
The Mythical Adventure

Andre who passed away met with a blessed encounter in the underworld. His life began to turn upside down as he got stuck with mythological beings that he thought never existed. This story is purely fantasy and do not mirror the truth about Philippines Mythology.

iamurdad · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Gate to Underworld

I do not know how long had it been before I found myself opening my eyes.

I instinctively knew that I was dead as I looked at the huge gate before my eyes. It looked peaceful and emanated a sense of purity.

"Welcome to the underworld, young man."

I looked at the direction where that voice came.

There stood a formless humanoid figure except it had eyes and mouth. I cannot help but be surprised when I saw its form. I even took a step back as I cautiously looked at it.

"Do not worry. I meant no harm young man. I am Tabiacoud, the god of underworld."

His name sounded familiar as I let my guard down. I smiled wryly as I reminded myself that I am already dead and cannot die again.

"That is how it is for everyone from the start, young man. You will soon get used to it."

Tabiacoud smiled at me as he waved his hand.

The huge gate that stood before me trembled before it opened up just enough for a person of my size to pass. It emanated a grandiose presence and continuously soothed my soul.

"This door leads to the underworld where you will be judged. That place will decide whether you will stay in the underworld, fall down to hell, or ascend to heavens."

There has always been a saying in my country that there is a purgatory where God and his servants will judge people based on their merits and demerits. It seemed that it was true.

I cannot help but look at Tabiacoud who smiled warmly at me. He was the god of underworld but he treated me properly. It seemed that my impression about gods are wrong.

"If it's alright, can I ask a question?"

I fidgeted around as I felt nervous. I am dealing with a god here and he might just banish me to eternal rest before my judgement even came. Still I cannot suppress my curiosity.

"It is fine, young man. Not everyone who I have come across asked me a question, although there are some exceptions a few hundred years ago..."

Tabiacoud nodded his head and looked at me intently. It seemed that it was not disrespectful to ask questions to god for satiating one's curiosity.

"Can you leave this place, Revered Tabiacoud?"

Tabiacoud shook his head.

"I cannot because I manage the gate to underworld. I am the god of underworld therefore it is my duty to ensure that nothing amiss will happen. I know that you will ask why I am not guarding the inside of underworld instead. It is because it is unnecessary, young man."

He walked towards the huge gate and tapped it.

"The underworld is a separate plane with countless laws placed upon it. No one can create trouble in the place where the supreme deity judges people. Rather, no one dares to do so. The prestige and power of the respected supreme deity spreads far and wide across the entirety of everything."

I looked dumbstruck as I cannot help but blurt out another question.

"Then you are all alone here?"

Tabiacoud nodded his head with a smile.

"Do you not eat?"

Tabiacoud shook his head and replied.

"I do not need to eat because I am a god but now that you said it, I am still curious of the delicacy in the mortal world called 'balut.'"

"You have not tasted it yet?"

Tabiacoud sighed as he lamented.

"That Matono often came here to brag about the golden chickens she took care of. Once, she brought an egg and ate it before my eyes. She ate it deliciously but she only brought one egg at that time. Young man, do you think she is purposely provoking me?"

I smiled wryly before I asked another question.

"If I may ask, who is she, Revered Tabiacoud?"

For now, I used revered and his name to show my respect. I do not know the propriety and manners I should conduct before the gods but he seemed fine with it. I cannot help but feel happy that I am conversing with an actual god right now.

"Matono is an immortal who came to the underworld to deepen her research. She is an eccentric, young man. If you coincidentally meet her in the underworld, you should run from her."

"Wow. So immortals do exists?"

Tabiacoud nodded his head.

"I will not explain about them because you will soon to know them, young man."

I nodded my head instead of asking anymore questions. I walked towards the huge gate and gazed at the endless darkness within. I cannot see the underworld Tabiacoud was speaking about.

I think it is not something a mortal like me could see anyway.

"Revered Tabiacoud, if given a chance that I meet you again, I will definitely deliver a 'balut' to you!"

I turned around and bowed before the god of underworld in gratitude.

Just from speaking with him for a while gave me a sense of peace in my mind. It was very enjoyable to see that even a god have his own troubles. I did not expect that it would be like that though.

Still, everyone has their own problems and how you view its severity depends on your perspective and understanding as a person.

Tabiacoud smiled as he nodded at me.

"Since you are so kind, I will give you a blessing young man."

Tabiacoud's eyes suddenly reflected the infinite stars in the sky before it turned into a shape of ball that flew towards my forehead.

"This blessing will surely help you in the future."

I stared at Tabiacoud blankly as I touched my forehead.

Is this what they call lucky encounters in novels? But right now it is happening to me!

I soon regained my composure as I prostrated properly this time.

"Thank you, Revered Tabiacoud for your blessings!"

I just decided. I will only prostrate before gods who treated me kindly while I will only bow to them for the sake of showing respect to a god from a mortal.

This favor will be something that I will never forget.

I stood up with a smile filled with respect.

Before I stepped onto the gate, I bowed deeply once again toward Tabiacoud.

As I vanished into the underworld, Tabiacoud shook his head with a smile.

"What an interesting mortal. I will be waiting for that 'balut', Andre Dela Cruz."

Tabiacoud looked onto a far distance. He is on good mood today!

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