
Chapter 1

3rd Person Pov~

Finally, after a long day, Zyanya was sitting down and reading one of her favorite books. However that all changed when she was suddenly pulled into a vision.

**Bonnie: Grams, I got you some tea.

Bonnie: Grams?

Bonnie: Grams wake up.

Bonnie starts to shake Sheila, while continuing to call out her name. Bonnie starts to cry realizing what's happening. After a few moments, Bonnie calls out to someone.

Bonnie: Elena!

Said girl comes rushing in to see Bonnie holding Sheila while crying.

Bonnie: She's not breathing, she's not breathing! Please wake up!**

Zyanya's Pov~

I gasp, as I come out of the terrible vision, I can't believe it, Sheila is going to die. I look outside and see that the sun is just starting to go down, in the vision Sheila was brought home and died late in the night. I've still got time.

Without another thought on the matter, I rush out of my room while grabbing my coat, before teleporting to wherever my magic feels Sheila is at the moment.

3rd Person Pov~

As Bonnie and Shiela start their spell to release Stefan and Damon, heavy winds start to blow through the tomb causing the torches to go out, suddenly the ground starts shaking causing the Bennett witches to panic which causes them to stop their chants and thus stopping their spell altogether. Once the ground stops shaking it's not long before the tomb suddenly gets bright and in the corner, a fire appears and suddenly a woman with glowing eyes appears, and steps out of the fire, causing it instantly disappear as fast as it came.

Zyanya's Pov~

As I look around, I see Sheila and the others.

Anya: Hello.

Sheila: Anya?

Zyanya: My sweet, what have you done? You've strained yourself. I can feel you slipping away. We can't have that.

Bonnie: Slipping away? Grams who is this?

Anya: My apologies, my name is Zyanya but you, my dear may call me Anya.

Sheila walks over towards the wall and sits on a rock. She looks tired, which she is, she's used a lot of magic here tonight.

Sheila: Everything is fine my dears-

Before Sheila could even finish her sentence, I speed over to her. I then grabbed her hands carefully and I could feel her life force fading.

Zyanya: Fine? You nearly died here tonight. I had a vision of just that. Now let me help you.

Sheila doesn't say anything and just lets me do my magic.

Anya: There good as new. Well, new as can be.

Sheila laughs at my joke as Bonnie goes over and sits next to her.

Elena: Hate to break this up, but Stefan is still stuck.

Zyanya: Hush child. Sheila needs her rest, she almost died trying to save those vampires. Do not interrupt us again.

Bonnie: What do you mean she almost died?

Anya: The little spell, wasn't so little. It was too much for her. If I didn't show up she would be dead from overuse of her magic.

Sheila: Anya!

Anya: It's the truth and you know it. Now, what have I told you about getting involved with vampire business?

Sheila: I did this for Bonnie. She wouldn't take no for an answer.

Anya: Ah, I see, looks like she's got the Bennett attitude.

Bonnie: The Bennett attitude? Grams who is she? What is she talking about?

Sheila: Bonnie meet Anya. Our ancestor.

Elena: Ancestor?

Anya: Yes. Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is Zyanya Bennett, daughter of Qetsiyah.

Bonnie: Omg!

Elena: Who's Qetsiyah?

Anya: None of your concern doppelgänger. Now Bonnie, and Sheila you both are done here, it's time you head home.

Elena: No! They need to undo the spell.

Bonnie: Elena! We can't.

Anya: But I can. I won't allow you to put them in more danger than you already have. You two go home and I'll release them.

Sheila: Anya I don't-

Before Sheila could finish her sentence, both she and Bonnie are pulled into the fire, and then they along with the fire disappear. Without saying anything else, I walk past the doppelgänger and to the tomb door. I lay my hands on the seal and slowly push my magic against it, after a few seconds the spell breaks, and the vampires are now free.

Anya: There, they are now free to leave.

Elena: That's it? No spell?

Anya: I don't need to say spells doppelgänger. I'll be going now. Do not involve my family in your problems again, you are on your own from now on.

Before I could leave, one of the vampires speeds over to me and tries to grab me. However, I quickly turn around and punch him in his chest sending him flying across the tomb and hitting the tomb wall.

Anya: Don't try that again. I don't take too kindly to such things.

I see their mouths open as if to say something however I let the fire engulf me and I teleport away. As the fire clears I'm standing in Sheila's living room. I turn around to see Bonnie and Sheila on the couch sleeping. I wave my hand and a blanket appears covering them. I then go into the kitchen and write them a note, with my number. After that, I teleport back home to make dinner for my family.

*Days Later*

It has been a couple of days nearly a week since I last saw Sheila and met Bonnie, however, I have talked with them a little bit on the phone each night, and last night we even made plans to meet up in the coming weeks, however, I knew right then that all of our plans would change when I was walking inside from picking some herbs for a new potion, and stopped by a little piece of paper that suddenly appeared and fell to the ground. I quickly pick it up instantly knowing it's a Bennett spell, one that my mother created. I open the letter and start reading.


  I know we discussed meeting sometime in the coming week, however, things have come up and we need your help. A vampire by the name of Damon Salvatore has been messing with Bonnie and I. I've put him in his place numerous times however he's very stubborn. Sadly I can't always be there to help Bonnie because as you know I teach at the college. I've taught Bonnie some defensive spells, but I'm not sure that she will be able to properly defend herself should he ever decide to attack. Maybe it's time for you to come teach her as you did with the rest of us.  


As I finish reading the letter my daughter walks over to me.

Nika: Mom, is everything ok?

Anya: No. I've just received a letter from Sheila.

Before I could continue in walks my husband, who looks at me curiously.

Nika: Why is she sending a letter, when she knows you'll be visiting soon. Is everything ok?

Anya: No. it seems that the Salvatore vampires like messing with my descendants. You all know how I hate young vampires, especially Damon Salvatore, and all that he has caused. As you know back in 1864, I met my latest descendant Emily Bennett when she came to Mystic Falls. She was accompanying another vampire. I tried to help Emily but she didn't listen to me when I warned her not to help Katherine or any other vampires, instead, she helped them anyways and in return. Damon Salvatore is the reason my descendant Emily was burned. Emily got betrayed by Damon, Like myself all Emily wanted was for her family to be safe, and for her daughters to be protected, Damon promised he would protect Emily and her children she thought she could trust Damon, however, Damon turned on her, he reported her and she was tried and burned for her crimes. Thankfully I managed to save Emily's daughter before the townspeople could burn them too.

Nika: So what do we do?

Before I could reply my husband walks back in, with my bags already packed and sets them by the door.

Pan: You are to do nothing. You will stay here with me and wait for that husband of yours to return home, while your mother goes and helps Sheila and Bonnie.

Nika: But that's-

Pan: No buts, you may be trained in magic but you have never actually fought a vampire. You may have a vampire for a husband but that doesn't change anything. You also have to finalize the building of your house. I'm sorry but you will not be going. 

Anya: I agree with your father. You will stay here, and continue your training while finishing your house. I'll be home before you know it I promise.

Nika: I know, and I'm excited about it, I just want to meet them too.

Anya: You will soon I promise. I just don't want you getting hurt.

Nika: Mother, I'm over 800 years old, and immortal I think I'll be fine. However, I'll respect your guys' decision and I'll wait.

Anya: I promise it won't be long, once I train Bonnie, I'll bring her and Sheila here for a visit.

Pan: That sounds lovely, Don't rush anything do take your time sweetheart, help Sheila, and train Bonnie to be the next powerful Bennett.

Anya: Oh trust me, by the time I'm done Bonnie will be able to protect herself from an army of vampires.

After eating with my family, I say my goodbyes before teleporting to mystic falls.

Once the smoke and fire clears I'm greeted by the faces of Sheila, Bonnie, and Elena. I ignore Elena's stares and walk over to Sheila and give her a big hug since I couldn't do it the last time I saw her.

Anya: How are you feeling?

Sheila: Better, thank you.

Anya: Of course, I wouldn't want my favorite Bennett to leave this life too early.

Elena: Yea that's good and all but we were talking!

Sheila: No child, you were talking and I was telling you no.

Elena: But as I've said, we need your help.

Bonnie: No, Damon needs help.

Elena: What's the difference.

Anya: Wait let me get this right, Damon needs help and you came to the people he's been trying to manipulate?

Elena: This doesn't involve you. Bonnie please, you have to do this.

Sheila: She doesn't and she won't. You need to leave.

Elena: But-

Anya: You will no longer be getting help unless it is offered. Do you understand?

Elena: No, that's not happening.

Bonnie: Elena stop, I don't want to help.

Elena: Yes you do, you are just letting them control you.

Bonnie: That's enough. You need to leave Elena.

Elena: Fine. But this isn't over.

Anya: It is. If you come back before Bonnie wishes to see you, I will make it so you can't get within 100 feet of Bonnie.

Elena: Stefan and Damon wouldn't-

Anya: Stefan and Damon wouldn't be able to stop me. Now leave!

Without saying a word, Bonnie walks over to the front door and opens it for Elena. While leaving Elena grumbles all the way while stomping her feet. Once she's out the door Bonnie slams it shut behind her. Bonnie then walks over to the couch and sits down.

Anya: Now for the reason I'm here.

Sheila: Before you start let me take your bags to the guest room.

Anya: Nonsense, I remember where it is. I can do that later.

I walk over and sit on the chair across from the couch.

Sheila: Bonnie as you know, Zyanya is our ancestor and as you know she's the daughter of Qetsiyah.

Bonnie: Yes grams, what's going on?

Anya: There are some things you should know. I'm the firstborn daughter, and in our family, the firstborn females are always granted powerful magic.

Bonnie: So I'm powerful?

Sheila: Not yet but over time you can grow to be a very powerful witch.

Anya: But there is something else. Do you know the story of Odin?

Bonnie: The Norse God?

Anya: Yes, what I'm about to tell you is not in your history books or your mythology books, it's not even in old Bennett journals. What I say next is to stay between us.

Bonnie: I promise.

Anya: Back before I was born my mother was a young witch, however, she was greedy and power-hungry. My mother would always pray and beg for more magic. Well, one day her wish was finally heard, Odin granted her the wish except the power wasn't bestowed upon her. It was bestowed on a child, a child made up of both Qetsiyah and Odin. You see Odin wasn't granting her the power, he knew she was power-hungry. Instead, he did something unexpected, after just banishing his daughter and losing his wife, Odin was lonely, and he wanted another child a powerful child, one that could help him end the wars of the nine realms. So he mated with a powerful Midgard witch and created one of the first and very powerful hybrids on Midgard. You see that child, is me.

Bonnie: Wow, that's amazing. Do you have a different kind of magic? How are you still alive?

Anya: All your questions will be answered in due time sweetheart, but for now let me finish my story.

Sheila: Trust me you'll love it.

Anya: My mother wasn't happy she didn't get the magic she was promised, so when she gave birth she tried to take it from me, she came up with this ritual that would bind my magic to hers, instead all the ritual did was take away some of her magic. Now don't let that fool you, my mother was still very powerful after losing a fraction of her magic. As I grew up, she wasn't around much, instead, she left me all alone because she was jealous of the power I would one day wield. Growing up I learned magic through whatever spell book she left me and from other witches in our coven. The more I grew up the more powerful I became, you see I not only had nature's magic like my mother but I also gained Asgardian Sorcery from my father and other magics that came with it. I was 17 when I met a boy, his name was Silas, we fell hard and fell quick. We loved each other so much, that was until my mother stole him from me with a love spell. I tried breaking it, but my mother made the spell very well. Every time I tried to remove the spell, it would hurt him, and I couldn't hurt the man I loved so I stopped trying. Later on, I found out I was pregnant, but that wouldn't last long. My mother and a few of her witching friends used a very ancient and forbidden spell to take away my baby, once they took my child they placed it inside my mother instead. When the rest of the coven found out she was pregnant, a wedding was planned. After losing my child I fled, however, I returned for the wedding and that's when it all changed. My mother made an immortality spell, she forced me to drink it. Silas had drunk it too, my mother was to drink it as well but when Silas became immortal her spell broke. He destroyed her spell and made sure she could never become immortal.

Bonnie: I'm so sorry.

Anya: I'm not, that's the past however there's more to the story, after Silas destroyed the spell my mother cursed and entombed him in a cave to desiccate. He remains there today, I wish to get him out but I can't. Wherever he is, it is blocking all kinds of magic from finding it. However, that's not all. After the wedding, my mother told me she gave birth to a stillborn baby. I was devastated and fled. Years later I would find out she lied to me. My baby didn't die, he grew up and grew up powerful. He was a coven leader and lived a very long life, with a lovely wife, 4 kids, and 7 grandkids. His line lives on today. Flash forward to now, I have an amazingly smart and beautifully talented daughter.

Bonnie: Do she know you had a son before?

Anya: Of course, she likes to honor her brother by visiting the tree he was buried under, leaving him flowers and whatnot.

Bonnie: You said that his bloodline continues to this day. Have you met any of them?

Anya: Yes, I have met all of them and I have always watched over them.

Bonnie: So where are they?

Anya: I'm looking at them.

Bonnie: Us? We come from your line? I thought we came from Qetsiyah.

Anya: Technically you still do, as she is my mother. However, the books only say that because they never knew he was my son.

Bonnie: Omg, that has to suck. I'm so sorry.

Anya: Bonnie, it's ok. But there's still more. You see as I watched over my sons' kids and grandkids I noticed something. Almost all of them had a special ability, one normal witches couldn't have. When watching them and learning more I realized, they had other abilities because of me and the blood that ran through them. Even though my mother birthed him her blood didn't taint mine. My daughter also has a special ability.

Bonnie: So I have a special ability?

Anya: It's possible, I've met two of the descendants that didn't have any special abilities, but I have also met a few that had more than one special ability. Your grandmother being one of them.

Bonnie: What? You have a special ability?

Sheila: No, I have two.

Bonnie: How come you have never told me?

Anya: I can answer that. Your mother was upset when she didn't get a special ability, she was jealous of your grandmother and your aunt, that she moved away but returned after having you. However when she returned she banned me from ever meeting you and training you, and since she was your mother I obliged.

Bonnie: Then how come you are here now?

Anya: Because she isn't, and hasn't been for a while, I'm also here because you need my help. Starting tomorrow after school, you and I are going to train. You are going to learn many spells, potions, and fighting. Once you can do those things we will move on and see if you have any abilities. Don't be discouraged if you don't have one or if nothing shows right away. These things take time.

Bonnie: Thank you for sharing. I hope to be like you one day.

Anya: No, you'll be better. Now, who's hungry?

Sheila: I know I am.

Bonnie: Me too.

Anya: Alright, to the grill. Dinner is on me tonight.

And with that, we all got up and went to the grill and had an amazing time before heading home and going to bed.

A/N: Welcome to my new book the myth, I'm so excited to post this because it is one of my favorite ideas that I have come up with so far. I really hope you guys enjoy the book. I'm so happy to finally introduce Zyanya to the TVDU! As stated before Zyanya is the daughter of Qetsiyah and Odin. She is the ancestor of Sheila and Bonnie as well as many other Bennett Witches. She is Zyanya or Anya to those of her family, however to some she is known as the all-powerful Immortal Hybrid.

What do you guys think?

What do you guys think of Annika?

What do you guys think about the backstory?

Why do you think Damon betrayed Emily?

What do you think of Odin using Qetsiyah?

Thoughts on Qetsiyah?

Do you guys like Anya so far?

What do you think about Zyanya saving Sheila?

Which vampire do you think tried to attack Anya?

What do you think of Anya telling off Elena?

What do you guys think will or want to happen next?

What do you think of Anya's powers?

What do you think Elena will do now that she doesn't have Bonnie's help?

Thoughts on the chapter?

What do you guys think will or want to happen next?

What do you think of Anya's story?

Anyways that is for this chapter. As always please feel free to Vote, Comment, and Share if you'd like, and like normal please comment on any grammatical errors and let me know so that I can fix them right away.

Alright, I'll see you guys on the next one. Bye!

Word Count: 3534