
The Mystical universe

To reach the end of the martial way, for enlightment demands a clear mind, ones heart must be true. True is my love for the spear, my curiosity for the martial path, my will to reach the pinnacle. With a spear like a dragon, soaring the firmament, my path to the peak is one to behold. Follow Kaeln Sunblaze and his entourage through a journey of wondrous mysteries, epic battles with divine beings, monstrous talents, mythical beasts, revenge against a powerful ennemy, love and companionship.

Daoistgrandmist · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Claire Moon

A day later.

Azure Dragon Mountain.

"Huff, huff, huff…" A boy covered in wounds held a blood-covered spear in his hands. He faced an incredibly large, turquoise-scaled snake, which was similarly in pretty bad shape; large wounds could be seen at different parts of its body.

The surrounding hundred meters of land seemed as if dozens of bombs had been dropped; the ground around them caved in many places. As for the lake where the snake previously stood, half of it had evaporated, revealing a greater part of the Profound Sea Boa.

"It's time to finish this," the boy said to the snake. He closed his eyes and entered a state of deep focus.

The Infinite Suns Core within his dantian shone brightly as it released its energy. A furious dark golden divine flame covered his entire body, replacing the pale gold flames. His amber irises blazed gold, and his messy reddish-brown hair turned red with a golden sheen. He looked like the chosen one of the Sun; his handsome face appeared particularly dashing under the light of the flames.

The snake responded with a similar sentiment. Its scales began to flicker as the edges turned pale blue. An extremely cold energy diffused from its entire body.

Kaelen opened his eyes and felt the surge of strength taking over his entire body. "If I use my Qi without activating the Infinite Suns Core, my elemental energy is a regular solar flame. But if I activate my core, it's the Infinite Suns Flame that I get. In addition, it activates the primal immortal bloodline within me, further increasing my overall power."

Lifting his hand, a dark golden flame condensed, searing the void around. Then, with a thought, dragonic might began emanating from his body.

The crimson dragonic power appeared and fused with the dark golden flame. As the two energies connected, the surrounding heaven and earth instantly became restless. The sky shook as tribulation clouds gathered above Kaelen and the Profound Sea Boa; The heavens shook from the might released by the fusion of the two auras and turned into a crimson-gold color. Loud clapping noises of thunder erupted, while golden lightning snakes would occasionally strike down, almost hitting Kaelen.

Atop the mountain, the moon fairy and the wolf boy were watching the scene in complete shock. Their gazes trembled as they witnessed the commotion caused by the boy.

"Good lord. He incurred heaven's wrath just by releasing both bloodlines." the wolf kid exclaimed in shock.

"This world can't tolerate the simultaneous appearance of two bloodlines that surpass what it can withstand. That boy's bloodline power will be suppressed to the peak of what this world can tolerate, until he leaves it. " the moon fairy said softly, but even her heart was set asunder by what she was seeing.

"Who are you?" she mumbled to herself.

It wasn't just them who were shocked by the commotion. The tribulation clouds alerted all the powerhouses within the sect.

On the Sword Mountain nearby, a white-haired middle-aged man sat cross-legged with a long sword resting on his knees. A heaven-toppling sword aura emanated from his entire body. He turned towards the Azure Dragon Mountain, his gaze piercing through the clouds, to see what was happening. However, his perception was blocked before he could 'see' what was happening inside the mountain.

"This blockage… It's not just Long Aotian. Who else could it be... It seems tumultuous times are at hand," the sword grandmaster mumbled while retracting his divine sense from the mountain.

A similar reaction occurred in many places within the sect. Many elders noticed the comotion, and tried to perceive what was happening in the mountain, yet were blocked by an unfamiliar aura.

"Who is this blocking our perception? Long Aotian, what the hell is happening in there?" An elder who tried to send his divine inside the mountain messaged Long Aotian.

Before the latter could answer, a mighty presence surged from the depth of the sect, soon, it covered the entire Free Immortal sect.

"Everyone do not worry. Everything is fine; you may continue with your affairs," a message was passed to every elder simultaneously.

"Yes, sect master!" Many different voices responded in a dignified manner and stopped probing.

Deep within the sect.

Su Tianlong, the sect master, was watering beautiful roses. A slight curve formed at the corner of his lips as he stopped to gaze towards the distant Azure Dragon Mountain. "What a troublesome boy…"

Inside his courtyard, Long Aotian's face couldn't help but sweat a little. Even for him, dealing with so many elders at once is a bit difficult, but thankfully, the two strangers at the top helped him.

He nods in the direction of the two strangers.

"Sight… I hadn't expected such a commotion would arise after he used both his bloodlines. What terrible power; each one of those would make him the best talent, and he has two. For many geniuses, existing in the same era as him will be a true nightmare, while for some who can take the challenge, it will push them to peaks they couldn't even imagine," smiling wryly, he looked profoundly at the battle between Kaelen and the Profound Boa.


Seeing the commotion he caused and the tribulation clouds, Kaelen was a bit shocked, but he focused on finishing his battle.

The Profound Sea Boa, on the other hand, felt terror in its heart. However, not because of the commotion, but because the dragon might suppression it felt.

"What a noble bloodline; if I can consume this human, I may elevate directly to a Profound Sea Dragon, a stellar-grade beast." On top of the terror, it felt mostly deep excitement ."Roaarrr!" It roared loudly to the sky, shaking off the suppressive feeling. Its scales shimmered brightly with an icy blue light as it slithered its entire body around and charged forward.

"Alright. Let's end this." Kaelen merged the bloodline powers with his spear, making it shine with a divine golden-red flame.

"Traceless Outburst." His figure disappeared from where he stood, turning into a red and gold light that charged at the profound snake.

"Chaotic Dragon Stance fourth move; Cataclysmic Spear Barrage." A chaotic crimson light flashed as he charged at the gigantic snake. He swung his spear mightily towards its massive head.


A massive tri-colored explosion erupted. The blast immediately covered the entire area, including the lake. Inside, Kaelen unleashed a barrage of assaults, adding many wounds on the snake's body, charring its flesh dark with the solar flame, and destroying the residue with the annihilation energy.

The snake retaliated, biting at him with its huge mouth, but Kaelen would simply slash at it with his spear. The boy used the flaming destruction-infused spear like an enraged immortal general would, ruthlessly striking at its face. 

"Enough!" In a desperate attempt, the boa's entire body began shining excessively bright. The icy blue hue that colored the edge of its turquoise scales instantly covered the rest of its body. Blood began pouring out of its scales, but a tremendous power emanated from its body.

"I won't let you. Ahhh!! Heaven-Ending Stance; Annihilating Thrust." Seeing the beast was going to explode with a self-damaging attack, Kaelen took a few steps back and gathered a massive amount of destructive element at the tip of the spear. Now that he had awakened his destruction and slaughter attribute, the might of the Heaven-Ending Stance grew exponentially.

A huge ball of crimson destruction formed around the tip of his spear.

"Infinite Suns Flame!" a dark golden flame blazed at the center of the crimson destructive ball of energy.

"Ahhh!!" He then burst outward like a shooting star and thrust his spear at the head of the snake.

"Roarr!!!" The Profound Boa roared loudly as its entire body shone even more, submerging the area in an icy blue light.

"Boom!!" an even greater explosion erupted. A massive, hundred-meter-tall ice orb formed in an instant.

Inside it, a dark red orb blazed endlessly as it grew. Sounds of surging flames melting ice could be heard as the dark red orb expanded. Eventually, it grew as big as the ice orb. Then, it exploded outward, shattering the ice totally.

Hazy mist surged with the evaporation of the ice, making it hard to see through them.

After a moment, the mist dispersed enough to see a figure standing atop a gigantic, headless snake.

"Good fight!" He mumbled.


Five months later.

Sundering Tiger Mountain.

A massive coliseum stood erect at the center of the great mountain. Inside, one could see three big stages standing side by side, like ancient arenas. One could smell the taste of blood in the air. On them, three different battles raged; it was the battle arena where great fighters challenged themselves and entertained large crowds - here was a warrior's dream place.

On the stages, as the intense battles kept on, many thousands of students of all ages and backgrounds cheered and enjoyed the spectacle. The scene was bustling with noise and clamor. Elemental energy blazed here and there, creating an explosive atmosphere.

"C'mon, dude, beat the shit out of him!"


"Stop giving so many openings, man. Do you even know how to fight!?"

"Ohh, God - My money... T.T"

The crowds shouted hilarious cheers and comments, seemingly very invested in the battles on stage.

On the left wing of the arena, three boys and two girls sat and talked amongst themselves. They attracted a lot of attention, for the boys were valiant and handsome, while the girls were simply gorgeous.

"So, this is the Battle Arena - quite extravagant," one of the boys said. He had extremely attractive face and peculiar purple hair with golden accents.

"Yes, and it's very popular in the sect. A lot of people bet on the matches; you can sometimes make a good fortune here," another, also handsome but quite chubby, added. He chewed on a large piece of meat as he watched the battle in the center arena. It was a funny sight, he was like a squirrel with too many nuts in its mouth .

"I would enjoy fighting some strong opponent here; I like it," the third boy added. He was very tall for his age, around 1.88m, had short black hair, and ruby-colored eyes. He looked very valiant.

The two girls beside them simply watched the matches, like two beautiful paintings; they kept mostly silent. Occasionally, one of the girls would glance at the purple-haired boy, while the other would gaze at the sky, her gorgeous face had a slight look of longing.

Noticing the latter's unusualness, the purple-haired boy smiled slightly and pushed her with his elbow in a joking manner: "Hey, you really miss that bastard, huh!?"

The latter turned to gaze at him, pursed her lips slightly, then looked down, clearly embarrassed.

"Snort. I miss him quite a bit too; we have never been separated for such a long time. Ever!" He also looked up at the sky, an expectant glint in his eyes, "I hope he's coming back soon!"

"Hm!" The shy maiden nodded.

"Are you talking about Kaelen?" Another joined the conversation, as the chubby guy asked.

"Yeah, he's been gone for around seven months, which is ridiculously long. We look forward to seeing him soon," the purple-haired boy said with a hopeful tone.

"Teacher Long said he's almost done a few weeks ago, so it shouldn't take much more time," said the chubby boy.


At this time, inside the Azure Dragon Mountain, a boy holding a red spear was climbing towards the peak. Behind him, a large black leopard followed closely, holding a huge piece of meat in its mouth that it chewed as it followed the boy.

He looked as if he had just had an intense battle. His entire body was covered in wounds, but still, he kept walking up.

Until eventually, he reached the top of the mountain.

"Hah..." He exhaled loudly.

"Finally! Thank God, there are no more beasts to battle; I am officially done." He dropped on his back and enjoyed his peaceful moment.

"How exhilarating. I haven't been this relaxed in six months; no stress of a monster beast eyeing me while I'm resting," he mumbled to himself, as he closed his eyes.

The shadow leopard sat close to the boy and placed the meat next to him!

"Eat!" a youthful voice rang in Kaelen's mind.

"Oh! Thanks, Shadow Cat." He tore a piece of the meat and began munching as well.

During the last six months, it had been feeding on good quality found both from the monsters Kaelen defeated and the reserve Long Aotian gave him. thus, he broke through Innat Spirit and could use thought transmission or 'telepathy'.

"I wonder how the others are doing. I really missed them the past months. I'm so excited to see them again and tell them about my battles; Like that Black-scaled Flood Dragon that was ridiculously tough… and that Thunder-Winged Peng was so fast, also that Fiery Golden Lion was very mighty. The last five were all beasts in the top 30 of the heavenly list and at the peak of Innate Spirit, much stronger than the Profound Sea Boa; Master really went full-on with this challenge training. It was a wonderful experience.

In the end, it took me a little bit less time than senior apprentice brother." He recalled his most intense battles while he thought of recounting his wondrous encounters to his friends.

While Kaelen and the shadow leopard enjoyed their peaceful moment, two shadows appeared behind them.

"Your battles were very entertaining, boy." A youthful voice breaks the calm atmosphere.

"Who goes there!?" A youthful voice surprised Kaelen, who had put his guard down, he jumps and immediately wields his spear; ready to fight.

"Calm down, boy; we are not part of your training. Besides, you wouldn't have a chance against either of us. Ahaha." A young, short haired boy with wolf like eyes approached. Besides him, a young woman with a godly beauty stood. She looked deeply at Kaelen, who also noticed her presence.

"You're the moon fairy?" Seeing her, Kaelen exclaims in shock.

"Hello! So there was someone spying on me before... I was looking forward to meeting you. My name is Claire Moon. What's your name?" Her melodius voice rang as she greeted Kaelen, a slight arc formed on the corner of her lips. She gazed at the boy with glittering eyes and introduced herself.

The two pairs of eyes met, as time came to a standstill.

"Hello, fairy Claire. My name is Kaelen Sunblaze." His shocked face lit up as he smiled at her.

Au clair de la lune, mon ami Kaelen.

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