
Chapter 4

As Percy walked deeper and deeper into the dungeon he was seriously beginning to wonder whether he was sane or not. After all what basically happened was is that he was offered a dangerous life or death situation and instead of waiting or even saying no, he leapt right in.

Percy kept walking however, there was no turning back now. "Status," Percy called out and his status page opened up;

Percy Jackson



The Gamer

Title-Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-4 Exp-1050/1200









MONEY- 50$/10D

Percy Jackson is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to sit still in class. His behaviour has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Percy is unaware of who is father is, and wishes to find meaning in his life. Percy loves his mother, and hates Gabe, who is a dick.

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +2 VIT, +2 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.

Percy noted his base Vit and Dex was very very low, and so was his luck. He knew he should be saving up points but seeing these stats right now, he would die if he held back.

So thinking quickly Percy used the remaining of his points and improved his Vit, Dex and made things a lot more balanced, his new stats were;








With this he might just make it out alive. Percy kept walking and after sometime the stairs stopped descending and Percy found himself on the beginning of a long corridor. The pathway was made out of bricks and torches hung off the walls light the path ahead.

Gripping Riptide tighter Percy walked forward, his son of Poseidon perk was down, the water he used on himself had dried up by the time he got down here. Hopefully the first thing that he will have to fight won't outright kill him.

Just as Percy finished taking 10 steps forward in front of him a portion of the side walls collapsed. Out of the hole in the wall walked a skeleton, yes a moving skeleton. It was white, duh, and had a sword on one hand and a shield on the other. It had a viking designed helmet along with fur boots, obviously it was the skeleton of a viking.

'Observe' Percy thought,

Skeleton Lv-7

HP:500 MP:75

A skeleton that had been revived from the dead by the power of the Labyrinth. It uses these tools it used in it's life but is now far more deadly as it has nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

Kill to gain-25 Exp

Percy eyed the thing, it looked mean. There were scars over its bones, meaning that it probably had a lot of people attacking it, also meaning it has a lot of experience in fighting. This will not be easy.

Percy moved his heavy shield forward in front of him and approached the skeleton. The skeleton in turn drew its sword out and approached Percy. It then dashed forward and mashed its shield up against Percy's.

The sudden moment surprised Percy, but he kept calm. Percy held the shield lock as he struggled to push up against the skeleton's shield. He then decided to give up a losing fight. He shoved the shield away and quickly moved backwards. The skeleton charged forward with an overhead strike but Percy was faster.

Percy swung riptide threw the skeleton, and like cutting butter with a hot knife, Riptide tore into the skeleton's ribcage and spine cutting it in half.

Percy saw the skeleton's crumble into dust and vanish as suddenly Percy was all alone again.

'That's it? That's all? Seriously?' Percy then looked at the spot where the skeleton was knocked down and saw something was left behind. Was that…..did he just score some loot?

Percy picked up what was dropped and saw a 5$ bill and a piece of bone. Percy used observe of the piece of bone;

Bone piece, (crafting item.)

It's a piece of bone, what do you want it to do? Sing?

Percy then inspected the 5 dollar bill, it looked real, and felt real. He put it in his inventory and his amount of money increased to 55$.

'Holy shit this money must be real!' Percy then looked further down the long corridor with a look of greed in his eyes, 'if all the skeletons are this easy, and they give this much of money, then this is going to be so easy.'

Percy then lifted Riptide over his head and charged with a battle cry, "AHHH!"

5 minutes later,

Percy was running for his life. Behind he was a horde of skeletons chasing him. "This so wasn't supposed to happen!"

Further inside the corridor was a large room where Percy was ambushed by several skeletons all from different parts of the world. They had been too much for the demigod and so Percy did the only logical thing, he fucking bolted.

Percy turned around, there were still three skeletons chasing him, with the rest 20 a little far behind. That meant the ones following him were the fastest. Percy grinned and quickly turned around and swung Riptide across the corridor.

The skeletons were all taken back in surprise and since they were standing side by side in a very small corridor they couldn't maneuver properly. Riptide turned them all to dust and Percy quickly grabbed all all the lot that fell down which totaled to 20$ and 1 D.

Percy threw them into his inventory and then looked to see the rest of the skeletons changing him. Percy went into his inventory and grabbed a bottle of water. "Water control," Percy said and opened the cap and gathered the water in the form of a sphere.

Percy then ordered the water to form into a crescent moon and sharpened the edges. Percy then launched the crescent shaped water blast at the horde of skeletons approaching him. Immediately the first few rows of the skeletons fell down, Percy had killed 10 of them in one attack.

However now they were too close, and Percy didn't have enough time to take out another water bottle from his inventory. So he started to run again. Percy quickly reached the bottom of the stairs which he came from and quickly climbed up.

After a few steps Percy turned to see the skeletons following him. He then swiped at them with Riptide easily cutting off their head due to their lower standing. Percy swung left and right until they all were ripped into nothing but golden dust.

Percy then promptly collapsed to his knees panting from exhaustion. He really need more stamina. After a moment to catch his breath Percy noticed a box in front of him.

You have leveled up!

+5 stat points!



The Exp must be from all the skeletons he had just slaughtered. Percy then quickly pulled up all his stats;

Percy Jackson



The Gamer

Title-Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-5 Exp-475/2400









MONEY- 75$/11D

Percy Jackson is a demigod, the son of Sally Jackson and Poseidon. He has ADHD and Dyslexia making it difficult for him to sit still in class. His behaviour has gotten him trouble over the years in various schools. Percy is unaware of who is father is, and wishes to find meaning in his life. Percy loves his mother, and hates Gabe, who is a dick.

Status- demigod, giving Percy - +3 VIT, +3 DEX and the ability to breath underwater, enhanced strength, communicate with fish, create earthquakes, talk to horses, control water and look cool.

Percy noticed his demigod status also went up, must be something to do with him leveling up. But it didn't do that when he evolved from Lv-2 to Lv-4, meaning it must be only for every 5 levels.


For your logical thinking you have gained +1 Wis!

Well that's convenient. Percy then closed the open boxes and quickly gathered all of his loot. He got 100$ and 12 D! It was amazing, he felt great! If things kept progressing in this speed he would have enough money to pay his own school fees, his mom wouldn't have to work so much now.

Percy quickly put the money in his inventory and then looked at the other thing he got;

Helmet of Troy

A helmet worn by a Trojan soldier who was reborn as a skeleton. This helmet is specially made to attract people's attention to it's bright red poof on top while the wearer strikes the distracted target.

20% chance of distraction


The helmet was black with a red poof on top. It's sides were sharp and looked like they would cut someone if they were to slap the wearer in the face.

Percy lifted the helmet and put it on. The helmet was surprisingly very comfortable and fitted Percy's head very well, it must be a one size fits all kind of deal.

Percy then quickly made way further inside the dungeon eager for more loot. But as he was walking along the empty corridor a thought struck him, 'what determines the amount of loot I get?'

Percy then brought up his stats and pressed Luc;


Luck determines your luckiness. This is useful in certain skills and also determines what you get as loot. The higher your luck the more chance you get of obtaining higher loot

Percy's eyes widened at this, this, this was what he needed. He then quickly put all his stat point in Luc;


There was no normal way of increasing luck that he knew of, something would have to do for now. Percy then continued and came upon the large room from where the skeletons came from. Percy searched the room for loot and found nothing of value, other than some pots;


Items to hold stuff in. Value-2D

So Percy put a couple of pots in his inventory and quickly walked out of the large room. As Percy moved deeper and deeper into the dungeon he started to observe more and more things, always on the lookout in case a skeleton decided to jump out at him.

His caution proved true as on the second left he took a skeleton jumped down from the roof with a spear in mid thrust. Percy however was ready and the demigod quickly moved into the skeleton's defence and away from the spear.

Percy held his shield up and bashed it into the skeleton's face breaking a few teeth. Percy then slashed with Riptide and the skeleton disappeared into dust. After collecting another 10$ Percy noticed the skeleton also left behind a spear.

Percy picked up the spear and used Observe;

A Greek spear,

A basic spear used by the Spartans of old. It's simple design also for easy control and deadly precision.

Attack-20 x Dex

Percy quickly put the spear into his inventory, he didn't need it right now.


What now…..

A new skill has been made due to constant use!

Sword Mastery, Lv-1 (80%)

Allows user to freely handle swords.

5% more damage when using swords.

Huh, not bad. Percy then closed the box and quickly moved further down the dungeon until he came to a door. Quickly going inside Percy found himself in what looked like a theater stage. Percy stood on the stage while the audience members were filled with skeletons. There were hundreds of them in the seats.

Percy paled, this was to much, this was far too much. He turned to leave but the door he came from wasn't there any more and all that was there behind him was a big red curtain. Percy looked again at the skeletons, but they weren't looking at him, they were looking at one of the balconies.

Percy turned to his right and there sitting back in a comfortable looking chair was a man covered in red armor with a red skull as a helmet. His chest was designed to look like a ribcage while his knees and elbows looked like skulls as well. Behind him was a large red blade that looked about 5 feet long, almost as big as Percy.

"Welcome explorer!" the red armoured man said with a wave of his hands, "you have taken your first steps towards a new world! The world of the dead! See before you all the skeletons of those who stood where you stood and failed."

Percy's eyes widened, all these skeletons….were all like him? He looked at the red man who was still monologuing.

"And now Mr. explorer, you die. But in your death you will be reborn as my minion and you will serve me. And that will be a great honour I assure you to serve me, the great ZED!"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Zed? That's your name? Zed?"

The man nodded, "yes, scary is it not?"

"Ah...not really no."

"Nonsense Zed is a wonderfully scary name?"

Percy scowled at that, "not really. Zed is kind of a weak name. Like the kind you give a dog you just adopted from the pound."

The man scowled, or at least looked like he was scowling, he was wearing a helmet after all, "Zed is a plenty scary name! My mother said so!"

Oh this is was to easy, "really did your mommy also say your were handsome and say there was no one scarier than you?"

The name nodded enthusiastically, "yes, now you understand why Zed is a scary name."

"Mama's boy."

The man looked shock, "I am not a mama's boy!"

"You are totally a mama's boy. I beat she picks out your armor as well huh?"

"As a matter of fact yes my mother did pick out my armour but that has nothing to do with this!" Slowly some of his skeletons started laughing at Zed, "silence! I am not a mama's boy!"

Percy simply shrugged and then,


A new skill has been made through your act of taunting,

Taunt, Lv-1 (50%)

You can cause your opponent to lose their cool and do something stupid.

5% chance of working

"Enough of this!" Aed roared out and everything went silent, "you boy will die and I will enjoy feasting on your meat!"

Percy gripped Riptide tighter, 'looks like the only way out of this is throught it.'


Quest Alert!

Survive the horde of skeletons! And then defeat Zed!


+3 stat points





Percy quickly pressed yes and got ready for the fight of his life. He reached into his inventory and grabbed as many water bottles as he could. He threw them into the air and cut them open with Riptide. Most fell to the round while some splashed on him.

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Percy grinned at that box, it seemed the large puddle he now found himself standing in counted as a water body so this environmental advantage of his kicked in. As long as he was in this water puddle he was safe.

The skeletons then charged, it seems Zed was curious as to how Percy could summon water bottles out of nowhere, but after he saw Percy's smile he decided that is was better to kill first and ask questions later.

The first wave of skeletons crashed onto Percy but the boy held his ground. With the +20 bonus of the son of Poseidon perk Percy had enough strength to not only push the skeletons back with his shield but he managed to cut down half of them with his blade.

Percy then moved like a force of nature in the form of a human. His blade spun faster and faster and moved in a blur as he cut down skeleton after skeleton. Suddenly a spear found itself between Percy's ribs.

The pain was bad, but the HP lost was worse. Percy's Gamer's body and Gamer's mind kicked in. He pushed through the pain and pushed the spear out of his body. He felt his blood drip out and onto the stage, and Percy finally had enough.

"Water control!" Percy shouted and challenged his mana into the puddle he and the skeletons were standing in. Suddenly the water under the feet of all the undead skeletons turned into spike and the skewered the skeletons, tearing them apart.


Due to formation of a new water control attack and heavy use, the skill has leveled

Water Controlling Lv-5 (74%)

Allows you to control any form of water from any source of water. You can reconstruct it in anyway you wish and it will obey your every command.

Cost-16 MP per minute

Special attack- Water Spikes-500 Damage cost 100 MP

Percy now stood, his HP and MP low;



His regeneration rate was improved due to his environmental advantage, but it wouldn't be enough. He had exhausted himself so much and it was only the first wave. There were still two more left.

Percy needed to think, he needed a clever plan in order to escape this. Most of his powers are useless here. The only thing that can help him is the Water Spikes attack he just made up. That would be great, but the skeletons know about my water and will be afraid to come close.

Percy then noted most of the skeletons were looking at him in awe and fear, he needed to take advantage of this. Quickly Percy reached into his inventory again and took out several pancakes and started to stuff them into his mouth.

Zed and the rest of his skeleton army just looked on in wonder as Percy kept stuffing himself over and over again with food. Where did it all come from, and more importantly where did it all go?!

Zed finally shook his head clear of his stray thought and looked to his army, "don't just stand there, get him!"

The skeletons looked at Percy and then at Zed and then sighed, they hated their boss. Quickly the ones with spears stepped forward and threw their weapons at Percy, hoping to end this without getting to close.

Percy saw the weapons coming for him and quickly acted. He summoned the water around himself, "water shield" he cried out and all the spears impaled and stopped right into the shield.

Percy then manipulated the water and gathered all the spears on the surface of his shield. He turned them around and then launched them full force into the crowd of skeletons kills tens of them in one strike.


Due to skilled usage and discovery of a new use, skill has leveled up!

Water Controlling Lv-6 (40%)

Allows you to control any form of water from any source of water. You can reconstruct it in anyway you wish and it will obey your every command.

Cost-16 MP per minute

Special attack- Water Spikes-200 Damage cost 100 MP

Special defence- Water shield-30/30 Durability cost 150 MP

Percy grimaced, things were not looking good, he ran out of eating had restored all of his HP and MP, but after that last attack they were now;



He needed to end this now. Percy turned to Zed who was bust trying to rally all his troops. Percy capped Riptide and grabbed his spear in the inventory. He aimed at the red clad man, his Dex was a 6, meaning he had decent aim. Percy lined up the shot and threw with all his might.

The spear flew true and hit Zed right below the knee where his leg armor joints were exposed.

Percy grinned at that and quickly used water control and formed several more water spear and threw them all at Zed, this would cause his environmental bonus to vanish, but it was a now or never kind of deal.

Percy's spears flew and all hit Zed, who was still struggling with the pain of the first spear. For the first time Percy used obser on Zed;

Zedukal, Lv-15

HP:1200/3000 MP:500/600








A novice necromancer, Zedukal, or Zed, stole his uncles armour and a few spells and groomed his own personal army of skeletons. Most of them are weak, a great example of how weak Zed himself is. His sore spots are his mom and his acne.

Kill to gain- 1000 Exp.

Percy nearly laughed himself silly when he read the guy's bio. The idiot put all his points in strength! And he was a magician! He looked scary, but he honestly was all bark and no bite. Percy looked at the balcony Zed was in, he didn't look like he was going anywhere fast. Percy quickly jumped off stage and charged at the distracted group of skeletons.

Riptide sang as Percy swung it left, right, up and down. The tune Percy heard it sing out was comforting and slowly Percy left all else out listing to his blade move as it cut through his enemies.


A skill has leveled up twice!

Sword Mastery, Lv-3 (40%)

Allows user to freely handle swords.

15% more damage when using swords.

The ping distracted Percy and he stopped his deadly dance and glanced around to see almost all of the skeletons were not all gone, either transformed into dust or slowly disappearing.

Percy quickly turned to Zed who was now standing by supporting himself with his giant sword. His left hand was out and all the remaining skeletons disappeared into smoke and flew into his open arms. After everything was cleared Zed roared, "RAAAAA!"

Zed's eyes glowed red underneath that red mask, he drew his big red sword and pointed it at Percy, "now you die! And I shall feast on your bones!"

Percy sighed and quickly jumped back onto the stage as Zed jumped out of the balcony and landed where he stood just a moment ago. 'Observe' Percy said;

Zedukal(Extreme mode), Lv-15

HP:1200/3000 MP:500/600








A novice necromancer, Zedukal, or Zed, stole his uncles armour and a few spells and groomed his own personal army of skeletons. Most of them are weak, a great example of how weak Zed himself is. His sore spots are his mom and his acne. Zed is now in his Extreme mode where his strength is increased by hundred times !

Kill to gain- 10,000 Exp.

Percy was sweating bullets. This is insane! Is strenght is so bloody broken! That thing isn't human! Percy's mind was moving a hundred miles an hour, he needed to fight smart and long distance, one hit from that blade and Percy is tomato paste!

Percy then realised something, the guy had It, meaning he had knowledge, but is Wis was a 2, meaning he had not idea what to do with that knowledge. So in a last ditch attempt to outsmart the asshole Percy reached into his inventory and pulled out all of his remaining water bottles. He drew and arm back and began throwing all of them at Zed.

Due to his low Dex, Zed couldn't doge one of the bottle, so he instead cut them all down with his sword causing the man to be drenched in smiled, this was just what he needed.

"I know you can't control water without touching it," Zed said smugly, "I am to smart for your tricks boy."

Percy raised any brow, why did he think Percy couldn't control water without touching it? Sure he always had some kind of physical contact with the water when using it, but that wasn't always the case. Zed is really making a jump in judgment here, but what else could you expect from a guy with 2 Wis points?

Percy simply smiled and raised a hand, "water control, water spikes." Obeying Percy's commands the water under Zed shot up and three spike of water pierced Zed through his chest. His mana reduced to;


Percy frowned at that but quickly Observed Zed's HP/MP;



Shit he was still alive. Percy then looked on in shock as Zed roared to life and then broke free off of the water spike holding him in place. Two broke instantly, but one remained in place. Percy seeing this as his chance swung his shield like a discus and smiled as it hit Zed's head.

-300 HP! Critical strike

But before Percy could celebrate Zed broke free of the last water spike and launched himself at Percy. Luckily Percy was faster than Zed and managed a jump away from the man's initial strike, though the stage was now broken.

Percy then brought up Riptide just in time to block Zed's next attack, but the force behind was so great due to his strength, Zed pushed Riptide to the side and Percy was sent back with sheer strength alone.

Percy slide across the stage, a huge slash now on his chest due to the mere presence of the blade coming close to his body. As Percy rolled across the stage a trail of his own blood stained the wooden floor. Percy looked up, his eyes were seeing double, his head spinning.



Shit, this is bad. Percy looked up, his body drained of all energy, the only reason he could move now was due to his will to live. Zed was slowly coming towards him, his red blade being dragged behind him.

"You fought well boy," Zed said, "a worthy challenge for me."

Percy grinned through the pain, "shut it you acne covered mama's boy."

"Ah, stubborn till the bitter end," Zeb then raised his blade high above Percy's head, "any last words?"

"Yeah," Percy said as he looked up at Zed, "blood is made up of 90% water asshole." 'Water spike!'

Percy then poured the rest of his mana into the last attack. Zed's eyes widened and he looked down, he was now standing on a trail of Percy's own blood. But before Zed could even move a spike of blood pierced his head through his neck separating neck from body.

Percy smiled as the red sword Zed used landed on the side, "I win asshole."


Skill has been leveled up due to unique use!

Water Controlling Lv-7 (1%)

Allows you to control any form of water from any source of water. You can reconstruct it in anyway you wish and it will obey your every command.

Cost-15 MP per minute

Special attack- Water Spikes-210 Damage cost 95 MP

Special defence- Water shield-35/35 Durability cost 140 MP

Special control-Blood control-cost 50 MP per minute.


Due to your uniques use of your skills you have gained +1 Wis!


Due to the fact you survived nearly dying your Physical Endurance has leveled up thrice!

Physical Endurance, Lv.6 (78%)

Your Body's durability increased and you take less damage.

18% less damage from physical attacks


Due to the fact you survived nearly dying you have gained to tile: Deadman

Deadman- gives the user a boost of +40 in all stats if their HP is less than 20%.


Quest Completed!

Survive the horde of skeletons! And then defeat Zed!


+3 stat points

A new title!

Total Exp- 13,625 Exp

Skeletons- 145 x 25= 3625 Exp

Zed(Extreme)= 10,000 Exp

Ping! Ping!

You have gained two levels!

Percy then suddenly felt himself surrounded by a veil of light and all his injuries and wounds all disappeared. Did me leveling up heal my wounds? Percy then pulled up his status page;

Percy Jackson



The Gamer

Title-Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-7 Exp-6900/9600









MONEY- 185$/23D

Percy whistled at that, he had a lot of stats now, and the new title is pretty cool, but hopeful he will never come in a situation where he will need to use it. This match with Zed itself was to close for comfort. Percy really should learn not to jump into things.

Percy reached into his pocket and found Riptide there safe and sound. He quickly put it into his inventory and started to search the stage and the seats for all the loots left behind by the Skeletons and Zed.

In the end it took Percy an hour to find it all, since it was scattered all around the tether. His finally count of the loot was something like this,

Money- 1000$, 50 D


100 pieces of bones

20 spears

15 swords

3 helmets

1 full set of Knight's armor

Percy quickly Observed the Knight's armor;

Knight's Armor

Armor worn by the knights of Europe. This piece is made of metal plates overlapping each other to provide the perfect defence for the wearer, though it restricts moment.



Percy stuffed the armor into his inventory and then looked at the loot Zed himself gave off. It seemed increasing his luck payed off as it gave him some great loot.

In Front of him was a red gauntlet and the giant red sword Zed used. Quickly Percy observed the two,

Gauntlet of Kefka

The Gauntlet of Kefka, Zed's uncle, was stole by Zed and was used for his own plans. The power of the gauntlet release on the Int and the Wis of the wearer. It's ability is to raise from the dead and store inside it warriors that user has slain, and slain by the users minions.

Power level- (Int+Wis)% of total power of the summoned servant (meaning a level 100 warrior will be a Lv 5 servant when the gauntlet's power level is Lv-5)

Number of servants usable by the user- 2 (+1 for every 10 Int or Wis)

Sword of Kefka

The sword of Zed's uncle Kefka. This blade is just big and shiny, doesn't really do much. If one has the strength to lift it it may be a great weapon, or else it is just a hunk of metal.

Weight-300 pounds / 136 Kg

Attack- 140

Percy put the gauntlet on first and tried moving it around. Nothing happened, 'maybe I should put some mana into it.'

Percy then charged it with mana and watched as his vision became blurry and greyish. He could see the souls of the monsters he vanquished in the dungeon. He saw Zed, and his army of skeletons all waiting for him to pick one of them.

Percy of course picked the strongest of them all, Zed.

The gauntlet glowed red and out of the palm of his hand a smoky figure appeared and slowly the smoke solidified into the form of Zed in his red armor. He got on his knees, "what is thy bidding my master?"

Percy was first a little freaked out about the eerie similarities between Zed and Darth Vader from Empire strike back, but after another healthy dose of Gamer's mind Percy got over it quickly. Using Obser Percy saw the new Zed's stats,

Zedukal(Extreme mode), Lv-3.6

HP:144/144 MP:96/96








A novice necromancer, Zedukal, or Zed, stole his uncles armour and a few spells and groomed his own personal army of skeletons. He now works for you.

Percy read it and nodded, it seemed since Percy's combined Int and Wis was 16 he got 16% of Zed to fight for him, which is still a lot.

"I wish for you to be my servant, protect me from danger and such," Percy said as he lifted his gauntlet high into the air to make sure Zed saw it.

"It will be done my master," Zed the transformed into smoke again and traveled into the gauntlet where suddenly around the red for warm a thick silver band was formed. 'Call upon me whenever you have need of my my master, I am your servant for eternity.'

Percy then quickly stored his gauntlet and the big sword inside his inventory and looked to the last thing he had gained from this trip, a book. It was brown and had a single label over it's cover, 'ID Create/Escape.'

Percy picked the book up and suddenly a blue notification came up;

You have obtained a skill book! Would you like to learn the skill, 'Instant Dungeon Create' & 'Instant Dungeon Escape'?


Percy grinned, so this was the skill book Han was talking about. New skill here we come! Percy pressed the yes button and suddenly the book bursted into flames and new knowledge came into Percy's mind.


You have learnt two new skills!

ID Create, Lv-1 (0%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

ID Escape, Lv-1 (0%)

Used to escape from Instant Dungeons.

Percy smiled at this and quickly closed the boxes. A lot happened in this dungeon. He faced death and came back stronger for it. Percy felt strong, like nothing could stop him now! He would become stronger, he would become the best there ever was and he will protect his mother! Now there was only one thing left to do.

Where the hell is the exit?