
A Dangerous Fall

Dark clouds moved slowly inward to cover the bright sunny sky. A gentle breeze flowed through the once unbearable hot area. I found myself standing at the town square in downtown Kingston, waiting for the bus that would carry me to the airport. It was not a quiet place. Carts were being pushed by and people yelling for attention to the goods they brought to be sold. Taxis blew their horns loudly as they tried to overtake each other and be the first option for those who were traveling. Cars were locked into a long line as they made their way into the designated parking areas. Clothes, Electronics, Accessories, and Appliances were sold in many shops and stores at lower-than-average prices. If you were looking for products to cook your family Sunday breakfast and dinner, you would venture further down the road to the large market. It was a large area with many stalls, carts, and people packed together seeking and selling ground provisions like yam, Banana, potatoes, and pumpkin, as well as fruits such as pineapple, watermelon, Neece berry, and Jamaican apples. It's what was to be expected of the men, women, and children who ventured to this area on the weekend as the dark cloud protected us from the rays of the hot summer sun.

I opened my phone and moved to the app (google maps)on my phone and saw that the bus should be arriving in the next five minutes (5 min), but knowing Jamaican time I could be standing here for the next half hour (30 mins). At least it would be worth it I thought to myself. I was very excited to be flying out of the country for the very first time to see my family abroad. Most of my family had migrated to Canada and it was just dad and I living together in Jamaica. Mom had flown over to take care of her parents and soon Dad and I would be doing the same. They decided that I would finish school first as they preferred our schooling system. That was the opinion of many Jamaicans but it made no difference to me. In the meantime, I would stay with Mom during the summer and live with Dad for the rest of the year. Since it was just the two of us, our house wasn't a big one. Just a two-bedroom house with a very small space at the back and a car porch at the front. I found myself alone most nights, as the son of a doctor that is to be expected.

The phone rang in my hand and I pushed the button to answer it.

"Bryan, Me Bwoy," she said, and I could feel the hug through the phone. "Me cah wait to see yuh."

"I've missed you too," I replied, smiling to myself. " I can't wait to get out of this place and see yuh".

There was a short awkward silence at that but then she said.

" Bryan, are you sure you want to fly out today?" she asked

"Yes, why?" I questioned a little bit surprised.

"I saw that there was some bad weather heading your way and I...."

" The sky is a little dark but I am sure I will fly out before anything even reaches me" I interrupted her

"Bryan I had a dream," she blurted nervously and I mentally groaned. " Your plane got caught in a thunderstorm and was struck down by a huge lightning bolt". She continued and I heard the fear in her voice. Why do Caribbean parents always seem to get some precognition power the day before their kids have any big trip? We are all so superstitious that even when we don't believe it, it still rattles us. I looked up into the sky and the clouds were a lot darker than before. They looked as if they were almost at their limits. What was to be a glorious day has been morphed into a day of fear and paranoia. My mind will now spend the rest of the day looking out for any final destination-type events.

"Mom, I'll be okay" I reassured her. "You don't have to worry. I will get on the plane and be before you in no time. Just have a few snacks for me when I arrive as I know I'll be hungry after." I said trying to ensure that my tone was upbeat and chippy. "It's about time I go check in, so I'll talk to you when I arrive," I said but It wasn't. If I carried on that conversation any longer, then I know she would have combat everything I said and we would be a mess at the end and I would have to rebook my trip and I would not let that happen. I wasn't very trusting of planes. Too many have gone missing and crashed but I was willing to make the trip to see my mother. The bus pulled into the square, forty- five minutes (45 min) late. I got on and sat close to the front, in the seat behind the driver. My flight was In the evening but it was customary to arrive very early so if anything should go wrong you have enough time to make it, like your bus arriving late. If push came to shove, I could have taken a taxi but there was no way I was going to pay one thousand dollars ($1000) unless I had no other choice.

I arrived at the airport and it was as I remembered. The structure was very large. When mom was leaving we drove her here but we couldn't go inside with her. We when to the roof and watched as her plane took off into the sky. That was a sad day for me, I had to fight back my tears but now here I was taking that same leap, even if it was only temporary. I went through the doors with my luggage and the inside was just as amazing as the out. I don't know how but the inside looked a lot bigger than the out and it was littered with many different people. This is probably when a lot of people make a trip out or into the country. I walked up to the counter after the crowd before had thinned out.

"Good Morning," I said a little sheepishly "Is this where I hand in my ticket?... It's my first time going on a plane"

The receptionist was a beautiful Indian woman with long black hair in an intricate style. She was slimly built and her uniform of dark navy blue and white fitted her body nicely. She greeted me with a smile and said "Well, first I would check your ticket and validate it, and then you would go put your luggage on that machine there to verify that there aren't any hidden items.

" and what happens if you weren't aware that were illegal items in your bag?" I asked quickly

She looked me up and down before giving me a skeptical look.

"You are flying for the first time," she said as she gave a small chuckle."We advise persons to pack their luggage and to ensure to never leave their items unattended"

" Okay great, and do I get one of those little pins, I see they give first-time flyers in movies"

" Arnt you a little too old for that?"

" I am only seventeen"

"Exactly" she replied matter of factly.

She handed me back my ticket and bushed me off towards the conveyer belt. I placed my luggage, placed my shoes, watch, coins, phones, and any other items in my pocket into a tray and also set it on the belt, and proceeded to walk through the metal arch.

I blew a sigh of relief when it didn't make any noise and my item exited the machine on the other side. No one approached me and I grabbed my luggage and made my way to the plane.

When I made my way upstairs I was a little shocked. I didn't expect to see so many food establishments as well as souvenir shops. Mom was more than likely going to try to feed me until my belly burst so I didn't bother to get anything to eat. I sat down on the nearest chair waiting for them to announce that my plane was being boarded now.

I looked through the window and saw that the clouds were a lot darker and more clustered together. Rain could start to fall at any minute. Mom's words ran through my mind and my heart sped up a little. I closed my eyes and took in a few deep breaths to calm my now racing heart and my brain on overdrive. It wasn't working at first but I pushed, taking even deeper breaths until I started to calm down.

"4:00 pm Flight to Canada, Now Boarding," the voice said over the loudspeaker and I got up. I pulled my luggage closely behind me, keeping it in the corner of my vision. I made it onto the plane and was shocked when I found myself two seats behind the wing with a window seat. I didn't select anything specific when purchasing my ticket but it seems luck was on my side today. I took out my phone and had it in y hand ready. I wanted a video of the plane taking off, the clouds in the sky, and the skyward view of the ant-like city below. the typical things first-time fliers capture.

The sad thing about it is that the rain started to fall as soon as I took my seat. The sky was now completely dark with no sign of the sun or its rays. My heart skipped a beat again and I clung to my shirt at the chest.

" I need to relax, Noting is going to happen, Your mother cannot see the future," I said to myself over and over until I calmed down. At this point, I just want to be in the air and landing in Canada

as these panic flares are going to kill me before this supposedly lightning does.

Once everyone was seated and all the luggage was locked away securely. The pilot got on the intercom and announced that we will be taking off now. The plane pulled out of the dock and made its way down the runway. It turned slowly and I could see the ocean beyond the field. it continued to turn and I could see the airport off in the distance. I laughed so hard to myself. All this time I was so scared but it didn't feel any different than being on that coaster bus headed to downtown. The plane rattled and shooked as it made it's way back up the runway. I could feel the engine and it roared and the plane picked up speed. The plane lifted off the ground suddenly and it was amazing. Looking through the window I couldn't make out much due to the heavy rain outside.

It didn't dampen the moment for me one bit. I was sure I would get an opportunity to capture the videos and pics that I need to show my friends when I go back to school. Right now I was just happy to be on this plane and be able to see my mom after a long time. This was my first time being in the air and I dont think anything could ruin this moment no matter how many times I manage to be on a plane, this one will always be the most memorable moment. I said that to myself but I didn't realize how true that was going to be. For just a split second, the next moment I looked through the window, I was shocked to see a thick lightning bolt that resembled a dragon as big as MotherFucking Shenron. It hit the plane and we went diving head first, not into the ocean as the plane can't be in the air for ten (10) minutes yet, but on land.

"I guess Caribbean moms do have some kind of premonition superpower" was the last thought I had before I blacked out.

When I came to, fear clawed at the pits of my stomach. I slowly opened my eyes to find the plane being broken in half right at my feet and the front part of the plane had slid down the mountain. My head buzzed and my stomach was in severe pain as I tried to think of what it is that I need to do. I slowly unbuckled my seat belt and stood in my seat. The plane started to shake and I froze. My heart started to race and sweat gathered on my forehead. Once it was settled I tried to move again. propping my body over the seat, to end up in the row behind me but my hand slipped and I fell on the elderly couple behind me.

"weh yuh a do! ( what are you doing)? The elderly man asked and I looked up at him puzzled

"What does it look like im doing? I am trying to get out of here" I said angrily. I was never one to react well to the person giving me attitude.

"Good Luck wid dat ( good luck with that)" he as he rolled his eyes

I only got a glimpse of what he was referring to but by then it was already too late. As soon as I rose to my feet, the plane started to shake and it slid back from atop the hill it was perched. They shouted for me to sit down but it was too late. I grip the seat closest to me for balance and support. It could be the many years of standing in a bus mist all the twists and turns the drivers normally do at high speeds but I rode the turbulence of the plane until we finally crashed hard into a small gathering of thick trees.

"Look whe yuh cause. Pickney dees days nuh listen eno" the old man complained

The old lady beside him rubbed her shoulder and looked through the window

"At least we will be able to leave the plane now," she said.

I looked around the plane and there were about ten people. Three children, four elderly persons and a girl and boy that looked to be in her teenage years, and me. Andrew (Five), Janhoi (six), and Jevanne (Eight) were the names of the kids. Sadie (seventy-three), George (eighty), Troy (seventy-five), Elizabeth (seventy)we're the elderly. Christine was the name of the girl, Jovan was the name of the boy and everyone looked around after sharing some information about themselves. It was like a meet and greet and not survivors of a plane crash wanting to know what to call each other. Everyone slowly got out of their seats and walked outside. Everyone was shaken, especially the kids, and when Andrew began to cry, so did the others. Sadie and Elizabeth tried to calm them down but to no avail. It was a surprise that no one was flung from their seats or died, well at least from our half of the plane. There was no way to tell what happened to the other half.

"Does anyone have a number for someone on the other side of the plane"

"Why would that matter? I swear kids these days can't. Do anything without their phones"

" Well, this phone could call that person and find out if everyone was okay. If these kid's parents were still with us"

At that the kids started to cry louder. " look what you did" George was quick to say. There was a sort of silence as the kids crying ran through the forest.

"I checked but the signal isn't strong enough for us to. make a call," Christine said moments later.

"Maybe not here but we could try from the top of this hill or mountain. Any ideas where we are?"

"Not a one" Jovan added.

We found ourselves in a dense forest but if you looked closely at the ground you could see a path. The path was narrow as the trees grew along the side. I didn't know which way was the correct way, But either way would be great.

"If we made it to the top of the mountain then we could make a call" Jovan continued

"and if we made it to the bottom we could find a road that lead to civilization" Christine finished

" So it doesn't matter which way we go as both are unknown"I pondered out loud .walking towards the kids I stooped down to their level and spoke softly to them

"Who likes sweets?" I asked but no one answered. " Are you telling me no one wants any candy?". Andrew and Jevvane wiped at their eyes and sniffled before answering.


"Who likes toys". All three answered this time

"Ice cream?". All three answered in unison

"Well we are going on an adventure and at the end, you will get sweets, ice cream, and Toys"

I said enthusiastically. "Do you want to come along"

Yes!!" they shouted

" Well hold on to an older person while I lead the way .. Okay"

"What about my mommy," Janhoi asked

"Um. She is going to meet us there as well"

"What about our mommies and daddies"

"Yes!, so let's go meet them there"

I look to the older men " Left or Right"

" They both look left and then right. Then the one that's been a pain in my ass (George) since I woke said

"You decide"

" Left it is "

"Then let's go right," he said out loud.

A spark of anger rose in me but I quickly snuff it out. It made no sense to be angry when either way could be right or wrong as long as we kept moving.

The place was dark, practically night and we had been walking for about an hour. There was nothing but bush and trees in sight. I used the light from my phone as a flashlight as I led the way. The path wasn't smooth but manageable the old people could keep up but u don't know got how much longer they would be able to maintain the pace.

We walked for about another half hour before we calm upon a clearing. It was pitch black all around and if I looked through the trees I could see the moon and stars very clearly. The moon was full and it glowed brightly in the night. It was surrounded by many stars and I pointed that out to the kids. They were amazement and to keep them calm I offered to take pics of them with the moon so they could show their parents.

"We should have stayed at the plane, at least then the rescue team would know where to find us," George said as everyone tried to catch a breath, his nose pointing high to the sky and his arms crossed.

"Are we lost?" Jeanne asked and I could see tears swelling up in his eyes. They were scared. We were all scared but we had no choice but keep moving and pray we were headed in the right direction. We stopped at the spot for about half an hour and soon everyone was becoming restless. I was about to suggest we continued walking when we heard a noise in the sky.

It was the rescue helicopter and I sent a look in Georges's direction

The kids and everyone started to jump with excitement. This terrifying experience was short-lived and im glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I am just happy to be going home and seeing my dad. We flashed our phones to the sky hoping that the light would be enough for them to see us.

Suddenly I heard rustling in the bushes. I shun my light in the direction in which I heard the noise but there was nothing there. I heard the noise again but now it was in the trees behind me. I swung around quickly.

"Who is there ?" I shouted

Everyone stopped shouting but kept their phones pointed at the sky.

Bryan? What going on?" Jovan asked

"He going mad!" George said holding on to Sadie preventing her from getting close to me. I didn't take my eyes off where I last heard the sounds and told everyone to bundle together. Christine shun her light in the opposite direction of where I pointed mine and we searched around the group. The others kept their hands pointed to the sky.

"Maybe it's someone here to help us," Andrew said hopefully.

"It could be our parents," Jevanne said

"If that was so they wouldn't be hiding in the bushes" I quickly added as I pushed him back into the cluster.

Before I could shout again a huge beast jumped out from the bushes. It lowered its head and a low growl escaped its mouth. The children started to scream and the elderly ladies held onto them tight. The second light shun in its direction and what we saw looked like a wolf but something about it was strange. Its Fur was dark black with a small white spot. His fur resembles galaxies in the vast area of space. Its eyes were a bright red and its claws were a metallic silver color. I could tell they were sharp from where we were standing.

"What is that? The question was marked on everyone's faces.

His tail was thick and it slowly fell as it lifted its head to meet my gaze.

I looked at the children and the elderly persons and I knew no one stood a chance against this monster. Even George with all his insults could not harm a hair on his monster. He would maul all of us before the helicopter descended or some came down. It was up to me, if I could get it to focus on me then I could pull it away from them and they could be rescued. I was the fastest.

"Hey, Christine, I called out behind me but I never took my gaze off the monster.

"Hey!" I said more forcefully

"Yes," she said shakily

"I am going to lead this monster away and I want you and the others to get the attention of the helicopter. Swing the flashlights harder and shout louder than you have ever before but wait until I have reached a good distance away, start a fire if you have to" I said but her feature still shook

"Christine do you hear me...Jovan make sure you all get out of here.

"What about you?' he said stumbling over his words

"Would you like to chase this thing away?" I asked sarcastically

"No, I couldn't " he screamed

"Well do what you need to, because after it's finished with me it's coming after you all"

"Kid" George called out "Do your best to survive long enough so I can get out of here.

Oh God this man just knows how to piss me off. "This is the most use you have been all day" he continued and Elixabeth slapped him. The wolf growled louder

"Kid by some miracle you get fat enough for us to get out of here, try to see if you can double back and see if you can be saved as well," Jovan said sounding a little optimistic.

I started to move away from the group slowly and towards the other direction of the trail.

"Hey, you overgrown beast! Come at me" I taunted but it had no effect.

The giant wolf looked between me and the group of people as if he was deciding between chasing one or eating many. He motioned towards the group and I quickly grabbed a stone and chucked it at him.

" What are you scared of one boy. What am I to expect from dumb, weak, little sheep in wolf clothing, son of a mongrel wolf". I didn't know if the wolf understood me but seeing how he howled at the moon and growled so low that I thought the ground was shaking before turning in my direction. I would think so

I took that as my cue and I dashed through the night. I kept my knees high to not trip over anything as I moved almost blindly down the path. The light bobbed up and down on the trail in front of me and I looked back to see if the wolf was chasing me and it was. His red eye, metallic claw, and sharp white exposed teeth were the only things I could see in the dark. The tree broke as he dashed down the path. Did I forget to mention that this wolf was fucking huge? My heart began to race and I started cursing myself, realizing that this was going to be my final moments.

I kept up the pace but I could tell that he was gaining on me. This was a four-legged beast after all and not even the trees were enough to slow its advance. There was no way I was goi to be able to outrun it. I could feel him on my back now. He was so close and my heart raced even harder. I dare not look behind me and I dug in deep to find the will to continue running. The wolf clawed at my head and I ducked to avoid the instant death but in doing so I ended up over the side of the path. I slammed into some thin trees and rolled through a few bushes before I realized that I ended up further on the path. The wolf could not make it through the trees and it ran down the trail.

I got to my feet slowly. I could feel small bruises all over my body. I heard its footsteps as it raced towards me. When I was on my feet I continued running. I wasn't moving as fast as I was before. I felt a pain surging through my leg with each step took but I couldn't tell what was the cause as I dropped my phone in the fall. Once I made it to a clearing, where I could see the moon clearly and the stars sparkle like diamonds, I decided that there was no more point in running any further than was much of a choice as the glow of the moon revealed my leg was impaled. It mattered not, I could tell that the helicopter had been hovering in the general area where I was coming from. I searched the area and found a large stick on the ground. I motioned to grab it but a pain surged through my leg and it started to hurt even more. I wanted to scream or cry out because the wolf showed up moments later.

"I see you found me, but I don't have any house for you to blow down," I said with a quick chuckle

He charged at me and lunged for my face. I stumbled back into a roll then used the stick to prop the wolf up while I used my legs to connect with its belly and used the momentum to carry it forward. I could see the wolf as the huge body moved above my head and over the side of the mountain I knew this wolf was different but I underestimated just how much different it truly was. When it noticed that it was heading over the side of the mountain in that same momentum it carried its claw forward, hooking my shirt and pulling me over the side of the mountain with him.

I heard, felt, and saw as our bodies connected with the side of the mountain and our bones broke from the impact. When we finally came to a stop, I could not move, and neither could he. I had beaten the wolf but it seems at the same cost as surrendering. At least I can die knowing I won a fight against a very strange wolf. My eyes became heavy and I could feel them about to shut but just before they did I saw a figure standing over me.

" You have won and are worthy of being my champion," the figure said and everything went black