
The mystery of the forest

here was a 23-year-old girl in a small house near a forest in a certain country.Her name is Jizo. Her family was not rich.Apart from her, there was only her mother in her family.One day she wanted to go to the forest near her house.But she was afraid of it.That is because the people of the village say that there are very big dangerous animals as well as very poisonous snakes.They say that no one who went there has come yet.But Jizo, who was not sure about it, had a desire to go there since childhood.The very night she wanted to go there, she planned to leave the next morning without telling her mother.At night, she prepared clothes, water, food and enough weapons for defense.Jizo woke up around 4 am and got ready to go.When she saw her mother sleeping through a small hole and was about to leave the house, she remembered her dog.That's Jimmy.Jizo thought that Jimmy, who grew up in a very wealthy household, might have been kicked out by the house's owners due to illness, but that was just a guess.She thought so because Jimmy had also been given the dog training that only very high people give their dogs.Jizo met Jimmy when he was helpless in pain under a mango tree.But now Jimmy is very comfortable under Jizo.Jizo picked up the sleeping Jimmy very quickly and immediately started the journey with Jimmy.Jizo did not forget his mother.She left a letter next to her mother.As she was leaving the house, an old man told her that he regretted what she was about to do.Jizo ignored it and left.She entered the forest.She felt scared because she heard very scary noises in the forest.When she came a short distance, she saw a huge red animal with a very scary appearance near a stone.Jizo saw it and screamed at once.At that sound, the red creature looked at Jizo and Jimmy and came towards them very fast.

See you in part 2