
the myth : volume I drought and prosperity

a war was coming, and it is unsure which gods on which side will they choose, with an order from the majesty herself, she molded out a young boy to change the outcome of the war for better or worst, will he able to change the future

Eis_kjerag_2512 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter IV kindness

the rain stops wu bing looked at the sight as the sun began to shine in front of him he took this chance to get the tool that he had left on the field, hoping that the tool needed didnt got stolen or got submerged in the water caused by the heavy rain or else it would be a bigger problem than it originally is, especially with the village he live in not far from the river that flood constantly every year, bothering the crops well except for the rice field of course, which is the best option he had to be able to live here, as he running he kept think back of the time before his father passing, if only they can not follow the tradition he wouldnt be left alone with no one to help him, now he rely on himself to do everything that his father had done before him, he hope that this girl could stay far away from him as possible so that she doesnt have to follow the tradition if he ever died of sickness, disaster, or anything, with each step he got closer and closer to the location, and there it was submerged beneath the muddy waters, he cant tell where he left it but he can assure to himself that it is not far from where he was standing and it is within the field in front of him, he just hope that he was right or else it will be a very long search before the sun set, before he could set his foot in the muddy water, he notice a small movement within the water, as he now feared for two possibilities, either it is a simple fish, or it could be every farmers fear in the rice field snakes, though helpful but dangerous for human, he look for his surrounding, he mostly found twigs, and short branches, begging for his life as he touch the water with the short branches, creating movement on the water, splasing it nonstop, hoping the snake would just slither out of the water, he kept splashing the water non stop and for a minute nothing appear, he took out the branches throw it to the pool of water, to his suprise no movement from the water he step his feet into the water, realize it reach the height of his calf, walking slowly and steadily while using his feet to find where his tools are, he just hope that the movement he saw on land was just a fish with him came closer and closer to the place where the movement start he began sweating not only from the sunlight but also from the fear he had for the unknown as hi foot sliding near the muddy ground it hit something it felt like a piece of wood, long, stiff, he put his hand to the water to feel the thing, to his expectation it is what he has been trying to find, he pulled it quickly before he could react something began to move not far from him, he look through the water to see a snake was swimming toward him, seeing such a sight he quickly ran back to the shore with the tool on his hand he swing it to its side where the snake was approaching, hoping it would at least caught the thing and throw it as far away from him though with each swing it gets harder and harder to control with every hit slowing down the speed of the swing slowly, though good news are he is not far away from the shore, with one last strength on her legs he jumped to the shore, quickly turned back with the hoe swinging, to his suprised the snake stop following, yet another suprise to him mi fei came to the field only a few feet away from where he just landed, it seems that she had just pass by, but weird how when she arrive the snake stops and slither back, she came by to see wu bing lying there with her bringing a basket to his side

"what did you bring ?"wu bing looked at the basket wondering what she brought out of the house

"nothing just some medicine for just in case considering the land would be flooded from the heavy rain, there might have some poisonous snakes slither beneath the water" she took a look on the legs of wu bing to see if there any snake bite on him

"Is that so, but when you just arrive the snake went away so there no need to worry" he stand up with the tools on one hand and the other he helped mi fei hold the basket with both ready, they walked back while the sun began to set


the sound of spear whoosing and sound of water splashed as the sun turned from bright white to bronze yellow as jiuyin look at yu shui he also looked at the sun

"I think we end this lesson here for now, or else your teacher will arrive home soon" jiuyin looked at the sun with one hand above his eye

"it's this late already ?" yu shui said in disbelief

"I was as shock as you, my child now, come up now, I need to get you dry especially your feet" jiuyin said with his gourd ready, as you shui got out of the water "stand still, my child" with him pull out the gourd lid as he pointed at you shui feet, as it began to pull, with the air vacuumed the wet shoes, with only a matter of second the shoes and pants were dry, as jiuyin put the lid back to the gourd

"what does that gourd do ?" yu shui looked confused as just a while ago the gourd was used for drinking

"more than just containing water is all I know" as jiuyin pull out his hand requesting the return of the spear

you shui put the spear to jiuyin hand as cloud began to form behind jiuyin knowing this he got up to the cloud before jiuyin could, jiuyin walked calmly as he calculate the current situation on his finger as he set foot on the cloud it floats away to their destination

jiuyin kept his eye on the child to make sure he doesn't fall but also wondering how would he have the time to bring the second book to the other kid, as he wondering if he had the time to give it to that child

as he clouded In thought he realize that the cloud had brought them not far from their destination as a cave hole can be seen with no one not even a footprint, the cloud got closer and closer to the entrance with the cloud touch the floor yu shui step out of the cloud before jiuyin set foot to the ground with him looking at the cave he looked at yu shui walked in to the cave

"would you like to stay for dinner, master jiuyin ?" you shui asked as he was close to the entrance

the question broke jiuyin out of his thought as he wondering the right answer fearing that he may dissapointed the child but yes and no doesn't seems to be a good choice yet he had no choice but to chose one

"sadly I can't, I got a person to meet after this" said jiuyin as he turned back to set foot on the cloud

"I see" yu shui voice can be heard and describe as pity by jiuyin like a cat unable to get taken care of by some stranger passing by

"but tell your teacher that I say hi" jiuyin said as he step on the cloud as it began to float away

"I will" as he enter the cave prepare to light up some fire for dinner.

jiuyin look back at the cave pull out the scroll as in his mind he had made his choices, he then proceed to step on the cloud returning to met his friend that had given such an order

meanwhile above the heaven xuannu had decided to take a visit to her younger sister with the moonlight shown up above the cloud she can see clearly that her sister house was and in fact empty as there are no signs of candle light, but just to be sure she see a fellow servant taking care of the place

"i wonder have you seen the lady of this house, nuba, i want to meet her" xuannu asked guessing the answer would be no but before the servant could reply she heard the sound of a girl singing this confirm her question "may i enter ?" as she pointing at the door to her sister house

"allow me to bring this message to young lady, lady xuannu" the servant replied as she enter the room leaving xuannu waited outside

she looks around the outside to simply notice how empty and cold this place can be sometime, even though demons weren't allow to came here unless urgent reason it still manage to bring chill down her spine, but soon she notice a tree was grown even reaching outside the wall that gated this place, as she got closer to see she realize that this tree is the tree she planted secretly as she realized there is at least 9 small birds and around 27 fruits grown upon this tree, it seems that her sister must have noticed it and take care of it secretly, she smiled at the sight, then tianji arrived with a message to gave to xuannu, as xuannu forgot how serious tianji can be sometime, she kinda hope Tianji could at least smile a bit

"it isn't our nine tail messenger, tianji, what news did you bring for me today" xuannu hoping to release the tension tianji shown in her face

"it's from master Jiuyin, he had requested to see you at the library"

"oh I do wonder what makes him wanting to see me this late, did he told you why? " xuannu asked curiously yet she sense that it had something to do with the book she gave

"no, he just told me to tell you this" tianji replied eyes closed, xuannu can tell she still felt tense

"hey, tianji" said xuannu as she put one of her hand on tianji shoulder "if you ever want to have a talk you can talk to me, i wont tell anyone ,also there no need to kept showing such a gloomy face, also when you send any message to me try smile a bit, you look good with it" said xuannu walk of the scene

tianji looked back at xuannu noticing how eventhough she is the daughter of the majesty she doesnt seem to care much for who she is nor what status we had, though tianji does wonder if her younger sister nuba had the same view though, as she look in front of her the servant came out, as tianji decided to see what going on

yet as tianji got closer she notice the light of the house are up, and she felt that someone is watching her, as she stand beside the servant, tianji looked to the side that when she found out who

it was a lady standing there as she wore in red, with her face covered by a mask that shown the most hideous creature only comparable to the yaksha and asura of the other worlds, this sight simply bring chills to her yet she had to send the message of where xuannu went, and she hope she could escape there as fast as possible

"mrs tianji, could you told me where did milady sister go ?" ask the servant looking around

"oh she got something important to do, so she had to go in hurry" replied tianji as she look at that lady

"oh i see, what a pity, milady was just prepared to meet her its been a while since they met" the servant look as she look at the lady in red

"I will inform you when the lady sister had time" tianji hoping this could repay it

"thank you, mrs tianji, we will wait for the good news" said the servant walking back

as tianji look at the servant walk in she look to the side once again, to see the lady had long gone, and she turned to see that she was all alone here, she just cant believe what she had just witnessed and walk hurriedly out of the scene

meanwhile as xuannu walk to see where jiuyin waits she does see a white figure standing there enjoying the moon with the book on its hand, with the book on its hand confirm her guess, she got closer with hand ready to accept the request

"jiuyin" she said gladly

"you're here" said jiuyin look back at her

"I should have known that you going to do this" xuannu said calmly

"so you had guessed that I can't complete this task" jiuyin said looking at the book

"no, I had guessed that you will want to put focus on that child, not to mention that, that child is the apprentice of you brother so I expecting you would put aside duty for family matter" xuannu said while take the book

"look like nothing can escape your eye as always, Mrs xuannu" said jiuyin impressed

"not really, in fact yours can be guessed easily, not to mentioned I had know your for quite a long time now, so it's a matter of familiarity" xuannu explained

"so, what do you planned to do with this book" said jiuyin bringing back to the main subject

"I had it all planned, so there is no need to worry and you can put focus on the child, while I can focused on this one" explained xuannu

"so you planned to teach him yourself ?" jiuyin asked

"well at least it can kept you from being too busy" xuannu said leaning to the pillar that was beside her

"your not wrong, I guess this is the only solution" jiuyin said prepared to leave

"another thing, jiuyin" xuannu said

"what is it?" asked jiuyin

"tell that little fox to smile more, she need to be more relaxed " said xuannu stand there looking at jiuyin walked away

"I will" replied jiuyin before he walked off

xuannu look at the book using the moonlight to see the books clearly, she opened the scroll to see what was within just to get a better understanding

to her surprised the book was written in Human language instead of the gods language, to her she didn't expect a book that had human language to exist in the God realm, so this book was pretty new and seeks her interest towards it, she smiled as she read the book but not long she notice bright light began to appear

she can't believe she had just read this book for the entire night and now the sun was out, and the night began to fade away, she took this time to see the sun rising to the clouds with the clouds coverings the earth below like a vast ocean though she won't be enjoy it for long as she need to prepare for the day after a while running she suddenly remembered that she forgot to ask jiuyin where is the weapon for this manuscript, this sudden realization simply worries her as she had planned to meet the boy today, before she know it tianji shown up to see xuannu worried face

with xuannu saw tianji a plan came out of her mind as she came to tianji

"perfect timing, tianji, i need your help" said xuannu seeing tianji as her only hope

"is there anything you need, lady xuannu" tianji asked trying to guess what the situation this was

"can you go and ask my sister nuba to lend me her sword, i need it in a hurry" xuannu said with her puppy eyes shown hoping to get symphaty

"wait, you mean the girl from that house last night !?" tianji suprised that she had to go there again

"yes, pretty please" xuannu request understanding the tone tianji just made shown that she doesnt want to go

"no, anywhere but that" tianji said remember that terrifying sight she saw last night that she doesnt want to see it again

"i know my sister had a terrified mask on her but believe me she isnt like that mask she wore, so please, pretty please" xuannu explained hoping this could convince tianji

tianji concerned a little not to mention now it is a bright day so there is nothing to be afraid of her, but she just hope that she can came out there alive

"fine" tianji said after seconds of though

"thank you" xuannu glad to receive such an answer "meet me here when you got the sword" xuannu continued

"all right then" tianji said as she walk to that palace

after a few minutes of walking she arrived to that place, suprisingly it wasnt as scary as last night, in fact it was heavily decorated with red and green color and the door was closed, she was about to knock on it but the door opened and the servant came out of it

"oh its you, my dear, is there a matter you want to meet with milady ?" asked the servant

"yes, I would like to made a request with her" tianji said as she look at the house

"I see, Would you like me to bring the message instead ?" ask the servant

"well, are you sure about that though, because I need to lend a thing from her ?" tianji making sure

"I see, if that the case then tell me and I ask milady as she never like guest inside her house" the servant replied

"is that so?, alright then, I would like to ask for milady sword as lady xuannu need it for urgency matter" she hoped that the lady of the house could accept such a crazy request though she does wander what would the lady react when it was about her own kin though

"alright then, wait here for the news" the servant said as she closed the door

tianji stand out there alone, as she look at her surrounding to see, she noticed how this house was in fact quite beautifully made, a lot better that the one she see last night, yet in front of her was a tree that was covered in fruits, yet as she take a closer look the tree was a bunch of small branches swirling in one after another making a bark of the tree, she simply can't believe such a tree made from a bunch of branches grown together could exist

though one of the branches had a fruit that was hanging low and can be reached with just raising your own hand, as tianji planned to reach to the fruit the door opened and the servant came out with a sword on her hand the servant look around her noticing she wasnt in front of her before she saw tianji walk away from the tree

"here is the sword you requested, young lady" the lady hold the sword with both hand giving the sword in detail for tianji to see

she look at the sword as it had a red scabbard, and a green handle, with the pommel shaped in a head of 3 headed asura, while the guard was in shape of flame, as tianji about to hold it with both hand the servant let go, she was simply shocked at how heavy this weapon was, yet noticing the handle was use for one handed, she can hardly imagine anyone use this perfectly

"thanks for the sword, i will tell xuannu to visit when she had the time" tianji said while having hard time carry this sword, and there she goes leaving the servant closing the door

tianji carry the sword while walking as fast as possible hoping she could got there in time but also hoping no one sees her or else she be in big trouble, yet as she was close to the destination, another girl noticing her and began to stop her

tianji look to see it was the youngest sister of xuannu , as she had two servant one was holding a qin for her while the other was holding a similarly instrument but the shape had some changes, she wore robes in white, skin pale as clouds, she is su nu she was known in the heavens for her skill in instrument, and understanding what 'the highness' teaching

"tianji, what are you doing with my sister sword ?" asked su nu hoping to get answer yet hoping that it is not what she is thinking

"n-nothing, just following orders" tianji replied hoping to prevent suspicion on her, tianji notice the qin on su nu servant "who is lady su nu bringing the qin for ?" hoping this could push off the main subject

"oh, this, i was going to meet nu ba, i often like to play the qin alongside with her singing, its always make the best songs" su nu replied looking at the instrument

"is that so, i guess nu ba must have loved to sing with you" tianji asked

"of course, anyway, i got to go met nu ba now, so hope things go successfully for you" she said as she alongside her servant walk to their destination

"oh, bye" she felt a sigh of relief as it seems that su nu wasnt suspicious of her at all, now she walk toward the promised place

xuannu walked in circle reading the book she had on her hand, yet no matter how many times she seems to had a hard time immersed like last night before, she heard someone calling her name, she look to see tianji bringing the sword, she put back the manuscript and walk to see tianji

"was it too heavy for you ?" said xuannu seeing tianji shaking while holding this sword

"no, of course not" tianji not admitting defeat

"is that so" said xuannu holding the sword easily with one hand she then pulled out the sword, as the bronze color shine like mirror even showing reflection of xuannu and tianji on it "a fitting sword for a user who control the flame" said xuannu analized the blade

"if there is nothing else i be back on my duty" said tianji bowed down before walking off

"tianji, thanks for the help" said xuannu looked back at tianji

"it is my duty, lady xuannu..." she replied as she walk off

xuannu put the sword back in dissapointment as tianji still think of her as the lady instead of a friend, she sigh, before she take the clouds to her destination

a while ago,

wu bing woke up as the sun had risen not long now he need to get up for farm work, but before he can get out of bed a pair of hand grab him and pulled him back to the bed, at first he was shocked but seconds later he remember that the girl he brough back was sleeping beside him, eventhough he know that man and women shouldnt be this close, yet its been so long since he had felt the warmth of another person, eventhough he know this isnt a family member, yet it brings back memories of the time he was hugged by his mother when he was a child with his father behind him, both keeping him in warmth from the cold wind of the north

as the girl hug him tighter and tighter he was in disbelieve that a girl who was hurt yesterday could have the full strength of a healthy person, with his face very close at the girl face, he simply hope she didnt wake up suddenly or else awkardness will happen, he look behind mi fei to realized that the window wasnt closed, and it shows the sun just rising not for long, now he is wonder how should he get out of such a situation

before he could make a move mi fei woke up eye to eye to wu bing, with a few second of silents before she pushed him off the bed, and emmidietly grab something nearby about to scream, but she came to realization of what happen last night, as she remember that she fell asleep first on wu bing bed without second consideration leaving wu bing no choice but to sleep and squeezing beside her, with this she got up and give wu bing a helping hand

"sorry, im so sorry, i didnt mean to do that" said mi fei in shock of what she had just done

"it was nothing, good thing i didnt fall head first" wu bing said as he grab hold of mi fei hand

she lifted him up with both hand, hoping he could forgive her for what she just done, but to wu bing he got other thing he want to know

"have your injury got better ?" wu bing asked

"it seems like it" she replied as she take a few streches

"would you like to let me check the wounds" wu bing said as he prepare the paste used from yesterday

"well i dont think that was necessary" she said as she walk a bit and hop a few times to see "it seems fine"

"if you are getting better, i wonder what are you going to do now" asked wu bing

"i dont know, maybe im gonna go" said mi fei as she wondering where should she go

"to where exactly ?" wu bing said crossing his arms

"i cant be sure, but maybe my own home" she said as she look out to the sky

"do you know where it was ?" asked wu bing hoping he could help her in this

"well i cant be sure, but i know i can find it someday" she said as she prepare to step out of the door "thanks for helping me yesterday" she said as she smiled back at wu bing, wu bing however just glad she was gonna go, leaving the fear all flowing out of him, yet he still felt like it will be empty and lonely here

as she step a foot outside, the weather change suddenly, with the bright sky changed to black clouds, and thunder roaring, mi fei step back, as she remember everything, with the thunder came out a warning

"you still havent learn your punishment, my daughter" the cloud appeared sound of an old man warning mi fei

mi fei remember everything as she replied to the sound " no ,father of course i had learn my lesson, my punishment is enough, now please allow me to return home"

"SILENCE!" as the thunder clapped down the floor, leaving black mark on the ground " your punishment shall be increased, my daughter, if you still havent learn your lesson, dont even think about return home" with this last warning the black cloud dissapear bringing back the bright day from before

wu bing in disbelief of what just happen, but he put those aside to take a look at mi fei, who is in tears

"i remembered everything" she said as she hugged wu bing "i remember it now, i remember why i am here, all of it, i remember now" wu bing look at her, hugged her, hoping to comfort her, hoping she could felt better after the refusal to return home

mi fei however crying over the fact she cant return home and that is all she cares for now.

xuannu with her sword and manual ready she ride in her cloud hoping she could remember the village that she seen before, but one thing she can assure was the fact that it was in the south and not far from the cave that yu shui lived, she navigate the woods only to see a small village nearby, she came close, before she go hide in the woods beside the village, looking through the woods, she notice a young man doing farm work, he look around the same age or even younger than yu shui, but seeing him carry the tools like it was nothing, but just to be sure, she would like to see his mother or anybody calling his name just to make sure she came to the right place

she change her form into a young lady wearing in all black just to make sure it stand out in front of him, and her seeing the village it wasnt big, so he most likely know almost everyone around the village, he then covered the sword in cloth so she doesnt scared someone around here, while the manual was kept within her clothes, with this she wait..., and waiting...,and waiting... until his mother arrive to see his son, she call his name"xuan yuan, come here"

hearing this xuannu can finally confirmed who this child was, and with that its time to make her move, she walk to the road toward the village, she look around the village seeing it was pretty peaceful and was filled with mountain on the side covering this village, she carry the cloth covered sword on her back, with her aim toward the village, she came to see a gate with a plack but she notice nothing was written on it, quite unusual decision, but knowing this she decided to enter the gate

she was suprised to see quite a lively village, with farmer planting all kinds of crops, children playing with each other, some ladies washing clothes and having coversation, and some people selling item by carry them on the back with a pole, what an interesting sight to see, but she put her focus on the child, hoping that his mother can help in this