
The Myth: Shinobi 10.000 AN

What if our MC reincarnated in Naruto world but Ten thousand years after Naruto's timeline? Sato Arima, in his pat live he died trying to help a girl that wanted to commit suicide but only to fall together and died. he was reincarnated in Naruto world, but there is something he did not expected. it was Naruto World ten thousand years after while there is no more Shinobi. he get the knowledge off all Ninjutsu in his head, but its useless to know the textbook teory withot any practice and experience. the MC dont have a System unknown to him the girl he tried to save actually reincarnated in that world too but without the cheat like him the girl that never followed Naruto manga or anime, but only knew the name and the picture of the main character Naruto, how she will even know in what world she is now. there will be some characters that alive since Naruto's era that we will meet (more than eight) just guess who are they, and some changes on their personality and look will to suit it with this new era. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx enjoy reading, feel free to comment if you have any suggestions for the story, that will be helpful and sincere thanks to you. I'll keep updating in my free time, stay tuned. and WARNING!! contained of a lot af bad English grammar! sorry, I'll study for more improvement for a better writing... i never get a 100 points for my mother language? i learned four languages, dont expect me to be so good.

SmartudZ · Anime & Comics
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Sato Arima five years old just woke up after a coma for a month, at first fe feel a severe headache for five years old boy to handle then passed out, his parents are really worried.

At first he feel really confused, not long after he finally understand his situation from the memory that flowing to his brain during his coma.

he remembered that he was reincarnated in his favorite anime world "Naruto" ten thousand years after Naruto's timeline where Shinobi or Ninja with chakra control and Ninjutsu no longer exist or Shinobi is only just a myth.

at previous live he died at twenty seven years old after trying to save a beautiful but brokenhearted girl who wanted to commit suicide by jumping from a bridge, after persuaded and encouraged her to continue her life but only to fall together because he sprained his foot then died together.

before he was reincarnated, he hase to make three wishes. he wished to reborn in Naruto's World, have a knowledge of all Ninjutsu and a mixed bloodline that included Uchiha.

for a birthplace and timeline is out of options to wish for. At the time he knew that he was reincarnated in Naruto's World after ten thousand years, he realy frustrated and cursed, but it's already too late.

This world has the same civilization as the previous world but with a different world map.

and no longer have the naming sense like the Shinobi era, everything is different from what Arima has imagined.

Arima can feel his tiny Chakra, so at that moment he decided to train and become a strong.

[ahh... that girl. i really want to know what happen to her after that fall, is she still alive in that world? it really was tragic. its better not to think about it now i must move on for this new life. ahhhh...]

"Arima Chan... you are awake? thanks god you are alright" his mom come into his room while crying because she really worried of him this past month.

Arima didn't answer her, only sitting on the bed while she hug him and then his father come with tired face to calm his mom and touech her shoulder.

"you are hurting him, are you alright my son?"

" yes mom... dad..." he finally answered.

the doctor told them that their son sickness was really strange and unknown because there is nothing wrong with his body and can go back home after 3 days of medical checkup.

a week later his parents find something strange, after his coma Arima become a very smart child. he no longer want to read any fairytale picture book like any other children like him, but reading newspaper and some books that adults usually read, did he realy can read them.

when his mom trying to teach him to read or to count he acted like he struggled to read or write just to make his parents to not become suspicious, but make it like that he really learn faster.

he live in a small village that funnily actually named Konoha Village and the villagers there realy like to train their martial arts and realy train to be a Ninja but not like the Ninja from that era, because that era actually was forgotten.

soon Arima will begin his training to become a strong Shinobi and train his Ninjutsu secretly.

Hello everyone...

im so sorry if my English is not good because English is not my mother language.

I'll try my best too update the story often on my free time.

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