

In Aryabrat, mysterious energies concealed their existence. When a lightning meteorite struck, destroying villages, Rudra Gajkesri sacrificed his parents, absorbing the meteorite's energy. Later, five sages took the baby Rudra to an ashram. However, evil beings unsatisfied with the village's destruction pose a new challenge for Rudra. His journey to confront them unfolds in the face of newfound powers and the guidance of the sages.

imaginationworld · War
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5 Chs

Ch:~01 (introduction)



Narrator:~There is a lot of mystery unsolved in Aryabrat mythical beings that hides their existence in Kali Yuga.

There are a total of four years.

1 satya yuga

2 treta yuga

3 dwapar yuga

4 kali yuga

In Kali Yuga, the destruction of the world is near. Where all of humanity lost faith in God's

But some humans didn't lose faith in God's

In some generation of human kept secret of mythical power just like urja, Type of urja Beast, elements, nature, chaos, bloodline,medical,craft, divine,curse,seal

Amidst the quietude of the village, a sudden cataclysm struck when a lightning meteorite crashed, igniting an inferno that turned the quaint homes into an ocean of flames. Panic spread like wildfire, and the villagers, gripped by terror, believed the gates of hell had opened in their midst.

In the chaos, a selfless act of sacrifice unfolded. A courageous couple, understanding the magnitude of the impending disaster, made the heart-wrenching decision to save their infant child. With tears streaming down their faces, they entrusted their precious baby to the hands of fate, ensuring the little one's escape from the impending doom.

As the village succumbed to the relentless blaze, the child, oblivious to the sacrifice made for their survival, remained the sole survivor. The intensity of the flames couldn't erase the memory of the parents' selflessness, a testament to the depths of love and sacrifice in the face of calamity. The village, now reduced to ashes, echoed with the poignant tale of one child's miraculous survival, borne from the ultimate sacrifice of their parents.

The village was shrouded in an eerie silence as the five sages approached. The baby's cries echoed through the air, resonating with an unusual energy. The sages exchanged knowing glances, sensing a profound connection between the infant and the absorbed Chaos Urja. The village, once calm, now stood at the threshold of an unforeseen destiny.

Maharshi Sataya Murti (nature, elements, seal): Who is this child, and how did he survive the destruction?

Rishi Prakash (craft, weapon art):~But this child has a lot of Urja stored in his body, and this meteorite is some kind of special. I had never seen something like this before.

Rishi Chitrarath (martial arts):~ This child urja resembles a meteorite. Something has to do with his bloodline.

Rishi Dibya Jyoti (medical, sea):~ Absorbing urja means Gajkesri family; they were well known for absorbing urja and strong body modification.

Rishi Bhadra (divine):~ We have to leave before they come.

Maharshi Sataya Murti:~ Yes, before that, let's take this child and meteorite.

Rishi Prakash: Yes, Maharshi, this is very good material to make a weapon.

Rishi DibyaJyoti:~First of all, should we not name this child?

Rishi Bhadra:~ It's not a suitable time to do this.

Rishi Chitrarath:~I know you are always a bit overly cautious.

Maharshi Sataya Murti:~ "Rudra" Rudra Gajkesri

Other Rishi: It's a great name.

Maharishi Sataya Murti:~ We have to leave.

They all leave for the ashram, and after that, some people come to the village with evil intentions.

Unknown Existence 1:~ Where is the meteorite core? Where is the awakener? It should be here, according to prophecy.

Unknown Existence 2:~ But master, we searched everywhere but didn't find anything in trace.

Unknown Existence 1:~ Die you fool, we didn't need some kind of pathetic man.

(He kills unknown existent 2 with his sword with brutality.)

Unknown Existence 1:~ If we don't find them, our upcoming plan will be in grave danger now, before I change my mind. Find the awakener and meteorite core and bring them to me.

Other existent:~ yes, master

Unknown Existence 1:~ This symbol of clans (two elephants with lions) represents Gajkesri with bloodline urjas of absorption and body modification. They can master any kind of urja technique. It's a good thing that this clan is destroyed here. We were cautious of them. If the awakener is a Gajkesri, we can't imagine how he will grow further. Before that, we have to find him and get rid of him before he becomes our arch enemy.

After some time in the ashram, Kalpvruksha (divine tree), Maharshi (great sage), and 4 Rishi (sage) assemble with Rudra and a meteorite core.

Narrator:~ Nestled in nature's embrace, the ashram stood as a sanctuary beneath a canopy of towering giant trees, their lush branches interweaving to form a protective shield over the expansive structure. The grand house, adorned with intricate carvings, lay hidden beneath the sprawling greenery.

Surrounding the ashram, a quaint village extended in harmonious coexistence, the simple dwellings blending seamlessly with the natural landscape. Smoke spiraled from thatched roofs, carrying the essence of community life into the air.

To the rear of the ashram, a majestic waterfall cascaded down the mountainside, its thunderous roar harmonizing with the tranquil sounds of the surrounding forest. The cascade created a serene backdrop, offering a soothing melody to those within the ashram's confines.

The ashram itself appeared like a haven cradled by mountains, their peaks reaching towards the sky. A tranquil aura enveloped the entire scene, where the symbiosis of man, nature, and the divine unfolded in the heart of this

Note:~ Ashram Kalpavruksha is a type of organization where they train their disciples in martial arts, daily life wisdom, the Vedas (Indian mythology), all types of urja, dharma, and public development, where maharishi hold higher positions. After that, there are 4 Rishi, 16 Gurus, main disciples with 11 different units, inner disciples, and outer disciples.

Rishi Chitrarath:~Maharshi, what about them? Why do we have to come here in a rush?

Maharishi Sataya Murti:~I also don't know so much about them; they called them themselves. Asura

Rishi Prakash:~ Asura??

Rishi Bhadra: Yes, we found while traveling that Aryabrat was a very dangerous organization.

Maharishi Sataya Murti:~ They collect all types of forbidden, bloodline technique, and rare material and research it further.

Rishi Chitrarath:~Are they related to the ancient existence of Danab (the demon)?

Rishi Bhadra:~ Somehow, according to them, they were not Danab, just humans, but they worshiped Danab. Just like we worship Debas (God),

Rishi DibyaJyoti:~ Maharishi, what should we do from now on?

Maharishi Sataya Murti:~ Right now, we lack information. Call flying main disciple unit leader Akash.

Rishi Bhadra:~As per your order, Maharshi

After some time, flying squad unit leader Akash came

Akash:~ Maharshi, you called me.

Maharishi:~ Yes, go find our undercover flying disciple, get information about Asura; they were planning something very big, and alert our all-side branches, merchant.

Akash:~ Yes, as per your order.

Note: The side branches were part of Ashram Kalpvruksha; they established every major 16 towns in Aryabrat and trained their outer disciples with 16 gurus and merchant units, which is a resource for disciples training in Ashram.

Maharishi:~Wait, Akash, order your trusted unit main disciple to find out every relevant piece of information on the Gajkesri family.

Akash:~ I will do it, Maharishi.

Rishi Bhadra: Why did you order to find out about the Gajkesri family?

Maharshi:~ I smell something bad about this tragedy of the Gajkesri family.

Rishi DibyaJyoti:~I checked Rudra's health; it was nothing wrong, just a little bit of scratching.

Maharishi:~ Everyone, listen, I'm going to announce that Rudra is my foster son.

Rishi Chitrarath, Prakash, and DibyaJyoti:~That's not fair, Maharishi, with such a talented child.

Rishi Bhadra:~You fools, don't be so jealous of Maharishi.

Maharishi:~ calm bhadra, if you all feel that bad became his uncle and don't tell Rudra about tragedy about his family, when the right time comes, I will tell him personally.

Other Rishi:~ We will give him all our wisdom in Urja.

Maharishi:~Also, don't tell about his gajkesri blood line technique or about Rudra; anybody else will keep it between us.

Narrator:~ After some time, Maharishi and other Rishi started caring for Rudra and

Give him basic knowledge of urja and martial arts.

After 12 years


this is based on Indians mythology and mystery

imaginationworldcreators' thoughts