
Chapter 55

Chapter 55:

"We need to strike back now!" Ares roared as he got off his throne, "Kronos is already amassing his strength and we need to gather ours."

"We can't just jump into battle Ares," Athena stepped forward to meet her half brother head on, "we are fighting an invisible army here. An army I remind you that has no problem finding out where we live. If we gather our forces now, with nowhere to attack we would just be sitting ducks. It would be equal to putting big red target on our back!"

"So you want us to just sit here and do nothing?!"

"No! I don't say that! We need to fight back, but we can't afford to call our armies yet! That would just give targets for Kronos to attack!"

"Then what do you suppose we do woman?!"

"Plan a strategy of attack!"

"I do have a strategy, attack!"

Poseidon sighed as he looked down at Percy standing besides his throne, "this is the problem of having two Gods of war."

Percy chuckled, "honestly I don't really care. This is some first class entertainment. It's like a spanish soap opera, only more magic and monsters."

Poseidon rolled his eyes as the two water lovers turned to their dysfunctional family.

"Enough!" Zeus finally stepped up stopping the two war god from wagging war, which seemed kind of redundant. "We will not settle anything by arguing about this!"

"Then what do you propose we do father?" Athena asked.

"Artemis," Zeus turned to his daughter, "you said nearly half of the humans have the mark of Kronos?"

The silver eyed Goddess nodded, "indeed father. Half, at least from what I have seen so far."

"Percy," Zeus turned to the son of Poseidon, "you have the most experience with these marked mortals, are they a danger to us?"

Percy hummed, "from what I gather, no, not really. If that was true then we would currently be living in a city filled with killers all out to get us. They way I see it these marks just push the bad people to do bad things, while leaving the good ones unaffected."

"I see… Athena," Zeus turned to his daughter, "have your children investigate these markings, find out how they spread and find out how to stop them."

"They are going to need help," Percy spoke up, "and lots of it."

"And why do you think you exists Percy?" Zeus asked with a chuckle.

"They are going to need people far more powerful than me," Percy clarified stopping Zeus mid sentence.

"What? More powerful than you?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. I could barely even see the mark, and that was with my best effort. The only reason I know what it even looks like is because Artemis managed to see it."

"I see..." Zeus scratched his beard. 'Huh, has anyone noticed Zeus is saying 'I see' a lot? No? Just me? Okay.'

"Artemis, what task are you and your hunters currently engaged in?" Zeus asked.

"The…." Artemis turned to look towards Percy. Zeus noticed what he daughter what looking at and sighed.

"It's fine, he's the impromptu leader of the demigods, he deserves to know about this," Zeus rubbed his temples.

"Well then, father, my hunters and I are currently hunting for the Ophiotaurus," Artemis explained.

"Wait, is that the thing you have been looking for for the past half a year?" Percy asked remembering his talks with Artemis during the beginning of his summer.

"Yes, it is."

"Damn, what type of monster is it that it can hide from you?"

"A very powerful one," Hera explained, "it's part bull and part serpent. It is said that if one harvest the entrails of the beast they will possess the power to overthrow the Gods."

Percy blotched, "shit! That sounds both awesome and horrible!"

Poseidon nodded, "indeed, if the Titans ever got ahold of that…. I shudder to think of what they would do."

"So wait if Artemis herself can't find it what hope do the rest of them have?" Percy asked, "I mean is there like a titan of hunting or something?"

"Well there is uncle Lelantos," Apollo spoke up, "but no one has seen him over centuries, and besides, he's on our side."

Percy looked confused when Artemis spoke up, "Lelantos is our mother's brother. As such he is our uncle by blood and is quite...attached to us."

"Yeah, Artemis is his favorite," Apollo chuckled at his sister.

"Enough," Zeus snapped, "either way it is clear we have much to do. Kronos may be silent for now, but I promise he will not remain that way. He gathers his powers through these marks of his. We also have the problem of the Ophiotaurus to deal with, not to mention Argo."

"Why Argo?" Percy asked, "did he like hack into the Pentagon and steal nuclear launch codes or something?"

The Gods all started at one another before Hermes spoke up, "ah well you know how it is. Argo is a man who can use Haki, so obviously he is of concern."

Percy realised his mistake, this was about that secret that happened 2000 years ago. The same secret the Gods would kill over, the kind that Hermes was protecting him from. Now that he understood what was going on Percy realised how the Gods were looking at him.

Ares looked positively pleased, like he was just waiting for Percy to slip up so that he could kill him. Hermes was begging Percy with his eyes to shut up, the same could be said for both Artemis and Poseidon. Athena looked curious as to what he would do, while Hera, Zeus and Hephaestus just looked surprised he would even ask such a question. Aphrodite kept on not giving a fuck while Dionysus and Demeter followed in her footsteps. And then there was Apollo, the only one who wanted Percy to slip up more that Ares.

"I see," Percy said stroking his chin like Zeus had done several times just a few moment ago, "very well carry on."

The Gods on Percy's side gave a sigh of relief while Apollo and Ares looked like someone had just kicked their puppy.

"Well I have a suggestion," Athena stood up.

"Don't you always," Ares grumbled.

Athena glared at her fellow God of war, but didn't take his bait. "I propose a three front assault. One team, lead by Artemis and her hunters will search for the Ophiotaurus. The second will be lead by me and my children, we will research and find out more about these markings. The third team will deal with finding and locating Kronos army."

"Wait won't you helping your children interfere with some ancient rule or something?" Percy asked.

"A brilliant question Percy," Athena was positively beaming with pride, "such wisdom from a child of Poseidon."

"He get's it from his mother," Poseidon chuckled.

"Clearly," Athena glared, "either way, no. Since Kronos is affecting humans we are allowed to interfere as well."

"So because he broke the rules first you're allowed to break them as well?"

"Indeed yes," Athena nodded.

"But won't Kronos suffer the consequences of his actions?"

"Yes, but I don't really think he cares," Zeus muttered, "either way this is a brilliant plan daughter. Set to it immediately. Who will lead the third team?"

"I was hoping Hermes father," Athena turned to the messenger God, "he is the fastest deity we have."

"I could take a couple of demigods from camp half-blood," Hermes spoke up, "it could be like a quest, expect well it would be a mission."

"Who do you have in mind?" Percy asked a little tense. This meant that his friends would have to fight, he knew they were ready, after all why else did he spend an entire summer training them? But still he worried.

"I was thinking a couple of my kids, maybe even that one son of Hades, what's his name?"


"Yeah, him. Maybe if you're free-"

"-No," Athena interrupted, "I don't think it would be wise to have Percy come along for a mission regarding stealth."

"Hey I can be sneaky!" Percy protested.

"No, you can't," Poseidon rolled his eyes.

"Hey! Whose side are you on anyway?!" Percy yelled at his dad who laughed it off.

"Fine, good point, but then what is Percy going to do?" Hermes asked, "he is way too valuable not to use."

"I was thinking we use him to find the Ophiotaurus," Athena suggested, "Artemis did not have much luck on her own, maybe with Percy's help she just might find it."

"Ah that's all good and all, but I kind of have school and well…..a normal life," Percy shrugged, "well I try anyway. I can't just push all that aside. Plus if people bearing the mark do go crazy you need someone who can stop them. With my job in the police department I can do just that, keep an eye on things."

"Boy we are in a war for the very soul of the planet," Ares snarled, "your friends and work can be pushed aside for a later time."

"Really? Is that what you did? Is that why you're a lonely little shit stain now that only cares about war?"

"Why you little brat! I should skin you for that!"

"Bring it ugly!" Percy drew Waverider, "I need a reason to release all this pent up anger!"

"Enough!" Zeus threw a lightning bolt into the ground calming everyone, "there will be no fighting in this throne room! Do you both understand?! One more stunt like this and I'll give you both to Hades for a week!"

"Yes Lord Zeus," Percy grumbled forcing himself to add th 'lord' part. He didn't like it, but Zeus was his girlfriend's father, and Percy knew the God was doing his level best not to simply evaporate him on the spot.

"Yes father," Ares grumbled and sat down, but didn't stop glaring at Percy.

"Either way Percy has a point father," Artemis spoke up, "I don't need his help. He is a fighter, not a tracker. Plus if he joins my hunt his mere presence would cause the other hunters, beings who have actual experience in tracking, to get distracted."

"Why would I distract your hunters?" Percy asked.

"You're a man," Artemis shrugged, "if you were there they would spend their time trying to kill you instead of finding the Ophiotaurus."

Percy nodded, "point taken."

Zeus sighed, "very well. For now Percy remains in reserve, but the other three teams are to be set up and operational in a week's time. I don't want delays, we need to be ready for the war, or it will come to us when we least expect it."

"What about the demigods?" Ares asked.

Percy glared, "what about us?"

"They are a vast and powerful army, especially the Romans," Ares smirked, he noticed how angry Percy got when Ares called the Romans better, "we can use them to fight Kronos's army."

"We need to first locate the army Ares," Athena spat.

"Yes….but maybe we can use them to lure the Titans out," Ares smiled.

Percy narrowed his eyes, "I don't like your tone."

"Tough kid."

"Just what are you implying son?" Zeus asked.

"Kronos wants the support of the demigods, but lucky for us Percy here stopped that from happening," Ares grumbled as he acknowledged Percy's help, "but what if the demigods had a change of heart?"

"You would risk our children to set up a trap for Kronos?!" Athena roared.

"Yes, I would!"

"How dare you! These are our children Ares!" Hermes began to yell with a fury Percy had rarely seen displayed by the Messenger God.

"And that's exactly why they should do this!" Ares argued, "they can handle it!"

"And why do you think that?!"

"Because I believe in them!" Ares snapped, "they are warriors, not children. They have been raised to do one thing, fight. And I believe they are strong enough to fight this war, I believe in them. Why don't you?!"

"Because he and Athena don't see us as just warriors," Percy stepped in, "they also see us as what we are supposed to be, children."

Ares glared at Percy, "you are not a child."

Percy nodded, "agreed, but there are still some amongst us that are."

"Is that worth dying for? That innocence?"

"Did you just ask me if it is worth dying for the innocent?" Percy raised an eyebrow.

Ares scoffed, "you hero types are all the same. All talk, no back bone."

"And you give Gods a bad name Ares," Percy snapped.

"Enough!" Zeus snapped, he knew an argument was coming when he saw it, "there will be no talks. We will not under any circumstances endanger the demigods, they are our main fighting force!" Percy coughed into his hand, "and-ah, and our children." Percy smiled.

"Fine!" Ares roared as he got up, "if you all don't want my advice on the matter then far be it for me to deny you your deaths!" Ares charged out of the throne room throwing the doors open behind him.

Zeus grumbled as he rubbed his temples, "this meeting is over. Leave, all of you!"

The Gods flashed away one by one. Percy got a big hug from his dad before the sea God left and now he was alone as he walked out of the throne room with Artemis by his side.

"Why didn't you flash back to your hunter's camp?" Percy asked.

"I needed a few moments to myself," Artemis sighed, "this battle we face….I'm nervous."

"You have every right to be," Percy smiled as he placed a comforting hand on the Goddess shoulder, "don't worry so much Arty, I'm sure you do well."

The moon goddess raised an eyebrow, "really? Because you might be the only one who thinks so Percy. I have been tracking the Ophiotaurus for months now and I have come no closer to it's location, the other Gods have lost their trust in my abilities, I fear that I won't be able to find the wretched creature."

Percy smiled, "it sounds to me like you have a lot of pent up stress."

The goddess nodded, "yes. It's times like these that I wish I could go and kill something, but with the way things are going I doubt I could find anything that could appease my anger."

Suddenly a lightbulb went off in Percy's head, "I have just the thing."

"What do you mean?"

"You know I have powers right?" Artemis looked confused, "I mean the power to create pocket dimensions with monsters filled inside?"

Artemis nodded, "yes and….?"

Percy sighed, "Artemis, I can create worlds filled with monsters to kill…..do you understand where I am going with this?"

Artemis blinked once, twice and then a smile came on her face. Percy grinned, "you have some time to kill?"

"Yes, usually the meetings on Olympus don't end so quickly, the hunters will not expect me for some time now."

"Great, then you and I can go dungeon crawling," Percy said as he opened up his ID creations skills looking over the list of dungeons he had access too;

ID Create, Lv-25 (12%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

Monster Dungeon- Zombies

Monster Dungeon- Goblin Camp

Area Dungeon – Mountain/ Island/ Swamp/ Forest/ Plains

Empty Dungeon – Time dilation (1/5)

Monster Dungeon- Parademon invasion

Percy quickly found one, "okay so your options are this, a dungeon filled with zombies, a goblin army, a mountain range, an island, a swamp, a forest, a large plain or a city infested with interdimensional monsters."

Artemis blinked, "I see….what would you recommend?"

"Well I've spent a lot of time in the zombie dungeon, it's okay, if you're a demigod. It's kind of easy for a Goddess though, won't really give you a challenge."

"Alright, then what else?"

"Well there is the Goblin camp, and I have fought in it once before. There is one insanely strong enemy there, but again I wouldn't recommend it for a Goddess. Plus he's kind of a perv and I don't want you destroying everything there by going nuclear."

"Percy why do you assume I am so easy to upset?"

"Because you are."

"I don't like your tone Jackson," Artemis growled.

"See, you're upset, you just proved my point. Thank you."

Artemis opened her mouth to argue but huffed in annoyance. She just grumbled and crossed her arms, "fine, what else?"

"Well I haven't really explored any of the mountains, swaps, islands, forest or plains yet, so maybe that?"

"I see...very well then how about the forests?"

"Okay," Percy held Artemis hand as he put his other up in the air, "ID Create: Area Dungeon: Forest!"

The world shifted from under their feet. Everything around them flashed red. Artemis grabbed Percy by the arm and moved closer to him, she wasn't used to this. The marble city of Olympus melted away, Artemis now found herself and Percy standing in the middle of a very dense forest with a full moon shining down on them through the tree leaves.

You have entered a forest!

+5 to all stats!

Percy grinned as he turned to look at Artemis, "you can let go now."

Artemis blushed as she immediately did so, "I-apologize. Your abilities surprised me. I didn't realise you could do….well this."

Percy nodded, "yeah it's a pretty unique ability. It creates this whole nother world for me to explore. Kind of like….well like a pocket dimension. You know what that is right?"

"You can create your own realm?" Artemis asked in amazement, "how did you obtain such an ability?"

Percy shrugged, "didn't my dad tell you?"

Artemis blinked before slowly nodded, "yes….he mentioned something about the Fates."

Percy shrugged, "basically that," Percy didn't really know what to say. He would rather avoid talking about the Fates, last time he saw one of them….well let's just say he didn't enjoy it.

Artemis looked around, the forest looked generic, pine trees with shrubs all around. The ground was covered with dead leaves and dirt. If she was to guess she would say it was somewhere between spring and summer in this world, if such a thing even existed here.

"So what can you tell me off this place?" Artemis asked.

"Honestly? Nothing. I have no idea what this place holds," Percy chuckled as he took out Riptide, "I didn't really have enough time to explore this place. I just know the basics, find a monster, kill it, take the loot and then move on. Simple as that."

Artemis frowned, "so this is a place filled with monsters, monsters which, I remind you, you have no idea what they look like or can do. And you thought it would be a safe to bring me here?"

Percy shrugged, "you're the goddess of hunting, I don't see what the big deal is, I mean, do you want everything served to you on a silver platter? Learn to go with the flow Arty."

Artemis huffed, she snapped her fingers summoning a bow and quiver out of thin air. "I assure you Percy I can go with the flow," Artemis put on the quiver and readied her bow, "it would have just been nice if you knew what we were hunting."

"I promise, we'll know when we find it," Percy grinned and turned around, "now come on! Adventure awaits!"

Artemis rolled her eyes but followed the demigod. They went through the forest, pacing their steps, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, like a monster charging at them with a giant sword.

'Hm, that's strange,' Percy thought to himself as his internal clock quickly hit the 5 minute mark, 'by now a monster would have shown up. It would have also tried to kill me. Hm...,maybe my high level is affecting the spawn rate? No, that's not possible, I mean it never happened before, why should it now?'

Just then Artemis grabbed Percy's shoulder and pulled him backwards. "Hey what-" Artemis hushed him by placing a hand over his mouth. She squatted lower, telling Percy to do the same. The two hide behind a bush as Artemis stared into the distance.

"There," she said pointing at a small clearing a few feet in front of them, "do you see it?"

"What do you-" Percy stopped, he immediately activated his 8.0 Eyesight and looked at where the Goddess was pointing. Immediately he saw it, and he couldn't help but gasp at it's beauty.

It was a silver stag. Silver like Artemis's eyes. It's horns were gold and it's hooves were black like coal. An aura of blueish silver light crowned it as it walked from shrub to shrub eating its fill.

"What is that?" Artemis asked in a tone of wonder, "I have never seen a deer like that in my life."

Percy quickly used Observe on the creature;

Majestic Hind

Lv- 25

HP: 2,500/2,500


Str- 23

Vit- 45





A creature born out of purity and good will, it represents the embodiment of how pure a creature of the wild can be. It's hooves are made of black diamond, it's fur of silver, it's horns of gold and it's blood of liquid platinum. Truly it is a valuable creature, but not because of it's body.

Kill to gain- 300 Exp

"It's called a majestic Hind," Percy supplied, "it's supposed to represent the purity of the wild."

"How did you know that?" Artemis asked looking at Percy in wonder.

Percy cursed, 'damn it! I got used to talking fo freely to Thalia! Think Percy think!' "I ah, well I kind of just made up a name for it. Thought Majestic Hind sounded cool."

Lie succeeded!

"And the purity of the wild statement?" Artemis raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry have you seen this thing?" Percy pointed, "it looks like a fucking angel come to life. If it wasn't a symbol of purity then you're not a virgin goddess."

Lie Failed!

'Damn it!' Percy cursed, 'guess it was a little too much to ask for!'

Artemis looked confused before realization dawned on her. She sighed, "sometimes Percy I feel like you keep a lot of things hidden from me."

"What ah, what do you mean Arty?"

Artemis formed, "I may not be the God of truth, but I have picked up a few things by watching my brother."

Percy sighed, "look it's….I can' talk about it. I'm sorry, but I can't."

Artemis nodded, "I understand that Percy, I too have secrets….ones that I do not share with anyone, not even my brother. But that is not what I meant, you don't' have to bear these secrets alone, you can trust me Percy, I'm on your side."

The son of Poseidon smiled, "thanks Artemis." The two looked into each other's eyes and suddenly Percy remembered the image of Artemis he saw in Clotho's vision. The image of Artemis grabbing him and kissing him.

Percy blushed and turned away, Artemis was confused by this action but said nothing.

"So ah-," Percy cleared his throat, "what exactly are we going to do about the deer?"

"Well we aren't going to hurt it if that's what you are asking," Artemis put away her quiver as she stood up, "your powers are interesting to say the least Percy. To be able to create something of this beauty….tell me have you ever created something like this before?"

Percy forced, "no...not that I remember anyway. Nothing as amazing as the Hind, maybe….no, definitely not."

"Then this warrants further investigations," Artemis walked forward, "coming?"

"You want to just go up to it and talk?" Percy asked surprised.


"You think it will listen?"



"Because I'm Artemis, the Goddess of the moon, and deers are my sacred animal," Artemis smirked, "although maybe it would be best to introduce another fellow deer to the Hind when me meet. So as to not spook it."

"But we don't' have a deer with us," Percy said as he put away his weapon. Suddenly his eyes popped open, "wait….you don't mean….your weren't planning on turning me into a deer were you?"

Artemis blinked, "what? No!"

Lie detected!

"You were?!" Percy shouted, "I can't believe this! Ten minutes! It's been ten minutes and you are already thinking about turning me into a deer! Again!"

Artemis rolled her eyes, "fine," she grumbled, "I won't turn you into a deer. Do you have an apple? If we can't make him like us by showing a fellow deer," Percy huffed, "then we need to feed it something."

Percy opened his inventory and pulled out a fresh apple. He threw it to Artemis, "here. Still can't believe you wanted to turn me into a deer. I thought we moved on from that phase of our relationship."

Artemis chuckled, "you certainly can whine a lot Percy. Now come, there is a Hind I wish to seduce."

The two walked to the clearing carefully. Percy drew back, he let Artemis take the lead. The goddess obviously had more experience with this than him.

Artemis looked at the Hind, and the moment they came close enough, it noticed them as well. Immediately Artemis bent down extending an open palm to the Hind, "my name is Artemis oh pure one, I assure you, I mean you no harm."

The Hind looked at her and then to Percy. The demigod stiffened, he was unnerved by how intelligent those eyes locked, it was almost like the Hind knew what they were saying. Taking a chance Percy reached out with his mind and felt the emotions of the Hind, instead of fear or surprise he felt calmness and a sense of wonder.

Percy walked up and bent next to Artemis, "I think it knows we mean it no harm."

Artemis nodded, "yes, I sensed its intelligence as well," she took out the apple from before and presented it to the Hind, "here, for you."

The silver fur deer smiled as it quickly approached the two. It smelt Artemis's hand and slowly closed it's mouth around the apple grabbing it and chewing the red fruit.

Artemis smiled as she ran her fingers through it's long silver fur, it felt warm to the touch. The Goddess of the hunt sighed in happiness as she felt a feeling of calmness take over her body.

"This truly is a spirit of purity," Artemis whispered as the Hind finished eating, "it is as calming as a bottle of nectar."

Percy smiled, "you know if you want you could take it."

Artemis blinked, "really? Is that possible?"

Percy scratched his chin, "well honestly haven't really tired...there is only one way I know for sure that it will work, but that would involve killing it temporarily."

Artemis shook her head, "no. I love the Hind true, but that doesn't justify me taking it out of it's natural habitat. My selfish desires must not be put above the life of this beast."

Percy smiled, "you know I kind of had a feeling you were going to say that."

The two stepped back and watched in silence as the Hind slowly walked away searching for more berries to eat in the forest. A sense of calm settled over them, Percy was honestly surprised, this was probably the first time he didn't kill something he meet in his ID's.

He turned to Artemis, the Goddess was amazing to say the least. There was this innocence about her, a sense of purity. Maybe it was attributed to the fact that she was a virgin, or maybe it was something to do with her domain. But Percy thought different, he didn't see it that way, she was just naturally so nice, it honestly disarmed Percy to see her this way. He realised that for the first time he might have just gotten a look at the real Artemis.


A tree crashed in the distance. Percy and Artemis tried to look at what caused it, but the moment they turned away the Hind started to run away. The noise came again;


This time is was closer. Percy turned to the Hind, "it must have sensed something was wrong." He pulled out Riptide and Waverider, "we need to alert."

"Understood," Artemis snapped to attention. The soft features on her face were locked away as she took on her 'Huntress' persona once more. She drew her bow and nocked an arrow, they stood side by side ready for anything.


"MEH!" The Hind shrieked as the trees in front of it exploded outwards. A giant monstrous figure jumped out from the trees, splinters rained across the air. It grabbed the Hind with arms as big as a full grown human and ripped the deer in half. Platinum blood poured down, the monster raised the dead body to it's lips hungrily drinking the precious liquid.

"No!" Artemis shirked in horror. She started to glow, anger took over.

The monster threw away the now drained corpse of the Majestic Hind. Percy got a good look at it. It had the body of a giant gorilla, but with the hairy face of a boar. It stood on two legs, it's hands covered with claws as big as Riptide. It's tusks were large and looked sharp enough to cut steel, and it's eyes glowed green with hunger.

Roaring Primadox

Lv- 35

HP: 10,500/10,500


Str- 56

Vit- 65





A beast born to kill and ravage the land. The Roaring Primadox is a beast carved out of the very foundations of the forest, it exists to bring balance to the eco system. It kills without mercy or regret, pray you don't meet it in combat.

Kill to gain- 500 Exp

Percy growled, "looks like we found the monster we have to fight."

Artemis nodded, "indeed."

"GRAAA!" The Primadox roared as it smashed its fists into the ground causing the very ground to shake. But neither Percy nor Artemis were shaken. The Goddess pulled back her arrow and let it go.

The arrow whistled through the air in a flash of silver. It hit the Primadox in the right eye imbedding itself into it's brain. The monster paused before it feel to it's knees and then flat on the ground. It was dead on the spot.

"What the shit," Percy exclaimed as he saw the monster vanish in front of his eyes leaving behind a single tusk, some money and a veil of blue potion. "How did you do that?!"

Artemis shrugged as she put away her bow and arrow, "I aimed for it's brain. I'm sure even a beast like that wouldn't be able to survive an arrow to it's brain."

Percy blinked, "right…." 'Huh, this might be easier than I thought.'

Percy and Artemis quickly approached the loot the monster left behind and Percy observed it.

Tusk of the Primadox,

One can hollow this out and make it into a horn. That honor will then be able to summon other Roaring Primadox to one location. But the question is, are you sure you want to summon more?

Number of uses per horn- 1

Roaring potion,

The drinker of this potion will be able to shout 20 times more than their normal voice. This will give a +20% bonus to all skills that involve speaking.

Time limit- 5 minutes.

Money- 5,000$

Percy was impressed, there was fairly unique prizes. He tossed Artemis the potion and the money, "here, you earned it."

The Goddess blinked, "what do you mean?"

"They are yours," Percy clarified as he picked up the tusk looking it over, "they are yours by right."

"But what use have I for them?" Artemis asked looking over the money and potion, "I don't even know what this potion does."

"This potion is a shouting potion," Percy explained as he used his matter manipulation to hollow out the inside of the tusk making it into a horn, "you will be able to shout 20 times more loudly for five minutes."

Artemis blinked, "how do….never mind."

Percy chuckled, "you learn quick. Anyway, yeah, it's yours. Maybe you can use the cash on the hunt or something. Take them out for a special lunch or something. You know, do something fun."

Percy examined the horn as Artemis turned to the dead Hind. She bent down and examined the body. Tears welled up in her eyes as she closed it's eyes. Percy looked over and sighed, "there was nothing you could do."

Artemis nodded as she got up, "I know. I of all people know the rules of the jungle Percy, it's kill or get killed. I understand that. I just regret not being able to save it."

Percy sighed, "well if it makes you feel any better we could probably get revenge," he tossed her the horn.

Artemis raised an eyebrow, "what is this?"

"I hollowed out the Primadox tusk. If you blow through this you summon more of those creatures," Percy grinned, "maybe we could use them to blow off some steam."

Artemis looked at the horn and smiled, "maybe," she took the blue potion from before and uncorked it. Before Percy could say anything she chugged it down emptying it in one gulp.

"Why did you do that?!" Percy yelled out in a panic.

"I WANTED EVERY PRIMADOX IN THIS FOREST TO HEAR MY CALL" Artemis responded in a tone so loud Percy winced as he covered his ears, "OH, SORRY, WAS I TOO LOUD?"

"Stop talking!" Percy yelled as he waited for his ears to stop vibrating, "you need to be more careful , just blow the stupid horn."

The Goddess nodded, she placed the tusk on her lips, took a deep breath, and let loose.


The ground in front of Artemis erupted as the vibrations from the tusk exploded outwards shattering the tusk, turning it into dust.

'Pop' that was the sound of Percy's ear drums exploding. The son of Poseidon went deaf at the sound of that horn. He felt blood leaking down his ears as he tried his best to stay on his feet. 'Stupid Percy, you should have fucking backed up!'

Artemis ran to Percy's side, she helped him stand still, Percy could see her lips moving but he could hear shit. Panic rose in Percy, but just as quickly it was squashed away. Gamer's mind took over, it helped him think thought this problem of his.

Immediately Percy's hands glowed gold as he placed them over his ears curing his deafness.

The shriek of the real world hit him hard as Percy heard Artemis's voice again, "Percy? Percy are you okay?"

"Stop talking," Percy grumbled as he wiped the blood from his ears, Artemis was controlling her voice, but it was still far too loud for his delicate newly created eardrums.

Artemis nodded as the two waited for a few seconds for Percy to get his bearing back. He quickly shook his head, "maybe I should have stood a little further away."

The Goddess sighed as she smiled at him nodding her head.

"Sorry about snapping at you before," Percy said rubbing his head, "I was kind of in a lot of pain." The Goddess smiled and waved her hand, "well glad to see you forgive me. Anyway I'm guessing we are going to be swarmed with a huge wave of those Primadox monsters, you ready?" The Goddess grinned and evil smile as she readied her weapon, Percy didn't need to guess what her answer was.

A few minutes later;

Percy stood in the middle of the clearing with Waverider in it's trident form.


Percy looked in the corner of his eyes and saw three Roaring Primadox charge out of the trees and make a line straight for him. The demigod smiled as he waited for the monsters to attack.

The Paradox in the lead jumped into the air and brought down it's fists, Percy extended a single arm and grabbed the creature with his telekinetic powers. The monster looked confused as it floated in the air, Percy smirked as he threw it into one of the other Primadox.

The third one saw what happened to it's brothers and roared in anger, it charged Percy but before it could even raise it's mighty fists a silver arrow embedded itself into it's skull dropping it like a sack of potatoes.

Percy moved away from the disappearing corpse of the Primadox and looked out the two that were slowly getting back up. He didn't let them get on their feet. Percy took Waverider and threw it at the two, peircing one in the head;

Critical strike!

100,000 Attack X 2,500 times = 250,000,000 Attack

The monster didn't stand a chance.

Percy then gathered a large amount of mana into his right hand and created a ball of energy. He launched it at the remaining Primadox ripping a perfectly round hole into it's chest.

Critical strike!

100 Attack X 2,500 times = 2,50,000

The remaining Primadox vanished into nothing as well.


Total Exp gained: 1,000 Exp

Percy summoned his trident to him using his telekinetic powers and once when it is in his arms he channeled the feeling of greed through it activating it's Greed Mode. Percy thought of all the times he wanted something, a kiss from his girlfriend, more money to buy things, more power to save his friends, and slowly the white lines running along the trident turned orange;

Special mode Activated! Emotion: Greed

Greed- 5 X Loot, special ability - causes automatic gathering of loot.

Percy clicked his teeth, 'Shit, I should have activated this before I beat the shit out of them, that way I would have gotten more loot! Sigh, maybe next time.'

Waverider glowed with an orange aura as it automatically targeted the fallen loot items. Said items, which were mostly just money or tusks of the fallen Paradoxes, glowed orange before automatically disappearing into Percy's inventory giving him a notification;

Items obtained;

10,000 $

1 Roaring potions

20 D

1 tusk of Primadox

Percy wiped the screen away and waited for the next wave. He didn't have to wait long as soon another wave of Paradoxes broke through the tree line charging right at him. Percy counted 12 of them, he lowered his trident and with a vicious grin charged, "come on you dead fuckers!"

The son of Poseidon leapt into battle without a second thought. He moved his trident as if it was a part of him. Every swing of the weapon caused a Primadox to die. Percy was having fun, he was finally able to let loose after so long.

Occasionally an arrow would fly out from the trees tops, Artemis acted like his support firing arrow after arrow in rapid motion. The monsters went down with an arrow sticking out of their head, they didn't even realise they were dead.

Soon more and more Paradoxes came, and they all feel to Percy and Artemis. Soon the clearing became filled with golden sand as the monsters disappeared one by one. Percy's arms grew heavy, but he wasn't tired, no, not one bit. If anything he felt like this was just a warm up.

A pair of Paradoxes charged Percy from either sides, the son of Poseidon jumped up and floated in the air as he sent two energy blasts at the beasts killing them both.

"ARGH!" A third Primadox jumped at the floating Percy with it's arms spread out, Percy gracefully moved away from the monster's attack slicing Waverider through it's neck. The Primadox turned into dust by the time it reached the ground.

Total Exp Gained: 21,000 Exp


You leveled up!

Percy Jackson

Health- 15,400/15,400 (+2000) = 17,400

Mana- 8,325/8,325 (+2000) = 10,325 (+20% more mana, +1,865) = 12,190

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-49 Exp- 2,050/150,000


STR(Multiseal– 6) - 2.89 (+20 + 60+5)= 92.89

VIT-109(+11+20+5)= 145

DEX-56(+11+20+5)= 92

INT-120 (+5) = 125

WIS-62 (+5) = 67

LUC-100 (+5) = 105


Percy looked at the points he had, 'maybe I should spend some of these things, if Kronos is coming for us I need to be on my A game.' Percy pushed the notification aside, he would deal with that later.

The demigod turned to the tree Artemis was firing from, "I think that's all of them," Percy said as he floated down landing in the ankle deep golden dust currently occupying the clearing.

"I believe so," Artemis said as she jumped down from the tree she was hiding in. She smiled as she looked at Percy, "I almost thought you were going to break a sweat there."

Percy chuckled, "me? Neah, you're thinking of the other teenage son of Poseidon."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "seriously Percy, I was worried. I didn't know you could fly."

Percy blinked, 'oh shit…..fuck me' Percy rubbed his forehead, "shit….it was supposed to be a secret. Fuck my life."

"I won't tell anyone Percy, I swear," Artemis assured him, "I'm assuming you particularly don't want my father to know, yes?"

Percy sighed and nodded, "yeah…..I discovered I could do this just a few weeks ago. Thalia has been helping me with it, but we decided it would be best if people didn't realise I could do this, you know? A son of Poseidon that could fly, that would definitely cause heads to roll, and in this case I'm worried that the head in question might be mine."

Artemis nodded, "my father is a very vindictive person. If he knew you could travel in his domain...well rest assured I certainly won't be mentioning this to him. Though I would suggest you try and hide your secrets better."

"Yeah, I will. I am usually better at hiding things, but...I don't know," Percy shrugged, "guess you just seem trustworthy. I don't really feel like keeping things from you Arty, I trust you."

The goddess blushed gold, but she turned her face away before Percy could spot it. "R-right. Now what do we do?"

Percy looked at the loot he obtained from the fallen monsters. Including the stuff from before he now had;

105,000$ (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 525,000$

70 Roaring potions (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 350 Roaring potions

9,000 D (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 45,000 D

34 tusks of Primadox (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 170 tusks of Primadox

4 Bottle of Forest essence (X5 due to Greed bonus) = 20 Bottle of Forest essence

Percy grinned, "we got a lot of loot from that round," Percy then began to list all that they had gathered, each item listed caused Artemis's mouth to open lower and lower until it almost look unhinged.

"How did you get so much?!" Artemis shrieked the moment Percy was done, "Hades! I didn't even see you collect all that!"

Percy pointed to his trident that glowed orange, "Waverider has a special mode called 'Greed'. When active it automatically gathers all loot dropped and will increase it by 5. Pretty cool huh?"

Artemis blinked in disbelief, "you are impossible."

Percy chuckled, "yeah," he quickly took out all the money they got along with the drachma. There was so many he had to use his telekinesis to carry them all. He floated them to Artemis, "here, it's yours."

The Goddess looked at the money and did a quick count, "but Percy this is all the money that was dropped."

Percy shrugged, "I don't really have need for money anymore."

"And yet I insist we share," Artemis took 250,000 and 20,000 D and snapped her fingers vanishing it, "you will need it in order to help build your Haven."

Percy raised an eyebrow, he wanted to tell her how he could just summon gold out of the Earth if he wanted, but doing that would raise suspicion. And Percy may trust Artemis, but he wasn't stupid. So he just nodded his head and put the money away for later.

Percy gave Artemis a couple of Primadox tusks, they were useless now, Percy was sure they would have probably cleared all of the monsters in the area and then some. So for now the tusks were just decorational. Artemis also took half of the roaring potions, something about scaring the shit out of her Hunters, Percy was honestly surprised, he didn't think the moon Goddess had a mischievous bone in her body.

However all of those loot items were basic, not really worth noting. The main attraction now however was the 20 'Bottle of Forest essence' Percy obtained;

Bottle of Forest essence;

Will allow the drinker a permanent +5 to all stats in the forest. Will also enhance the user's senses when in the forest.

Percy had waited for over a year to drink the first one of these he found because he wasn't sure it was safe. The first time this was a loot item he got from defeating a Gergosa, so immediately he was on alert. He didn't' want it to turn him into a monster or something. But now he knew what it could do, and there was no reason to hesitate.

'No...wait,' Percy turned to Artemis, she was the Goddess of the Hunt, of the Forest, she would probably sense it if he grew stronger because of the forest. So Percy sighed as he made a mental note for himself to use the essence the first chance he got.

"So now where do we go?" Artemis asked.

"I think that way," Percy pointed at the direction from which most of the Paradoxes charged from, "since the monsters came from that direction I'm betting we'll find the boss there as well."

Artemis nodded as the two began walking deeper into the forest. Percy was having fun, but this dungeon crawling just didn't feel exciting, not when he first started. He remembered the very first dungeon he hoped into, Gods that felt like so long ago.

He was so stupid back then, he just jumped in without a care in the world. The only thing he had to protect himself was a sword, a shield and the ability to control water. And with that he took down Zed, his first servant. It was a proud moment of his life, one he won't forget. And by the way things are going, he probably will never replicate.

Things have, for a lack of words, been getting boring lately. Percy was quite frankly far too powerful for these normal dungeons. He killed all those Paradoxes without breaking a sweat, and not just that he wasn't even trying now. In fact he could have just killed them all with his tactile telekinesis alone, just rearrange all their molecules and rip their hearts out.

Percy sighed, 'this just isn't as challenging as it used ot be.'

"Something the matter Percy?" Artemis asked noticing her friend's low spirits.

"Nothing Arty it's just….sigh, that back there didn't even feel like a work out, you know? It just felt so easy, their broke down like they were nothing, hell I didn't even use a quarter of my power!"

Artemis chuckled, "and now you know how a God feels. Congratulations, welcome to the club."

Percy sighed again, "how do you guys deal with it? With all this power?"

Artemis shrugged, "honestly? I don't know. I was born a God, I've never had to contemplate mortality or anything of the sort. But I did ask my hunters, the ones that became immortal, how they felt. They said it was similar to moving to a new town, everything will be different, but at the same time it will also be the same."

Percy rolled his eyes, "yeah but I'm different from your hunters, they can't do the things I can do, Hades, they can't even come close. Ah, no offence."

"None taken, you were simply stating the facts," Artemis shrugged as they passed a small stream devoid of any life forms drinking from it.

"Thanks….but I think you were right, about it being like moving to a new neighborhood or something. Except in my case it's a new planet and my neighbors all happen to be Gods."

Artemis nodded, "true….you know you could do what Gods do."

"And what's that?"

"Seal away some of your power," Artemis explained, "our true form contains all our strength, it's what we can truly do. This form you see now is….well it's only a fraction of what we can do."

Percy frowned, "I see….sealing your power….intresting….maybe."

"Well whatever you plan on doing I suggest you hold off on it for some time, at least after Kronos is dealt with, then you can-"

Artemis stopped mid sentence as a gasp escaped her mouth. Percy and the Goddess looked with open jaws as the forest gave way to what looked like a valley. In the center of the valley was a tree so big it dwarfed Olympus. It's vines were the size of skyscrapers and it's leaves the size of cars. And surrounding this behemoth of a tree were thick forest the kinds Artemis hasn't seen since the dawn of man.

"B-beautiful," Artemis exclaimed as she looked at the trees and the forest surrounding it.

"I-I didn't realise there was a place like this," Percy said in blunt truthfulness, "if I did…..damn, now I'm wondering how the others might look."

The two quickly continued their walk into the new denser jungle. Every tree they saw was teaming with life. As when before everything was dead, here there were bugs and other creatures of the forest. Birds, monkeys, snakes, Percy swore he even saw a tiger once.

The branches of the giant tree covered them and blocked out the moonlight. Percy snapped his fingers summoning a fireball, it eliminated the area around them, but not much else.

"This is all so beautiful," Artemis spoke as she looked at it all. She approached a bush of roses and plucked a single flower, "such beauty."

"Yeah," Percy observed each animal here and found they were just that, animals. They weren't monsters to kill, they didn't offer an Exp points, well they did, but enough to warrant their death.

"We must come here more often Percy," Artemis almost pleaded with him as she took a deep breath stretching her arms out wide, "truly a place of wonder."

Percy nodded, "sure, why not? Maybe we can come here every other week or something, should be fun."

Artemis happily agreed as the two began to walk further into the forest. They quickly came across a big river that seemed to go underground towards the root of the giant tree in the center of the forest. Percy figured a tree of that size would need a lot of water to keep it alive, this river might just be one of many other water sources the tree draws from.

Artemis and Percy jumped across the river and moved forward. Percy's eyes were finally getting used to the darkness, he might not need the fire ball in a few minutes. Heck maybe-


Percy and Artemis were immediately on high alert. Percy readied Waverider and Artemis nocked an arrow. The sound came from all around them, for the life of him Percy couldn't pin point where. The trees took on a wicked tone now, every shadow held death, every noise sounded like danger.

"This way," Artemis started walking one way, Percy wasn't sure if this was where the sound came from, but he trusted the Goddess knew where she was going.


The sound directly behind them, Percy turned and launched the fire ball in his hand. It flew through the air as the thing that growled at them jumped with a yelp.

Percy readied his weapon to attack when Artemis stepped in front of him, "wait."

Percy blinked but didn't move, he looked to the beast and was surprised by what he saw. It was a green tiger with yellow strips. It was as big as a bear and was covered with wounds left and right. One of it's eyes were shredded into pieces and it's right leg looked like it was broken in several different places.

Percy quickly observed the creature;

Dirtiger of the Forest

Lv- 21

HP: 150/15,000

MP: 300/300

Str- 32

Vit- 43


Int- 14

Wis- 12

Luc- 3

A member of the proud Dirtiger family, this creature is known for its ruthless attitude and it's dangerously sharp fangs. It is often known as a pack hunter but can also fight solo for its meals.

Kill to gain- 1,000 Exp

"It's dying," Percy stated as he noticed it's HP drop by 5 points every second.

"We need to help it," Artemis said as she slowly put down her bow and arrow approaching the beast with open arms.

The Dirtier saw her and growled. Artemis stopped and put her hands up, "it's okay, it's fine. I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you."

The beast however didn't believe her, he jumped forward and swiped with his paw scratching Artemis's open hands.

"Arty!" Percy moved to her but the Goddess shot him a look. The demigod paused, he knew a warning when he saw one, and the last thing he wanted was for Artemis to be mad at him. He stayed back, but tightened his grip on Waverider.

Artemis turned to the tiger, golden ichor running down her hands. She looked at him, "it's okay," the Dirtiger growled, "everything is going to be fine."

The goddess reached out once again. The cat looked at the hand, it tensed, Percy thought he would have to step in, but the moment Artemis's fingers touched the monsters green fur a weight had been lifted. The cat fell down to the ground collapsing where it stood, it's body finally giving in.

"Percy," Artemis called him over and the demigod was by her side in an instant. "Can you help him?"

"Goddess I can cure cancer," Percy smirked as he put a hand on the dirt tiger's head activating his powers. Slowly the wounds on the tiger began to close itself as more as it slowly grew to normal. Percy's healing also restored 25% on his HP and MP, it was well on it's way to recovery.

"That's an amazing power you have Percy," Artemis whispered in awe as she saw it in action.

"Thanks," Percy's hands stopped glowing. He ran his hands along the tiger's fur and smiled "he'll be fine."

"Could you please put him in your inventory for me?" Artemis asked as she got up.

"Ah yeah but….well I…." Percy groaned, "why do you want me too?"

"We can't just leave him out here now can we?"

"Yes but...you do know that none of this is real right?" Percy asked.

"What do you mean?"

"This, this forest and the animals, none of this is real Artemis," Percy explained, "it's just an illusion the Fates created. It's kind of like a virtual training ground with everyone else acting like a supporting character."

Artemis frowned, "then….what about those servants of yours? The ones you got from here?"

"Well…..I honestly don't know," Percy groaned, he had never stopped to think about it. Where the things in this place alive? Was Percy killing things that had life? In truth he didn't want to know the answer, he was afraid he might not like it.

Percy sighed, "fine, I'll put him in my inventory, but it won't help. He will essentially be frozen in time, he will still need to recover when we take him out again."

Artemis nodded, "that is fine. Please do so." Percy complained and after storing away one large and heavy tiger the two were off once again.

"That was a pretty big tiger," Percy commented, "I wonder what could have done that to it."

"A Primadox?"

"Not likely," Percy shook his head, "they only go after Hind's, plus Dirtigers hunt in packs, a single Primadox wouldn't have the guts to take on an etier pack and hope to survive."

Artemis sighed, "and how exactly do you know all this? If I recall correctly you insist you have never been here, you act and react like you have never been here, and yet you know so much about the creatures and their lives."

Percy sighed, "it's a long story. And I told you, I can't tell you."

Artemis rolled her eyes, "fine, fine, everyone has a right to keep their secrets. Just don't bottle them up too much."

"I won't, promise" Percy smiled, 'after all I have Thalia to talk too.'

"But if what you said is true," Artemis glared, "then something other than a Primadox attacked the diretiger, and whatever that something was probably took out an entire streak of tigers." Percy nodded in agreement, whatever they were hunting for was powerful. Hopefully it would be strong enough to make Percy work up a sweat.

Soon they reached the roots of the giant tree, which Percy took to calling 'Stumpy'. The roots were above ground creating a virtual system of caves in the ground. Percy could barely see inside them, even with his 8.0 Eyesight. If he was a betting man he would say those root caves housed the monster they were searching for, which means…

"We have to go inside the roots," Artemis stated.

Percy sighed, "it's dark in there, I can barely see out here, one can only imagine how"


Artemis snapped her fingers and summoned a ball of light that floated above them shedding silver light on everything.

"Huh….never mind," Percy and Artemis walked forward into the cave like roots. Darkness took over as the ball of light Artemis summoned did little to lighten up the path before them.


Artemis and Percy came flying out as something knocked them outside with a swing of its mighty arms. They flew across the air until they crashed through several trees before they managed to get onto their feets slowing themselves down.

Artemis wiped the ichor from the edges of her mouth, "that hurt."

"Yeah," Percy didn't even have time to react to the monster's swing, even his area scenes didn't pick up on it.

Remaining defence - 485,000

Percy was really glad now that he had improved on his marble skin defence points. That attack was fast and powerful, it took out 15,000 points in a single shot, definitely not to be taken lightly.

"GRA!" the roots began to rubles as a blue hand grabbed the edge of the wooden cave opening. Slowly a beast bigger as big as Cerberus pulled itself out of the roots. It stood on four legs resembling a cross between a dog and a gorilla.

It's fur was blue and covered with bony white spikes running along it's back and crowing its spine and joints. It's face was that of a cat's with large black whiskers, it's eyes were black and it's teeth were tainted with the colour of blood and green fur.

Rumbling Baloth

Lv- 78

HP: 500,000/500,000

MP: 10,000/10,000

Str- 350

Vit- 120

Dex- 50

Int- 80

Wis- 67

Luc- 0

The Baloth is a vicious and dangerous killer that cares for nothing and no one. It often huts for larger prays and is known to hunt for sport relishing in the kill.

Warning! If you see it's fur turning red, run!

Kill to gain- 90,000 Exp

Percy grinned, 'this is exactly the kind of challenge I'm looking for!' He got up and took off into the air flying around the beast, "hey ugly! Over here!"

The Balmoth turned to Percy and growled, "GRA!" a blast of blue energy exploded out of it's mouth flying towards Percy.

Warning! A ball of mana-

Percy didn't bother reading it as he managed to maneuver away just in time to avoid the monster's blast. He grunted as he felt the energy roll off of the passing ball of energy, it was very, very powerful.

'So I'm dealing with something that can use mana, nice,' Percy readied his trident as he hurled it at the beast with all his might. The blue trident flew through the air but was knocked aside by the monster's armoured fists.

Percy grinned, 'oh hell yes! Now this is what I'm talking about!' Percy gathered mana into his arms and sent energy blast after energy blast at the monster. It didn't look like they hurt one bit, but it served to drawn the beast's attention.

"ARGH!" It opened it's mouth sending a blast of energy at Percy, who easily dodged it.

"Ha! You're going to have to do better than that if you-" the creature spun flicking it's tail at Percy.


Remaining defence - 481,000

The demigod sailed through the air and into a tree. He shook his head, "okay, maybe I should dial back the over confidence by just a little bit."

Artemis looked at Percy flying across the sky and sighed, 'he might be amazing, but he is still a man,' she turned to beast and quickly fired several glowing arrows at it. The arrows detonated on impact shocking the beast making it turn to Artemis.

"Grr…." the bones on it's body began to glow as it drew energy from all around it sending out a huge blast of energy at the goddess.

"Tsk," Artemis jumped away clearing the 500 meter big ball of death. She landed on a tree branch and turned to see the monster launching another ball of energy at her. The moon goddess cracked her neck, she threw her bow to the side and charged head on. Her hands glowed silver as she drew them back and double punched the ball of mana deflecting right back at the monster.

"GRAA!" the monster jumped away so fast Artemis couldn't believe it. The monster was huge, it shouldn't be able to move that fast, it defied the laws of physics. The ball of energy collided with the roots of the tree burning away a lot of the wood, it didn't damage the giant structure much but it hurt Artemis nevertheless to know that she caused that.

"Okay how exactly did it do that?" Percy asked as he floated next to her with Waverider back in hand.

"I don't know, it shouldn't be able to move that fast," Artemis sighed as she summoned back her bow. The monster growled at the two before it moved once more charging at them.

"I got it!" Percy launched himself at the monster. He quickly released all of his strength seals increasing his power through the roof;

STR- 2.89 (+11+20+75+2+5) = 115.89

Seal Release: Layer 6, Time: 1 month 12 days

STR- 133,171 (+11+20+75+2+5) = 133,279

Body form activated: Full Body

STR- 1,332,790

Percy plumbed into the blue monster like a bullet. The force of impact sent the monster flying back and into one of the root caves as Percy floated triumphantly away, "and stay down!"

Baloth's HP: 434,000/500,00

"GRAAA!" the monster burped out a ball of energy that flew across the land throwing up a ton of dirt. Percy figured it was trying to hit him, but it was so disoriented that it missed.

"Percy stand back!" Percy turned to see Artemis drawing back a giant silver arrow. She looked like she was straining to control the power, Percy could see it vibrating in her hands, he couldn't even begin to guess the amount of power it held.

Percy immediately flew away and the moment he was clear Artemis let the arrow lose;


The arrow hit dead on sending the Baloth flying through the air. A small portion of the tree was also destroyed, but Artemis didn't care, this thing was far more dangerous, besides the tree could take care of itself.


The humongous Baloth rolled across the ground kicking up dirt everywhere. It looked broken, dying. Percy looked at it's health;

Baloth's HP: 210,000/500,00

'She did over 200,000 points of damage with just one arrow?' Percy was stunned, even for him that was overkill, 'guess the Gods are in a league of their own.'

"It's not dead yet," Percy went to Artemis who was panting with sweat coming off her bow, "you okay?"

"F-fine, it's just," she took a deep breath, "it's been a long time since I've had to do that."

Percy nodded, "right, well hate to break it to you, but it's not over, not yet. That thing is still living, but I'm sure a few more of those arrows and it'll be down for the count."

Artemis shook her head, "no can do, one is my limit. Sigh, I guess I have been neglecting my training. Before I could fire hundreds of these without issue, now…."

Percy patted her on the back, "don't' worry about it," he gave her his patented 'don't worry about it' smile, "I've got this."

Percy floated down to the half dead Baloth and sighed, he really wanted this to last longer. 'What's wrong with me? Why the hell am I so obsessed with fighting? Sigh, maybe they're a little too much Ares in me after all,' Percy pushed the sadness to the back of his mind, right now he had a boss to finish.

Percy pressed his hand on the monster's back and began to focus on his molecular manipulation. He focused and slowly he obtained the 3D image of the creature's entire body. He now knew it immediately, and he knew how to destroy it.

Piece by piece the monster began to break down at the bones. First it's arms and then it's tails. It's flesh literally dropped right off it's bones as it's bones broke into dust.

"Grr," the monster roared in pain, but Percy didn't stop. He literally destroyed it from the inside out, destroying it's skin.

"GRR!" The monster tried to move, but Percy grabbed it with his super strength and held it down. More of it's body turned into nothing, Percy was slowly destroying it, and he honestly felt horrible about it, but he knew he mustn't stop.

Baloth's HP: 200,000/500,00

Baloth's HP: 190,000/500,00

Baloth's HP: 180,000/500,00

Baloth's HP: 170,000/500,00

Baloth's HP: 160,000/500,00

Baloth's HP: 150,000/500,00

"GRA!" a blast of mana caught Percy of gaurd sending him flying back. He pulled himself out of the wreckage and started as the blue beast slowly turned red. Percy remembered what he read, 'Warning! If you see it's fur turning red, run!'

"Fuck this," Percy threw his hands open sending a blast of ice towards the monster. Ice sicles pierced the monster pinning it to the ground. Percy jumped up with his trident ready to end this with a stab to the head, but the monster broke free easily swinging at Percy with what's left of it's arms sending the demigod flying back.

"Percy!" Artemis shouted as she ran to his side. She helped the demigod up cursing her own lack of power, if she had just had enough power to fire another arrow this wouldn't have happened.

"I'm fine," Percy grumbled as he got up, "but I think we are going to be in for one hell of a ride."

The monster got back on it's feet, it's limbs slowly forming back. It slowly stood on two legs bringing its head up to it's full height. Drool gathered around it's mouth, Percy swore the thing looked like it had rabies or something.

It's fire became red, redder than blood. It crossed its arms over it's chest and threw them open sending wave after wave of mana pushing Percy and Artemis back. The two warriors held on, but couldn't do anything as the beast slowly changed into something else.

And then it exploded.

Warning! Baloth is going to explode!

Percy knew what was going to happen even before his area sense kicked in. He grabbed Artemis and summoned a telekinetic force field around them in the form of a ball. The ball was sent flying through the air with the two inside. It felt like a carnival ride, up became down and vise versa. Soon they crashed into the ground and Percy finally let it down.

The two quickly got off each other and found themselves deep inside the forest surrounding Stumpy, and everything in front of them was now turned into dust, thrown into the winds by the mana pouring out of the Baloth.

"Okay, we definitely fucked this one up," Percy gulped as he watched the destruction the Booth's transformation caused. A huge chunk of the giant tree was broken, it's layers burnt off, Percy knew Artemis was feeling horrible about that part. But that wasn't their problem right now, Percy was far more worried about the Baloth.

It grew bigger and bigger. Soon it stood at 80 feet tall with a bigger body and sharper spikes. It's fure now glowed red to mimic it's madness and rage. It looked at Percy and Artemis and snarled, "GRAA!"

Rumbling Baloth X-Mode

Lv- ?

HP: ?

MP: ?

Str- ?

Vit- ?

Dex- ?

Int- ?

Wis- ?

Luc- ?

Why are you even reading this? This doesn't matter, you have fucked this up so bad, like seriously, so fucking bad. Stop reading this and run, run and hide, hide behind every tree, inside every shadow, and maybe, maybe, you won't die.

Kill to gain- 120,000 Exp

Percy gulped, 'okay, I really should watch what I ask for.'

"It's gotten much stronger," Artemis stated as she looked at the beast, "I'm not sure it would be wise to challenge it now."

Percy shrugged, "not really. It just grew a little bit bigger that's all."

"KRAA!" The Balmoth smashed it's fists into the ground grabbing a huge chunk of the earth and lifting it over it's head. It drew back it's arms and threw the 30 foot long boulder at Percy and Artemis.

Percy grabbed the goddess in his arms and ran away at full speed narrowly avoiding getting flattened like a pancake.

He skidded to a halt putting the Goddess down, "okay I may have been a slight bit delusional."

"You think?" Artemis asked rolling her eyes. Percy let her down and the two stared at the giant red angry Balmoth, "I'm guessing we follow the same strategy?"

"What? Hit hard and hit fast?" Percy grinned as he tightened his grip on Waverider spinning it around, "I like that plan."

Artemis grinned, "agreed."

The two moved as one. Percy kicked off first charging at the beast with his impressive speed. He pierced the monster's chest with his trident, blood flew out, but the monster didn't even seem to notice. It simply grabbed Percy with its flaming hot hands and threw the demigod away.

Percy quickly stabilized as he floated away just as Artemis sent down a rain of arrows on top of the Baloth.

"GRA!" the monster roared as it lifted a hand to cover its face. The arrows didn't look like they did much, but the monster did look a little more pissed off. It then opened it's mouth spewing out a huge amount of green hued gas that spread around the field.

Percy coughed the moment the gas hit him, "what is this?"

Artemis's eyes widened, "Percy look-"

The Baloth's fur suddenly exploded into flames which caused the green gas around them to light up causing an explosion big enough to blast away the very Earth around them.


Percy got hit with the full front of the attack as he was sent fling across the air. The Goddess watched in horror as a stream of blood trailed across his path, he he collided with Stumpy's trunk burying deep into the wooden body.

Remaining defence - 468,000

"Percy!" Artemis cried out, the Baloth turned to her and growled. It lept into the air and brought down it's fists. The Goddess of the moon turned to the beast and suddenly time seemed to stop for the monster.

It watched as slowly the look of horror on Artemis's face turned to one of anger. Pure unfiltered rage. Her eyes glowed silver as she raised her hand up sending a blat of silver energy directly at the monster.

It tore through the beast's lungs sending him flying back into a root. It layed there on the ground as blood pooled out of it's body, dust was kicked up cloaking him. It held it's chest as it wheezed air out. Slowly the dust settled and the beast saw Artemis walking towards him.

"You made a mistake beast," slowly the Goddess started to glow brighter and brighter, "you hurt someone I love," she slowly shed her mortal form turning it an older woman of 18. She wore a greek toga with a crown on her brow and a simple pair of sandals on her feet. Suddenly a long crescent shaped bow appeared in front of her, Artemis reached out and grabbed her divine weapon.

She aimed the bow at the monster and snapped her fingers summoning a silver arrow. The Goddess drew the bowstring back and aimed it the monster. It whimpered for mercy, however it knew that it would receive none.

"Now die," the goddess let the arrow loose sending it through the monster's skull causing it to exploded into a pile of gore and brain matter.

Artemis closed her eyes and calmed herself down. She banished her divine bow and retrieved her normal silver one. The Hunter then turned to the crater Percy landed in walked up to his unconscious form.

He looked bad, parts of of hair was burnt. Artemis looked at his unconscious face and slowly her face turned gold. She looked at his lips, they were so red, so kissable, she couldn't help herself as her heartbeat started to raise. She bent down, she smelt him, the scent of of the ocean after a storm mixed with the smell of something burning.

But as Artemis was inches away from his face, Percy's eyes shot open, and Artemis drew back knowing her chance had slipped passed her fingers.

"Shit," Percy removed many a splinter from his hair and body, "and here I was thinking this was going to be easy."

Artemis chuckled, "yes, many things in life aren't quite so," she put away her bow, 'like the fact that you couldn't have been unconscious for a few more seconds?'. Artemis sighed, "are you hurt?"

"Not that badly," Percy assured her as his hands glowed gold healing himself, "there, good as new."

"Good," Artemis smiled in relief.

"So where is that thing?" Percy asked looking around for the monster.

"I took care of it."

"Ah man," Percy groaned, "I wanted to have some more fun."

"You nearly got yourself killed and you wanted to have fun?"

"Hey I can handle myself, and yeah, I wanted to have fun," Percy grumbled, "either way it doesn't matter, how did you defeat it anyway?"

"I used my divine form," Artemis stated as she looked around. She quickly spotted several items the Balmoth left behind, "there, our loot."

Percy turned and smiled, "oh this is just perfect." Wave Rider's 'Greed' mode was still active, and since technically speaking Percy did fight the monster, and now that the monster was dead, there was now 5 times the normal loot.

In front of them was a single scroll, Percy figured 5 scrolls with the same spell would just be redundant. A couple of potions, 5 skill disks with the number '10' on them and 5 red fur coats;

Giant Growth Spell Scroll,

A spell that will allow the user to temporarily increase the size of their body.

Health Potions (High Grade) X 10

Restores 95% of HP

Restores 65% of MP

Skill Disk Level 10 X 5

Coat of the Baloth, X 5

A coat made of the fur of the Baloth. It is resistant to fire and extreme weather conditions. It grants the wearer a minor boost to hunting skills and gives a 50% nutrition bonus to all meals made from hunting kills

+ 10 STR

+10 VIT

+10 DEX

Percy whistled, "okay now that is impressive," Percy put away Waverider and took the potions handing them to Artemis, "here, you will need these."

"What are they?" Artemis asked as she looked over the potions.

"They are health potions, very usefull, saved a few of my friends lives on more than one occasion," Percy admitted remembering that time Luke and the monsters stacked camp and Nina was basically on her deathbed before he came along.

"But what about you? Surely with the war coming the camp will need these as well?"

"The camp has plenty on store, we go on these types of hunts all the time and often get potions as a reward. Plus I'm there with them, I'll be able to heal them in case we run out or something," Percy scratched his head, "and if I recall correctly the Apollo kids are currently trying to replicate the potion's effects, you know, so that we can mass produce them. But so far we haven't any luck."

Artemis nodded, "thank you Percy, this is very kind of you."

Percy shrugged, "think nothing of it," he then grabbed the scroll and the skill disks, "if you don't mind I would like to take these things as my loot."

"What are they?"

"This is a skill disk," Percy pointed at a golden disk, "it's something only I can use, so it won't really be useful for you."

"And this is a spell call Giant's growth," Percy pointed at the spell, "it can increase the size of the user. If I can learn how to use it we could find a way to level the playing field against the Gergosas, you know, fight fire with fire. Plus it would be extremely useful against the Titans as well."

Artemis nodded, "very well, take them. I have no interest in the spell, and if you can learn it and teach others then that's good enough for me."

Percy nodded, "great," he turned to the red fur coats, "guess that means those belong to you."

"What are they?"

Percy quickly explained the coats powers to Artemis and she became very impressed. Percy picked up one of the coats revealing a small little blue creature hiding underneath it. It looked like a smaller cuter version of the Balmoth they had just fought. It had black beady puppy dog eyes with small soft bones protruding out of it's body. It was not bigger than Percy's fist, barely bigger than a full grown rat.

Artemis gasped, "what is this?" she bent down and picked the little creature up with a gentle touch. The little one cooed at her wrath curling up inside her fingers and rubbing it's bony extrusions along her palms.

"I think that's a baby Balmoth," Percy turned and saw that something was moving underneath the four other red fur coats, "and I don't think he's alone."

Quickly the two gathered the five red coats and sure enough, underneath each one was a baby Balmoth. Percy figured that he was only meant to get one baby Baloth, but now since Wave Rider's 'Greed' bonus kicked in they got 5.

Artemis had them all laid out on a single red fur coat as they played with each other yapping and biting playfully.

"What are we going to do with them?" Artemis asked.

"Well...I think they are ours now," Percy told her as he feed a piece of bacon to one of the smaller looking pups.

"Really? Just like that?"

"Well we did just kill their mother, so..."

"Oh Zeus," Artemis groaned, "what have we done."

Percy chuckled, "relax, it'll turn out fine, I promise. Think of it like this, when they grow up they will be big strong badasses, inmagine five of them on our side. If we raise them right that is."

Artemis sighed, "yes…..yes, you're right. They are our duty now...plus they would make great tracking partners for the hunt."

Percy smiled, "right….so how many do you want?"

"All of them," Artemis smiled.

"Wait, what?! You want all of them?"

The Goddess nodded, "yes, it would not do to separate the pack, they are after all all brothers and sisters, it would be cruel to take both their mother and siblings away from them."

Percy sighed, "yeah, you're right," he then used his telekinetic powers to lift the puppy up and shoved them into Artemis's hands, "hold them for a second."

Percy then gathered the rest of the loot and put it away for later. He then wrapped his arm around Artemis and put one hand up, "ID Escape!"

The world then shattered around them as everything went white. Suddenly they were back in the exact spot they were when they left. Artemis looked around in surprise, "amazing, one moment we are in a forest with a tree the size of this mountain and the next it is like we never left."

"Well if you aren't sure that that all actually happened all you have to do is look at the five blue pups in your arms."

Artemis chuckled as the pups yipped in joy, it seemed they liked the cool air on Olympus more than the humid temperature of the Forest ID.

"Thank you for that Percy," Artemis smiled, "it was very fun going hunting with you. I must admit that helped a lot in letting go of my frustrations."

Percy nodded, "any time Arty, just give me a call next time you feel stressed and we can go dungeon crawling till you feel like you just drank a liter of Happy Happy juice."

Artemis looked confused, "excuse me?"

"Ah, inside joke," Percy chuckled, "never mind."

Artemis shook her head at his antics. Just then Artemis noticed the sun rise just off the edge of the horizon, they had been hunting the whole night. "Oh dear," she spoke, "we must have spent a lot of time there."

Percy noticed the sun rise and nodded, "yeah. Think your Hunters will be worried?"

Artemis shook her head, "no, this wouldn't be the first time I went a whole night without showing up in camp. I instructed them to worry only if I don't arrive after two nights."

"Huh," Percy nodded in understanding as the two watched the sun rise in silence. Percy hated to admit it, but every time the sun rose it made him feel just a little bit better. Apollo might be an asshole, but he sure as hell knew how to fill people with hope with every new day.

"Well then….I best be off," Artemis turned to Percy, "the pups need to be tended too, I'm sure the younger hunters will be overjoyed by our latest additions."

Percy nodded, "yeah, just be careful, when I was raising Leo….well let's just say it wasn't the easiest job in the world. And you're raising five of them who can also control mana, so….you know, be careful."

"I will," Artemis then gasped as she remembered something, "Percy, the Dirtiger!"

Percy blinked, "oh, right," Percy opened his inventory and quickly took out the Tiger. He laid it on the ground, but the moment he did it exploded into white dust scattering into the wind.

"What happened?" Artemis asked in a panic.

"I told you, things found in the ID's can't exist outside it."

"They why hasn't the same happened to the puppy's?" Artemis asked in concern as she tightened her grip on them.

"That's because they are loot items," Percy explained as he took out a red fur coat from his inventory, "see? This coat and the pups were given to use as a reward, hence they won't disappear outside the ID. Anything else however…."

"I see...that's….disappointing," Artemis sighed.

"Yeah well, can't have it all," Percy quickly brought out all of the red fur coats he had stored up. Artemis snapped her fingers banishing them all away to whatever storage space she had.

Percy wondered if the Goddess had her own version of an inventory system, if that was the case then maybe Percy's powers weren't that freakish at all, they were just divine. After all the Fates must have had some sort of inspiration for the powers they gave him, maybe this was it?

"I have to be going now," Artemis spoke drawing Percy out of his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah," Percy smiled, "take care Artemis, call me if you need help with anything. Like a giant monster that needs slaying or a murder that needs solving."

Artemis chuckled, "will do." She looked at him, 'I have to do it now….if I don't, I'll regret it for the rest of time!'

Artemis then stepped up close and leaned forward planting a small kiss on Percy's check. She immediately drew back blushing gold, "b-bye," and with that she exploded in burst of light teleporting away.

Percy meanwhile was left standing in the middle of Olympus with his mouth hanging open. He looked around, nobody was there to see what just happened. He quickly gathered his voice, "what the hell was that?"


Percy Jackson

Health- 15,400/15,400 (+2000) = 17,400

Mana- 8,325/8,325 (+2000) = 10,325 (+20% more mana, +1,865) = 12,190

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-49 Exp- 122,050/150,000


STR-115(+11+20 + 75 )=221 [Multiseal – 6- 2.89 (+20 + 60)=87.89]







MONEY- 25,221,683$/ 20,856 D

Percy Jackson is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to sit still in class, that has since changed, he is now considered a genius in battle and is considered very academically gifted. Percy loves his mother, and every demigod in camp and will do anything to protect them all.

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +11 VIT, +11 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.