are they real?"

Chaos nodded, "yes, they are. Have created me, I created the primordials, who created the titans who created the Gods. Even the Gods themselves never knew of this truth...that is until 2,000 years ago. They were actors who never realised they were acting. As like you even they were a bit...distraught, couldn't bring themselves up to do anything right. Hence the dark ages."

Percy opened his eyes, his head slowly clearing up. "And you….you're the power aren't you? The collection of human thoughts….haki given form."

"Yes. I am. When they first started to believe, when they first started to come together as one….I was born. I was born out of the beliefs of humans, and I became their God. I guess in a lot of ways I….I am the first servant of humankind."

Percy looked at the sky, the beautiful beautiful sky. For a moment he forgot what he had just learnt, he became numb to his fears and pain. He would give anything to just walk away without this knowledge, to have someone else deal with this bullshit. But no, it was him. It was always him. And it was about time he found out why.

"Why me."

Chaos sighed, "imagine every religion is a story. It has a beginning, where I come in a make everything. It has a middle, where the Gods rule. Tell me what comes next?"

Percy's eyes went wide, "an ending."

"Now tell me what would happen if people truly believed the world would end? What would happen?"

"If humans can still use Haki...then the world….it would end."

"Haki was sealed away, the knowledge removed. But before that was done the religions created already had an ending planned out. For the Greeks Kronos would rise again. For the Christians the devil would return along with Christ. For the Hindus the world would be destroyed and then restarted. For the Egyptians the great snake Apophis would destroy the Earth by swallowing the sun. For the Norse Ragnarok would arrive and for Buddhist….well they believe the Earth would be burnt alive by the sun, which is actually going to happen so….well never mind them."

Chaos turned to Percy, "now tell me Percy, what would happen if those stories came true? If those beliefs actually happened?"

Percy's eyes opened in horror, "the world...it would be destroyed."

"Completely and utterly destroyed. And the one's responsible for it happening would be humans, and they wouldn't even know."

"So that's why they recruited me? To stop Kronos?" Percy asked.

"No, no Kronos will be taken care of, Thalia will see to it. You have a bigger role to play. The Fates took a gamble with you. They gave you a power without potential, without limits. It can make you a god, and they did so because you won't just stop one doomsday...you'll stop them all."

Percy looked at Chaos, "you're crazy."

"No I'm not, my mother had me tested," Chaos chuckled.


"It's from the Big Bang theory. What? You don't watch...or right, it's only 2007 for you, forgot. Anyway, no, I'm being serious."

"You want me to stop every single doomsday in the world?! Are you crazy?!"

"Someone has to Percy, they are all essentially ticking time bombs, someone has to defuse them."

"And why does that have to be me?!"

"I think I better let them tell you," Chaos snapped his fingers and suddenly three women stood before Percy, one old enough to be his mother, one his sister and the other around the age of twenty.

The oldest one snapped her head to Chaos, "you told him didn't you," she hissed.

Chaos nodded "yes, it had to be done."

"He wasn't ready!" the twenty year old, that Percy knew to be Clotho replied.

"He needed to be told," was Chaos' simple reply.

"And what if he does something stupid?!" the youngest asked.

"He won't."

"How do you know?!" they asked as one.

Chaos shrugged, "cause then the story would be really really boring. And nobody wants that."

"We hate you!" they yelled once again.

Chaos shrugged, "couldn't care less. Now tell him what he has to here and leave, I'm not done with him yet."

The Fates all glared at Chaos before they turned to Percy. Clotho looked sad, she always liked him the most, while the youngest, Lachesis, just looked irritated beyond belief. Atropos looked concerned and after giving each other a look Clothes stepped up and spoke.

"You have questions-"

"No, only one," Percy snapped, "why? Why me?"

Clotho sighed, she turned to her sister who shrugged. She looked back at Percy, "because we believed you were the only one who would use this power to our favour."

"Every religion has a hero, someone or something that's supposed to save the day and end the apocalypse," Lachesis spoke up, "but we don't trust them, how could we? The risk of what would happen if they failed was too high. We needed an insurance policy. We needed you."

"The power we gave you….it broke the rules," Atopos explained, "but it had to be done. We gave it to you because….because we needed someone we could control. Someone who was duty bound to those around him, who is loyal to a fault, who would never betray us."

"No...no you didn't. You needed a lacky," Percy spat.

"No Percy it isn't like that," Clotho spoke in a gentle tone, "we needed a hero. One that would surpass all the heroes before him. The rules we have? The rules we made? They were made because the Gods couldn't be trusted to keep their word. But you...someone whose very essence is a representation of said rules? Well you would never break them, because it was who you are. We needed a hero that would never falter, who would never betray, who would always do the right thing."

"We needed someone to make sure the world wouldn't end because some idiot priest wasn't strong enough," Lachesis said flatly, "or maybe some valkyrie wasn't brave enough. One mistake, and it's all over."

"Why now?" Percy asked, "it's been so long, why did you need someone now? 2,000 years, why is it suddenly decided that the world is going to end? Why has all these religions suddenly decided that the world must end?"

"Because we are standing at the start of the next chapter of human civilization," Chaos spoke, "humans have evolved so far from what they were, they believe less and less in the divine, and this makes the gods weaker. They are dieing, slowly, but surely, and so now at the turn of the century the end of all religions must occur, because without shedding away the old Gods, the new cannot take their place."

"New Gods?" Percy asked, "what new gods?"

"Before man believed in other wordly things in order to survive, in order to understand the world around them," Clotho explained, "but now they believe in themselves, they believe in their own abilities. Man has put up a statue of himself to worship, that is their new God."

"And if you wish to save the human race, you must ensure the end of all religions as we know it," Chaos finished leaving Percy stunned silent.

The next words were said with horror and fear, "I can't do that. I can't….I can't-what if I fail?!"

"Then you fail," Chaos shrugged.

"I'm being serious!"

"So am I," the collected thoughts of humankind flicked it's hand and suddenly the Fates disappeared. They looked started for a second, but then they vanished without a trace leaving Percy and Chaos alone.

"If you die Percy, then you die. If you fight, then you will live. It's as simple as that."

"Why the hell should?! Why should I do all this fuckign bullshit!? Why me!"

"They already told you why."

"They had no right to do this! To-to force me into this!"

"And yet they did….so what are you going to do about it?"

"I...I..." Percy sat down with a sigh, "I don't' know. All this power….I knew there was a cost but….I just didn't….I didn't expect this."

"I know...and I….I suppose in a way I can relate."

"You? How?"

"Well I never asked for this did I?" Chaos asked, "I never wanted to be a collection of human thoughts and emotions creating divine creatures and all that. I never even had a choice, one day I just was and I knew my role. I have performed it dutifully and over time...well I suppose I started to get bored. I started to get restless and….look that's not important, what I'm trying to say is this. The world is a fragile place, it has been and alway will be. And it needs people like us, people who….who have the temperament to protect it, even though we don't wish for that duty."

Chaos snapped his fingers and suddenly the world changed. Percy saw himself standing before a destroyed camp, he was younger, around 12, this was the time Luke and Hyperion attacked the camp, he saw himself slowly grow enraged as he swore vengeance.

"This was the moment, the moment where you realised if you didn't take this seriously, people would die. This was the moment when you stopped playing around, when you stopped acting your age, because the people at camp needed leader, they needed a hero, and you chose to become that hero. Like we are asking you to do now."

"It's different."

"How? Would you not stop to protect an innocent woman on the road if she was attacked? Wouldn't you try and catch a killer for justice? Wouldn't you try and protect a little boy from his abusive step father? For me sake Percy, you work as a fucking cop on the weekends. Being a hero is in your blood. The only difference now is I'm asking you to do it not just for the Greeks...but for the whole world."

Percy remained silent as he saw the scene from over a year ago act out. He saw himself loose his mind as Le Bete took over. He saw himself attack Hyperion, cleaving his arm off, and he saw himself return to the Underworld to barter for the souls of his friends. He saw himself grow up to be a hero, grow up and stand right where he stood now.

"I didn't ask for this."

"The person who is most qualified to be given power is the one who knows it's burden and rejects it. Only they can use it properly with the respect it deserves."

"Are you quoting someone?"

"Yes, me."

Percy remained silent as he looked at the world before him. He sighed, "i-if I…..if I agree...will you send me back?"

"I was planning on doing that even if you didn't. Only diffrence is I would have removed your powers and given them to someone else."

"I see…."

"Having second thoughts?"


"Good, because only a madman would want all this power and responsibility," Chaos sighed, "now I'm going to ask you this one more time...are you sure Percy?"

"If the world is truly in danger...then there's no one else I would trust to say it other than myself. Is that….does that sound a bit arrogant?"

Chaos shrugged, "not if it's true."

Percy chuckled, "yeah...yeah… I'll do it. Like I have a choice right?"

"Exactly," Chaos snapped his fingers and suddenly Percy felt a wave of calm wash over his trouble thoughts. Gamer's mind was back, and it was purring like a kitty pushing away all his doubts and regrets. He only had one goal, save the world or die trying. No pressure.


Quest alert!

Legendary quest!

Save the world from destroying itself!

The Greek/Roman Apocalypse- Active!

The Egyptian Apocalypse- Inactive!

The Christian Apocalypse- Inactive!

The Nordic Apocalypse- Inactive!






Destruction of the world (no pressure)

Do you accept?


Percy pressed yes without hesitation dismissing the box.

"Speaking of quest, here, I believe you have earned this," he snapped his fingers summoning a quest box in front of Percy;


Quest Completed!

Find about the real history of the divine!


Skill: Gamer vision

Power mimicker

Level 10 skill disk

Percy narrowed his eyes at the last reward, " ? What's that?"

"It's a patch, a gaming patch. It's time you got an upgrade," Chaos snapped his fingers and suddenly the blue notification in front of Percy fritzed out of sight. A black screen appeared with the words:

'Loading new program. Please Wait'.

And then Percy felt his body reboot. The black screen disappeared replaced with a new type of screen. It was circular with greek runes along the edge, in the center was a message written in black;

'Welcome to the gaming system, 2.0. Please note that there have been several changes made to your gaming style and system. Discover them first before use. Thank you!'

Percy turned to Chaos, "what did you do?"

"It's about time you got an upgrade, the Fates didn't really put much thought into their system, and not to brag but I am the creator of everything, so mine is much better. Relax though, it's not that different, just...a bit more streamlined. Now here are the rest of your rewards," Chaos snapped his fingers summoning a power mimicker sphere and a skill disk in front of Percy.

Percy grabbed them and opened his inventory, only to discover that even this had changed. Now everything had been separated into smaller section, clothes, weapons, misc, aids and even food! Percy smiled as he put his two new rewards in watching them automatically sort themselves into the aids section.

"Now, I believe it's time for you to go," Chaos snapped it's fingers summoning a portal of yellow light, "thought that portal is Thailand Morpheus, I suggest you hurry. They are in trouble, Kronos has invaded the dreamworld and is looking for Morpheus, if the god of dreams die then the dream world is destroyed. I don't think I need to tell you how bad that is."

Percy nodded, "right, tsunami!" Percy armour activated dawning itself around him. Percy stepped up to the portal and stopped, "I...I won't' ever see you again will I?"

"No, you will. Maybe not in the way yous aw me now, but you will. I am a part of you Percy, your thoughts and ideas run through my head we are one, there is no reason to say we won't meet again."

Percy chuckled, "for once I would like a straight answer."

"Yeah, never going to happen. My character's not designed that way," Chaos shrugged.

"Right...well then, it's been real...I think," Percy walked up to the portal and without a second thought jumped through.


"I hate this guy!" Robb cried out as he ran back holding his melted sword.

"Jason hit him again with lighting! Thalia grab Morpheus and get out of here!" Julia ordered as she and the other demigods surrounded the flaming titan. The Roman Gods worked together as a unit facing him head on while the greeks were spread out, flanking his sides.

"I can still help!" Thalia growled.

"You are out of weapons and low on power, you can't help, get Morpheus to safety, he still needs to wake the rest of us up!" Julia ordered as Hyperion charged the roman unit.

The soldiers were lucky all armed, they had been posted on gaurd duty and had their weapons with them when they slept. So they used said weapons and blocked Hyperion's charge with a wall of shields, pushing him back, but not before Hyperion sent a blast of fire, burning the front line.

"Fuck!" Jason cursed as he felt the flames hurt him. He felt the pain, but after a moment it went away, and his body was still in one piece. Being in this dreamland had it's benefits.

"Morpheus! Come back here!" Hyperion roared as he turned and charged at Thalia and Morpheus.

"Shit!" the demigoddess cursed as she limped away with Morpheus on her shoulder for support. Julia jumped into Hyperion's path but the Titan swung his fist throwing her to the side.

"Julia!" Robb cried out as he jumped to grab her. They rolled around the ground and stopped just in time to see Hyperion reach Thalia and sent a blast of fire at the girl. It was inches away from hitting her when suddenly a blur of speed came in and swept them away from the blast.

"What the-" Hyperion's eyes went wide in shock, he looked around for the missing minor god and demigoddess when suddenly the blur was back. It collided head first into Hyperion's chest breaking off a huge chuck of the armour with a deafening crack;


Hyperion stumbled back, he panted, "how-"




The hits kept on coming as more and more hits landed on the Titan. Pieces of his bronze armour was slowly stripped away leaving the titan bleeding and hurt, bad.

"Who is doing this?!" the titan roared, "who dares-" a fist met his face sending the titan tumbling back ass over head into the wall. He looked up, pushing past the pain and the numbness in his jaw to see a figure standing before him decked in black armour with a white cape attached to his back.

The helmet slid back and the bane of Hyperion's dreams stood before him. The boy who took his arm when he was 12, the boy who lead the greek demigods.

Thalia and Morpheus stood a few feet away besides the other demigods. The god gasped, "it's not possible… he shouldn't be alive."

Thalia just smirked, "sure keep telling yourself that."

Percy Jackson smiled down at Hyperion, "hey there fire butt, what brings you here?"

"Jackson!" Hyperion roared as he tried to summon his fire to him only for a wave of water to come crashing down into his body, binding itself around his limbs and spreading outwards.

Percy turned to Morpheus, "why isn't he dead?"

Morpheus blinked in surprise, "I-I, only I can kill people in this world. Me and whoever I give permission to."

"Then give permission to me," Percy narrowed his eyes, "now."

The God of dreams flinched at the command. He nodded, "I give you the right to this world Percy Jackson."

Percy turned to Hyperion and smiled, "looks like you just reached the end of your line Hyperion." He drew out Waverider and turned it into its sword form. He channeled his rage into his weapon turing the white lines red activating it's rage mode;


Special mode activated! Emotion: Rage

Rage- 4 X Attack, special ability- causes people to go into a rage filled frenzy.

STR- 0.146 (+11+20+75) = 106.146

Seal Release: Layer 10 Time: 1 1.2 months

STR- 42,467,328 (+11+20+75) = 42,467,436

Body Form Activated: Full Body!

STR- 42,467,328 X 10 = 424,674,360

Percy meet Hyperion's eyes and grinned, "now lets see how strong you really are flame breath," he vanished in a rush of speed disappearing down the hallway before charging back with the speed of a bullet.

Percy trusted his blade like a spear into Hyperion's chest,

Waverider- 100,000 X 4 = 400,000 + 424,674,360 = 425,074,360 attack!

The titan's eyes bulged in horror as he saw all his ichor leak out in bursts. He looked up in horror at Percy, "y-you bastard."

And suddenly he exploded into golden dust.

Ping! Ping!

You have gained two levels!

Percy Jackson

Health- 16,150/16,150 (+2000) = 18,150

Mana- 8,700/8,700 (+2000) = 10,700 (+20% more mana, +2,140) = 12,840

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-51 Exp- 107,050/190,000


STR- [Original- 150] 0.146 (+11+20+75) = 106.146 (Layers of seals applied - 10)

VIT-150 (+11+20)=181






MONEY- 25,221,683$/ 20,856 D

Percy dismissed the box and turned to the loot he got from Hyperion. There was his flaming blade, a book with the skill 'Flame control' on it and a glowing chest piece similar to the one he was wearing while alive.

Percy grabbed the skill book and put it away,, he would need it later. He then turned to the gathered demigods who were staring at him in awe. They had never seen a titan defeated in combat before, and never so badly.

Percy however didn't pay attention to their looks of awe, he had eyes for only one person across the hall standing besides the god of dreams.

Thalia's eyes watered as he walked towards her deactivating his armour. "Percy-" she began only for him to grab her head and kiss her as deeply putting every single emotion he had into it. She sighed in happiness as she curled her fingers around his hair.

She broke it first whispering, "I missed you so much."

"I thought you were gone," Percy whispered back.

"I knew you would come for me."

Percy chuckled, "always." He moved back and turned to Morpheus, "you and I have a match to settle," Percy growled.

"No, not right now," thalia stepped in between Percy and the God, "Kronos has just brought his entire army here, we need his help if we want to survive."

"What? Kronos? Here? Now?" Percy cursed, "how many?"

"I can sense at least 5,000 soldiers invading my realm at the moment," Morpheus informed.

Percy sighed, "right," he turned and noticed Julia and Robb looked at him in their star struck gaze, "stop gawking, we have work to do you two."

"R-right," Robb snapped his mouth shut.

"Any ideas?" Julia asked.

"Kronos brought his army, it's time we brought ours," Percy looked at the white pods and then at Morpheus, "can you release all the demigods here?"

"Yes, but it will take some time. Some of them have already been captured by Hypnos and the others though, we need to get them back."

"Then that's what we'll do while you free the rest," Percy turned to Julia and Robb, "you two lead the romans and I'll take care of the greeks, any objections?"

"Yeah, I have one," Robb spoke up.

Percy sighed, "Robb we don't have time for bureaucratic bullshit right now. We need-"

"-Yeah, I know, which is exactly why I don't think we should be divided on this. You should lead us Percy, all of us."

Percy blinked in surprise, "Rob are you sure?"

"Yeah...I just saw you kill the brother of Saturn in you swing of your blade….I would be crazy not to think you weren't qualified."

Percy smiled, "got it," he grabbed Hyperion's blade and tossed it to Robb, "here you might need this." Robb grabbed it and smiled.

"Right then everyone," Percy drew his blade and set forward, "let's go save our friends."