
The Normal

The weather is so dull as it was the raining season. The rain blessed and flooded the earth . This was one of the seasons that Amanita isn't pleased with. It keep reminding her of how useless people said or thought she was even if they don't say it to her face, although her parents still remind her of it.

She has learnt the hard way that apart from being what people can envision as useful or important you are as good as being a liability. Just like how the weather is dull and seems to be crying and in sadness ,same way she had always felt the agony the sadness of being termed useless

Ever since she can remember she has always been compared to other kids and termed weak. Just like every other day today was another day that keeps reminding her of how useless and how much of a liability she was . "Amanita" called her mum."yes ma coming ". You have to make dinner now or are we going to stay hungry this night or do you want me to write an application before you cook no did you keep something in the house like a maid that will prepare dinner. Is not like there is any other thing you can do apart from cooking so young lady get your ass up and prepare dinner" Shouted Lina , Amanita's mum.

"You know u could have just told me to make dinner instead of the long speech' Amanita murmured making sure that no one can hear her or she would get an earful ."what should I prepare for dinner ma"Amanita called out.

She could hear this every time ,though she loves cooking, the way it was addressed like a punishment makes her grumpy about it.Amanita entered the kitchen,the kitchen looked average modern.Even though her parents were rich they are averagely. She made dinner for everyone served ,the food was hot so she decided to let it cool before calling them out for dinner. She went back to the kitchen to clear it up but when she came back the family has already finished the food served with nobody caring if she ate or not.

You know the environment you grow up in can determine your character both voluntarily or involuntarily. She went back to her room and started reading. Growing up ,she had learnt to be tough no matter what. Never to cry because that is seen as a weakness because any time she cried she is laughed at .Books had become her favorite friend because it tends to be the only thing that understood her and didn't make her look like a weakling. and just as she was reading her book ,she slept off and that was how her normal days went.

Amanita saw her self in her dreams that keeps haunting her for yes I should not really call it hunting because she just feels like she's in another world where she has control of her environment she doesn't feel like a weakling anymore instead she feels like she's in control. These dreams are among what actually makes her think there is a light at the end of the tunnel. and just like that she fell into a dreamless sleep.