
The Mythical Children:The Flamed Illusionist

A Jamaican boy after being wrongfully accused, at least so he thought. Tries to clear his name while proving his worth to try to avoid execution. Magic, Supernatural, Mythical being may be too much for someone to grasp within a week before he is placed to death. Will he make it, will he find out what happen to the missing children in time to save his own neck.

Wyatt_Joansy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


My heart raced; my forehead cooled; The wind passed the cold sweat running down my face. I tried my best to still my heart as I looked for the nonexistent comfort in the majestic glow of the orange sunset. The sun's rays forced their way through the windows and everyone was blessed in its deep hue as I stood on the bus, my legs a little shaken. I glanced around, It was the typical Sunday morning crowd, not what I would expect when I was kidnapped off the streets. 

A Family dressed in their Sunday church best, young adults dressed as if they were just leaving a party. The bus wasn't particularly full but I was forced to stand near the exit. Persons were preoccupied and no matter how many times I did the signal I saw on my Instagram feed, for "I need help..save me"; no one responded.

Persons paid me no mind as they were locked in deep conversation with whom they shared a seat. The plastic oceanic blue chair caught my eye with dark blue padding along with its famous red and yellow design throughout the fabric. The seats were as they always were, dirty, stained, and covered in writing by idle children trying to leave their mark on the world with what they believed to be edgy writing such as " Matthew wuz ere".

Other passengers were preoccupied with their phones, playing games, listening to music, and even watching movies on Netflix. I took a deep breath and sighed as the thought of kneeing the person before me ran through my mind like a broken record. Each time the thought was cast away, as I remembered the foreign object that rested on my waist.

The sharp poke of a knife laid in my side and I was forced to recall the true depth of the danger I found myself in. The blade didn't break flesh but I still felt the sting as it dug into my side. To everyone inside the bus we probably looked like two regular high school boys; heading home and having random conversations, on this slow Sunday evening.

He was around my height at five feet nine ( 5' 9") and where I had a bald head, his hair was ear length, hanging at the sides in twists. He had a huge build, not fat, God forbid that he was fat. Maybe If he was, I could bribe him with some food or just make a run for it at the next stop but this man-child looked as if he was in a constant battle with junk food, and he was winning. A muscular frame and calves that looked as if he could keep pace with horses. Black fitted army trousers and a long sleeve black shirt that said "God is Here" while I on the other hand was stuck looking like crap. Sweat pants and long sleeve shirt covered in dirt stains, let's just say that my weekend wasn't the best start to the summer and it seems the week was gonna be just as shitty. I gripped the bars tighter out of sheer frustration. My breathing became heavier and I tried to think of how exactly I found myself in this position.

Each time I tried to put some distance between the two of us he would hold on to me and pull me in close as if he wanted to tell me something. I swear this guy was having fun pissing me off. I always thought kidnapping was named as such because kids were being napped not because the kids were the ones doing the nabbing.

My mind went to the darkest of places and I could feel my grip loosening on the bar. The sheer fear was enough for me to pass out. 

"Whack!" a palm slammed into my back. "Hey buddy, you okay?". The man-child asked sarcastically. The knife dug into my side even more.

"Yes, I am okay?" I replied sheepishly.

The bus trudged on and on and without me noticing the bus wasn't stopping to allow people to board. I didn't pay it much mind, as this was Jamaica, that wasn't strange but when I looked through the window and I couldn't identify any of the terrains, my stomach fell. When it first pulled up, I saw a huge 22 printed on the front of the big yellow bus which meant it was going downtown. That wasn't where I was originally headed but I am familiar with the area and this doesn't seem like the typical route. 

Buildings of all different sizes would rush by. Those of famous companies, like ARC Manufacturing, 3 miles, Petrojam as well as small two-story washed-out buildings. Some were abandoned and left to crumble with time and the elements. All of that was replaced with a wasteland of nothing but grass. I was too focused on the man-child to notice what was going on. 

Too many strange things were happening, too fast for me to even decide what I should do. If I managed to escape this man-child, where was I going to run to now? I dont have the foggiest idea where I am. If I can't get off this bus then where would I end up? What would be waiting for me at the end of this journey? 

Fear and regret swelled up inside me and I thought about my mother who would have to deal with the idea of her son being missing after going on a trip she didn't want him to go on in the first place. I just have to be brave. I dont know what is waiting for me at the last stop and I am not sure I want to find out but there is no changing my situation now, just have to think of the best way I can escape without being caught. 

What's the worst thing that this man-child could do to me?... You could die, a small voice in my mind replied. He would sink that blade deep into your side and leave you to bleed out onto the hard metal floor.... and you would die. My face fell and I swallowed some saliva that was finding it very hard to go down. I wiped at some sweat on my forehead and steeled my resolve. It's either I die now or die later. There isn't room to second guess my decisions.

I couldn't help but ponder on the knife being jabbed into my side and how much that would hurt. I tried to think of ways how to reduce the impact or avoid it altogether and then I remembered. Wait a second, I did two years of karate. I know how to block a fucking knife strike. The realization baffled me, why did this take so long to come back to me? It's been a few years but if I plan out all the ways he could move to stab me, I could counter it and then put some distance between us. Hopefully, at least one oblivious passenger would then stand to help me. "Someone here must come to my rescue" I pleaded with the universe.

I turned to face him. " If you dont let me get off this bus, I'll have to create a commotion until the police are called," I said in a low whisper.

The man-child only continued to stare at me, his facial expression never changing. For a second, I thought he didn't hear me but that wasn't possible. I might be whispering but he's standing beside me.

"You could stab me but I refuse to be kidnapped by a steroid-filled-looking gorilla man," I said and his glare became menacing.

"Do you think you're a tough guy, that jail doesn't scare you?" I said, the frustration emanating in my tone.

That got the slightest response from him but not the one I was expecting or wanted. His light brown eyes moved to the corner and back. 

He rolled his eyes at me. This guy had the nerve to roll his eyes at me. 

"Okay, a fight it is," I thought to myself but just then he opened his mouth to speak.

"There is no jail in this country that can hold me?".

"Ridiculous!" I blurted and everyone in the bus turned and glared at me.

"As a thief, you should know!" he sneered.

"Thief! A Thief!. I have never stolen anything in my life". I growled at him. 

"Don't lie to me. You are as much a thief as I am a kidnapper.

"But You are a kidnapper!".

"And you are a thief" he countered.

My mind flashed back to the candy I stole as a little boy in primary school but there is no way that this is what he's referring to. 

Before I could think further, a bright red light shone at the front of the bus and it was as if everyone rose to attention. If I thought being forcefully pulled onto this bus was the scariest thing to happen to me that day then I was surely mistaken. Persons in the bus started to behave strangely and it was as if their skins, shape, and forms were only an illusion. The family who was dressed in their Sunday best; I saw the mother dig into her purse pull out four brightly colored pills and hand one to each of her family members.

The kids gladly took the pill and eagerly swallowed it as if it were candy. Shortly after the parents did the same. Their eyes blinked heavily and I let off a silent scream. Their bodies went limp and they all fell back into their seats...Dead. 

No! This can't be real. I raged in my mind. Was this some moving cult? Was I just at the wrong place at the wrong time? Would everyone here kill themselves one by one in the same fashion? Was I expected to do the same or was I dragged here to be a witness? Questions bubbled into my mind and I was more scared than I'd ever been. I prayed that someone would walk onto the bus and yell "You've been Pranked". Was there even a last stop for anyone on this bus? My mind raced on and on and not long before a pain rose in my chest and my hand moved to clutch at it. I completely forgot about the knife at my side and rushed over to the family. I grabbed the little girl and shook her forcefully. Her lifeless body shook like a soggy noodle in my hands. Tears ran down my face and anger rose from the pits of my stomach. It happened so fast I knew that no one could have stopped them but with everything that happened, I lashed out.

"How could you all just sit here so calmly?" I shouted," A family just died in front of you and you all are sitting as if nothing happened". My body was hot and I could feel my temperature rising as my rage intensified.

"Calm down" the man-child walked closer and said.

"You all should be ashamed of yourself" I continued. 

I looked around only to see that there were other people with the same red pill in their hands. Not everyone just a few. 

" Think about all the people that love you, All the people that would miss you when you're gone. Whatever God you think would want you to end your life so early is not one you should be following" I Pleaded loudly

"Listen to Me" I yelled as the person gazed back at me with puzzled looks.

"And you, Your God might be here but you don't need to join him..." I didn't get to finish chewing him a new one before he slammed his fist into my stomach.

"I won't tell you again" Calm down," he said sternly.

"But..." I said through a raspy gasp of air. The punch sent me choking on my saliva and I coughed as my head spun.

"Look," he said pointing with his chin. Slowly a white substance rose from their bodies. It was as if water droplets were falling into the sky, as the liquid rose into the air. A Ball slowly formed and started to glow, morphing Its shape to look like the family hovered slightly over their lifeless bodies. 

I looked over to the man-child for a sense of understanding but I was greeted with a shit-eating grin on his face. 

"Before you even ask, Yes! The punch was necessary. Did it have to be that hard, Probably not " he said his grin getting wider. "You thought I didn't notice you scheming beside me," He said as he pulled me away from the bodies and back to where we were standing.

"I...I...". I stammered 

"So, thank you for that, I almost thought I wouldn't get the chance".

I rubbed my stomach as the pain slowly went away and even though I was pissed, I was more curious about what was taking place just a few feet away from me.

"What's going on there?" I forced the words from my mouth.

"Guessing it's your first time seeing Duppies shifting".

"Duppies?..." I stammered.