
The Mythic Warriors

In a world where humans have abilities and mana they must fight monsters to live and grow stronger.

Eragon_1256 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Hunt

Walking into the forest I grabbed the hilt of Ryou and readied myself for the hunt ahead.

' Let's get to it then.' I began quietly moving through the forest looking for a copper toothed tiger. 'Like their name suggests they have teeth and claws that look like copper and their fur is a copper color with black stripes.'

While walking through the forest I could hear the growling of different monsters. ' No wonder why it's called the Growling Forest.'


Hearing a light snapping noise I leaned against a tree and looked around it to see what made the noise. In a small clearing I could see a copper toothed tiger eating a green fire deer. The green flames on its horns and chest were dying quickly signifying it was dead.

' A late rank 1 copper toothed tiger, I can take it on.' I began to circulate the Supreme Dragon Seal Exercise and held 8n my grunt from the pain it caused. ' I'm only at the 12th circulation hopefully this fight will let me advance some.'

Stepping into the clearing the tiger immediately turned toward me and let out a roar. Not wasting any time I dashed toward the tiger while putting mana into Ryou while it was still inside the scabbard so that the tiger wouldn't sense the unique energy it was emitting.

Sensing my middle rank 1 aura the tiger looked at me with what seemed like confidence thinking that it would be easy to beat me.

It roared and jumped directly at me and aiming a swipe at my head.


I drew Ryou and clashed with the tigers claws. After a few seconds the tiger was thrown back from the force of the blow.

The tiger was quick to recover. After it shock it's head it let out a roar in challenge. No longer underestimating me it dashed at while jumping from side to side.

Watching it come toward me I readied Ryou. When it was right in front of me I swung Ryou at it but the tiger unexpectedly dodged and moved behind me!


Grunting I quickly spun around swinging my blade horizontally. Missing the tiger I took a step back, Feeling the five cuts on my back I thought ' They're not to deep but I didn't expect that, I have to be more carefull.'

Circulating the Supreme Dragon Seal Exercise my wound started to close, Albeit slowly it was still healing. No longer daring to take this easy I poured mana into Ryou and the strange black and crimson aura started to seep out of the blade.

The tiger started to circle around me but I turned with it not willing to get injured again. Seeing it couldn't catch me by surprise again the tiger growled and leapt at me.


After a short exchange of blows I was able to make a large cut on the tigers side. Jumping backward the tiger let out a roar of anger and dashed toward me again.

The tiger approached me and when it was close enough it bent its legs to jump at me but the wound on its side spurted blood and it's muscles spasmed.


Not wasting this chance I moved forward and cut open the tigers neck killing it.