
Chapter 28

Percy poured mana into the flames but the light kept dying out. The creature in front of him was somehow shutting off the light. Percy knew he didn't have much time left. He closed his eyes and gathered all the shadows around him while he bombarded the monster with a huge fist made out of ice.

Percy's HP: 6,650/7,650


Percy quickly used the shadows he gathered and changed it into a drill sending it through the tentacles blocking his escaping route.

"ARGH!" The monster roared as the drill tore through the tentacles above Percy giving the son of Poseidon a chance to escape. The monster of the deep reached out to grab Percy with it's remaining limbs but Percy managed to dodge it at every turn as he swam higher and higher towards the ocean surface.

The monster roared at it swam faster and faster until it appeared in front of Percy cutting him off from his escape route.

Percy clicked his teeth in disappointment and quickly drew out Riptide and swung towards an approaching tentacle. The metal struck the skin of the monster but didn't even scratch it as Percy's blade rang out in protest causing Percy to be smacked to the side.

Percy lost Riptide as he was sent through the water like a bullet. "What the hell did I do to you?!" Percy roared out as he formed trident out of ice launching it at the monster.

"I do not answer to you Greek god," the demon roared out, surprising Percy,as it swatted the trident away, "your life is meaningless, it is but a pawn in the great scheme."

Percy grunted his teeth as he pushed himself away just as the monster launched its tentacles trying once again to capture him.

'I can't get close,' Percy told himself, 'the closer I get the less I can breath. And Riptide if basically useless, for some reason,' Percy pushed away swimming as fast he can away from the monster, 'if I can just hit him once with something long range than….wait, did he call me a god.'

"Yo Squid face!" Percy roared out turning back towards the monster, "did you just call me a god?"

"My name is Janai'ngo you pathetic god! And yes I did, though you may not be an actual god you pathetic belief of humanity!"

"Well squid face sorry to break it to you, but I'm not a god, just a demigod."

"What?! But I can sense you power! You have the essence of the sea in you!"

"Ah yeah… I'm a demigod of Poseidon, being part of the sea is kind of my thing."

The monster growled and threw its tentacles up, "I told that pathetic mermaid to call forth her father, not a useless demigod! The next time I see her I'll make sure to make the torture last longer, she will scream my name like her sisters did!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, it may have been the Poseidon in him or maybe he own sense of moral, but seeing such a creature like a mermaid be assaulted by a monster like this pissed Percy off. He looked at monster's spiky tail and there were the skewer remains of the dead mermaids.

Percy wanted to run before, but now he was pissed. The monster was still cursing up a storm when Percy opened up his inventory and pulled out the one long range weapon he had;

Light Beam Cannon,

A canon that uses light to form beams of energy. Light can be stored up inside the canon like a solar panel and be used at anytime, anyplace.

Damage- 4 x number of minutes it has collected solar energy

Warning! Overcharging can cause a backlash from the weapon which may hurt the user!

Note: You will get +500 Attack if you shout, 'Super beam cannon!' at the top of your voice when using this weapon!

Percy placed the cannon on his shoulder and made sure it was on before he aimed it the monster with his finger on the trigger. "Hey Squid face!"

"I told you my name is-huh?"

"SUPER BEAM CANNON!" Percy yelled pressing the trigger.


Water was pushed aside as beam of bright blue and yellow cut through the ocean smashing right into Janai'ngo head. Percy was blinded by the light and was pushed back by the canon's kick but held on tight. His fingers turned white as slowly Percy was pushed deeper underwater as the beam continued tearing into Janai'ngo.

Finally the beam stopped as Percy finally let go of the weapon. He put the weapon to the side just as a box opened up in front of him;

Bonus damage for hitting a monster of darkness with a light based attack!

40% more damage!

40% more damage of 627,680 Attack! = 878,752 Attack!

Percy smiled, he had left his canon on the roof of his cabin and there it remained for the rest of the year. Every day it soaked up sunlight and when Percy left for the quest he took his canon with him. And now all of that was paying off big time.

Percy looked for Janai'ngos remains to spit on when slowly a figure came down towards Percy. The demigod's eyes widened in shock and is belief as the monster of the deep slowly swam closer and closer towards Percy. Half of it's head was blown away revealing the brain and flesh hidden underneath. It's blood spread out like poison sending chills down Percy's spine.

It didn't say a word, it didn't speak. It's remaining red eyes locked on to Percy as slowly the darkness around it grew large enough to block out the light from above. Percy snapped his fingers summoning his flame once more before launching it at the monster.

Janai'ngo smacked the simple fire ball away with one of it's tentacles and rushed towards Percy. The son of Poseidon moved to the side but the monster was on top of him already. It grabbed Percy with one tentacle and threw Percy further down into the sea.

Percy gritted his teeth as water rushed past him. He felt himself being sent deeper and deeper.

'1050 meters,' Percy realised as slowly he began to slow down.

'2000 meters,' Percy told himself as he slowly came back to a halt. Percy tried to get ready to fight back but before he could move a muscle Janai'ngo was ontop of him already. He used one tentacle to grab each of Percy's limbs and pulled stretching the young boy to his limits.

"You hairless apes have become arrogant in the ages past," Janai'ngo roared out through his remaining mouth, "there was a time where you wouldn't even be able to touch us let alone harm any of us. We have let you live for far too long."

Percy fought through the pain as the monster pulled Percy's limbs. Soon his water breathing skill became neutralised being so close to the monster and panic began to set int. Lucky gamer's mind activated just in time allowing Percy to focus. The son of Poseidon opened his eyes and poured his mana out into the water.

His control over the water was varying, it didn't feel right, it felt like swimming through soil cement. But all Percy needed was a good hold on it, and the moment the mana was spread out evenly Percy transformed all the water around the monster's head into ice, freezing it into one solid ice cube.

"What?!" It began before the ice cut it off mid sentence. Percy freed himself from the now non responsive tentacles and quickly swam away. He had a few minutes to think of something new, the monster would soon be breaking out of the ice.

Percy's MP: 2,700/ 5,700

Percy thought quickly pushing his brain to the limits and just than an idea popped into his head. It could control water, weak to ice and has a gaping wound in it's head. Percy smiled and quickly poured his mana into his arms channeling his Earthquake powers and activating his Body Form for his entire body.

A sea green aura began forming around Percy as slowly every muscles grew just a little bit large and more pronounced. His clothes became tighter as Percy's entire body was covered with a green aura.

Percy's HP: 6,050/ 7,650

MP: 2,910/ 5,700

His mana was regenerating at around 25% every minute, that was a lot and Percy knew it. He would need only four minutes to reach full mana but he would need every second he got. Suddenly the cracking of ice rang out. The frozen block of ice around the head of the Janai'ngo began to crack, but Percy was already moving.

He pushed the water under his feet forward which launched him right towards the monster's belly. Percy pulled his arms to his side and lowered his chin. His entire body hit the monster's underside breaking a few of it's huge lobster claws in the process.

Percy's HP: 5,450/ 7,650

MP: 2,810/ 5,700

Percy's attack caused Janai'ngo to spiral upwards as a shockwave of energy went through it, but Percy wasn't done. With Body Form still active he pushed against the water again and followed Janai'ngo.

He drew back his fist and launched it into the same spot he struck before sending sending a shockwave through the monster's body. Percy used the water around him and pushed himself and Janai'ngo futher and futher upwards and he punched the creature again and again and again.

Percy's HP: 5,550/ 7,650

MP: c2030/ 5,700

Each shockwave from his attacks rippled through the sea as the monster was pushed further and further upwards. Slowly however Percy's water breathing skill started to get affected. He knew he had to end this now. He drew back his right leg and sent a kick right into the monster breaking it's hard underbelly and drawing blood out.

Critical strike!

Damage- 900 X 4 time more from Body Form = 3,600 Attack!

Critical strike- 2,500% of 3,600 Attack = 90,000 Attack!

The ice around Janai'ngo's head shattered as it was launched upwards like a rocket. Percy followed it as fast as he could pushing himself faster than ever before. He could feel the water apart in front of him and push him forward, it was almost like the sea wanted him to go faster.

'500 meters,' Percy told himself as he released his Body Form perk causing his strength to be reduced as was the negative effects of using said perk;

Body Form- Allows user to focus all strength into one part of their body. The focused area will gain x4 power for a desired time. Cool down will last for twice as long and total strength will be reduced by half till full recovery.

Str- 50 (+20)= 70 - 35 (cost of Perk) = 35

Time till full strength regained- 2 minutes 30 seconds

Percy looked up and saw Janai'ngo slow down as the creature regained control of it's body.

"Begone wreathed ape!" The monster roared as it charged at Percy swiping the demigod to the side with a swing of it's huge tentacles.

Percy was sent through the water a good 20 feet until he regained his balance. He looked up and saw the giant monster charging at him with it's 8 pincers open slowly. Percy watched as the monster revealed it's four rows of jagged teeth lined up along the entrance of it's mouth.

It rammed into Percy and nearly swallowed him whole but the demigod stretched his limbs to the limit as he caught onto the edge of the monster's mouth holding on to dear life as Janai'ngo swam faster and faster trying to shake Percy's grip and swallow the demigod whole/

Percy fingers turned white as he strained to not get eaten. He looked into the jaws of the monster and saw nothing but death. An unearthly glow of red shined from deep within showing Percy the remains of hair and limbs wedged in between the teeth of the monster. Nausea flowed through Percy, vomit threatened to spill knew whose flesh that was, he wasn't a fool. Janai'ngo had eaten Mera's friends and their remains were now hanging off the end of the monster's tail.

Dread flowed through Percy as slowly the monster stopped moving altogether. It shook its head violently and spat Percy out into the water. It narrowed its remaining many red eyes at Percy before slowly gathering all the water around and launching it at Percy.

The son of Poseidon's eyes winded as a literal whirlpool of water was sent his way. Percy moved to the side as fast as he could but still got caught in the very edge of the whirlpool. Percy could feel his powers over water weaken, the whirlpool was contaminated with Janai'ngo's presence, Percy could feel it.

The demigod caught his throat as slowly his lungs emptied out. He body was being flung all over the places as slowly he was pushed towards the center of the whirlpool. Percy's head was spinning, but Gamer's mind already had a plan.

Percy pushed his mana outwards and froze the water around him into a sphere of ice. It was 20 inches thick and Percy was inside surrounded by the water he couldn;t breath. Just then he clicked both fingers and both lite up with two blue fireballs that burned the water into vapour reducing the water level and allowing Percy to breathing again. The demigod felt his bonus from the water around him go away as slowly his health and mana returned to normal;

Percy's HP: 5,650/ 5,650

MP: 1,750/ 3,700

Percy figured Janai'ngo's powers only worked on water, like his used to before he learnt how to control blood and other things, so if he transformed water into something else, like vapour, than that should take away the monster's control over it. Percy knew it was a long shot but he didn't have a choice, but he knew it would work, after all he did the same thing a few day's ago to counter Timmy's vacuum sphere.

Percy could feel the ice sphere he was in being pushed deeper and deeper into the sea. '600 meters,' Percy cursed, after all that the thing simply brought Percy further down without even trying.

Percy looked to the top of the sphere and could see light slowly seep in. The ice was thinning out now, the heat from Percy's fire and the constant bombardment of water from the outside chipped away at it until there was barely a sliver of it protecting Percy from the unbreathable water outside.

Slowly however the light died out as a shadow fell over in the form of Janai'ngo. Percy gulped, fear took over as he looked at the shadow. He didn't want to leave the ice sphere, it was safer than out there. For the first time Percy felt afraid of the water.

Gamer's mind calmed him down but Percy still felt hopeless. His one plan failed, he wasn't used to fighting underwater though he was of the sea. Percy felt all hope leave him as a shadow of a large tentacle wrapped itself around Percy's ice sphere pulling it out of the whirlpool.

Percy fell on his back as slowly his sphere was brought towards the monster of the deep. The sound of tentacle tighten it's grip on the capsule roared like an avalanche inside Percy's head. The son of Poseidon felt hopeless, he knew he didn't have a chance, he probably never did. This thing….it was to much.

The shadow of the beast grew larger as slowly Percy realized just how beyond him this creature was. It's blood still stuck to his right leg and he could feel it's darkness, this being was not a monster he was meant to fight, he knew that now.

The tentacle squeezed forming cracks along the wall of the sphere letting water inside. As Percy's was once again drenched a message came up;

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

Percy's eyes shot open as he looked to his HP and MP again;

Percy's HP: 7,650/ 7,650

MP: 3,750/ 5,700

A smile spread across his face as once again hope filled his heart. He closed the box and looked the giant shadow falling on him. He hadn't faced anything like this before, he probably wasn't ever meant to face anything like this at all.

The monster was frightening and nearly indestructible, without knowing how much HP it has left Percy could even be sure he was harming the thing. It would have 200 HP lfe or 2,000,000 HP. But with all that said Percy understood one thing, etherway only one of them was going out of this alive, and it wasn't going to be Janai'ngo.

The tentacle broke open the ice sphere as Percy took a deep breath and swam away from the closing limb. Percy swam to the left before he moved upwards, there was only one way he could win, and that was with light. But first he needed a distraction.

Percy poured 1,000 mana straight into his ice control as he formed several sphere of ice around him before throwing each one in a different direction.


Ice control, Lv-8 (10%)

Allows the user free control over the element of ice.

Cost- 10MP per foot of ice created

Max size- 95 foot

"Hiding will not spare you from me demigod!" Janai'ngo roared as it stretched all it's tentacles trying to grab each one and crushing it to find Percy.

The demigod in question however wasn't in any of the ice spheres, he had opened up his inventory and pulled out something he had been saving for over a year, just in case a situation like this ever arises;

Ring of Invisibility,

The wearer of this ring is given invisibility for one whole day.

Time remaining- 24 hours.

Percy had never used his ring, Grover hadn't either and had taken his with him while Luke had used his to sneak into camp. Percy had slipped on the ring and was currently swimming towards the sea's surface.

It was at 50 meters depth that Janai'ngo had finished breaking through every ice sphere. It looked confused before slowly all of it's eyes turned to the surface as it began searching for disturbances in the water.

Percy's had almost reached the surface when Janai'ngo let out an earth shattering roared. 'Guess he figured out he got tricked' Percy thought to himself as he quickly swam towards the Ascension. Once near the boat he used his water powers and rocketed out of the sea landing right on the deck of the ship.

The crew was visibly startled as a loud noise rang out as if something landed on the ship. They all drew their blades but Percy quickly took of his invisibility ring showing himself to the crew. "It's okay, it's just me."

"Took you long enough lad," Galen spoke up grinning, "most of us though you drowned," the crew burst into laughter at the Quartermaster's jest.

"I almost did," Percy replied with a serious looked that shut everyone up.

"What do you mean?" Odyssee called out as slowly the drunk sailor personnel went away replaced by the legendary hero of Troy.

"Something down there set a trap for Triton, only I showed up instead. I don't know what it is but we need to go, now!"

Odysseus didn't argue, he turned and yelled, "move it all of you! Time is of the eccese!"

"Sir yes sir!" The crew all replied at once as they exploded into movement. Percy had never seen such a large group of people move in such perfect harmony. They moved like people who had been doing the same job for years, which they had. Soon the sails were down and the boat started moving again.

Percy turned to the sea and looked over the edge of the boat, the water slowly became darker. Even from here Percy could tell the water was getting colder, the monster was coming. Janai'ngo was coming for him.

"Odysseus we aren't going to make it!" Percy yelled out as he searched in his inventory for something that could be used against the monster.

"We'll make it kid!" Odysseus yelled out as he took off hi captains jacket revealing a worn out Greek style leather armour underneath, "Galen take the wheel!"

"Aye aye captain!" the large man saluted taking over control of the ship steering them away.

"What exactly is coming for us?" Odysseus asked as he took out his pure white blade searching the sea's surface for the monster.

"I'm not sure, but whatever it is it's big, scary and unkillable."

"Nothing is unkillable."

"I shot a beam of sunlight directly at it its face and the monster simply came out of that with nothing but a whole in it's head."

Odysseus raised an eyebrow, "if it has a whole in it's head how can it still move?"

"I don't know!" Percy yelled out, "no matter what I do I can't seem to slow it down!"

"Well than let's see what I can do," Odysseus said with a reassuring smile holding up his white blade.

"I don't think blade will be effective against this thing."

"Why is that?"

"Riptide didn't even scratch it's skin."

"Well this blade is special," Odysseus pointed to his blade, "it can cut through anything."

Percy looked at the blade, it was white with black leather around the handle serving as a grip. It's blade was leaf shaped and it's crossguard was forged in the form of a T, probably to catch the opponent's weapon;

Yew's breath;

The weapon of Odysseus, it is made out of cyclops bone and is tempered with the blood of Argo, Odysseus loyal dog.

Damage- 9000 Attack

"Holy shit!" Percy exclaimed, "I think you might just be able to kill this thing."

Odysseus nodded as he turned to the sailors, "ready your weapons men! Looks like we might have a fight on our hands!"

"Sir yes sir!" The crew roared out as each went to different corners of the ship. PErcy watched in amazement as parts of the ship was opened up revealing secret storage space where there were tons of weapons. Percy couldn't even fathom how many hiding spaces there were. Some were in the stairs while others were built into the every wood lining of the ship.

The crew took out various weapons from from each time period. Marc had a small rapier on his left with a sub machine gun slung across his neck. William had a muskat along with a handgun while Galen took out a set of knuckle busters.


You can use Body Form again!

Percy closed the box and looked around, "you guys are well equipped."

"Well we do run into the occasional trouble," Odysseus commented, "we like to be ready."

Just then Percy's Area since acted up;

Warning! A very pissed off Great Old One is on your tail!

The ship was moving fast, especially with Percy's blessing, but the demigod knew it was nothing compared to the speed at which Janai'ngo could travel. Soon a figure emerged from the sea right in front of them. The water moved to the side as the head of Janai'ngo revealed itself to Odysseus and his crew.

"Janai'ngo," Odysseus whispered in horror as slowly his hand started to shake.

"You that thing?" Percy asked as his head began to think of ways to kill, or at least distract the thing long enough for the ship to escape.

"It's not supposed to exist," Odysseus muttered as he took in a big gulp of spit, "not here, not now."

"Came we beat it?"

"No….but we can try," Odysseus face turned from fear to excitement, "I have always wanted to fight a Great Old One, now I can," he turned to his people, "ready men!"

"Sir yes sir!" Percy could see fear, but none let it be heard.

Odysseus turned to the monster in question and lifted his blade, "bring it on sunshine!"

"I'll kill you all!" Kanai Nago roared as it sent a huge tidal wave right at the ship.

"Your turn Percy!" Odysseus yelled out.

"Yes captain," Percy stepped forward freezing the water with a flick of the wrist. He then jumped forward and punched the solid mass of ice with his fist, "Giga Impact!" The ice shattered and blew back pleting the sea monster behind. Percy landed on the surface of the water and allowed himself to be partly submerged in the sea;

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

Percy's HP: 7,650/ 7,650

MP: 3,250/ 5,700

"Aim your weapons men!" Odysseus yelled out as all those who had ranged weapons took at at the monster.

"Foolish humans!" Janai'ngo roared out, "your pathetic weapon cannot harm me!"

"Fire!" Odysseus roared out as bullets began riddle the surface of Janai'ngo's scales.

"Fools!" Janai'ngo roared as it ignored the gunfire choosing instead to swim closer towards the ship.

"He's coming closer!" Percy yelled out.

"Oliver take aim!" Odysseus yelled out. On top of the crow's nest a figure dressed in green holding a bow and arrow aimed at Janai'ngo. "Fire at will!"

The green archer let the arrow loose and in mid flight the tip ignited on fire. Janai'ngo swung its tentacle to knock the arrow out of the way but the moment the arrow made contact with its scales the entire monster exploded into flames.

"What did you do!" Percy yelled out as the monster roared and thrashed around in pain.

"The bullets were actually pellets filled with crude oil, highly flammable," Odysseus explained as the giant monster swam down into the sea to put the fire out.

Percy jumped onto the ship,"do you guys have any more?"

"Yeah, but not much," Marc replied as a few sailors brought a barrel of oil out from the kitchen.

Percy nodded, "this should be enough," Percy opened his inventory and took out his gauntlet of Kefka.

"What's that?" Odysseus asked curiously.

"Back up," Percy told him as he raised his gauntlet high into the air summoning forth Marchosias, Timmy the Goblin King and Craig the Damned Knight. Three separate clouds of smoke poured out of the gauntlet. One took form of a giant wolf with white wings, the other of a knight fully decked out in black armour and the last of a 14 foot tall horned black skinned Goblin.

"Master," all three bowed together drawing looks from the crew, especially Odysseus.

"Alright you guys listen up we have a fight on our hands, a big one."

"Who did you piss off this time?" Marcia the wolf asked as she looked around, "and why are we on a boat?"

"We are on Odysseus boat and we are currently taking on some creature named Janai'ngo."


"I'm my defence he came after me."

"Are you fucking crazy?!" Marcia roared, "no, don't answer that, I already know you are crazy because who else would piss off Janai'ngo in the middle of the FUCKING OCEAN?!"

"Look you can scream all you want later but right now we need to fight," Percy stated with a serious look. Marcia looked at him and sighed bowing her head in acceptance, "Craig and Timmy," the tow in question turned to Percy, "we three are going to fight that thing head on. Marcia I need you to carry this barrel," Percy pointed to the barrel of crude oil, "and when the chance comes drop on Janai'ngo."

"The barrel is too big for my jaws," Marcia said looking at it, "it would be difficult to both a fly and carry this thing."

"I'll do it," Odysseus said coming forward.

"You okay with this?" Percy asked.

"Sure, I've never flown on a giant wolf before," Odysseus said with a grin, "it'll be fun."

Percy looked surprised, "ah well it's nice to see your up for the challenge Odysseus but I wasn't asking you," Percy turned to Marcia, "you okay with flying Odysseus?"

The wolf mirked at the greek hero, "yeah, won't be a problem."

Soon the team was ready and just time as Janai'ngo chose that moment to attack. It struck the bottom of the ship with it's tentacles wrapping it around the wooden ship.

"Deja vu," Odysseus said turning to his men, "alright men give it hell!"

"YA!" the men roared in approval as Odysseus got on top of Marcia and flew into the sky with the barrel of crude oil. Percy and his other land bound servants helped the sailors cut off the tentacles by ether cutting through or in Craig's case, hitting it with a sword until it's reduced to paste.

Timmy used his control over the winds to cut into the tentacles ripping them apart while Percy froze and smashed his way through them all.

"ARGH!" Percy heard a sailor scream out in pain. Percy turned to find Marc stuck with one of Janai'ngo's many fangs. Percy ran to his side and pulled the fang out while cauterizing the wound as best he can. He then drew and quick healing ruin on top of the wound and healed the man giving up 300 HP.

"Demigod!" Janai'ngo roared out. Percy got up from his injured friend's side and turned to see the beast from the the depth look right at him. It opened it's many pincers in a snarl, "you have made a grave and powerful enemy today demigod."

"Yeah well stick it up you ass sunshine," Percy cursed as he slowly walked away from the crew to the bow of the ship to get away from the crew and keep Janai'ngo's attention focused on him.

"I will destroy you!" The monster roared out as it opened it mouth spraying some sort of liquid at Percy. But moment before the liquid struck Percy the demigod exploded into smoke letting the liquid pass right through him and melt the top layer of wood of the boat.

"Where did you go?!" Janai'ngo roared looking sideways, "I know this trick demigod! You teleported away to sear as a distraction! I will not fall for it!"

'Teleport?' Percy wondered still in his smoke form, 'whatever, don't need to look a gift in the mouth.' Percy moved quickly before the monster could notice and reformed right in front of it's face. Before it noticed him, Percy jumped on Janai'ngo's head and activated both Speed Demon and Body From perks;

Body Form activated: Left and Right arms

Percy moved quickly and with his hands blinded the monster one red eye at a time. Percy moved quickly across it's black head. Every attack he made launched spraying blood and gore everywhere. The monster didn't realise what was happening until Percy had destroyed four of its remaining eyes.

"NOOO!" It roared as it tried to shacked Percy of it's head. The demigod dropped down and plunged his hand into Janai'ngo's empty eye socket and used it as a grip to hold on. Blood exploded outwards covering Percy head to toe in blood.

'I'm not letting go you yet asshole,' Percy then formed several ice spears and manipulated to to blind a few more of the monster's many eyes before finally his grip failed which sent him flying away into the side of the boat.

Percy coughed out blood, the monster's not his own and turned to the sky, "NOW!"

[Be ready!] Odysseus roared from the sky as he dropped the barrel of crude oil from high up.

Janai'ngo shock it's head trying to recover from the pain it was feeling, it opened its remaining eyes and looked at Percy, "I will have you ripped from existence for this. Every version of you, every being that met you, I will have them all killed."

"You can't even protect yourself," Percy narrowed his eyes at the monster, "how do you think you will be able to kill me?"

"I may not be able to, but my master will avenge me."

Percy narrowed his eyes, "who is you master?"

The monster didn't speak for a long time until, "you will know."


The was the sound of the barrel breaking open on top of Janai'ngo's head. Janai'ngo's remaining eyes widened in horror as it immediately realised what he was covered with. He tried to escape but Percy didn't skip a beat as the demigod immediately froze over the surface of the sea around the ship;

Percy's HP: 5,350/ 5,650

MP: 450/ 3,700

The ice was thick, Janai'ngo couldn't escaped back into the water quick enough. It turned to Percy who stood right in front of him with his right hand open outwards.

"Who are you?" It asked finally asking for Percy's name.

"Nobody," Percy snapped his finger summoning with the last of his magic four powerful fireballs. He sent them all at the monster, two were blocked by Janai'ngo's tentacles but the other two landed true and set the monster's head on fire.

"ARGHHH!" It roared out as it tried to douse the flames. "Help me master Cthulhu! Help you minion!"

Percy fell to one leg as exhaustion finally took over. He felt his bones creak as he looked up to see Janai'ngo's body burn. The monster continued to roar in pain but just then an odd feeling hit Percy;

Something is interfering with the weather!

"What is going on here?" Odysseus asked as he and Marcia flew across the sky avoiding dark clouds.

"Something is interfering," Marcia said in a tone filled with fear and anger, "something bad"

Slowly the winds started picking up as the bright sun was covered with dark clouds. The blue was replaced with black as the sea became more and more violent. The roars of the burning monster were overpowered by the roars of the sea as suddenly;


The ice preventing the monster from escaping back into the sea broke in half.

"Thank you master!" The monster roared as it leapt into the water dousing the flames.

Percy's eyes widened in shock, "this can't be happening...w-what is going on here?"

Slowly the ocean became more and more violent as it started to bombard the ship with heavy winds. Percy held on to the railing and managed to to not fall over but something was seriously wrong.

'I need to get the sea under control,' Percy told himself as he closed his eyes trying to connect with the sea to bring it under his control again. Percy quickly found the rope of water connecting him to the sea and he pulled on it. He ordered the sea to stop, but there was something there, something preventing him from gaining control.

Percy turned his mind's eye towards that something and searched with his powers as his guide and he found….something. The first thing was big, bigger than him. While Percy felt like a piece of rope this thing was as big as a ship. And the ship felt like….like Janai'ngo. This made scene now, the monster's connection was much larger than Percy's, much larger. But as Percy kept pushing he felt something else, something more.

Warning! Your mind is being pressurised! -1000 per second!

Percy felt something huge, bigger than him, than Janai'ngo and everything. This being felt cold and calm. It was bigger than a ship, than a city, than country. Percy's mind felt overwhelmed as he saw the object in the form of a planet, an entire planet. It's precise dwarfed his own as slowly Percy was mesmerised by it.

"Who are you?" Percy asked as he fell to the ground in amazement. He waited and waited but received no answer. The son of the sea god opened his eyes and looked to the sea, he could feel the warm blood flowing down his nose. His brain hurt even thinking about the enormity of what he felt, but he had to know, he deserved to know.

Warning! Your mind is being pressurised! -1000 per second!

Percy closed his eyes and felt the planet's influence slowly die away. The entire planet was dissolving into nothing. Percy took his tiny connection to the sea and used it to communicate with the planet, "who are you?"

The planet moved as slowly it rotated towards Percy revealing a face on the other side. PErcy's brain couldn't comprehend what he just saw, he didn't understand it at all. The face was to big to see, to complex to understand. But when it spoke it uttered only one word, "CTHULHU."

Percy snapped his eyes open and feel to the ground in pain. His ear rang out in pain as blood poured out of them.

Warning! Your mind is being pressurised! -1000 per second!

"Boss are you okay?" Timmy asked kneeling to help him up.

"I'm fine," Percy replied holding his head, "I just need some rest."

Percy's HP: 650/ 5, 650

MP: 925/ 3,700

"You'r eyes," Craig said.

"Shit, he's right, you have blood coming from your eyes as well boss," Timmy said as Percy slowly wiped away the blood. Seven second, Percy had simply been in contact with that….thing for only seven second and he nearly died.

"Where's Janai'ngo?" Percy asked as he saw Marcia and Odysseus slowly come down from the sky.

"We haven't seen him boss," Timmy replied, "I think he's hiding underwater."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I think so," Percy turned to the sea and watched as the water and the sky slowly climb back down. Percy could feel the outside influence die away, this was his chance to kill Janai'ngo.

Percy turned to Odysseus and Marcia and waved them over. They waved back and quickly landed on the ship. Odysseus got off the wolf and smiled, "well now what?"

"DESTROY!" Janai'ngo bursted out of the sea roaring out as it launched one of it's tail spikes right at Percy.

The son of Poseidon tried to move using his speed but fell over, he was still weakened from his interaction with Cthulhu. He tried to use Smoke Form but he was out of mana. The spike came closer, Craig and Timmy jumped in the way but the spike just went through them turning them into smoke.

It was a few feet away from Percy, the demigod put his hands up in defence, he didn't want to die, not now, not like this. His eyes were squeezed shut when suddenly;


Percy opened his eyes and found himself unharmed. But in front of him stood Odysseus with a the spike lodged between his ribs.

[Odysseus!] Percy yelled out as he caught the man before he fell to the ground.

[I'm alright little one,] he said in a weak smile, [I shall live yet.]

[Keep quiet,] Percy said as he looked over the man's wound, [oh gods it's wnet through you body!]

[Haha that bad huh?] Odysseus asked looking at his shoulder and gawking at it, [oh gods it's worse.]

Percy turned to the monster of the sea who had already gone underwater. Percy's narrowed his eyes in rage but he didn't have time for that, he needed to look after Odysseus. Percy turned to Odysseus's wound and used Observe on the spike;

Janai'ngo's spike,

Causes -1000 HP damage per minute. Causes death.

Poisonous in nature- will continue to cause erosion in victim until death

Percy's eyes widened in shock, [Odysseus it's-it's bad.]

The greek hero smiled, "I figured. It's fine kid, it's okay."

Percy looked at the man and shook his head, "no, it's not."

"If this is my time than so be it," Odysseus said with a smile. The crew slowly gathered around with many openly crying tears for their fallen captain, "now now guys….don't -don't cry."

Percy felt tears threaten to cloud his eyes but Gamer's mind refused, Percy refused. Anger grew in Percy but again Percy didn't let it take over, doing so would activate 'Le Bete.'

Percy lifted Odysseus up, "I'm not letting you die," he said as he opened his inventory.

"It id the will of the Fates," Odysseus replied sounding more and more weaker already.

"Fuck the Fates," Percy replied as he slowly put Odysseus away inside his inventory keeping him in a form of status.

"Where is Odysseus?" Galen asked with his jaw hanging low.

"Safe," Percy said turning to the sea, "he won't die until I take him out of where I stored him. Right now he is between death and life."

As Galen and the crew slowly came to terms with this news Percy walked to the edge of the boat and got on top.

"Where are you going?" Galen asked.

Percy lifted his left hand up and called back Marcia and put the gauntlet away, "I'm going to kill the son of a bitch once and for all."

Galen nodded and threw something at Percy. The son of Poseidon reacted quickly and caught the object and found it to be Odysseus blade, Yew Breath.

"He dropped it when he saved your life," GAlen explained with a hard look taking over his face, "it is charmed to cut through anything. Use it to kill the son of a bitch who did this."

Percy nodded and unsheathed the blade. He threw the sheath to the side and dropped down into the ocean;

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

+1000 HP(+1000 HP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 HP

+1000 MP (+1000 MP due to necklace of Poseidon) = +2000 MP

Percy's HP: 2,650/ 7,650

MP: 2,450/ 5,700

Percy swam down quickly.

'300 meters.' Percy felt around for the monster only feeling nothing but the thought and feeling of normal sea creatures.


· Water Controlling Lv-21 (41%)

Allows you to control any form of water from any source of water. You can reconstruct it in anyway you wish and it will obey your every command.

Cost-5 MP per minute

Special attack- Water Spikes-350 Damage cost 100 MP

Special defence- Water shield-100/100 Durability cost 50 MP

Special control- Blood control-cost 30 MP per minute. (Can control those who are weaker than you.)

Special control- Moisture control- cost same as water control + 10 MP

'600 meters' Percy felt it, it was deep inside but it was there. Janai'ngo ran back to the very bottom of the sea, which is where Percy was going to follow.

'800 meters,' light once again died off but Percy could see clearly as day.

'1,500 meters,' Janai'ngo felt even further away than before, it seemed that Percy misjudges the actual depth of the ocean.

'2,000 meters.'

'3,000 meters.'

'4,000 meters.'

At 4,500 meters Percy could see the bottom of the ocean. And there sitting in a cave was Janai'ngo. It immediately sensed Percy, "DEMIGOD!"

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Percy roared out as he sent a blast of ice at the monster piercing one of it's tentacles.

The monster roared as it sent a blast of water right at Percy who easily managed to avoid the attack sending a large ice trident at the monster piercing it into the ground.

"I shall eat you whole demigod!" Janai'ngo roared out as he launched spikes at Percy, who avoided them with ease. The demigod swam towards the monster and avoided all of its remaining tentacles. Percy swam to the top of the cave and punched it with his Giga Impact causing it to collapse on top of Janai'ngo pinning the monster down.

"DEEEEMMMMIIIIGODDDD!" The monster roared but Percy payed it no mind. The son of Poseidon swam in front of the monster and looked, simply looked at the monster face. The thing had only three working eyes left, Percy had destroyed the rest. The hole to the side of it's head was broken in deeper and Percy could see the edges were infected. It had a few tentacles remaining with a huge hole present in its bottom.

"Beg," Percy said as he lifted Yew Breath up, "beg for you life. Beg like those mermaids probably did when you tortured them."

"You know not who you fight with demigod!" The monster roared out, "I beg to no one!"

"Than beg to you master to come save you again," Percy said as he allowed his blood lust to seep into this voice, "beg and I'll spare you."

"You do not yet understand who you fight do you demigod?! I am-" the monster stopped mid sentence as Percy slammed a fist right isn't it's hard shell. It used its remaining eyes and looked at Percy, really looked for the first time, and slowly something dawned on the creature, "you are not the son of Triton are you?"

"I am the son of Poseidon, not Triton."

The monster started to panic but in a last ditch attempt to wrapped it's tentacles around Percy's legs and pulled the demigod towards him. He pushed Percy downwards and waited for him to drown as being this close to him would automatically cancel his powers.

Percy waited for it to come, the suffocation, the desperation, but it never did. He blinked, he was right under Janai'ngo's eyes and yet he could breath just fine. He smiled, he didn't know why, but the monster couldn't affect him any more. Percy sung Yew Breath and cut off the tentacle holding him down.

"WHAT!?" The monster roared as one of it's last tentacles were cut off, "how are you still alive!?"

"I don't know," Percy simply replied as he formed several stakes made out of ice and plunged it into the monster's back.

"ARGH!" The monster roared out in pain. It tried to get away, to crawl away, but it was pinned down.

"It doesn't really matter," Percy dashed forward and placed the tip of the blade near the hole made by his canon, "I'm going to end you right here and now."

The monster's eyes twitched, it's pincers started to move without any control, "Cthulhu will avenge my death! He will-"

"-Beg," Percy whispered as he pierced on of the monster's pincers before ripping it out with his bare hands.

"ARGH!" The monster roared in pain. It looked up at Percy, "you are making a mistake"

"Beg," Percy gathered all the water around him, strangely enough the water around the monster wasn't resisting anymore, he could control it easily. He used the water and pierced all of Janai'ngo's remaining eyes causing the monster to become totally blind.



"I'm-I'm sorry-"


"I begging you please don't kill me!"

Percy narrowed his eyes and the monster, as a cruel smile slowly spread across his face, "burn in the underworld monster," Percy plunged the white blade into the monster's brain and pushed until it was hilt deep inside. Percy channeled his earthquake vibrations into the sword and pushed the blade inside deeper, "EARTH MOVER!"

Percy unleashed his new technique causing the entire area around the monster to collapse in on itself. Percy took the blade out and swam away just as the last of the ground gave way and collapsed onto of the monster. Percy saw it slowly disintegrate into nothing leaving Percy all alone in the bottom of the sea.

Percy panted, 'it's over, it's finally over.'


Your skill has leveled up!

Bloodlust, Lv-8 (90%)

You scare the shit out of your enemies

50% chance of working

30% scary

Percy pushed the notification aside when suddenly a bright light shined from the collapsed cave. Percy squinted his eyes but eventually they adjusted and saw the light coming in the form of a door. Percy could feel the door pull him closer, it was calling out to him.

Percy tightened his hold on the blade but cautiously swam towards the white door and the moment he reached out to touch it he was enveloped in a flash of light.

Unknown Location

Percy opened his eyes and found himself in middle of a marble room. The room had no windows or doors and was bare except for Greek pillars lining the corners. Percy looked at them all in wonder until he noticed the giant golden spinning wheel located in the center of the room.

The son of Poseidon walked up to the wheel and looked at it closely. Etched into the very gold were pictures depicting the life of a man. The man was moving, from first being baby, to an adult, to an old man and then a ghost. Then the picture changed, this time it was a woman, she was born a baby, became a teenage and then died abrouptly.

Percy then looked at the yarn produces. The giant wheel priced hundreds of strings in every spin and each glowed a different unique colour. There were some with a solid colour while others were mixed. Some looked like they were the twin of another while some stood out unique amongst all it's companions.

"I see you have made yourself familiar with my work already Percy," said a gentle and familiar voice.

Percy turned to the voice and found an old woman wearing grey sitting in front of all the threads being made. She smiled at Percy as the demigod face went from happy to surprise, "Lady Clotho?"

"Indeed Perseus," the Fate nodded as she stood up from her spot near the threads walking up to Percy, "I imagine you are wondering why you are here."

"Yeah..." Percy said looking around, "for starters where the hell am I?"

"My domain," Clotho said gesturing to the room, "a place where no one can access without my permission. A place with no entrances or exits that I don't create. A place locked outside of space and time."

"Thought you lived in a cave with your sisters?"

"We do, but this is where I come to do my work in peace, spending eternity with your siblings can be….difficult. This is my….what's the phrase? My little hole in the ground."

"So….why am I here?" Percy asked, "not that I'm complaining or anything it's just that I was in the middle of something."

"Yes….that is why I have called for you," Clotho said walking up to Percy, "the creature you faced, do you know who it was?"

Percy looked at the Fate, her eyes were black and filled with little blue thread criss crossed through them, "it was something old, something very very powerful and very old. And it served something even more powerful."

Clotho nodded, "indeed, the being you speak of is called Cthulhu. You have had a run in with him I believe."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I kinda got the full on experience."

"The power you felt Percy was not of a simple god, but of a being that is beyond our world, beyond our comprehension. Percus I have called you here to warn you," Clotho turned serious, "never ever face one of them, ever again in combat. You got lucky this time, it was a being that was weak, still bound by our laws of physics, something that can be killed. The only reason you could breath underwater near it at the end was because you drank some of it's blood making you immune to its powers. But if you ever encounter one of them again, turn away and run."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "how powerful can they even be?"

Clotho sighed, "you do not understand, that is...understandable. Humans aren't supposed to understand these things," Clotho tapped her chin before smiling, "maybe I can help."

The Fate stretched her right index finger and a golden energy ball appeared on the tip. She approached Percy who backed away wary of the ball, "relax Perseus," Clotho said, "I mean you no harm and never will."

The demigod sighed and nodded as Clotho pressed the ball of energy between his eyes;


You have obtained, temporarily, the ability to see deities true forms without exploding!

Percy blinked and pushed the notification away, "so you gave me the ability to see people true forms, why?"

"For this," Clotho said as slowly her enter being started to glow, "do not close your eyes Perseus," she said as he body exploded in blue and gold. The old woman from before was gone, replaced by a young maiden wearing a blue greek robe partial covering her chest allowing one breast to be exposed. He hands were covered with golden threads wound together to make thick bracelets and on her head was a crown made of sapphires.

Percy looked at the goddess in wonder as the power he felt coming off her filled his very being. The longer he looked, the more her felt he wasn't seeing. Slowly though the image of Clotho's physical form was replaced by something else, something bigger. Slowly life itself presented was shown to Percy. Like a thread being spun, man's life was twisted and made whole.

Percy saw the human races, he saw the world, the galaxy and slowly nothing. Percy blinked, it was to much, all that knowledge, the knowledge of what was to come, what is happened, all of it was right there in front of him.

The demigod looked again and suddenly his own image was shown. It was him as a baby, him as a child. The battle he waged against the Minotaur was clearly seen, his fight with Marchosias. Luke betraying him, the camp dying. Artemis and him sitting together in the park on his birthday, Sally smiled at him when he came home while Leo pissed on his leg. He saw himself fighting zombies, skeletons and goblins and then boarding Odysseus ship.

And then the pictures changed, morphed into things he didn't recognize. He saw himself fight a man, no, not a man, a Titan. He saw himself holding up the sky with blood leaking from his legs. He saw himself fighting on a giant floating city with Luke as the two fought back to back against something, someone. And finally he saw himself being kissed by Artemis.

"Enough," Clotho said as she returned back to looking like a hag.

Percy blinked, his brain felt like it was on fire. All that was burned into his head, it lasted for a second but Percy could clearly remember what had happened.

"That was your true form?" Percy asked after his mind slowly recovered.

"Yes, it was," Clotho explained summoning a glass of Ambrosia and giving it to Percy, "it showed you your future, or possible future."

Percy graciously accepted and drank it all in one swing, "why did you want me to see that?"

"A deity's ture from Percy is a representation of who they are," Clotho explained, "it is what they are. You saw my part of fate, I weave the lives of man, I make their threads, so that is what you saw. And I wanted you to see that because I need you to understand, as hard as it was for you see my true form, it would be equally hard for me to gaze upon the forms of beings like Cthulhu."

Percy's eyes widened in shock, "y-you mean-"

"-Cthulhu and beings like him, the Elder Gods, are far more powerful than any deity on Earth."

"B-But you're all gods! All of you! How can anyone be stronger than you?!"

"There are many thing in the universe that are stronger than us Percy," Clotho said looking at the giant spinning wheel, "and one of them are the Elder Gods. So do you understand Percy? If you ever encounter one of their kinds every again, run."

Percy nodded, "yeah okay no problem, I'll never fight an Elder God ever again."

"Actually the monster you fought was just a servant of an Elder God known as a Great Old One."

Percy blinked, "yeah okay this just got confusing," he sighed rubbing his temples, "I need a vacation."

Clotho smiled, "well you still have a quest to do young Percy,."

Percy sighed, "yeah don't remind me. So how do I get out of this place anyway?"

"I shall send you back," Clotho said before suddenly a thought struck her, "oh wait I nearly forgot to give you this," she snapped her hands and summoned a big ball of blue energy.

"Wow," Percy said mesmerised by the ball of energy, "what's that?"

"The experience points you gained from killing Janai'ngo," Clotho than launched the ball right at Percy. The blue energy filled Percy up and then;


You have gained 230,000 Exp!




You have leveled up three times!

Percy Jackson

Health-5,550/5,550 (+1000) = 6,550

Mana-3,150/3,150 (+1000) = 4,150

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-28 Exp- 27,710/ 87,000









MONEY- 224,637$/1,208D

Percy smiled, "sweet."

"Indeed, but that is not all," Clotho said snapping her fingers summoning a golden seed in the palm of her hand, "here eat this."

Percy narrowed his eyes and tried to Observe the seed but the info box came out as expected;



Complete garbage. Percy sighed and took the seed swallowing it in one go. The seed sent out a jolt of power throughout Percy's body;

Congratulations! You have obtained an update to your powers thank to the amazing Clotho!

You have unlocked: Perk Tree

Perk Tree- Allows you to pick and chose specific additions to you perks! For example would be adding extra speed to your Speed Demon perk or cutting down the recovery time of your Body From perk. You can use Stat points to buy perk instead of investing in stats. Please note that in perks gained from stats, in order to increase the number of perk-add ons you must have a higher level in the stat.

Percy blinked, "this is so cool! But why now?"

"You need the extra support Percy," Clotho said turning back to her spinning wheel, "for what is to come."

"And what is to come? You guys still haven't given me a clear answer to why you have given me these powers," Percy said closing the box, "and I'm not an idiot, I know it's not just to destroy Kronos, you want something from me, what is it?"

Clotho smiled, "you aren't an idiot Percy, I never thought you were. There is a greater reason for why we gave you this power, true, but right now as you are you do not need to know why. One day I promise you I will tell you all that you need to know, but for now, leave, you have a quest to get back to."

Percy narrowed his eyes but finally gave in. He turned around and a door suddenly appeared waiting for him. Percy began to walk towards the door when Clotho spoke up again, "wait Percy."

"What?" Percy asked. Clotho snapped her finger and Percy's inventory automatically opened up tossing out his gauntlet of Kefka. The armour floated to the Fate's open arm before exploding into tiny pieces.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Percy yelled as he ran towards Clotho. He fell to his knees and held the broken piece of the weapon in his hands, "why did you do that?!"

"Relax Percy, it isn't broken," Clotho said. Percy looked up and saw the blue gem that was fixed in the back of the gauntlet in Clotho's hand, "this," she wiggled the gem, "is the true power of the gauntlet. The tear of the Cameleon God crystalised and enhanced."

"Cameleon god?" Percy asked.

"Just a nick name we Greek have for the Christian God, you know because he is always changing his mind," Cloth explained as she pressed the stone up against Percy's forehead. Percy blinked, the stone was cold, colder than the marble under his feet. Slowly Clotho pushed and Percy felt the stone being inserted into his skull. There was no pain, no discomfort. The stone simply locked itself into Percy's forehead.

"What did you do?" Percy asked as he formed a layer of ice under him and looked at his reflection. The stone was now embedded into his skin, it looked like a third eye had been vertically inserted into his skin.

"I improved your connection with the stone Percy," Cloth explained as he snapped her finger causing Percy's body to automatically pull itself up, "you will find your connection with you servants far more powerful now."

Percy touched the stone on his head and flinched feeling the cold mineral next to his arm skin, "is there anyway to ah...I don't know hide it? It's going to be difficult to explain this one to my friends."

Clotho smiled and snapped her finger causing the stone to disappear completely, "it is hidden. It will only show itself if you wish it."

Percy looked at the ice mirror and smiled seeing his normal face again, "sweet."

"And one more thing Perseus," Clotho said with narrowed eyes, Percy gulped, she used his full name, that was never a good sign, "you must not use the power of the crystal to bind Janai'ngo."

Percy looked surprised, "really? But why not?"

"Because if you do that will give you a direct connection to the Elder Gods and the Great Old Ones. You will be highlighted as a target, and believe me that is the last thing you want happening. Do. You. Understand?"

Percy gulped again at Clotho's scary demeanor but nodded, "got it, no using the crystal to bind god like beings."

"Good, oh and you will find I added an extra feature into the gem, something of my own design," Clotho explained with a prideful smile, "now I believe it is time for you to leave Percy."

"You sure? Like you don't have any other weapons of mine you want to destroy and then insert into me for you own sick experiment?"

"Well there was this one thing I wanted to try, it involves Riptide and you genitals, if you want-" the Fates didn't even finish her sentence when Percy activated his power zooming away from her and through the door leaving the Fate alone, "huh, works every time."

Bottom of the Sea,

Percy found himself back at the cave where Janai'ngo met it's end. He swam to the rocks and dug through them looking for any loot left behind. He used his water control and easily got the rocks away from the cave and found four very amazing loot items;

Treasure chest

Map to secret Hephaestus Forge of the Rooster

Skill Book: Water Storm

Skill Disk- Level 20

The treasure chest was huges, 5 by 6 feet. It was wooden and it's lock was rusted shut. Percy used water control and lifted the heavy chest up and slid it into his inventory before pocketing his map book and skill disk. Percy was amazed at that last one, he had never gotten a skill disk that powerful before.

Just as Percy was ready to swim away though he noticed something. There was something else stuck underneath the treasure chest, a silver piece of paper and on that paper was directions for creating a monster out of water;

Page of the Necronomicon,

A page belonging to the legendary book of evil, the Necronomicon. This one gives clear instruction to forming your very own monster of the sea.


1 human soul to permanently bind the creature

X amount of water to form the being

Blood of the creator

10,000 Mana

Percy blinked, this was very powerful and very deadly. He could feel the power and darkness flow out of the silver page. Percy carefully took the page and put it into his inventory and vowed never to use the spell on the page ever, not that he could even if he wanted to.

Percy swam back up and saw the Ascension waiting for him. Galen helped him on board as quickly Percy dried himself off.

"Is it gone?" Galen asked.

"Yeah, it's gone," Percy replied nodding causing a sigh of relief to travel through the crew.

"And the captain?" Galen asked causing everyone to worry, the fear of battle had passed and now everyone was worrying over the fate to the legendary hero of Greece.

"He's alive, but if you want him to stay that way we need the Golden Fleece," Percy said causing the entire crew to goran.

"Oh great we have to go see Polyphemus again! This is going to be such a pain in the ass!" Marc yelled out as many crew members nodded along.

"And we still have your mission to finish," Glane said sighing, "it is important, the fate of Olympus rests on it's completion."

"Not necessarily,"Percy said with a smile, "remember my friends who were going on another quest without me? Thier quest is to retrieve the golden Fleece and bring it back to camp Half-Blood. The barrier around the camp is slowly dying so the God's sent them to find and bring the fleece back."

"And you believe your friends can bring the fleece back to camp?" William asked raising an eyebrow.

"Marc turned to his fellow sailor, "Will, your being a dick right now, stop being a dick."

"I believe in my friends,"Percy spoke up, "they can bring the fleece back in time. So right now we need to focus on getting to Nassau as fast as we possibly can."

"Right," Galen stepped up, "alright man you heard the son of Poseidon! Hop to it! Get those sails up! I want this ship running at full speed in ten minutes!"

The crew saluted the Quartermaster as everyone ran to do their respective jobs. Percy turned to Galen, "how long till we reach Nassau?"

"Less than a day," Galen looked to the sky, "probably by tomorrow afternoon, if you give us another speed boost."

Percy nodded, "okay then" the son of Poseidon turned to the horizon, "onwards to Nassau!"


Later at Night,

Percy stood at the bow of the ship pushing it forward with his water control skills. The rest of the crew were already asleep but Percy chose to stay up and sail the ship himself to make up for lost time, after all he didn't really need the sleep.

The demigod let out a sigh, it had been a long day. He reflected on all that happened today and realized that today was probably the closest he had been to death. And for a guy who literally gets into life or death situations every other day that's saying something.

Percy opened his inventory and looked at Odysseus frozen in status, the man had saved his life, it was Percy's turn to repay the favour. Percy then took out the skill book he got and learnt the skill;

Water Storm, Lv- 1 (0%)

Forms a storm by drawing water from all available sources.

100 mana per 10 liters of water used

Damage- Depends on the affected area.

Percy smiled and then took out his skill disk, he already knew what skill to invest in;


Physical Endurance, Lv-38 (20%)

Your Body's durability increased and you take less damage.

52% less damage from physical attacks.

Percy hadn't used Skill disks on this particular skill before because he was more focused on attack than defence, but the last battle he fought made him realise that still had a long way to go and maybe now was the time to invest.

Percy then closed that and opened up his stats;

Percy Jackson

Health-5,550/5,550 (+1000) = 6,550

Mana-3,150/3,150 (+1000) = 4,150

The Gamer

Title- Son of Poseidon

(+20 Str,+20 Vit, +20 Dex, while in water)

Level-28 Exp- 27,710/ 87,000









MONEY- 224,637$/1,208D

Percy hadn't spent a single stat point of his in a year. He had focused mostly on trying to level a stat up the old fashion way. But right now due to the nature of the quest it would seem that Percy didn't really have much of a choice. If there was even a chance that he might encounter something like Janai'ngo again while fighting Argo he needed to be ready.

First thing Percy did was put in 7 points in Int raising it to 50;




You have achieved 50 stat points in INT! You have gained a new perk!

Telekinesis- the physic ability to move objects with your mind.

Range - 30 feet

Max weight- 50 Pounds

Percy was surprised at the perk he had received, sure there had been plenty of people who claimed that the smarter one get's the higher chance one would have for getting psychic powers. But to actually receive it though, it honestly felt like some next stage of evolution shit.

Percy closed the new perk box and started allotting more stat points. He put 15 points in Dex raising one of his weakest stats up to 50;



You have achieved 50 stat points in DEX! You have gained a new perk!

Please choose from one of the two perks;

Acrobat's Helm - Turns your body into that of a very flexible acrobat. Causes your ligaments to stretch to various degrees without snapping allowing for a wide range of movements.

8.0 Eyesight - Gives user incredibly eyesight that is nearly 4 time better than normal human eyes. Gives proper definitions to user allowing for amazing accuracy, night vision and perception.

PErcy groaned, this was a tough one. On one hand if he had Acrobat's helm his skill with a blade would sky rocket, he could moved quicker not wasting a single move. But 8.0 Eyesight would allow him the one thing he never got, aim. It was a sore topic for Percy, after all his training with a bow and arrow he still wasn't good enough to actually use the weapon in battle, but with this…

Percy sighed, 'why couldn't all of this be simpler?' He then got an idea. Percy took out a single drachma, 'heads I pick eyesight, tails I pick Acrobat,' Percy told himself tossing the coin up.

The coin landed on the floor, head side up. Percy shrugged and put the coin away. He than selected 8.0 Eyesight as his perk and the moment he did the world changed.

Suddenly everything became clearer. Percy could see the very swirls in the wood of the tree. He could see drops of water flying out of the sea as the water crashed on the boat. He could see further into the horizon than ever before. And when Percy looked at his own hands he could see his fingerprints even when his arms were far away from his face.

Everything was seen by Percy's eyes, so much information was being processed all at once, but Gamer's mind could handle the stress.

Percy closed his eyes and took a deep breath letting go of the energy of the perk. He slowly felt his eyesight return back to normal and when Percy opened his eyes again everything was back to the way he normally so them. Maybe this would be a skill he could use only in a fight.

Percy then decided to try out his newest power, the perk tree. Percy opened up his perks and pressed on Body From and a new box opened up. It was a tree chart of his perk with around 10 extra add ons next to it. There were three main branches;

Base - 5x - 6x - 8x - 10 x

Base - Increasing base strength - Hard as diamonds (or) Bulk up

Base - Time Limit reduce- Time Limit reduce - Time Limit reduce

Percy got the gist of the add ons just by reading their names. The first option on every branch was lit up, meaning Percy could buy them. He first clicked on 5x


Do you wish to buy this add on for 1 stat point?


Percy pressed yes and immediately felt a rush of power enter him. He looked at the Body Form perk and saw that the description had changed;

Body Form- Allows user to focus all their strength in one part of their body. The focused area will gain X5 power for a desired time period. Cool down will last twice as long and total strength will be reduced by half till then.

Percy smiled and then selected his next add on, Time limit reduce. He paid another state's point and bought the add on changing the perk once again;

· Body Form- Allows user to focus all their strength in one part of their body. The focused area will gain X5 power for a desired time period. Cool down will last 1/3 as long and total strength will be reduced by half till then.

Percy then tried to buy another add on to his perk but when he went to the menu all of the options were blacked out. Percy pressed on one of the add ons and a message popped up;

Note: you can only add two additions to every status perk every 10 level of said perk.

Percy clicked his teeth, that meant he would have to raise his strength to 60 if he wanted to buy two more additions to his perk. Percy sighed and closed the box opening up the perk tree for Speed Demon, the other perk he always used.

Here the add ons were arranged differently, instead of several branches there was just one going straight up. There were around 10 of them and every one of them were about increasing his speed.

Percy pressed bought the first two options changing his prek;

· Speed demon- Allows user to travel at unbelievable speeds at the cost of 200 HP per minute. Can be improved on with training, at present speed is: 310 Miles/hour (500 KM.)

Percy then closed the box and his stats. He wanted to get used to his two new perks before buying add ons for them, after all a skill like 8.0 eyesight needed getting used to and any addition to that would only make it even more difficult to master.

Percy looked up and sighed, 'yeah today was a long day. And to think it all started because a mermaid was attacked by a demon from another dimension…..wait… am I forgetting something again?'

Percy's eyes shot up, "Mera!"

Percy quickly opened up his inventory and found the mermaid still there in statis. He quickly too the mermaid out of the inventory and put on the ground next to him.

'Why do I keep forgetting about people?' Percy asked himself as Mera slowly came to, 'one of these days I swear I think I might forget my one name if I'm not too careful.'

The red haired busty mermaid slowly opened her eyes and looked at Percy. The demigod smiled, "hey, it's okay, you're alright now."

She blinked once, twice and then suddenly her eyes shot open. "Get away from me!" She yelled out surprising Percy. The mermaid got up and drew back her fist throwing it right into Percy's face breaking his nose.

"Shit!" Percy exclaimed holding his face as blood dripped down from his nose. 'Why the fuck do I always get the fucking crazy ones?!'