

Ah.. not good not good. I ended up saying what was on my mind. Isn't this just too weird? I would have never expected for an actual cat person to appear in this world. Or wait, is she perhaps a dog person?


A fierce kick was released from her slender body. It barely grazed me but the force of her kick was enough for the wind to tremble.

"You're no different from the rest of the humans.."

After leaving me with those words, she showed me a bitter face of regret and anger.

Hmm? What did she mean?

Another kick was unleashed and the shockwave from before did not compare to the strength that was carried in this.

Hmm.. As I dodge her kicks, I inspect her carefully and was somewhat shocked. Neither her inner fire nor her arcana veins are opened. Not only that, she's only level 15.. If that's the case then how is she this strong? I remember those boorish men from before that harassed Reika. If my memories serve me right, they were at level 25 I believe and they were no different from a regular human in terms of strength.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed something strange about her cana. More specifically, the shape of her cana is different.. I can't exactly find the exact thing im looking for but it's different for some reason.


The air surrounding my general vicinity trembled once more. I dodge it carefully and lost my focus on her cana.

"Stop dodging!"

"Don't ask for the impossible.."

Her voice was incredibly full of dignity and was surrounded with a strong and proud aura when I first saw her but now she's comparable to a small animal.

She grabbed her sword and swung it towards me at full force. I sway my body ever so slightly and dodge the flurry of slashes.

A large swing came from above.


The ground from where I was just standing erupted and scattered to pieces. I withdrew from the impact but another slash came from below.

"Enough already!"


I yelled at her as I surround my leg with inner flames and shattered her sword with one fell swoop.

"Why the hell are you attacking me?!"

"Shut up! You're just trying to get rid of just like everyone else!"

She fled and her figure vanished within the forest.

Is she perhaps an outcast?

Just like how I was..


"Hahahaha! Are you an idiot?!"

When I returned. I had told what happened to Reika and she immediately erupted to an outburst of laughter. I'm glad that she's finding my story amusing but your laughing too much..

"It can't be helped.. This was the first time seeing something like that so I had to urge to pet her.."

"You reaaally don't know anything huh.. Did you live in the mountains or something? I'm amazed you survived this long"

Well, I won't deny it.

"Don't worry, I'm surprised as well"

I drink some sort of fruit juice and relax my body while conversing with Reika.

"Hey Reika, how do people feel about girls like her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Her appearance. She has animal features right? Are there any prejudice or discrimination towards these kind of people?"

Ahh, that. Beastkins huh.. For me personally, I don't have anything against them but there definitely are some people out there that don't take them too kindly. Not to mention, there has always been conflicts between different beastkin tribes and humans. It's not to say that they can't coexist. In fact, most cities allow for them to become citizens. It's just harder to find them because not many beastkins decide to live in cities full of humans"

We talked for some more and when my body became more refreshed, I bid Reika farewell as I head out.

The afternoon breeze felt incredibly tranquil. The streets have become more lively and the stalls have started to put up these floating balls that illuminate gently.

I never really asked about it but there seems to be plenty of magical items in this city huh..

Well it's convenient so i'm thankful for it.

"Oh mister! Care to buy some isaw isaw?"

As I walk around, the aroma of grilled meat eventually persuaded me to look around. One of the stalls noticed me looking and immediately tried to make a sale.

"How much for two skewers"

"2 coppers"

Far cheaper than what I thought. Well it's just street food so i'm not surprised I suppose. I wonder how much Reika charge for her inn?

Before I left the stall, I dipped both of them into a jar of vinegar and left. The aroma of the isaw along with the spices mixed with the vinegar instigated an uproar in my stomach. I drool slightly and started to devour it.


It's good! It's grilled slightly longer than I like but the burned piece actually adds more texture to the flavour. The meat itself was hard and chewy which is preferable and the flavour in itself is fantastic. The outside of the skewered meat was hot and crispy while the inside was slightly bitter. The bitterness mixed with the sourness of the vinegar and the spices along with the salt mixed all together to create a perfect harmony.


I finish the skewers in my hand in an instant and made me crave for more. I'll make sure to come back when I hand in the request for today!


I walked along the streets with an unsatisfied expression. As I try to look for the adventurer's association, I come across the silver haired woman from earlier.


Before I could talk to her, she already walked away.

Oh well.

I turn around and head for the building.


"Your total reward will come to 7 gold and 9 silver. Will that be acceptable?"

I thank her after receiving the reward and left. After completing the request, I also sold the magic crystals and made quite the profit. Just completing requests and selling magic crystals should be enough to survive in this world. Being an adventurer is quite comfortable.

After receiving my reward, I left the building and head for the stall from earlier and buy more skewers.

"Thank you!"

Hehe. I bought four more skewers and dipped all of them in the seasoned vinegar.

Mmmm! For some reason, it tastes even better when the sun had left and the moon had risen.

This time, I savour the food instead of devouring it instantly. I walk around absentmindedly and come across an alley.

Beyond the dark alley, I felt a slight cold gaze in the darkness. I couldn't who was beyond the darkness but I felt her cana. This cana, i'm quite familiar with it.

It's the silvered hair woman from earlier. As I come closer, I can see her sitting down with her eyes closed.


A soft growling noise could be heard coming from her.


I walk up to her slowly but as I got closer, her eyes opened and became more cautious.

"Who's there! Ugh.. It's you again.."

When she saw who it was, her face became dejected and had become normal once more.

"Sorry for scaring you. I noticed someone was here so I went to check it out"

I try to be as friendly and calm as possible.

"There's nothing to see here! Go home if you're going home!"

As she was saying that, her gaze turned to the meat I was holding on my hand.

"Would you like some?"



Her mouth says no but her tail and stomach would like to say otherwise. She surprisingly has this adorable side to her.

"Are you sure~ Guess I'll eat both of them"

I pretend to eat it but her eyes suddenly tear up and her ears and tail fall down like a puppy.

What the heck. You're too cute.

"Please take it. Food tastes better when you eat it with someone else"

She meekly grabs it while turning away.

She slowly nibbled on it and her face looks like she's in bliss.

I sit down beside her and eat with her but she inched away.

"I'm Haruto"

"Hmmph, Ari"

"Why did you attack me anyways.."

"You bastard! This was your plan all along!"

She suddenly stood up and pointed a sword at me but she just looks adorable when her cheeks all puffed with the food she's chewing.

"Why are you out here?"

She didn't want to say at first but she got easily bribed when I gave her second helpings.

"It can't be helped.. I don't have enough money to stay at an inn and all the money I gain from selling magic crystals is only enough for food"

Ehh.. Just how much do you eat to spend all your money in food..

"Do you have a place to stay?"


She said that while looking down.

"Would you like to stay at the Inn I'm staying at? I can ask the owner to let you stay there. If she says no then I can just pay for your room"

"What are your intentions.."

She became wary.

"You look like you're in trouble so I want to help"

"What's in it for you.. I can't pay you back even if you asked… You bastard! Are you after my body?!"

Ya I don't blame you for thinking like that. And I won't deny that I want to pet you..

Why do I want to help her in the first place..? I guess deep down in my heart, I can somewhat relate to her. Being an outcast, I know what that feels. Either way, I've decided to help this girl so I might as well go through with it.

"You could say that I'm just doing this to help out those who I want to help"

Hello, author here. The second heroine will make her debut soon! After Haruto leaves Starfel City and arrives in the second city, the first major arc will start.

Anixt4ncreators' thoughts