
Chapter 57

Chapter 57:

Percy looked down and saw Monica's chest raise up and go down. She looked liked she was having trouble breathing, but from what the nurse mentioned it was because her asthma was acting up.

Thalia sat beside her bed looking through an old magazine, they had been here for three hours and yet Monica's condition hadn't changed. The sun was going down, the last rays of the sun bathed the room yellow. Percy didn't like it, he tried everything, even used his healing powers, but she still hasn't woken up yet.

"Is she showing any signs of waking up?" Tyler asked as he walked in with Michael and Clarisse by his side. They had gone out to get something to eat while Thalia and Percy volunteered to stay at Monica's side.

"Here, you guys should get," Clarisse brought out two cheese bagels with a handful of cheese cream sachets.

"Thanks," Thalia smiled as she and Percy started to munch on the bread.

"So happened to her?" Tyler asked he ran his fingers down Monica's face, "one moment she was fine and the next….it was like she...she, did something."

Percy nodded, "yeah. Something." He ate his food in silence as he recalled what had happened since Monica went all demon fury on them.

Thanks to the Mist everyone didn't question all the destruction caused to the library shelves. From what Percy understood the mortals believed that the wood in the shelves were rotten and they weren't strong enough to hold the books up.

They also believed that a group of students had smashed in the windows with rocks. The school was currently searching for these 'ruffians'.

Percy and the others also managed to convince everyone that Monica had fainted because one of those rocks had hit her in the head. So far no one dared to question them, Percy just hoped their luck would hold for a little while longer.

"So tell me why exactly are you here Tyler?" Michael asked as he narrowed his eyes at the swimming team captain.

"What do you mean?" Tyler asked.

"I mean you knew Monica, and she obviously knew you. I'm asking you how," Michael clarified.

Tyler sighed, "simple...she's my twin sister."

The group stopped and stared at Tyler and then Monica.

"I'm guessing you two were fraternal twins?" Percy asked finishing his bagel.

"Yeah," Tyler nodded, "obviously. She and I….well, we aren't as close as we used to be. When we started school we just got split up. I became popular and she...well she.."

"Became Goth?" Thalia finished.

Tyler sighed and nodded, "yeah. Goth." tyler looked at Percy, the asshole from before was gone, standing now was a confused and concerned brother, "what happened to her?"

Percy sighed, "I have no idea," he looked to Monica and observed her;

Monica William, Believer of Magic

Lv- 8

HP: 400/400

MP: 0/0

Race- Human

Str- 8

Vit- 6

Dex- 4

Int- 12

Wis- 10

Luc- 3

From a young age Monica has always felt different, she has always been standing outside looking in. After her twin and her started to drift apart Monica found comfort in the mystical and the unexplained feeling a connection to the misunderstood. She has dedicated her life looking for these things.

Likes: Magic

Dislikes: Normal people, shallow people, wannabes

She hates Percy

She is very adapt in ancient languages

She is unconcious

Percy then sent a wave of mana out feeling her body, his mana sensing skill came back with the expected reply;

Demon Mana,

The mana you are sensing is from a demon brought forth from the depths of Hell itself.

Percy grumbled, there was no change. He could feel the mana pouring out of her, but his Observation powers still told him she was human, not even mentioning if she was possessed by a demon or something, it just didn't make any sense.

"I still don't understand what happened," Tyler grumbled, "one moment she was fine and then she started….strated...fly? I think."

Percy sighed, "yeah...something like that" he turned to the others in the room, everyone here, expect Tyler and Monica, could see past the Mist. So Percy convinced them to act dumb on this, the less people knew about their world the better, and while Percy might hate Tyler he didn't want the guy dying from shock.

"Hey, what's this," Thalia squinted as she noticed something inside Monica's jacket. She reached forward and pulled out a black leather bound book. Percy observed it;

Notes of Yancy Academy constructions, (Cursed)

This book contains details about the construction of Yancy Academy.

Percy narrowed his eyes, [Thalia drop the book now!] Percy switched to ancient greek startling his girlfriend. She immediately drew her hand back and looked at Percy for an explanation [I have a feeling this is what caused Monica to summon magic.]

Tyler look confused but the other demigods understood what Percy was saying. The demigod switched languages in order to keep their conversation away from Tyler, once again for his one safety.

Thalia spoke in ancient Greek, [so what is it?]

[From what I'm able to sense it looks like a cursed item,] Percy mummered as he looked it over, [it's a book about how this academy was constructed, and from what I can tell it's cursed with demon magic.]

[Demon magic?] Michael asked, [you mean Greek monster or….]

[I mean Christian demon,] Percy sighed, [like Marcia.]

[Great, just great. We come to a mortal scholl and the next thing we know one of our classmates has been possessed by a demon.] Clarisse sighed in frustration.

"What language are you guys speaking?" Tyler asked.

"It's something we came up at camp," Percy lied smoothly, "it's like secret code."

Lie Detected!

"So why did you feel like you had to keep a secret from me?" Tyler crossed his arms in fury.

"Because I don't trust you," Percy replied.

"Yeah well I don't trust you! In fact why are you even here?! I'm her brother! Who the hell are you guys?!"

"We are her friends," Thalia spat out.

"She doesn't have friends!"

"And whose fault is that?" Thalia asked.

"I didn't do shit! The freak is just like this, she's always been like this!"

"What did you call her?!" Thalia roared as she jumped out of her seat and charged Tyler. She grabbed him by the collar and slammed him up against a wall, "you're her brother! And she's hurt right now, why the hell are you acting like such an ass?!"

"Get off me bitch," Tyler tried to pry Thalia's hands off of him but the demigoddess was too strong for him.

"I swear to the Gods Tyler you keep this up and I'm going to put you in a full body cast," Thalia roared as lighting sparkled around her head.

"Guys!" Michael called out as he ran to Monica's side, "she's waking up."

Thalia let Tyler go as she and the others gathered around Monica. They watched her stare awake as she opened her brown eyes and lock on them.

She looked around and spotted her brother, "Tyler? What happened?"

"You...you well…-"

"-You were possessed by a demon," Percy jumped in causing Monica to snap her attention to him. The other demigods looked at Percy confused, they agreed to keep the mortals out of this, but the son of Poseidon just sighed, "she needs to know."

The others nodded in relactantance, Thalia and Michael particularly didn't like it, but it needed to happen.

"W-what did I do?" Monica asked in horror as she looked at Thalia, "did I-did I-"

"-No, you didn't hurt anyone," Thalia assured her fellow punk girl, "but you could have. It was pure luck that no one has died."

"What the hell are you guys talking about?!" Tyler finally lost his patients, "what do you mean possessed?!"

Clarisse sighed, "fine, I'll tell him, come along Micheal," she and Michael grabbed Tyler by the collar and dragged him outside. At the door Clarisse turned to Percy, "get the story out of her, we'll fill in Mr. Douche."

[Don't tell him we are demigods,] Percy spoke in ancient Greek, [he may need to know about the existence of gods and monsters, but don't tell him everything.]

Clarisse nodded in responce and closed the door behind her.

"Wait...you guys believe in possession?" Monica looked stunned.

Thalia and Percy shared a look and shrugged. "Yeah, kind of," Percy replied, "we ah...we kind of have an experience with magic."

"How?" Monica asked wonder replacing her tired state.

"It's a long story," Thalia replied avoiding the subject, "listen Monica we want to help you, but we can't do that if we don't what the hell is happening to you."

Monica looked at Percy and then Thalia. She sighed as tear started to come up, "I'm so stupid."

"Hey don't say that," Thalia reached in wiping away a falling tear drop, "you didn't asked to be possessed."

"No, I kind of did."

Percy blinked, "wait, what? You asked a demon to possess you?"

"Not literally," Monica seemed to fold into herself, afraid of whatever she was hiding.

"Monica," Thalia reached out holding her hand in comfort, "whatever it is, you can tell us. We want to help."

Monica looked at Thalia and then to Percy, she slowly nodded, "okay… damn, I don't even know where to begin."

"Preferably at the beginning," Percy said with a smile.

Thalia rolled her eyes, "I so knew you were going to say that."

Monica smiled, "yeah. Okay...well I suppose it all began over the summer. I-I'm kind of obsessed about magic, you know? So I like to spend time on the web searching for proof that it exists. And I eventually stumbled on a site which talked about ancient buildings spread across America and how they might be involved with the supernatural. And it mentioned...well it mentioned Yancy Academy."

"Wait what?!" Percy all but yelled, "this school?! Our school?!"

Monica nodded, "yeah, I acted the same way. After I calmned down I read a little more. What do you know about our school's history?"

Percy and Thalia shrugged, "not much," the daughter of lighting admitted.

"Me too, until I did a little research. You see this school was built in 1950 for the rich and wealthy families of New York. But you see the person who owned this land and the building wasn't even American."

Percy blinked, "say what now?"

"Yeah, and you will never guess who it was." Thalia and Percy waited on the edge of their seats, figuratively in Percy's case, "Winston Churchill."

"No way!" Thalia blinked in wonder, "the Winston Churchill built this place?!"

Monica nodded, "yeah, I don't know why, but he bought this land in 1950 and began construction immediately afterwards. He had a cousin in US to who he left the school too after his death, but apparently he was very hands on when it came to the construction of the school."

"So, the greatest prime minister of England built our school," Percy surmised, "but how does that help us? I mean that's amazing and all, but how does this relate to the freaking demon you now have possessing you?"

"It's because of what is under this building," Monica explained.

"And what is under it?" Thalia asked.

"People aren't sure," Monica shrugged, "some say it's treasure, some say it's a portal to hell, me? Well I think Churchill found something here, something magical, and he built this school over it in order to keep it hidden."

"And again, not to say this all isn't amazing to know, how does this relate to the cursed book you know have?"

Monica sighed, "there were...rumors, mostly. The people online talking about this mentioned that Churchill would have let some sort of guardian to protect whatever he was trying to hide. I thought it was a lie, but now…."

Percy hummed, "Monica….tell me, what did you do last night?"

Monica blinked, "what do you mean?"

"What do you remember from last night?"

"Well I….I think I just fell asleep."

"What time did you fall asleep?"


"And yet you looked like you were recovering from a hangover today morning in class," Percy groaned.

"Percy you don't think that thing we followed yesterday was her do you?" Thalia asked in concern.

"The demon must have taken over," Percy theorized as he lifted one of Monica's hands. Her nails were painted pink, and it was clearly chipped, "so the thing that we followed yesterday was probably her body, but the demon was in control."

"Wait, demon?" Monica blinked, "what do you mean demon? Why do you think I'm being possessed by a demon?"

"Believe me, I know," Percy told her.

"How? Did you meet one?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, but it's kind of a long story. Anyway, so how did you even find the book?"

Monica looked like she wanted to ask Percy more questions but held back. "Once I school started I went around looked for any clues Churchill might have left behind. I looked around the library until I stumbled upon a few books dating back to the foundation of the school. In them I found clues leading to a book which spoke about Yancy academy's construction."

"Which is when you found the cursed book," Thalia completed for her.

"Then that means the blood lust I felt that morning didn't come from Tyler, but the demon," Percy said with narrowed eyes.

"Bloodlust?" Monica asked.

"It's kind of like a sense of dread you get from magical beings," Thalia explained, "it varies on the strength of the creature, and from what Percy felt the demon doesn't really seem that strong."

"That could have changed," Percy told Thalia, "demons feed on humans, it could be using Monica to get a power boost for itself."

"Then we need to stop it."


"Okay, okay, time out," Monica form a 'T' with her hand, "I'm sorry but what the hell is going on? You two are taking this was to casually. I mean you said you had experience with magic but….I mean how the hell are you two just so relaxed about this?"

Percy and Thalia looked at each other and shrugged. "Our life is kind of like this all the time," Thalia admitted, "we just get used to it."

Monica looked to Percy who nodded, "trust us Monica, we got your back."

"You guys seriously don't understand what you're getting into here," Monica shot back, "this isn't some math exam you pass or risk you take by sneaking out to watch a movie, this is life and death stuff."

Percy chuckled, "we know, and we understand what you're getting into."


"-Enough Monica," Thalia cut her odd, "we are going to help you, and that's final."

Monica sighed, "look I appreciate the offer, but seriously, I'm fine."

"You are possessed by a demon, how is that fine?"

"Because I already reached out for help," Monica crossed her hands, "I may be reckless, but I'm not an idiot. When I woke up today I felt something was off, so I called a couple of buddies of mine and asked them to help me out."

"I'm sorry what?" Percy raised an eyebrow.

"What, you didn't think I was the only one interested in this place did you? While I was searching around the net I found a bunch of people who helped me out. One of them mentioned they had experience handling the supernatural and if I ever got into trouble I should call them."

"So they are coming here? Now?" Thalia asked.

"Yeah, they said they should be here by evening."

Percy and Thalia looked at each other again. [Does that mean we are going to have more humans to protect while we actually deal with this thing?] Thalia asked in frustration.

[Looks like it,] Percy sighed, [honestly, I can see why the Gods prefer not interacting with them. It's like every time something dangerous happens humans go like 'oh look at that dangerous thing that can kill me! Let's go touch it!']

Thalia chuckled but Monica looked confused. "Wait...what language were you guys speaking?"

Percy smiled, "it's a language we made up in camp. We use it when we want to have a private conversation."

Lie Successful!

Monica nodded, "huh...okay….anyway, like I said, thanks, but no thanks. I and my friends can handle this. You guys don't have to get involved."

Thalia smiled, "it's almost cute how much she wants to protect us."

Percy nodded, "yeah."

"Hey!" Monica yelled blushing up a storm, "I'm serious here! You two could be in serious danger, I don't need you here and I don't want you here! Seriously!"

"Wow, she just said serious like three times," Percy whistled, "I guess she must be pretty-"

"-Don't say it Jackson."

"-Serious," Percy chuckled. Monica groaned while Thalia rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's antics. "Anyway, in all seriousness, hehe, we are not letting you do this alone Monica. We may not be 'experts' like your friends," Percy tried really hard to suppress his sarcasm, but judging from the anger in Monica's eyes he failed, "but we'll try keep out of their way."

Monica huffed, "fine…..but don't say I didn't warn you."

Just then the door opened and Clarisse and the others walked back in. Tyler looked terrified, which was understandable considering he had just been told every monster he ever read about as a child was real, and a demon was currently possessing his twin sister.

"We good?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, he's a little shaken up, but I think he understands the message," Clarisse smirked, "it was honestly fun seeing him slowly melt down."

"Monica!" Tyler ran to his sister, "I'm so sorry. All those times you said magic existed and now….I'm sorry! Please, whatever you want I'll do it. I promise I won't call you weird or freakish ever again!"

Monica looked stunned as she watched her brother apologise for everything he did to her, from teasing her with other boys to calling her a witch.

Percy turned to Michael, "what did you guys to do him?"

"First we cleared the Mist from his eyes and then Clarisse stabbed him with her spear. it went straight through. After Tyler realised he wasn't dead she explained everything," Michael said with a shiver.

Percy and Thalia turned to Clarisse. The daughter of Ares shrugged, "what? He wouldn't have believed me if I didn't show proof. I figured shoving a celestial bronze spear through his heart would make him more open to suggestions."

The demigods shuddered, Percy sighed, 'I might be crazy, but Clarisse has made it an art form.'

After Tyler stopped begging by Monica's bed side everyone got filled in on what was happening. Clarisse didn't like that Monica was involving other mortals, but she knew is she couldn't do anything to stop her. If they tried to shut them out Monica would just become angry and would refuse to accept their help.

"So when are your demon hunting experts arriving?" Percy asked.

"They should be here by now," Monica said as she got back on her feet. They were wobbly, but luckily it seemed she had recovered enough from the incident from before.

"Where did you agree to meet them?" Thalia asked.

"Outside school grounds."

"Then outside we go," Michael cheered as the small group walked out of the medical room.

"We need to remain quite," Percy told them as they snuck down the corridor, "we should be approaching curfew right now and we can't afford to be seen."

"We, got a problem," Clarisse said as they snuck to the main building's door. They went outside but at the bottom of the stairs Percy spotted Mrs. J sitting with a pad and a stack of papers by her side.

"Shit," Percy pushed them away from the door and back inside, "Mrs. J is down there."

"Crap," Monica hissed, "we need to find a way around her."

"There is no other way out of this place," Tyler supplied.

"One of us needs to go down there and distract her," Michael said with a smile.

"And I'm guessing you'll be volunteering as tribute?" Clarisse glared at her boyfriends with crossed arms.

"I-I mean, well I one of her favorite students."

"Pft, yeah right, if anything I am her favorite student," Tyler huffed.

"Actually Percy is her favorite," Monica cut them both off as she turned to Percy, "think you can handle her?"

Percy nodded, "I'll distract her long enough for you guys to sneak away, deal?"

"Percy," Thalia growled, "don't you dare get two feet of that woman."

Percy gulped, "I-I'll try."

"Good, and don't even think about flirting with her!" Thalia hissed. She didn't understand why, but she didn't like the woman, not one bit.

Percy told the others to stay back while he walked down the stairs approaching Mrs. J.

"Lovely evening isn't it?" Percy asked.

"What?" Mrs. J asked jumping in surprise. She looked back and smiled, "oh, it's you Percy."

"How are you ma'am?"

"Find, all things considering," she sighed as she stretched her hands up. As she did so Percy couldn't help but notice the way she pushed her chest forward emphasising her large breasts.


Percy wiped in surprise as he felt a jolt of lighting hit his ass. He looked around and saw Thalia glare at him. Monica and Tyler looked confused, the Mist prevented them from noticing anything, but the other demigods knew, and they just chuckled in response.

Percy sighed, 'focus Percy, focus.' He looked at her side and noticed a stack of question papers that were corrected.

"So ma'am what are you doing out here?" Percy asked.

"Well I just thought it was a very nice night, no reason to waste it," she looked up seeing the beautiful crescent moon shining down below bathing her and Percy in silverlight. "So I figured I might as well correct my papers out here, you know, with some fresh air."

Percy nodded, "I see….so I take it those are our papers?"

Mrs. J nodded, "indeed. You did very well in your last exam Percy. Though I would suggest you brush up on your Egyptian history. They are a very important ancient and important culture you know."

Percy sighed, "yeah, got it Mrs. J."

The teacher chuckled, "anyway, how is Monica doing?"

"Still unconscious," Percy lied easily, "Thalia and the others left some time ago, the only reason I stayed is because I kept argueing with Tyler and time just seemed to slip away."

Lie Succeeded!

"Yes, time is a bitch to all of us," Mrs. J looked far away, her eyes were unfocused, she seemed to be recalling something.

"Anyway, it's getting late, we should probably get to our rooms," Percy said looking at his watch.

"Oh dear me, you're right," Mrs. J got up and looked at her papers and sighed, "so much work….oh, I know! Percy, be a dear and help me carry these will you?"

Percy blinked, "ah, yeah, sure. Not a problem." Percy looked behind and motioned to Thalia to carry on without him, he would catch up when he could.

He quickly grabbed the stack of test papers Mrs. J was correcting and followed her along as they walked back into the main building. Thalia and the others ran before Mrs. J and Percy entered, and stayed hidden until they left. Once they were out of sight Thalia and the others ran out of the building making their way to the school boundaries.

"Do you know where my room is?" Mrs. J asked.

"Yeah, in the right wing, correct?" Percy said as he walked behind her.

"Right, how did you know?"

"Oh, I just like exploring things. In my last year here I pretty much mapped out this entire place in my head."

Mrs. J nodded, "impressive. I did the same when I first came here., though I went to the library instead. I don't exactly have the freedom you enjoy, so much work to do, no wonder my mother hated school."

Percy was surprised, "wait, there are maps of the school in the library?"

Mrs. J nodded, "indeed. I think it's in the history section, if your interested you should check them out. Maybe you might even find one or two secret passages you didn't know about."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, maybe."

"So tell me something about yourself Percy," Mrs. J asked as they began walking up the stairs to the third floor.

"Well, there's nothing much to say really. I'm 14 years old, though I'm told I look much older."

"Yes, I was very surprised to hear your real age. I've seen many miracles puberty performing, myself included, but you Percy take the cake. And the bakery."

Percy laughed, "yeah, guess it did kind of hit me hard. Anyway I'm right now studying in the 10 grade because my mom and the school felt I'll do best there. I'm somewhat good at studies, so they thought it would be nice."

"'Somewhat good' is an understatement Percy," They reached the third floor and Mrs. J lead them to the fourth door down the hallway, "you have a near perfect grade score. I would even say you're something of a genius."

"Thanks Mrs. J."

"So any plans for the future? I know that being a child genius a lot of choices would be open to you, you are probably going to have a hell of a time picking what you like."

"Well...I am thinking about becoming a cop."

"A cop?"

"Yeah, I have a job in New York, I go there during the weekends and intern at the 12th precinct. So I kind of like it."

"Well, if that's the case I'm sure that if you do join New York will have earned a very talented police officer," she opened the door and took the stack of papers off of Percy's hands, "thank you Percy. Have a nice night."

Percy smiled as Mrs. J closed the door behind her. The moment the door closed Percy took off in a blur of speed running out of the main building and towards the gate.

He ran across the threshold so fast the gate gaurd didn't even notice anything wrong. The only indicator that Percy had passed was a gust of wind.

Percy ran down the road leading from the school to the town nearby. He looked around for his friends when he spotted them up head, talking with two guys in front of a black van.

He slowed down, he didn't want Monica and Tyler questioning how he got there so fast. He quickly hide behind a tree and stealthily walked towards them until he got within earshot of them.

"And I'm telling you I'm not just going to let a bunch of kids tag along," a vaguely familiar voice spoke. Percy couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew he heard it before.

"This is a very dangerous world kids, you don't understand what you are getting yourself into," a second male voice spoke up, again familiar yet strange.

"Look pal, we know exactly what we are going up against," Thalia said with a low growl, Percy could tell she didn't like restraining herself, but again, it was necessary.

"Oh? And what do you think we are dealing with?" the first voice asked, "a little demon possession? Hm? Is that what you think this is? Something we can cure with a little spell and some holy water? Get real kid, Monica is in danger, and we are here to help her."

"Enough Jet, it's not their fault for wanting to help, stop giving them grief," a third voice spoke, this one was also familiar and was female. Suddenly Percy was hit with the realisation of where he heard those voices, and who these people were.

He smiled, 'of all the people in the world….this has to be fate or something.' Percy walked out of the trees and to his friends.

He looked at the two mean from before. One was tall, he wore a red button shirt over a black t-shirt and a set of jeans. He had dark skin, latin in origin, with brown hair and a gun holster on his side.

The other man was shorter, about Percy' height, with light brown hair. He was bigger than the first man, but also more muscular. He wore a blue and green jersey with the number 3 on it and a open zip hoodie over it. He also had a gun strapped to his side but he was currently holding a baseball bat with nails in it.

Percy smiked, "you know, you guys still haven't changed in all this time."

Thalia smiled along with the others in her group. The two men however jumped a little in Percy' surprise entrance.

"Who are you?" the man with the baseball bat asked as he leveled it at Percy.

The demigod chuckled, "oh please, I managed to overpower you when I was 12 Jet, do you really think I can't kick you ass again now?"

Jet looked shocked, "do I know you?"

Percy rolled his eyes, "seriously? How many 12 year olds do you know that can kick your ass?" Percy turned to the other man, "come on John, please tell me at least you remembered."

John also looked shocked, "I'm sorry, but no. Who are you."

"Percy?" the feminine voice spoke up again. Percy turned and there sitting in a wheelchair inside the van was a woman with red hair and bright green eyes. She wore a red shirt with a black leather jacket over it, she had a gun holster strapped to her chest with a celestial bronze blade sheathed to her side.

Percy grinned, "hello Christy, it's so nice to see you again."

"Wait, Percy?!" Jet yelled in shock, "what the hell man! How have you been?!"

Percy chuckled, "good, good. Trying not to die, so far so good."

"What are you doing here?" John asked in disbelief, "last place I would ever expect to see you would be in the middle of the road!"

"I'm not here by random John, I go to Yancy Academy, and these guys," he pointed to the kids, "are my friends."

"So, they are like you and…." Christy began.

"Luke? Yeah, they are like me and Luke," Percy nodded finishing for her.

"Luke?" Thalia asked in surprise, "what does Luke have to do with anything?"

"Perhaps we should talk about this inside," Christy moved into the van inviting them in.

Percy and the others followed suit, John and Jet locked the door behind them and quickly got into the front two seats.

Percy whistled at the back of the van, it was completely customized. The entire back was removed and fitted with a computer, cameras and even a mini satellite dish that seemed to be broken. There were also various other gadgets piled in the back, overall it reminded Percy of one of those portable station vans the cop would use during a stakeout.

"Where did you get all of this stuff?" Michael asked as he looked at the tech they had in the back.

"I'm guessing Edward hooked you up?" Percy asked as he and the others sat down in the back with Christy sitting in front of them.

"Yes….these hasn't exactly been the same since...well, you know," Christy sighed.

"Actually, we don't know," Monica said looking confused, "what's going on here? How do you know Percy Christy?"

"Wait is Christy the friend you knew who was coming to help your demon problem?" Percy asked.

Monica nodded, "well, yeah. But how do you know her?"

Christy sighed, "well, it was what? Two years ago?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, about that long."

"Two years ago my friends and I went on a camping trip in the forests of Indiana. Everything was going fine….until…."

"Until the Nokken," Jet completed for his struggling friend. "It killed us one by one. Soon there were only four of us left."

"We thought we were done for, until Percy, Luke and Grover showed up. They helped us track and kill the thing," John completed.

"So wait, you fought a monster?!" Tyler asked as respect and admiration filled his eyes.

Percy chuckled, "yeah, I guess I did." He then turned to Charity, "now it's your turn. Why the Hades are you three here?"

"Since that trip we couldn't properly readjust to simple life," Christy explained, "we tried, we really did. But after finding out the truth of the world was….we couldn't just sit by and let the monsters roam free. We needed to protect those who couldn't protect themselves."

"And so you three became what? Monster hunters?" Percy narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, we did, and we are damn good at what we do," Jet spoke up, "just last week we tracked down and killed a pack of harpies."

"Oh dear," Clarisse said, "you should not have done that."

"What? Why?" John asked.

"Because they serve Hades," Michael explained, "and he is very territorial about his servants."

Christy looked confused, "right, anyway, for the last two years we have been going around the country finding those that need help and getting rid of the monsters."

"And how exactly are you paying for all of this?" Percy asked looking at the van and gadgets.

"Edward helped us out at first, but eventually we managed to find others like us and with their help we managed to create several fake credit cards for us to use," Christy pointed at a box of old used cards that had either been cut in half or had their metallic strip rubbed off.

"Wait, others like you?" Thalia asked, "what do you mean?"

"Hunters," John supplied, "we call ourselves Hunters. We are basically a group of men and women who know what the real world is like and will do everything in our power to protect mankind."

Percy blinked, "you're joking…." they stared at him, "...okay….not joking."

"Why do you think we were joking?" Christy asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because you guys just told me you were hunting monsters….humans. Hunting. Monsters. Why wouldn't I think that's a joke."

"You think just because we are human we can't hunt them?"


"And why not?"

"Do I really need to give you a reason other than the fact that they are monsters?"

"And we have something that can kill them," Christy pointed at the celestial bronze blade she had at her side.

"And how exactly are you planning on doing that when one third of your team is blind?" Percy asked. Only Christy was clear sighted, the others were not.

"Not any more," Jet answered, "ever since the trip we have been able to slowly see more and more the supernatural world. We may not be able to see everything like Christy, but we can still see enough to put a bullet in it's head."

Percy was surprised, he never heard of anyone developing the ability to see past the Mist. But now that he thought about it he remembered how Nancy was able to see the Gergosa, she must have also somehow developed this ability while hanging out with Percy, who was also part of the mythological world.

'But that means the rest of the mortals I'm hanging out with also have a chance to see past the Mist. But maybe like Jet mentioned they can't through all of it, maybe….I need to research more on this, but later.'

"Fine," Percy sighed, "you guys can come along. I suppose it wouldn't hurt having a few extra hands with us."

"Wow, didn't realise we needed your permission short stuff," Jet scoffed.

"Actually yes Jet, you did need my permission, Monica is my friend and if you were any other normal human who was just wanted to chase ghosts I would have sent you away."

"I'm sorry but exactly gives you the right to act all high and mighty?" Monica asked crossing her arms.

"Simple," Percy shrugged, "I'm Percy Jackson."

Tyler rolled his eyes, "and they say I'm the arrogant one."

"Dude, if you only knew have the shit he did you wouldn't be saying that," Michael said, "he's just trying to keep you guys safe. We all are."

"And what thinks you can keep us safe?" John asked.

"Well..." Michael looked at Percy, [should we tell them?]

Percy sighed, [maybe. Christy and the others already know half of the story, kind off. It wouldn't matter if they did or didn't.]

Michael shrugged, "you see we four go to special camp. And at this camp we are trained specifically to fight monsters. It's kind of like our job."

"What type of camp is this?" Christy asked.

"A Camp for those who can kick ass," Thalia supplied, "anyway, what we are trying to say is when we encounter the demon leave the fighting to us."

"Really? And what exactly can four teenagers do against a demon?" Jet asked.

Thalia looked at the man and smiled, "you'll see."

Christy sighed as she rubbed her temples, "I so need a drink after this. Fine, we are all in agreement, we are going to help Monica get rid of the demon, yes?" Everyone nodded.

"Great, so where do we start?" Percy asked.

"Oh so the great monster hunter is asking us now huh?" Jet scoffed, "thought you went to a monster fighting camp which trained you for these kinds of things."

Percy shrugged, "we mainly deal with monsters, not demons. And mostly Greek stuff, nothing else."

"Either way this is a unique case even for us," Christy admitted as she turned to her computer. "Most demons possess humans and be done with it. This thing however is acting like a leach, from what I understand it took over temporarily twice, once last night and the other today afternoon."

"And it's doing so through this," Monica took out the black book she risked her life to obtain.

Christy sighed, "I think you might have just stumbled upon a cursed item. Though this is definitely going bigger than a curse item. What if…..wait a minute, Monica you said that you were possessed by a demon, why do you think so?"

"Because Percy told me," Monica shrugged.

"Why did you say that Percy?" Christy asked.

"Because I felt demon mana come out of her by the bucket load," Percy shrugged.

"And how would you know what demon mana feels like?" Jet asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because I fought one, duh."

"Sure, you fought a demon," Jet rolled his eyes, "I totally believe you."

"Like I care if you…..wait, that's it!" Percy's eyes sparkled, "oh I'm such an idiot for realising this sooner!"

"What? What happened?" Clarisse asked.

"I'll just asked Marcia about the demon!" Percy yelled as he opened the van door and walked back onto the street.

"What are you talking about?" John asked.

"He's going to summon a demon," Thalia replied.

"He's going to do what?!" all the humans roared as one, but the demigods didn't pay them any head.

Percy closed his eyes and poured mana into the crystal. Smoke poured out of his forehead as Marcia appeared before him in her wolf form and bowed, "master."

"Marica, I need your help," Percy said scratching the winged demon wolf behind the ear.

The other humans stared with open jaws. Tyler's eyes rolled into the back of his head, Monica looked like she might just follow him. Jet and John looked like they just saw a woman naked for the first time and Christy's jaws were wide enough to swallow a pumpkin whole.

Sometime Later;

"Dude! You have a pet wolf!" Jet yelled out in amazement.

"A pet demon wolf!" Christy cried out in horror.

"I am no pet" Marica growled as she bared her fangs shocking the gathered humans. She looked to Percy and purred, "I'm his slave."

"Ah, is that wolf making bedroom eyes at Percy?" Tyler asked Thalia.

The demigoddess shrugged, "yeah, it kind of likes him."

"Is no one else freaked out by the fact that it can talk?!" John asked and was ignored.

"Marcia we need your help," Percy mentally took out the leather bound book from Monica and presented it to the demon wolf, "I think a demon is using this book in order to possess my friend. What can you tell me about it?"

The wolf sniffed the book over, she looked at Monica with narrowed eyes, "where did you find this girl?"

"I-It was buried in campus, I found it using clues left behind by Churchill," Monica confessed.

"Churchill? Hm, I don't know what he would have to do with demons, but I can tell you what this is. This book is an anchor so to speak, we demons use anchors to feed us strength, if I was to guess this demon isn't possessing your friend, but feeding off of her."

"Then how did it take over?" Percy asked, "last night she was able to climb up the side of a building with her nails, and today she basically sent out a shock wave of demonic energy."

"A side effect of the feeding," Marica growled, "one that we demons avoided if possible. When the host transfers energy to the demon, some of demon's energy is fed into it. But so does the demons personality, making the host insane."

Monica's eyes shot wide open, "wait, so I'm going to go insane?!"

"Yes, you are."

"How can we stop it?" Christy asked.

"You would have to destroy the demon," Marica said with a shrug, "but that's easier said than done."

"Any clues on which demon did this?" Percy asked his servant.

"No, I can't tell, sorry. All I know is that it is powerful, very powerful."

"Stronger than you?" Percy raised an eyebrow.

"There are many demons stronger than me master," Marcia cooed, "but few smarter. If it was I using this book the girl would be dead before she even knew what was going on. This demon is sloppy, he's left himself exposed."

"Or he's just trying to lure us into a trap," Clarisse spoke up. Everyone turned to her in disbelief, "what? Come on you guys think about it. It wasn't to feed on humans. What better way to do that-"

"-Than to bring more of us to it," Percy completed.

"So now all we have to do is find where this demon is, fall into it's trap, somehow survive and then kill it," Jet shrugged, "so easy."

"Only we have no clue where the demon is," Monica spoke, "it's using this book as an anchor, and I'm guessing it doesn't have to be near to feed on me."

"Indeed it doesn't. I would suggest looking for cave or any form of underground systems, it may be a vast generalization, but we demons do love our caves."

"Monica, that thing you mentioned Churchill was trying to hide, do you think the demon is there?" Thalia asked.

"It would make sense," Christy nodded, "I mean, it probably targeted Monica because she was looking for it's resting place. It probably let her reach out for help because it wanted even more people to find it."

"So now we have to find out whatever Churchill was hiding, great, just great," Percy scratched his chin, "any tips?"

"Don't die, because if you die at the hands of a demon you get a straight one way trip to Hell, and while I may like you, the others will most definitely not."

Percy nodded as he dismissed Marica absorbing her back into his gem. He turned to the team gathered in the van, "okay guys, last chance, you all sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," said Christy and her team in an even tone.

"Yes!" Michael said with a grin.

"Yes?" Tyler said unsure of how he could be useful.

"Great, then let's go."

"Where to first oh fearless leader?" Michael asked.

"We need to figure out where this Demon is hiding, Monica, does the book tell us anything about where this underground chamber that Churchill left is located?"

"It gives some vague idea, but...well, it's confusing. It's more like a journal than a map. It talks about the chamber, but I can't figure out what it means."

"The library," Percy realised, "Mrs. J mentioned that there were maps of the school in the library. Maybe using the notes in the journal we can find where this thing is."

Percy quickly pushed Christy's wheelchair up the road to the school. The others were walking in front of them, Jet and John were speaking with Michael asking about camp, Thalia and Clarisse were helping Monica telling her how everything was going to be alright. And Tyler? Well he just walked forward looking as lost as ever.

"It's been a long time Percy," Christy spoke in a whisper so that only Percy could hear her.

"Indeed, I honestly prayed I would never see you guys again," Percy chuckled, "not because I hate you or something, but because if we did it would probably mean you guys got yourself into some deep shit."

"I can understand that," Christy nodded, "things seem to escalate to a 100 with you around."

"Yes, they always do. Anyway, how's life? Other than the hunting for monsters thing?" Percy said with a little anger in his tone.

"You really don't want us to hunt monsters huh?"

"Christy, I may look like a kid, but I'm not innocent," Percy sighed, "I have seen things you wouldn't believe, and have done things you wouldn't like. I speak from experience, there are some things in this world that you wouldn't expose your worst enemy to."

"I get it Percy, I do. You want to protect us, and I appreciate that. But you can't always be there, we need to protect ourselves."

"By going after things you can barely understand?"

"And you do?"

"Definitely more than you."

"Look, we have a right to fight for our lives. We won't just run away and hide, this is our world too."

Percy sighed, "you're as stubborn as Luke."

Christy perked up hearing the son of Hermes's name, "Luke….where is he anyway? I figured he would be with you."

"He's…..he's not here. He's on an important mission right now."

"Really what kind of mission?"

"He's trying to save the world."

Christy blinked, "really?"

Percy nodded, "really."

Christy chuckled, "you two are so like Sam and Dean."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry who?"

"Sam and Dean Winchester," Christy clarified, "their two brothers we met on our journey. They were Hunters, like us, but a lot more experienced. We were chasing a ghost when we met, Dean basically said the same thing you are, 'you three are rookies, you don't belong in this job'."

"Sounds like a smart man."

"He thought so. Anyway, we stuck around, and in the end helped them catch the ghost and send it away. We kind of earned their respect that day, so now whenever one of us needs help we call the other."

"I see...how many Hunters are there?"


"Then how come I have never heard of them?"

"Well it's all very hush hush, and the only way you could ever meet them is if you're a monster of a fellow Hunter."

"Hm...maybe Artemis would know something about this," Percy wondered aloud as he recalled the goddess of the Hunt.

"What was that Percy?"

"Nothing, never mind."

Soon they reached the gate and saw the security gaurd there.

"Shit, how do we get in now?" Tyler asked.

"We could jump the wall," Jet pointed at the 20 foot tall construction.

"And what about Christy?" John asked.

"I'll carry her and you toss the chair over," Jet replied.

"Relax guys, we got this," Michael walked right past the gate manipulating the Mist to turn himself and everyone else invisible to the guards sight.

"Michael wait!" Tyler hissed, but everyone was shocked when they realised that the gate gaurd didn't even blink as Michael walked right passed his line of sight.

"How did he do that?" Monica asked.

"He used the Mist to turn himself invisible," Thalia explained.

"You can control the Mist?" Jet asked in amazement.

Percy nodded as he rolled Christy forward, "yeah, we can."

"So you can hide things from us?" Christy asked.

"Yes, we can."

"So are you even the real Percy?"

"I am, I may be able to trick the others, but you are a clear sighted mortal, I can never use the Mist to trick you."

The small group of friends/Hunters quickly snuck across campus walking to the library. They reached the door and when Tyler tried to pry it open he discovered it was locked.

"Shit," John cursed, "we can't get in. And I don't think we can just break in a window."

"Step back," Percy bent down and placed his hand over the lock. He focused and using his telekinesis twisted the locking mechanism inside snapping the door open. It was crude, but it got the job done.

"Woah," Tyler said amazed, "how did you do that?"

"Trade secret," Percy opened the door, "come on, we don't have time to waste. Marcia said the demon could kill Monica at any moment."

"Where are the maps?" Thais asked.

"History section," Percy pointed as he closed the door as soon as everyone was inside.

The history section was trashed, Monica's outburst from before had left the windows broken and a couple of book shelves toppled.

"Damn, there's glass everywhere," John said as everyone carefully stepped around the fallen glass, "if this is how much of power the demon leaked into you one can wonder how much energy it actually has."

"Alright, gather everything you can about the school and bring it here," Christy rolled to the nearest table, "Monica since you're the only one who can touch the book I want you to look over it and find what we need, the rest of you must look over this mess and try to find a record of some kind."

The others nodded as they all split up into different groups. Percy walked with Thalia as they quickly looked through a self together.

Thalia yawned, Percy chuckled, "are the late nights getting to you?"

"Yeah, it's times like this when I wish I had Gamer's body as well," Thalia grumbled.

"Well if you want you could take a break, I'll sort through the shelf myself."

Thalia nodded as she stepped back rubbing her eyes. Percy used his super speed to quickly look through the various book finding nothing useful.

"So what's the deal with Kirsty and Luke?" Thalia asked.

"Hm? Oh, nothing big, they just liked each other is all."

"Is she like his girlfriend or something?" Thalia asked.

"Why? You jealous?" Percy smirked.

"No!" Thalia hit Percy's arm, "I don't like him like that!"

"Good, because I don't really think I can deal with you having a crush on an older guy."

"Hm," Thalia huffed, "I was just asking because when you mentioned Luke she looked like someone had just kicked her puppy."

"I meet Christy and the others on my quest to get back my mom. She and Luke kind of hit it off, and Luke inspired her to be a hero, he even gave her that celestial bronze blade she carries around."

"Huh, wondered where she got that from," Thalia muttered as she spied Christy from the corner of her eye, "thought you gave it to her."

"Neah, I prefer punks over redheads."

"Oh, so you like Monica then?"

Percy blushed as he looked at Thalia, "not what I meant sweetie."

Thalia chuckled, "I know Percy, I know."

"I got something!" Tyler's voice called out. Everyone ran to the table as Christy and Monica poured over the book that tyler brought to them. It was a book with the blueprints for the school written by the architect. Christy went through page after page, but nothing stuck out.

"Monica which page did you say sounded like the secret chamber was here?" Christy asked.

"This one," Monica opened the book and looked through it, "'the second wing if finally complete. If all goes on schedule we can finish the gymnasium within the week. The 'location' that Mr. Churchill wanted to build is also nearing completion. To avoid suspicion we have built it before the gymnasium construction. The blame of digging up will fall to plumbing for showers and the like.'"

"So it's somewhere near the gymnasium," Clarisse concluded.

"Yeah but where?" John asked, "from what the maps say the gym is near the border wall, the only thing next to it is the main building. There isn't even much space for anything else."

"So maybe we shouldn't be looking for something else, maybe it's in the gym," Michael suggested.

"Wouldn't make sense," Thalia yawned, "I mean if Churchill wanted to keep this thing hidden and safe he wouldn't put the entrance somewhere kids visit on a daily basis."

"Then…..maybe something happened. Something Churchill had no way of stopping," Christy suggested, "maybe after he died the school went against his wishes and did something he didn't want them to do."

"So they built over the entrance?" Jet asked.

"Yes, I think I know just the place," Percy said with a smirk.

A few minutes later;

"You have got to be kidding me," Tyler said with an open jaw. They were now inside the swimming pool searching around for a secret entrance.

"Nope," Percy replied as he sent wave after wave of mana out trying to pick up on something, "this place was built 20 years ago, and is right next to the Gym. Churchill wouldn't have put the entrance somewhere outside the school ground, so that meant this is the only place it could be."

"So it's somewhere below this building?" Christy asked as she looked around.

"I'm guessing so," Monica replied as she shuddered. Her skin had lost it's colour, she looked like she was about to drop dead, luckily Tyler kept her on her feet.

"I think I found it," Percy spoke up as he felt a trace of demon mana coming from underneath the pool, "it's coming from underneath the pool."

"The entrance is under the pool of water?" Jet asked with a sigh, "great, so all we have to do is drain the pool and then break through who knows how many feet on concert."

"This is becoming more and more impossible by the second." John grumbled.

"We aren't giving up," Tyler snapped, "we aren't just going to let her die!"

"We didn't say we were Tyler," Percy walked to the pool and looked down. He sent a wave of mana and felt a solid brick of demon mana right underneath the water. If he was to guess the entrance was a few feet below the water.

"Alright then smarty pants, since you're so confident, care to explain how exactly we are going to get down there?" Yet asked with crossed arms.

"Dude, just wait and watch," Michel told the man patting him on the shoulder, "you're going to be in for a treat."

Percy stood up straight and without a second's hesitation jumped into the water. He glided down to the bottom and touched the marble. He closed his eyes and activated his molecular manipulation ability. He scanned the marble and concrete below him gaining a 3D picture of what there below.

It felt like a long drop down, even his powers couldn't pick up the end of the passage. Percy groaned, he could just smash right through, it would be easy, but the others would need to come as well.

So Percy closed his eyes and focused. He pulled the concert upwards creating a long tunnel inside the pool. It reached the surface and expanded showing a hollow interior that lead directly to the entrance of the tunnel underneath.

Percy quickly swam back to the pool's edge and climbed out, "we can use that to get inside."

The mortals stared at him. Tyler whimpered, "a-are you God?"

Percy blinked and then chuckled. "Yeah right?" Michael threw his hands over Percy, "if he was God all the women would have size DD breasts and an ass that you could chip your tooth on."

Clarisse smacked her boyfriend up the head while Thalia just rolled her eyes. Percy chuckled nervously, 'actually that does kind of sound like something I would do.'

"Percy how did you do that?" Christy asked looked at the pipe leading down under the swimming pool.

Percy shrugged, "I have certain abilities, it's a whole thing. This is why I didn't want you guys here, we are going to have a hard time fighting this thing, if we also have to protect you as well, then it's going to only get even more harder."

"Relax, we can take care of ourselves," John cocked his gun.

"Oh sure, a gun is totally going to help," Michael rolled his eyes, "I'm sure lead is going to harm the thing that crawled out of hell, a place where everything is literally on fire."

John and Jet shared a look and then turned to Christy. The woman sighed, "we can defend ourselves, you won't have to worry about us."

Percy nodded, "okay then. One last thing, don't try to play hero, leave the demon to us, if things get shitty, run," Percy turned to the water and snapped his fingers. The entire swimming pool suddenly froze over, 10 inches of water turned to ice making it safe to walk on.

"Woah!" Monica yelled out touching the ice, "how are you doing this?!"

Percy shrugged, "I'm Percy Jackson." Percy pushed Christy forward getting her on the ice. He then walked to the concert pipe he created with Thalia and Clarisse following closely behind.

"Well?" Michael asked jumping onto the frozen pool, "are you guys coming or what?" The humans looked worried but quickly moved. They were weary at first about the ice, but quickly realised it was strong enough to hold them all on it.

"So how are we getting down?" Thalia asked Percy as she looked down the hole, "it's at least, what? A 40 feet drop?"

"Not a problem," Percy pressed his hand against the interior and concentrated. Slowly a ladder came out of the call attached to the inside, "there, that should get you guys down there."

"And Christy?" Michael asked.

"I got it," Percy knew he would have to display another one of his powers, but it didn't really seem to be a big deal, after all he just showed them all he could manipulate matter itself and freeze over a swimming pool.

Christy felt her chair shake as suddenly it flew into the air. "What the hell?!" she yelled grabbing onto it for dear life.

"Relax, I'm just going to carry you like this for a while, it would be difficult going down otherwise," Percy replied as he lowered Christy down the pipe with himself floating down with her.

"How are you doing all of this Percy?!" Christy yelled out as she saw the light slowly die as they got closer and closer to the bottom.

"I'm psychic," Percy knew it was only a half truth but he figured it was better than nothing.

"A psychic?!" Christy yelled.

Percy nodded, "yup," the light was almost gone now, he snapped his fingers conjuring a fireball illuminating the darkness. They eventually reached the bottom and Percy noticed that the ground was tilled and clean, almost like no one had set foot there in over 50 years.

"And you can create fire as well?" Christy asked.

Percy shook hi head, "no, just fire ball. Fire isn't really my element."

Christy wanted to ask more but then Thalia jumped down landing besides them with a gust of wind padding her landing.

"That was fun," Thalia mumbled as she looked ahead at the tunnel before them, "so we waiting for the others?"

Percy nodded, "yes, we shouldn't go in without backup. Speaking of which..." Percy focused on his gem and smoke poured out of it.

Marica appeared before him in her wolf form and bowed, "master. I see you have found the demon's domain."

Percy nodded, "yeah," Percy sent out a wave of mana and got assaulted by message telling him that he was surrounding by demon mana, "you think you can tell what kind of demon this is now?"

The wolf shook her head, "no, it's still too weak. I doubt it even has a physical form like me, probably still just a spirit. I would suggest you be careful, you will not be able to simply punch your way out of this."

Percy nodded, "noted."

They waited for the others to join them and they quickly walked into the dark tunnel before them. The tunnel quickly opened up into a bigger chamber. Percy saw a pool of water to the right with glowing moss inside and around the water. In front of them was a trident carved into the wall with a circle around it. And in the center of the chamber was a seastone green rod with a pegasus on the top and the words 'SPQR' written below.

"Is that-" Thalia began with halted breath.

"-A legion symbol," Percy completed. He walked forward as he stared at the thing before him. He was surprised to see it down here, Hades, he was surprised to see it at all. If he recalled correctly Julia and Rob told him that all other legion symbols were destroyed, all of them. The 12th legion's Eagle was the only remaining memory of Roman. But now….now that no longer was the case.

Percy narrowed his eyes and Observed the thing;

The 11th Legion Pegasus- Attributed towards Neptune, (cursed)

Imbued with the powers of Neptune himself, this staff has the ability to control and direct the very sea itself. This power can be activated by saying the phrase, 'Eleventh Legion Fulminata'. The staff can conjure great amounts of water at command and can be used to cleans water source to become drinkable. It's strongest ability is to create localised Earthquakes.

Percy couldn't believe what he was reading, this was his father's symbol, proof that there was in fact a roman legion that respected and represented his father.

He wanted to grab it right then and there, but he wasn't an idiot. It was cursed, and Percy had an idea who had cursed it.

Percy growled, "come out. Now." He could feel the demon mana around him, he didn't even have to send out waves of mana to do so.

"So you have all finally come," a voice of cold death spoke filling the chamber with a loud rumble.

"Show yourself demon!" Jet yelled out as he and the other's quickly formed a circle around Christy and Monica. Thalia was at the lead with Michael and Clarisse in the back.

"Marchosias, you are here as well? Truley this is an amazing event. Now I can eat the souls of these pathetic humans along with enacting my revenge on you!"

The wolf looked confused, "and….who are you again?"

"What?! Don't tell me you have forgotten! I am your sworn enemy! I am the great Earl of Hell! I rule over 30 legions of demons! I stole the soul of the very first child of Abraham!"

"Ah which Abraham was that?" America asked looking even more confused.

"Abraham Frea!"

"Right….wait...Raum? Is that you?"

"Yes! It is I! You finally remember you greatest foe Marchosias?!"

Percy turned to his wolf servant, "you know this guy?"

The wolf sighed, "we dated for a while...didn't end well."

"It was all that sea gods fault!" the psirt yelled out. Slowly a cloud of shadows formed over the Pegasus staff creating a mass of pure demonic energy that had red glowing eyes in the center of it, "he took my Marchosias from me!"

Raum, Night's End

Lv- 30

Percy turned to Marica, "my dad?"

The demon sighed and nodded, "yeah. I kind of got bored with Raum, we always fought, and he refused to apologize. And when I meet your dad...well I just kind of left him."

"He's the son of Poseidon?!" Raum yelled shaking the very chamber with his anger, "I'll kill him! You hear my Poseidon?! I'll kill your son!"

Percy sighed, "great, just great."

"So this again comes down to one of the gods sticking their dick where it doesn't belong huh?" Thalia said as she and the other demigods stood by Percy's side.

"Looks like it," Michael sighed, "when will our parents ever learn? It's embarrassing is what it is!"

"Well think of it this way, if they never stuck their dick in our mother's we wouldn't have been born," Clarisse shrugged.

"Yeah, true," Percy shrugged as they quickly took out their weapons in their hidden form.

"What's going on?" John whispered to the other mortals. "They are just walking up there like there isn't a mass cloud of evil above them."

"I don't know," Christy admitted as she saw the four demigods stand without a care in front of the black cloud. Fear did not fill them. Percy was even smiling in glee.

"Alright Raum, I'll give you one chance, release your grip on my friend, or I'll make you into tailpipe exhaust."

"Foolish son of Poseidon! You cannot stop me! Marchosias! Join me! Together we can kill these greeks!"

The wolf sighed, "yeah, sorry Raum, but I'm kind of on their side."

"What?! Why?! You are a demon are you not?!"

"Four words: The Gem of Kefka."

At that Raum yipped the red eyes in the cloud slowly turned to Percy, "h-how did you obtain the gem?"

Percy smirked, "I killed the guy who owned it before," Percy uncapped Riptide and Waverider summoning both swords. Thalia followed by activating her shield and her spear, Michael took off his rubber bracelet and turned it into a bow an arrow with a quiver appearing on his back while Clarisse turned her necklace into her spear.

"It matters not!" the demon roared, "I'll still kill you all!" The cloud exploded forward as it covered the demigods whole.

"Not today asshole!" Percy sent out a wave of his mana sending the cloud back long enough for him and his friend to gather around closely and Percy to create a mana shield around them.

"What's the plan?" Thalia asked.

"Marcia, can he be hurt by celestial bronze?" Percy asked.

"50% of the time, yes" Marcia nodded, "but I would recommend you use elemental magic instead."

"And for those of us who can't control lighting or water?" Clarisse asked.

"Clarisse you and Michael protect the mortals," Percy ordered as he slowly let down the barrier, "Thalia, you and I are going to hit this thing with everything we got, Marica, that means you as well."

They all agreed and the moment the barrier was down they all split. Michael ran to Monica side while Clarisse followed.

"Lighting bolt!" thalia roared as the tip of her spear sent out a blast of lightning hitting the cloud right in the center.

"ARGH! A child of Zeus?! Impossible!" The cloud condensed itself turning into a black version of a minotaur, "fine! If I am to face greeks then I shall do it as a greek monster!"

Percy grinned, "dude, poor choice. I fought the real thing when I was 12," Percy activated his super speed and rushed Raum side cutting him in half with Riptide and Waverider, "and he lasted longer than you."

"No matter!" the pieces of the black minotaur turned back into smoke before reforming into a large snake, "this form will suffice!"

"Right," Michael let loose several arrows blinding one of the snake's eyes with one arrow while pinning to the ground with the others, "I'm sure it will."

"How?!" the snake exploded into its cloud form again, this time it had only one eye, "how did you hurt me?!"

"I'm the son of Apollo," Michael drew another arrow which glowed gold, "I just infused a little bit of light into the arrows and," he let the arrow loose cutting through the smoke causing Raum pain, "presto."

"Dark Wave!" Raum yelled out sending a blast of shadows at Michael.

"Clarisse catch!" Thalia threw her shield like a discus at the daughter of ares. Clarisse caught it easily enough and jumped in front of the wave of black energy deflecting it to the side with the indestructible shield of Aegis.

"How?!" Raum yelled out as he transformed again, this time into a black humanoid figure with horns and a tail. He summoned a sword in his hands and charged Michael.

"Sorry pal," Percy jumped forward swinging Waverider across the demon's neck, "I'm your enemy, not them."

"Foolish son of Poseidon!" The demon blocked with his sword trying, and failing, to push Percy back with raw strength, "I'll kill you where you stand!"

Percy rolled his eyes, "yeah, sure you will," Percy covered his leg with mana forming an armours layer over it. He then kicked the black demon sending him flying into the wall. "If you were like a couple of levels stronger you might be able to anyway."

"Fool! This isn't even my true power!" Raum started to glow red as his black body turned crimson, "fear my wrath!" He swung his sword sending out a wave of black and red energy at Percy.

The demigod yawned as he sidestepped the wave of energy as it smashed into the chamber walls. "You need to be a lot stronger than that if you want to beat me," Percy rushed forward thrusting Waverider into the demon's body causing it to leak out red energy.

Percy pushed it to the ground as Thalia ran and impaled her spear downwards into Raum's chest sending a huge electric charge into the demon's body.

"H-how?" Raum stammered out as he felt his body disintegrated.

"Simple," Percy shrugged, "compared to the things we had to fight, you're nothing, less than nothing. You're a leach, simple as that."

The demon growled at Percy and then turned to Monica. It smiled, "yes, I am a leash, but at least if I'm going to die, I'm taking her with me!"

The red body disappeared and reappeared directly in front of Monica. Percy dashed forward as he saw Raum raise it's hand intending to stab Monica through the chest.

Tyler moved on instinct, he jumped to his sister's side, "noooo!"

As the demon's claws approached Monica Tyler pushed her away. The demon's hands were inches from Tyler's body. Slowly it closed the distance, Tyler's eyes looked down in horror, he didn't know what to do.

And just as Raum was about to puncture a hole through tyler's ribs Percy caught the demon's hand and stopped him dead cold.

"What?! How are you so fast?!" Raum tried to break Percy's grip but couldn't.

"Simple, I'm special," Percy pushed Raum back before throwing him into a wall. He then summoned Waverider into his hand before telekinetically shooting it into Raum body like a bullet from a gun.

"ACK!" the demon coughed up blood, or something that looked like it.

Percy turned to Marcia, "how do I kill it?"

"Light," the demon replied.

"I got this," Michael stepped up as he drew back and arrow. "Percy, think you can give me a boost?"

Percy nodded, "one mana dump coming right up," he put his hand on Michael's back and channeled as much mana as he safely could into the son of Apollo.

The arrow Michael held glowed brightly first, before slowly it grew bright and brighter. Soon it lite up the entire room and Michael let it loose.

The arrow flew with a whistling sound as it hit Raum in the head. The demon roared for mercy again and again before it finally exploded into a cloud of red dust that settled into the ground.


Quest Completed!

Find out what's wrong with Monica and save her!


+5,000 Exp

Pegasus of the 11th Legion

Percy smirked, "well...that takes care of that." He turned to Monica who was being helped stand up by Thalia, "you feeling better now?"

The punk girl nodded, "yeah...it's like whatever it was doing suddenly stopped. I don't feel 100% better, but I think I should be okay."

Percy nodded, "great." He turned to Tyler, "that was a brave thing you tired to do Tyler. I'm surprised."

"She's my sister asshole, of cource I would try and save her," Tyler huffed as he tried to hide a smile forming on his lips.

Monica looked to her brother, she looked like she wanted to shout at him, but instead she simply hugged him and whispered, "thanks...bro." Tyler smiled as he hugged her back.

"I didn't think it was going to be that easy," Jet said as he looked at the floating red dust.

"It wasn't," Thalia clarified as she struggled to hold back a yawn, "it was four against one and we four were much stronger than it. If it was you guys going up against it it would have killed you in a minute."

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence," John grumbled as he put away his gun.

Percy looked at the red dust left behind and narrowed his eyes, "he's not dead yet."

Thalia and the other's looked at him and readied their weapons, they didn't question it, Percy was rarely ever wrong.

"What do you mean?" Christy asked, "you four vapourized him into dust."

"Every time I defeat someone a piece of them is left behind," Percy told her, "it's an ability of mine, nobody doesn't mean it's dead. It just means he's hiding."

"But that would mean to say he was even here in the first place," Marcia said as she licked her paw.

"What do you mean?" Percy asked.

"The thing you fought wasn't the real Raum, just a spirit projection of him from Hell. He was trying to bring himself to the real world, and he would have succeeded if he killed your friend over there."

"So he isn't really dead huh?" Michael said as he relaxed his bow.

"No, he isn't, though I doubt he will be able to come back any time soon."

Percy nodded as he turned once again to the sea stone staff in front of him. He put away Waverider and Riptide as he approached the staff. He Observed it again and this time there was no 'cursed' tag next to it.

"He was hunting this as well?" Percy asked Marcia, "why?"

"His grudge against Poseidon is long, he may have started haunting this in order to get back at him for stealing me away from him."

"So Churchill discovered this and brought it here?" Thalia asked as she examined the staff, "I mean sure, it's an impressive structure and all, and very very important for the Romans, but how would Churchill know that? Why would he build a school just to hide this?"

Percy quickly dismissed Marcia and looked around the chamber looking for a clue. He saw the trident carved into the wall broken, it happened when Percy threw the demon back. Behind the cracks was a hollow compartment that was covered with shadow.

Percy got curious as he quickly walked up to the wall examining it. "Did you find something Percy?" Christy asked.

"I think so," Percy murmured as he drew back his fist and drove it into the wall breaking through with ease. He cleared open the hollow compartment on the inside and found sitting there a single yellowed envelope and a golden key with teeth as thick as Percy's first.

Percy took out the envelope and showed it to everyone else. On its cover were the words, 'To the one who lifts the curse,' and it was sealed with a wax imprint of a very royal looking nature.

"Want to bet that Churchill wrote this?" Thalia said looking at the seal.

"Maybe," Percy slid his finger into the letter and broke the seal. He carefully took out the letter and began to read it outloud.

"'I write this letter now to address the person who has, presumably, lifted the curse off of the Scepter of Neptune. Not much is known about the Scepter, even the most brilliant of historians have but a vague idea as to it's origin. But I must admit, I know it's exact origins. It was the symbol of power for the 11th Legion of Roman, before thought lost to time, now rediscovered in a ruin off the coast of Italy. But the price of discovery was high, the lives of it's discovers, one Dr. Ronaldo Freesia and his entire 30 men team. The prize soon came to me, and I knew what it was immediately. And there is a reason for this, I reveal this to you, only because I believe only a person of noble heart and pure soul could ever hope to triumph over this evil, I implore you, keep this secret to yourself, for if the world finds out my family name will be sullied.

"'My father, Lord Randolph Churchill, is in fact not my father. He was infertile, unable to produce a son he long wished for. But, he eventually found a way. He was approached by a God, a being long faded to the realm of myth and was given an offer. The God would give the my father a child, and in exchange the child will represent the God's will when the time came. And so I was drafted into a life of servitude before I was even conceived. I did not understand what I could have ever give for a God, but as I grew up I realised what he wanted. He wanted the country, my country. I did not know how he knew I would ever become the Prime Minister, when I researched about my origin I came upon the Fates, I assume they told him my destiny, and through them he got me.

"'I was angry at first, refused to obey. But then I realised the reason he wanted control of the country was to help guide it in a safe way. The world wasn't a safe place, he wanted a weapon to make sure that when World War II began that there would always be someone fighting for what's right. He made me the man I am today, he helped me achieve my victory over the Nazis. He is the reason Britain is safe. So when I discovered a symbol of his was cursed I knew I had to do everything in my power to protect it and keep it from doing harm, or else he would only blame himself.

"'Such is the kind of God my father is, such is the kind of person that created me from his loins. He wanted to protect me and my country and the world, and for that I will forever be proud to call myself, even if only in the privacy of myself, a son of Poseidon.'"

Percy stopped as he stared at the letter in his hand.

"Holy. Shit," Monica exclaimed, "Churchill was the son of a God?!"

"Dude," Michael looked at the letter over Percy's shoulder, "your brother was the greatest Prime Minister in the world!"

"Wait what? Brother?!" Jet asked confused.

"Come on Jet, don't tell me you haven't figured it out yet," Thalia rolled her eyes, "didn't Raum basically scream it over and over again?"

"What do you mean?" John asked with a confused look that Tyler matched.

"Percy isn't human," Christy began as she looked at Percy with calculating eyes, "all the things he can do, along with friends….none of them are human."

"Not fully human anyway," Clarisse clarified.

"Then what are they?" Jet asked.

"Demigods," Percy completed as he put away the letter in his inventory, he figured his father would want to see it at some point. Percy walked out the Pegasus and wrapped his hands around it. The moment he did the side of him that was devine started to sing.

He felt the same way he did when holding the trident of Neptune that belong to Aquaman. He felt a rush of his father's energy mix with his own as everything in the room feel to a blue and green glow that the staff emitted.


You have obtained a Godly weapon that you can connect with!

+1000% HP

+1000% MP

Perfect Water control

Summon any amount of water

Absolute control over the sea

Cleaning polluted sources of water

Earthquake creation

Percy pulled the staff out of the ground and raised it into the air. He turned around to his friends and smiled, "damn that was rush. Is this how you felt when holding the Eagle?"

Thalia chuckled and nodded, "yup."

"Wait, so you're all demigods?" Tyler asked looking at them, "all of you?"

Michael nodded, "yup! I suppose we should properly introduce ourselves huh? My name is Micheal Yew, son of Apollo."

"Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares," the daughter of war nodded.

"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus," Thalia grinned as she watched the colour drain out of Tyler's eyes and the look of wonder sparkle in Monica's.

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon," Percy smiled, "and I suppose this now belongs to us." He quickly put it into his inventory cutting off the blue and green light show.

"Woah!" Jet exclaimed, "where did it go?!"

Percy smiled, "an ability of mine."

"And the swords and the blue green stuff that you used to beat up the demon?" Monica asked in excitement.

"Magic," Percy replied, "we'll continue this later, for now let's get out of here. I don't know about you guys, but this place is giving me the creeps."

"Yes, Churchill did know how to pick underground layers," Christy mumbled before her eyes shot open, "wait! That means you and Churchill are brothers!"

"What?!" John shouted in sudden realisation.

A few minutes later;

The group of human, plus demigods, now stood in front of the black van that Christy and her team came in. While walking back Percy and his friends explained what they were, what they did and why the divine world wasn't a nice place.

Needless to say after explaining about the oncoming war with the Titans Christy and the others promised not to try and get involved, they knew when they were outclassed, they didn't want to die.

John and Jet were now talking with Michael and Clarisse about camp and what kind of powers demigods got. They were very curious and a daughter of Ares was exactly the person they wanted to talk too.

Tyler and Monica on the other hand stood in one corner talking with Thalia. After Monica apologized to Thalia for calling her a wannabe those two got along like a house on fire. Tyler on the other hand apologized for being an ass, he flat out refused to meet Percy's eyes, which was honestly entertaining for Percy.

"If you guys ever need help just give me a call," Percy told Christy as he rolled her to the van's sliding door. He had already exchanged phone numbers with Christy, just in case he needed her help.

"Believe me, we will," Christy chuckled, "you're basically like the nuclear option."

"Yeah, I know."

"But I promise not to abuse it, after all we can't expect you guys to solve all our problems. And I would offer you my help, but I don't really think you would need it."

Percy nodded, "not really. If it was any other time I would have been glad to accept your help, but now...with the war and all, I just can't afford to get distracted."

"I understand," Christy nodded, "you can save hundreds of lives, while we can save only one."

"And yet, you can still save one," Percy smiled, "don't cut yourself short Christy, just because you aren't a demigod doesn't mean you can't kick ass. Just….don't bite off more than you can chew, deal?"

Christy chuckled, "deal. Now, could you help me get on the van?"

Percy looked at the ramp leading into the vehicle and then at Christie's immobilised form. "You know if you really want to become a monster hunter you're going to need be able to use your legs."

"Relax, Jet and John are the one's who are going to be fighting, I'm more of the research end myself."

Percy chuckled, "not what I meant Christy," Percy placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled as her medical disability came up.

Please select what you wish to cure

Lower body immobilization

Percy selected the option and watched as Christy was bathed in a golden glow.

The redhead blinked, "what was that?"

Percy grinned, "just giving you my blessing. Call it an added bonus of being friends with a demigod."

Lie Successful!

Percy then lifted her with her wheelchair into her van. He didn't want to tell her, it would be far more amusing to if she discovered she could walk on her own.

"Well...thanks, anyway," Christy nodded, "and next time you see Luke tell him….tell him I said hi."

Percy nodded, "I will."

Soon Jet and John got into the van and they left saying brief goodbyes. A day from now when Christy tried getting into her bed she will discover her little toe wiggling. She would then call her friends and they would see it too. Soon they would discover that she could walk again, and they would know who to thank.

Percy smiled at the retreating vans and turned to his friends, "well that was productive."

Michael nodded, "yup. Killed a demon, saved a friend, even got a staff of power to boot."

"We should probably inform the Romans we have this," Clarisse spoke up, "if we don't and they find it through other means I don't think it would bode too well for our alliance."

Percy nodded, "agreed. Though I would hate to give it up, it would probably be for the best."

"Yeah," Thalia yawned loudly, "damn I'm getting sleepy."

Percy chuckled, "yeah. I noticed."

"Not just her man," Michael yawned as well, "I can barely keep my eyes open."

"Me," yawn, "too," Clarisse yawned as well.

"Well we did do a lot today," Tyler said, "it would be reasonable to feel sleepy."

"But this doesn't make sense," Thalia yawned, "I never get sleepy after a fight. Ne-" yawn, "never."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "guys...are you feeling okay?"

"Percy," Michael sounded exhausted, "I think somet….." he trailed to a whisper before suddenly collapsing forward.

"Michael!" Percy grabbed him and set him down carefully on the ground.

"Percy something wrong," and with that Clarisse also fainted only to be again caught by Percy.

"Percy help," Thalia's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she too faited.

Percy grabbed his girlfriend as he activated his healing powers trying to cure them of whatever was happening.

"Thalia?! Thalia?! Micheal?! Clarisse?!"Percy tried healing them all, but his powers couldn't find anything wrong with them, "what the hell is happening?!"

"Did they just drop asleep?" Monica asked.

Percy nodded, "yes," he quickly used Observe on Thalia but found nothing wrong. There was no cursed status update, nothing to show foul play. For all intents and purposes she was just asleep.

Percy lifted her up and quickly put her and the others into his inventory. He turned to Tyler and Monica, "I'll take them to the infirmary, you two go to Tyler's room and stay there. If this is Raum's way of getting back at us for kicking his ass then you two need to be safe. You have my number yes?" Tyler nodded, "call me if Monica feels something. If Raum is back then she will be the first to know."

"Got it," Monica nodded, "are they going to be okay?"

Percy shook his head, "I don't' know, but I'm going to find out."

Percy turned around and put on hand up, "ID Create: Time Dilation!" Percy disappeared in front of the twins eyes startling them both.

"Okay, I swear of whatever God or Gods that exist, I am never, ever going to piss that guy again," Tyler swore as he and his sister walked back to the school.

Percy ran as fast as he could inside his ID. He tore across the state as he ran to camp half-blood. He could heal people, but he didn't know much about healing itself, at least healing magical problems, which this surely was. He needed the help of the other Apollo kids, and he needed it now.

As soon as he reached camp he exited the ID and was immediately greeted with the sight of Chiron and a few of the worker Harpy ladies dragging bodies upon bodies of unconscious demigods into the Great House.

"Chiron!" Percy shouted as he ran to his mentor, "what in Hades' name happened?!"

"Percy?!" Chiron gasped as he gently placed the five children that was on his back inside. He turned to the son of Poseidon and hugged him closely, "oh I thought it had happened to you as well!"

"What? What happened?!" Percy asked as he looked around.

"Every demigod in camp suddenly dropped to the floor asleep where they stood!" Chiron said in horror, "we are getting them inside the Great House but I don't know what more we can do!"

Percy started to panic, luckily Gamer's mind didn't let it get too far, "okay, okay. So it isn't just a curse that Raum placed on us, it' happening to everyone."

Chiron raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"We were fighting a demon a few hours ago, when Thalia and the other's fainted I thought it was because of something the demon did, but now..."

"We'll talk about this demon hunting later, for now I need your help getting everyone inside."

Percy nodded as he took off in a rush of speed. He quickly gathered asleep demigods and brought them into the medbay. Once he finished that he took out Thalia and the others out of his inventory and placed them on beds in the med bay as well. There was barely any room in here, but someone Mr. D had conjured up more bed for the place ensure each demigod had something to sleep on.

Percy looked down at the unconscious Thalia and sighed, "I promise love, I'm going to get you out of this."

Just then in a flash of light Hermes appeared in the Medbay with the unconscious bodies of the demigods in the Hermes squad floating behind him.

"Chiron we need help! They all suddenly...fainted…." Hermes trialed off as he saw every other demigod in camp laying there unconscious.

"We noticed," Percy spoke up as he quickly took all the demigods and put them in different beds. He turned to Hermes, "do you know the exact moment this happened?"

"Ten minutes ago," Hermes replied, "you have any idea of who's doing this?"

Percy shook his head, "not a clue," he quickly conjured a cloud of Mist and created a rainbow using the rays from the celing light. He tossed a coin in and said the words to Iris, "show me Praetor Julia."

The rainbow disappeared replacing it with an image of Julia asleep at her desk with papers in front of her.

"Is that the roman Praetor?" Hermes asked as he suddenly changed form. He had a metal helmet on his head with wings on either side along with a pair of sandals and a leather bag at his side. He looked more serious, less fun.

"I'm assuming this is your roman form?" Percy asked.

"Yes, it is."

Percy turned to Julia, "Julia! Wake up!" Percy continued to shout for sometime but she didn't stir.

"Maybe she's simply asleep?" Mercury suggested.

"No," Percy cursed as he swiped the image away, "Julia is far too dedicated to sleep on the job. Plus she was holding a pen, she wouldn't just drop asleep with a pen in her hand."

"Agreed," Mercury turned back into Hermes, "I'm going to go to Olympus right now, I'll get back to you the moment I find out anything."

Percy nodded and closed his eyes as the God flashed away. He was left alone in the room with the unconscious greek demigods, his family. Percy walked to Thalia and sat down by her side.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Percy whispered, "all this power, and I have no idea how to help you…..I promise you Thalia, I swear, I'll find a way to fix this. I'll do whatever it takes."

"Percy Jackson," a new voice called out behind him. Percy turned and there standing near the stairs was a woman dressed in a rainbow coloured dress with white wings behind her and rainbow coloured hair.

Percy looked at her name and title;

Iris, Goddess of rainbows

Lv- ?

"Iris," Percy nodded in acknowledgment.

"Did you mean it?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "mean what?"

"Did you mean what you said? About doing whatever it take to fix it. Did you mean it?"

Percy nodded, "yes," he used his telekinetic powers to pull Waverider out of his pocket and flipped off the cap creating his trident, "why are you here?"

"To help you," Iris waved her hand and on the wall beside her opened a portal made of rainbow light, "come with me and I can help you bring them back."

"Back? Back from where?"

"From where he has taken them."

"Do you know who did this?"

Iris nodded, "yes. Morpheus, the god of sleep."

Percy was confused, "why did he do this?"

"Come with me demigod, and I will tell you."

Percy narrowed his eyes and the goddess, but put away his weapon. His lie detecting abilities didn't go off once when he talked to her. So either she was telling the truth or a very good liar, and Percy didn't care which it was. If she could help him get his family back he would gladly walk into a trap.

Percy walked to the goddess and faced the portal. He turned Iris, "is this is a trap I swear of the Styx you will regret it."

Thunder boomed outside. Iris however didn't look startled or scared. She simply nodded, "that is acceptable. Please, enter."

Percy turned to the portal and sighed. He walked into the rainbow portal and disappeared. Iris quickly followed suit closing the portal behind her.

Just then Chiron walked up to the Med bay and looked around. He looked around confused, "Percy? Where did you go?"

At Yancy Academy;

Deep underneath the school in the hidden compartment that Churchill made, a cloud of black with red eyes woke up. If it had teeth it would have smiled.

Those demigods that it fought were fools. They had wasted so much energy fighting him. He didn't have to do anything, just pretend to be hurt, all the while he absorbed more and more of the stray mana they let loose.

It now had enough strength to leave this chamber, and so it did. It seeped up and through the cracks in the ground escaped the chamber and into the fresh air of the world. It looked around, the night was dark with a crescent moon hanging dimly in the night sky. Truly the perfect night to escape his prison.

Raum looked around, he was a in a school, presumably those children's school. If it was any other time he would have immediately had a feast eating on the souls of the children here, after all the pure virgin souls of the young were what he relished most, but he couldn't risk it. If those demigods knew he was alive they would track him and kill him, this time for good.

So regretfully Raum turned away from his buffet meal and flew to the border of the school. However as he was about to cross the school's grounds and achieve his freedom he suddenly crashed into an invisible barrier of sorts that shocked him so badly he felt actual pain in his body.

He was flung back into the school and quickly shook off the after effects. He growled as he looked around, "what in Satan's name was that?!"

"That was Churchill's final layer of protection for the world from you."

Raum looked around and saw a woman with blonde hair aproach him. She was very beautiful with full hips and a large pair of breasts which were just begging to be played with. If Raum had his physical body he would have had here right then, but alas, he couldn't have it all. Oh well, he could just eat her soul.

"You will do nicely for a snack," Raum slurped as he charged at the blonde haired woman.

"You see when Churchill built this place he didn't mean for it to be a school, he meant for it to be your prison," the black cloud was almost upon her. Suddenly the woman's hair shifted from yellow to blue.

The woman's hand suddenly turned black as she grabbed the cloud with her bare hands. She then proceeded to smash him into the ground creating a crater big enough to fit a car. She raised her fist and began battling her fists into Raum's body.

"ARGH" he didn't understand what was happening. He felt pain, real pain, he didn't have to fake it like he did with those children. He didn't understand how she was able to hurt him, especially when he was nothing but a ball of smoke.

The woman eventually stopped. She wiped the sweat from her head and looked down at the beaten demon. "Inside every one of these bricks that layer the school's wall is a little inscription that is specifically designed to stop you from leaving this place. In other words this is and always was intended to be your grave."

"You can't kill me! I'm a demon and you're just a-" Raum stopped mid sentence as he noticed something. Her eyes, her eyes were sulphuric yellow, and the moment her eyes meet his Raum found himself paralyzed with fear.

"No, no it can't be! This isn't possible! You should be dead!"

The blue haired woman smiled as she snapped her fingers summoning a black sword. She raised it into the air and looked down at the demon, "tell Satan I said hello."

She brought it down and a demon's cry filled the night.

Percy Jackson

Health- 15,400/15,400 (+2000) = 17,400

Mana- 8,325/8,325 (+2000) = 10,325 (+20% more mana, +1,865) = 12,190

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-49 Exp- 127,050/150,000


STR- [Original- 150] 0.146 (+11+20+75) = 106.146 (Layers of seals applied - 10)

VIT-150 (+11+20)=181






MONEY- 25,221,683$/ 20,856 D