
Chapter 12

As the sun came up over the red sky light found it's way over the Arena revealing Percy shooting his last arrow at the target. His fingers were bloody, they were cut from drawing back the bowstring one to many times.

On the target were several arrow all on the target and only a few on the ground. Percy had spent the entire night here practising archery. He didn't stop to rest, his Gamer's body made sure of that. His mind was clear thanks to his Gamer's mind.

Only now did Percy begin to appreciate his gifts. He did need to sleep anymore, he only needed to do it if he was injured. He didn't to eat also if his HP was high, he only did it because he liked eating.

Truly Gamer's Mind and Body were a very useful skill to have. The results of which floated before Percy in a blue box;

Archery, Lv-40 (30%)

You can shoot an arrow, it just might hit it's target.

Accuracy- 40%

Percy had done it. He had done all this in one night, just imagine what he could do in a week, and then two weeks. Percy had also raised his Dex by 8 and his Str increased by 12 causing Percy to raise his weights to 50 pounds each.

Percy looked up, 'the sun's up already?' Seeing this as his cue to leave Percy gathered all his arrows and went back to the Poseidon cabin. The then thought, 'ID escape.' Causing the red sky out there to break and turn blue again. Percy could hear the sounds of birds chirping now and smiled as he saw various people run across the camp to the Mess Hall.

Percy may not need to eat anymore to survive but that didn't mean he didn't like eating food in general.

Percy put away his bow and quiver in his inventory and then walked out of the cabin. He then walked to the Mess Hall and grabbed himself a huge plate of meat, cheese and grapes, truly the food of the Gods. He gave some for his dad and ehne no one was watching shaved most of it into his inventory.

Percy then began to eat what was left slowly as he made plans for the day. Percy then pulled up his stats;







Not bad, not bad at all. Today maybe he should-

"Heya Percy!" Travis Stoll called out interrupting Percy's train of thought.

Percy looked up and saw both the Stool brothers standing over his shoulder with identical grins. "Oh hey guy's what's up?"

"Did you use it?" asked Conner as he tried and failed to control his laughter.

"Use what?" Percy asked confused.

"Use the HNI," Travis explained.

"Oh yeah I used it," Percy said smiling, "I managed to make some drachma sealing some useless junk on the online market."

Travis and Conner looked like owls as they stared at him, "wait your telling me the first thing you did when you got access to the internet was go shopping?"

"Ah..yeah?" Percy replied hesitantly.

"Wow," Conner said actually surprised, "so you didn't look at porn?"


"Not even a little?"


"Didn't shop for any playboys?"


"What did you do all night?!" the two brothers yelled together causing Percy to chuckle nervously.

"I was training," Percy explained, "my archery skills suck so I wanted to practise."

"They don't just suck Jackson they are non existent!" Michael Yew called out from the Apollo table.

"Shut up Michael! And stop listing to other people's conversations!"

"I can't help it Percy my dad is the god to truth! I have to interfere when someone tells a lie!"

Percy chuckled and turned back to the Stoll brother, "so no I didn't visit any porn sights yet."

The two nodded, "alright then we just wanted to say and see whether you got the HNI working. See around Percy!"

Percy waved them away and turned back to his stats. Now where was I? Ah yes, improving his Int and Dex. It was true he had a high amount of stata but he needed more. But maybe he could do that later, for now let's focus on improving Vit.

The speed Percy felt when fighting the Knight of the Damned was exhilarating. It was like a drug and Percy wanted more. But first he needed to get some things fixed.

Percy walked out of the Mess Hall and when he was alone walking down the main path, pulled out his plated armour. The poor thing was torn apart from yesterday's battle. Percy slung it over his shoulder and then went to the forge where again he walked to Nina's table where the girl was working on a bronze sphere of some kind.

"Hey Nina," Percy called out with a smile.

"EP!" the cried out and turned to see Percy there. Nina then saw Percy and smiled, "damn Percy are you a ninja or something?"

"Hehe, I wish. that would so cool! Imagine it me being all stealthy and shit!"

"Hehe yeah it might be a little fun. Anyway what can I help you with?"

Percy then pulled up his armour and laid it on her workbench, "my armour got pretty messed up. Think you can fix it?"

The daughter of Hephaestus looked at the piece and formed. She took out a plate and inspected it against the light and found no fault in it. "This is a good peice Percy, something most Greek demigods don't were. But it's far too messed up. It's torn at the leather and if you fixed it it would be a patch job at best."

"I see," PErcy replied with a frown, "so what do you suggest?"

"Well..." Nina then took out a roll of paper and spread it out showing a greek designed armour, "I can make it into this. I'll turn the leather into the Greek armour and put the plates on top."

Percy nodded, "okay quick question can I not be wearing a skirt?"


Percy pointed at what the greek used to where instead of leg armour, "that thing. Can I not wear a skirt. I'll admit I have some fine legs but I don't want to put them on display."

"Haha, well I'm sure you can just wear a pair of jeans if you need to Percy."

Percy smiled back, "okay let's do it. When will it be ready Nina?"

"Ah, two days, meaning you can't use it for capture the flag tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Percy said scratching his head, "well can you get it done by then?"

"Is money not an issue?"


"I can get it done by then," Nina then took the armour off and Percy quickly turned to walk out. But just then Percy saw a huge tire sitting in the corner of the Forge, suddenly an idea popped into his head.

"Hey Nina, can I borrow that for a second?"

A few minutes later,

Percy now stood in the Arena with a chain around his torso and the giant tire behind him. Percy quickly performed a few stretches and got ready for the run. He then moved forward, each step was like pushing up against a mountain as Percy slowly dragged the tire across the track.

The first few steps seemed easy. The next few seemed challenging, but after that it became hell. Percy's shins burned but the son of Poseidon didn't stop. He pushed himself and by the time he finished half a lap;


Due to strenuous exercises you have gained, +2 Str and +4 Vit!

Percy closed the box and focused only on pulling the tire along. The weighted wristbands on his hands were helping improve his strength, and he was carrying a FREAKING tire! Him pushing himself increased his stamina and hence this should be the perfect exercise to improve both Str and Vit.

As soon as on round was down Percy collapsed onto the ground and started to pant. It was done, one full round done. Percy then looked around and saw several campers that were training in the Arena before were now looking at him.

"Ah...can I help you guys?" Percy asked and immediately most of them turned away leaving Percy confused.

Well whatever he had a job to do anyway. Percy got up and began his second round. By the time Percy finished the second round his Str had gone up by 2 and his Vit by 3. Now Percy collapsed on the ground exhausted. Gamer's body might make him not feel fatigue but he was still exhausted beyond belief.

Percy took of the chain around him and then moved the tire upright. He then began moving the tire back towards the forge all the while the campers were giving him weird looks. After Percy put the tire back inside the forge and thanking Nina for letting him use it Percy walked over to the Athena cabin.

Inside Percy found the Athena kids busy with their own projects so Percy just sat down and looked over all the research material he gathered on the underworld and Hades. He was prepared to go down there and fight, but he had no way of beating a god. So PErcy spent most of his time here doing research about what he could use to defeat Hades.

Annabeth walked over, "hey Percy you're early today."

"Yeah I wanted to get more work done," Percy said with a smile.

"So you're going to be here the whole day?"

"Yup," Percy smiled, "aren't you a lucky girl."

Annabeth grinned, "no Mr. Jackson you are the lucky one, you get to be in my presence all day long."

"Being vain doesn't suit you Annabeth."

"Oh please it suits me just fine," the child of wisdom said with a smile, "no get to work. We children of Athena don't like laziness."

Percy saluted and quickly got down to his business. Over the next five hours that Percy spent in the cabin, the longest he had ever spent. He read about all the myths surrounding Hades and he thinks he finally found something to defeat the bastard, or at least stop him.


Due to constant studying you have gained +5 Int and +5 Wis!

Percy closed the box and quickly walked out of the cabin. After a quick lunch at the Mess Hall Percy went to the camp fire where the Apollo kids sang songs and everyone was in an active mode. Percy wondered why and just then Annabeth came up to him, "hey Percy got a second?"

Percy nodded, "yeah sure no problem what up?"

"Well you know that the capture the flag game is tomorrow right?"

"Ah so that's what everyone is excited for."

"Yup, anyway I was wondering want to join my team?"

"Really? Wow Annabeth that sounds great. Who all is there?"

"Well there is us, Athena cabin and Hermes cabin. And we just managed to get Apollo cabin in as well."

"Sweet. Okay I'll join, where do I sign up?"

Annabeth chuckled, "you don't have to sign anything sea head, just be there."

Percy nodded and the two talked for a while after that. Later at night Percy was in his cabin alone. He put his hand up, 'ID create: Empty.' The outside world turned red and Percy quickly grabbed his bow and arrow and left for the Arena again.

The Next Morning,

It was the second morning that Percy had gone without sleep and so far it hadn't actually affected his body. Before if he stayed up a few hours past 10 he would start getting drowsy but now he felt fine.


Due to constant bow and arrowing your skill has leveled up!

Archery, Lv-63 (30%)

You can shoot an arrow, it just might hit it's target.

Accuracy- 63%

Due to semi- accurate shots you have gained +3 Dex!

He gained nearly half the amount of levels he gained last night, but that was alright. He wasn't going to win any trophies for a fancy shot any time soon but he didn't care about that. All he wanted is to be a good shot.

Percy then walked back to his cabin, broke the ID and then came out. After breakfast he went to Athena cabin and borrowed a couple of handheld puzzles he saw the Athena kids solve. He then went to the Forge and grabbed the tire and chain.

In the Arena this time while Percy pulled the tire with the chain around his stomach he also began to try and solve the many puzzles he had grabbed. One of them was a cube which you had to open by twisting and turning. Another was a sphere where you had to twist it until you found the secret image printed on it.

Hence the strangest tradition of camp began. When many campers came to the Arena to train that morning they were both shocked and impressed at what Percy was doing. He was dragging a tire while solving puzzles with his hands. What's next? A unicycle? Well it would help with balance.

After spending the entire afternoon doing this, Percy ran out of puzzles to solve. He then stopped and took the chain of his body and put all the puzzles away. Percy then looked up at the boxes floating in front of him.

Due to solving several puzzles using your head you have gained +4 Wis!

Due to you dragging a tire and having weighted wristbands you have gained + 4 Str!

Due to you dragging a tire around in circle you have gained + 5 Vit!

Percy then put the tire and puzzles back in their respect building and walked along the stream. It was a tiring day and Percy had actually managed to do something good today. Since the capture the flag game was tonight Percy didn't want to push himself too much.

Well alright that was a lie, there was no such thing as pushing yourself too much when you just dragged a tire across a field for the past three hours.

There was actually something Percy wanted to do ever since he came to camp but he was to preoccupied with training and fighting for his life. And that was going to the beach for a swim.

He walked to Fireworks beach and smiled at the sight of the ocean. The wind blew across his face and the smell of the salty sea was begging him to come inside. Percy took off his shirt and put it in his inventory. He then ran across the sand and the moment his foot hit the sea water he felt energised.


You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Percy ignored the box and swan deeper and deeper into the sea. Percy then swam along the coast and saw several sea nymphs setting along the mouth of the stream that separated the Forest. They waved to him and Percy awkwardly waved back.

Just then one of the nymphs jumped into the sea and came at Percy. Percy was stunned at her speed and realised she might have been faster than him. She then appeared in front of him and spat water on his face.

Percy looked at the nymph and narrowed his eyes. The nymph's eyes went wide as it turned tail and swan, but Percy wanted revenge.

Percy kicked off after the nymph and cased the spirit all over the ocean. Percy used the water to make him faster and caught up to the girl quickly. He grabbed her ankle and using his water control threw her upwards.

The nymph shrieked in fear and then landed back into the water with a big splash. Percy then laughed his ass off as he saw the poor girl get angry. Then suddenly Percy felt it;

Bloodlust: from the nymphs in front of you.

Percy looked up slowly and needless to say there they were. All the nymphs Percy saw before now stood in front of him cracking their arms with a look of vengeance on their face.

"Come one guys let's not do something we'll all regret," Percy said as he slowly moved back away from them.

"YAAA!" the nymph's cried out as the charged after him. Percy turned and swam with all his might;


Your skill leveled up!

· Swimming, Lv-15 (80%)

Your speed in swimming is that of an advanced swimmer-7 miles an hour.

'Not now!' Percy then swam to the coast but before he could reach it he felt something tug on his pants. Percy then saw one of the nymphs holding him in place while the other brought back their fists.

"Oh shit."

A few minutes later,

Percy found himself on the sands of the beach with bruises all over his body. Let me tell you one thing, never piss off a nymph, or her friends. Those things were twice as dangerous as human women when pissed off. But they were twice as beautiful too so it kind of added up.

Percy then put on his shirt and walked back to camp. After dinner at the Mess Hall Percy quickly went to the Shed where he got an extra set of greek armour, the ones with the funny skirt. He put on his helmet of troy and readied he sheild. He then went to the area outside the Forest where most of the camp was now gathered.

He quickly spotted Annabeth and Luke and walked over to them, "hey guys!"

"Hey tire pusher," Luke said with a grin.

"Really? That's the best you guys could up with?" Percy asked, "I prefer the hero of the unclaimed."

"Gave yourself that did you?" Annabeth asked with a smile.

"Nope, Michael did."

"Michael Yew of the Apollo cabin?" Luke asked and Percy nodded, "well then hero of the unclaimed glad you can make it."

"Yeah we were just about to begin," Annabeth said turning to Dionysus who was standing before all of the members of camp.

Percy the listened halfheartedly as the Olympian went on and on about the rule which were basically, the streak was the separation point between both sides of the forest. The entire forest was open game and no maiming or killing.

Percy nodded absent mindedly to whatever the god was saying as he thought to himself, 'is this guy really a god? Like an Olympian god? He doesn't really do much does he.'

After that Percy went along with Annabeth and Luke as they took their team, blue team, deep into the forest. They then came across a big stone formation that Percy remembered seeing when he was in the ID: Zombie world.

"This is Zeus's Fist Percy," Luke said pointing to the rock pile, "this is where we are making camp." A few sons of Hermes then climbed onto the rocks and put the flag on top.

"Why do they call it Zeus's Fist?"

"Well from one angle it looks like a fist," Annabeth explained.

"Well from where I'm standing it looks like a pile of rocks."

"Yeah I know. Greek people are weird. Just accept it and move along. Only way to be sane," Annabeth said and they both turned to Luke who was addressing the entire team.

"Alright the Athena cabin and I have made a battle strategy. Archers get on the trees along the coast, if I know Clarisse and I do, she will send a lot of people through the beach where they can get more space to move. We want them inside the forest so push them there. Once they are there Hermes cabin members will take care of them. Children of Athena we need traps all over the place, protect the base and make sure to give hell to the one who manage to cross the stream."

Percy then raised his hand, "what do I do?"

"Ah..." Luke then scratched his head, "what are you good at other than sword fighting?"

"I'm good at sneaking around," Percy said with a shrug.


"Yeah, that's how I found out about the Greek world. Spied on Grover when he was making kissy faces with Juniper over an Iris message. Not the best way to tell a kid he is a demigod, but meh."

The team laughed, Luke especially, "alright Percy go nuts. I think you can take care of yourself."

"Any idea where they might keep their flag?"

"There is a tree clearing over on the other side, it should be there somewhere. Knowing clarisse though she probably has a lot of people guarding it, so be careful."

"Wait you don't think Percy can actually pull this off do you?" Annabeth asked worried, "he barely had a week's training!"

"Relax Wise Girl, have some faith in me," Percy said with a grin, "I promise I don't suck that much."

Annabeth sighed but before she could respond they all heard a couch blow signalling the beginning of the battle.

"Alright everyone move out!" Luke cried as he charged ahead with the rest of Hermes cabin.

Percy readied Riptide and ran into the forest. As soon as he was out of sight Percy pulled up and empty ID, 'ID create: Empty!'

The sky went red and the noise of footsteps went away. Percy then ran across the empty forest and quickly crossed the stream. He then reached the other side of the Forest crossing the stream without a look. Eventually after a few minutes of searching Percy came upon a large clearing where, if he was in charge, he would put the flag and people to gaurd it.

Percy then thought out, 'ID Escape!' The red sky cracked and all the noise of the normal world filled the night. There was the sound of swords crashing all over and Percy saw 5 children of Ares guarding the flag.

The five campers still hadn't noticed him so Percy went into the shadows of the trees and hide there. 'This is going to be easy,' Percy then took out his bow and quiver and readied himself. His archery was at a 63% accuracy rate and since he was hidden right now his stealth skill had a 35% of critical.

Percy took out a blunt arrow and aimed it at one of the children, he pulled back the arrow and then released. The arrow flew and hit one of them on the knee. The camper went down and soon the rest of them moved to him to see what was wrong. During that time of distraction Percy another arrow through the left biceps of another Ares kid causing him to fall down in pain.

He didn't get any critical but at least his aim was true enough, even though he aimed for the last guy's legs.

Percy the tossed his bow and quiver into his inventory and took out Riptide. The Ares children spotted him running towards them and quickly brought up their shields. Percy smirked and then jumped, used their shields as a diving board and landed in front of the flag. He grabbed the handle and then ran away.

"Come back you coward!" they called after him.

"Bite me!" Percy called back as he ran into the forest. Percy then thought, 'ID Create: Empty,' and he and the flag were transported to the red skyed dimension.


Due to constant use a skill has leveled up!

· ID Create, Lv-10 (21%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

Monster Dungeon- Zombies

Monster Dungeon- Goblin Camp

· ID Escape, Lv-10 (21%)

Used to escape from Instant Dungeons.

'Huh guess I got a new dungeon,' Percy noted and then dismissed the boxes. He then began to walk to the stream and just as he reached it he called out, "ID Escape!"

The red sky shattered and the noise of battle came back. Percy then casually walked out of the forest and crossed the stream holding the flag pole behind him.

He then put the flag on his team's side of the forest and waited for them to realise the game had been won. Yeah he was way to OP for this.

As Percy began to wait for everyone to notice he had won the battle a growl came out of the Forest. Holding up Riptide Percy turned and saw a big hound walk out of the tree line. It looked big black and scary with teeth red with blood and eyes that were sulphuric yellow.

Percy Observed this thing;











A Hellhound from Hades itself. These beats are the unholy spawn on Nyx and spread chaos and death wherever they go. They love eating demigods as they think demigod meat tastes like chicken.

Kill to gain- 800 Exp

Percy's eye winded, what was a beast from Hades itself doing here?! Shouldn't it be in, well Hades? The beast then growled and looked like it was about to pounce on Percy, the son of Poseidon smirked, "Does the little doggy want to play?"

The Hellhound growled and charged Percy jumped back into the stream;

You have entered a water body! Due to your parentage you have gained a boost!

+1000 HP

+1000 MP

All wounds are healed

All ailments cured

Water Breathing ability active

Percy then drew Riptide to his left and with his free left hand brought two fingers up, "Water's Kill."

The water from the stream then jumped out at the Hellhound. the monster jumped up to try and escape whatever Percy was doing, but the water followed it. It grabbed the monster's four limbs and brought it down on the ground. The water then helped the beat over there while Percy coated water.

The water covered his blade like a second skin as Percy readied his blade. He then dashed forward at the beast and swung his blade across the monster. As Riptide sliced through the beast the water on it started to spin like a buzzsaw cutting into the beat and turning it into minced meat before it burst into golden dust.

Percy then searched the loot it dropped and found 50 $ and a tooth. After he put it away a voice called out, "Percy?"

Percy shot up and turned to see Annabeth there with a cap in her hand, "Annabeth? What are you doing here?"

"I heard something growl and saw I came here to make sure nothing happened. I saw you taking care of a Hellhound, Percy what's going on?"

'Did she see me picking up the Loot? No the golden dust of the hellhound was everywhere she couldn't have seen it.' "I don't' know Annabeth the Hellhound just attacked and I took care of it. I thought the camp's barrier was supposed to make sure these kinds of things didn't happen."

Annabeth nodded, "yeah they were, something must have happened. Somebody must have summoned it here."

Percy's eyes winded but before he said anything Luke's voice called out, "Percy? Holy shit Percy you got the flag!" Luke then came out of the forest running towards Percy.

Suddenly the entirety of camp was all around him as his team carried him on their shoulders cheering for him, "Percy is the best! Percy is the best!"

Percy smiled at this but his head was filled with one question, 'who sent the Hellhound after him? Who would want me dead? Who would gain the most from me not living? Hades? No he thinks I have the lightning bolt. Was it...the only person who would gain from me dying is the lightning thief. If I died then I wouldn't be able to say that I wasn't the lightning thief, meaning war would break out among the Gods and the real thief would be scot free.'


For coming to a logical decision you have gained +1 Wis!

Percy closed the box and quickly focused on what was going on around him. The people who had him on their shoulders brought him to the camp fire where there was a party going on. Food was all over the place as well as drinks.

Percy however couldn't enjoy any of it because he was constantly being dragged to one group or another. Most congratulated him on a battle well won. The Stoll brothers kept asking him how he managed to sneak past all of Ares cabin to which Percy replied, "trade secret."

After half an hour of talking with people he knew Percy finally excused himself and was practically drooling over himself when he saw the huge plate of steaks there. His fingers shook as he reached for the food and-

"PERCY JACKSON!" Oh great what now.

Percy then turned and saw a huge figure in the fire. It stood over 8 feet tall and was covered in flames with bat wings behind it and horns on it's head. "Where is Percy Jackson?! I Hades command you, bring him to me!"

'Oh so this guy is Hades? Well he just saved me the trip,' Percy then walked up and took a water bottle out of his inventory. He opened the cap and then moved the water into spheres and made them float high up in the air away from view.

Percy then walked up the fire and grinned, "you called?"

"You! Lightning thief! You shall bring the master bolt to me!"

"Well that's great and all but I don't have it! I'm not the lightning thief!"

"You lie! You have stolen it! I order you to bring it to me!"

"Well how would like to suck me balls?" The campers then all went white and looked slacked jawed at what Percy said.

"Wh-what did you say?"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry what I said was, how would you like to suck my balls?!" Percy then ordered a water ball down. Percy then threw the water ball at Hades's fire face causing it to sizzle and release a lot of smoke.

"Stop that!"

"No," Percy replied and then threw more and more water balls at Hades's face.

"Enough!" Hades screamed, "if you ever want to see your mother again you will come to Hades with the bolt or I will kill her!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, he was hoping he had more time to get more training in, but Hades was forcing his hand. Percy then commanded all the water and the drinks gathered at the camp fire into the air and sent them all at Hades, "never threaten my mother!"

"Wait wh-!" Hades was then drenched and the fire was put out. Percy huffed at the ashes and quickly turned away.

"Chiron I'm going, now," Percy called out to the half-man half-horse creature.

"Understood Percy," Chiron said walking alongside Percy, "come with me. You need a prophecy from the Oracle first before you leave."

Percy nodded as chiron lead him to the Big House. Inside Chiron told him to go the attic and will find her there, he also told Percy to be ready to see something startling.

Percy then opened the attic door and walked up to the room. It filled with several things like paintings, shields, weapons and….is that the ark of the covenant? Either way the room was filled with dust, but there in the shadows of the attic was a figure whose face was hidden

"Ah, hello? Oracle lady?" Percy asked as he approached the woman. As Percy came closer he realised that the thing he was talking to was a mummified body with brown hair and was dressed up as a hippie from the sixties.

Suddenly the mummy moved and it's eyes glowed green. A green smoke came out of it's mouth and a chilling voice spoke, "I am the ssspirt of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebussss Apollo, Slayer of the Mighty Python. Approach, seeker and assssk."

Percy gulped and walked forward,"wh-what is my quest?"

"You shall go wessst, And face the God who has turned. You shall find what was stole, and sssee it safely returned. You shall be betrayed by one who callssss you friend, and you shall fail to ssssave what matters mossst in the end."

The green mist then moved back into the mummified body and all life went out of it's eyes as it once again transformed into a corpse.

"Wait what?" Percy cried out, "who is it that will betray me?!" Percy then started at the Oracle, Observe;

The Oracle of Delphi;

The spirit of the Oracle lives in this mummified body. Cursed by Hades after the death of his lover and the attempted murder of his two children by Zeus, the spirit of the Oracle has been unable to move on due to this curse. The only way to break this curse is to fulfill the Great Prophecy thereby releasing Hades's children from it.

Great just great, more of Hades's bullshit. Just what Percy needed right now. Percy sighed and quickly exited the attic and meet with Chiron on the ground floor. The centaur stood in the porch of the Big House with arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"Why the long face Chiron?" Percy asked.

"Percy? Oh, nothing. I am just worried. Annabeth informed of a Hellhound attack on you during capture the flag. Why didn't you tell me Percy?"

"Well I was kind of busy with all the people who wanted to talk to me and then getting threatened by the king of the Underworld and all. I think someone must have summoned it inside camp."

Chiron nodded, "yes that seems very likely."

"If I was to guess, I would say the lightning thief did it."

"Why are you so sure?"

"If I died then my protests would die as well. The Gods would be left thinking I was the one who stole the bolt and with that being said they would start their war. It just seems logical."

Chiron nodded, "yes it does. Do tell me what did the Oracle tell you?"

Percy repeated the prophecy and Chiron looked disturbed at this. "Alright Percy it is decided, your quest will be this. Go to the west, if what the Oracle say is true, and it always is, you will find the bolt along the way. You need to reach the underworld and come back here by the 21st."

"Where is the entrance to the underworld?"

Chiron grumbled, "Hollywood."

"...I'm not really all that surprised. Alright then see you later Chiron."

"Wait Percy you need to pick two others to join you on your quest."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes you do," Chiron said with a stern look, "you need someone out there to look out for you Percy."

"Okay…. is Grover better now?"

"Yes he has been spending his time with Juniper lately but if you ask I'm sure he will say yes."

"Alright Grover and…. Luke."


Percy nodded, "yeah. He's a good sword fighter and a great leader. He is also old enough to know anything we would need to do. Also we are going to the Underworld, would be handy to have theif with us, just in case."

Chiron nodded at Percy's reasoning, "a well taught out reason Percy. Very well I will inform the two now, you on the other take this time to get ready for the quest."

Percy nodded and soon student and teacher split up. Percy quickly walked to Athena cabin where inside was just as busy as always. Percy walked in and nodded to a few of them and went to his desk. He then picked up all the notes he had made about Hades and how to trap a God and began to leave before Annabeth came in his way.

"Percy where are you going?" Annabeth asked with concern.

"I have a quest Annabeth. I'm going west to Hades to save my mom."

"So that's why….," Annabeth said pointing to the notes in his hands.

"Yeah, the more I know about Hades the easier I can beat him."

Annabeth nodded, "smart move Percy. Quick question who's coming with you?"

"Grover and Luke. I need Grovers help in case we run into an animal or something and Luke's help incase we get stuck in a prison in Hades."

Annabeth nodded, "I see…. you going to pack your stuff now?"

"Yeah Annabeth. I'll you later. We all are leaving early tomorrow," Percy and after a quick chat with Malcolm and the other campers Percy left the cabin and walked to his own.

The entire night Percy spent checking and rechecking everything he had. He needed to make sure everything was perfect.

He got loads of food, from the many days he had been sneaking it into his inventory. His weapons were all sharp and ready. His armour would be ready only later so Percy will have to make do without it.

After it was all finally done, Percy sighed and went to bed. The moment he closed his eyes he fell asleep.


You have slept in you own bed; HP and MP have been restored 100% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy woke up and saw it was a little passed 6. He quickly showed a few things like clothes and his shield into a bag he got from the camp After all if he didn't have a bag and kept pulling things out of the air things would start to look a little suspicious.

Percy then made sure Riptide was in his pocket, it was, and then he went to the entrance of the camp and walked passed it towards Thalia's tree.

There waiting on him was Luke and Chiron with the former having a bag slung over his back similar to Percy's.

"Hey Percy," Luke called out.

"Hey Luke, were you waiting too long?"

"No just got here," Luke said and just then they saw Grover come out of the camp as well, well running more like it. Then then reached PErcy and stopped panting all the while.

"Out of shape G-man?"

"S-shut up P-Percy. Unlike you demigods we Satyr's don't have enhanced stamina," Grover said with a girn.

"Well now that you're all here we can begin-"

"WAIT!" a voice cut in. The group turned and once again someone from camp was running towards them. This time it was Annabeth and she had a package in her hand. She reached them and smiled, "good you guys haven't left yet."

"Why are you here Annabeth?"

"To give you this of course," Annabeth replied and gave Percy a book with papers sticking out in various places and even a few book marks here and there, "it's a book about the entire of US where you should go and what you should avoid, demigod edition. Athena cabin has been making it for some time and we thought the best test run for you would be this."

Percy then Observed it;

Book of US,

A book which contain vital information about the Us and all the important areas in it for demigods. Listen to this book and treat it like the bible.

Percy smiled and put the book inside his bag, "thanks Annabeth I'm sure we will be able to put this book to good use."

Annabeth smiled and Luke then spoke up, "alright guys we need to move, if we get to New Jersey before noon we can catch the train to L.A. from there. If all goes well. But it won't so let's see."

Percy grinned, "you are such a pessimist Luke."

"What ever sea head, let's just get going."

Percy smiled and the three began their quest to find the lightning bolt. But as they were going Percy couldn't shake this feeling of despair in his heart. It was like something was about to happen. And he and his friends would be in the middle of it.