
Chapter 11


A most pleasant thrill runs through his whole body at the end of his reading. His lips curve to a smile without even being able to hold him back. She slowly folds the sheet, takes back her glass of champagne and the goal of a milking. Her hands then attack her bra and put it back on her breasts, getting up from the deckchair she wraps herself in a towel, picks up her belongings with one hand and with the other she preciously holds the letter. Ruby leaves the terrace and goes to her apartment, barely the door closed, when she prepares to go to work.

Dressed in a purple dress, Ruby passes the vigil by ignoring her look filled with desire placed on her neckline. the young woman runs along the corridor that leads to the club and reaches her VIP corner, always with an impassive air, her eyes circulate in the room without dwelling on the details so much nightmares that prevent her from sleeping stick to her skin.

It's the fourth time in a week, she said to herself