
The Mythic Warriors

In a world where humans have abilities and mana they must fight monsters to live and grow stronger.

Eragon_1256 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The awakening ceremony

Arriving in the town center I noticed that my three friends were already there and talking together. Noah noticed me first and immediately called me over. When I got over to them Noah was as usual the one doing all the talking with his energetic attitude, average build and face with his signature mop of brown hair. Sylvia is the daughter of the mayor and known as the ice queen since she is beautiful but cold to every one but us three. Damion is a tall lanky guy with long black hair that covers half of his handsome face.

I stood next to Noah and just listened to him as he went on and on about random things. The mayor arrived and told everyone to take their seats. I turned to the others and said "good luck guys let's all get good abilities" to which they all responded with a nod.

Everyone started to take their seats in the predetermined order. Yesterday everyone got the order sent to their holowatches and the order was determined by our scores in school. I was placed second, Sylvia was first, Damion was eighth, and Noah was somewhere in the thirtys.

After everyone got to their correct seats the mayor began to give his normal speech saying " just like in this town there are awakening ceremonys happening everywhere across the world, but you are the hope of our town with all of you awakening we hope that you can do big things and become strong enough to make an impact. Now on with the ceremony each of you will take your turn standing in this runic formation. When it's activated it will send energy through your mana veins opening them up, then it will reach your heartspace and activate your latent ability.

After he was done with his speech he called up Sylvia. She walked to the center of the formation and closed her eyes they then started the formation. She was shrouded in energy for 5 minutes then the formation shut down, she opened her eyes and walked out of the formation.

They called me next, I walked into the center of the formation and closed my eyes, they started the formation and I followed the path of the energy watching it open my mana veins while moving toward my heartspace. I followed the energy into my heartspace and saw the object that represented my ability, it was dark and blurry so I couldn't see it but it continued to suck up a massive amount of energy and it still didn't light up. I was concerned with the amount of energy it was taking but also happy since that ment my ability was strong. After sucking up an astronomical amount of energy there was a loud bang and the object lit up and revealed its self. I just looked at it in shock it was a dragon made of crimson flames.