
The Mysterious Travels Of Egidius

Egidius is born in a world of magic to a lovely librarian couple who manage a library in the capital of their country, but Egidius already knows when born as if he had lived a previous life. Because of this advanced knowledge he learns fast and becomes a prodigy welcome to experiment in this world. PS. This novel needs a lot of work and probably has a lot of mistakes as it is my first novel and I haven't been paying attention while writing. Also my writing is probably influanced by stuff I've read, a lot.

RobusEgidius · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 : The S-class (Shorter)

I ran towards the D-beast at a crazy high speed and tried to kick it to the back of the head as a surprise attack. It sensed me dodged and used my momentum to throw me to the ground. before the Gigantic ape-like creature could hit me again I stood up and created some distance between us before looking at him. It was like a giant gorilla with eight arms, red eyes, black hair, and the worst part it used mana to create earth attacks, spikes shooting out o the ground and stones flying towards me, I kept dodging trying to think of a plan.

It is big and slow but still fast enough to dodge my kick. It isn't the best time, but let's test some theories. I've read about mages using mana to make their body stronger ETC, but their way is super inefficient. Because of my training my mana to move around my body before awakening and my fast knowledge of the human body, I could send mana to each molecule in my body, with I put mana into the muscles of my leg to rush to the ape at an insane speed. then I put mana in the muscles in my arm to punch at its head. The monkey's head exploded and he died, the monkey didn't see this coming at the speed I was going.

I moved fifteen meters and hit the monkey in less than a second. Then I felt every bone in my legs and arms break while every muscle tore. quickly poured almost all the healing I had over my body, again I succumbed to the pain and fainted.


I woke up again luckily my legs were healed, but I couldn't walk yet.

I felt my mana flowing to my legs to heal them I knew mana lightly healed the body, but this felt a little too strong compared to that, is this also the physique? Does it have an instinct to take mana and heal my body? Does this mean I am a mana healer like my mother?

That would be nice, Mana healers are rare, its origin isn't discovered but it is believed to be a subcategory of plantae, which is a subcategory of wind and water some elves are affiliated with. Affiliation is an instinct towards a certain mana element. techniques you can use every mana element, but when people find their affiliated element they train on that because the instinct towards that element makes you grow stronger with that element faster.

some people have more than one affiliation, trough history there were even a few who had three affiliations. Without an affiliation, you can still practice an element but it takes a lot of time and you will never catch up to someone who has an affiliation to that element as he grows about three times faster, so nobody does that. affiliations often go to the children, so I can have a healing affiliation, but I am more likely to get a fire affiliation, as a healing affiliation is very rare, even through generations, even if both your parents are healers it is still likely you won't have a healing affiliation. Some myths say the healing affiliation was a gift from the gods in the beast war to heal the wounded.

After two hours of sitting there thinking of my affiliation, I could move my legs again.

I tried walking but fell, instead, I crawled to the dead body of the ape. Its head was missing because I made I explode with my punch. Of course, I have to improve this type of magic a lot because I can't destroy my legs every time, but I still one-shotted a D-class, this would still take five low-military officers, so it's still an incredible feat.


After an hour of sitting there in which I did take out the ape's beast core, which was kind of useless because it is so low compared to my other cores. I could finally walk again, so I harvested the ape's body for food and started gathering dry sticks to make a fire.

After gathering the sticks I climbed up a tree and made the fire, this isn't too safe because the tree might light on fire, but it is safer than staying on the ground with a fire. because of the strong protection, my tent has I, can make a fire to it without it getting damaged even the slightest, this way I won't set this tree on fire.

After eating some I tried sleeping, but since awakening sleep felt so unnecessary, I have of curse read about this, but it still feels weird not to sleep. The reason why awakeners don't have to sleep is because of the small healing ability every awakened has uses mana out of the air to replenish their body with energy. This healing power also causes awakened to live longer, I suppose you understand why.

Because walking through the forest is dangerous I am going to meditate. I won't be sleeping

so meditation will be more rewarding than if I were to sleep. This is also the reason the sleep meditation technique I learned isn't popular, because awakened don't sleep so they don't need a less rewarding meditation technique, of course for me it was an amazing help in awakening.

So I started meditating for the night, this forest is filled to the brim with mana because it is a remote and nature-filled place, this probably is one of the reasons the elves love nature so much. After awakening meditating feels pleasing, now that my mana channels are more active and widened, the mana flows so smoothly through them, and to feel the mana in the channels leading to the core is exciting. When meditating I can feel my core, I feel the power in it, how pure it is, it is very handy to have such a grasp of your body, because it helps all awakeners locate everything as well as things that shouldn't be there, as have told you earlier the mana flowing through the body heals it and subconsciously attacks foreign treats in the body, but I have never read about consciously doing so unless those people had healing affiliation, but to consciously heal with mana shouldn't be impossible for non-heal-affiliated awakeners, but that is a hypothesis I have yet to test.

I just realized, if I am heal-affiliated, it would be kind of hard to test if it works for non-heal-affiliated awakeners. It would be nice if I am heal-affiliated, but it would also come with downsides for my research.


After meditating for a few hours the sun was starting to rise, and then panic ensued through every cell in my body. I felt the aura of to S-class beast running toward me at an insane speed, one was running from the other. when they came in sight I saw the eyes of the running S-class lock onto me, I dread of certain dead filled my body and in the blink of an eye the running S-class reached my tree slapped it to the ground, and ran to leave the stronger hunting S-class monster distracted with the weird human falling out of the tree.

I froze, the S-class was staring at me with interested eyes, it probably didn't understand that the power of my mana signature belonged to me a small child, It could still kill me in a second, but It stared at me with interest. this was my only chance, at this point, I could run it was kill or be killed, so I tried the strongest move in my arsenal, I put mana into my legs and arms, and ran towards it. after meditating my power grew a considerable amount, but I could never kill this S-class on my own, it was at the peak of the S-class an apex predator among its class. So when I attacked even though it was fast enough to make an A-class flinch, It dodged it with ease, I landed a few meters further, the trees in the path I walked were all uprooted.

My legs even after healing stronger than they were when fought the D-class broke into splinters, and my muscles tore like paper. After landing myself into this state again, I fainted.

The monster was looking at the human with even more interest, How could a human child unleash this kind of power, it is unnatural, It decided that the best thing was to kill this monster of a human, but when he was about to hit the human with a fraction of his true power, which would still easily be enough to kill the human, a feeling of dread entered his body. In milliseconds, just before the attack, all the mana in the abnormally filled core of the boy was sucked into the golden pendant on his neck, and like time froze for the S-class monster, just before he would hit a gigantic power of chaotic destruction blew out of the pendant into a sphere around the boy. the monster was obliterated, the sphere left a perfectly round crater in the ground, as if everything that was in the sphere never existed.

The sphere gave some weird fluctuations before it disappeared.

Really makes you wonder what all the awakened do at night if they don't sleep. If I were an unawakened I would really be weirded out about that, to have to sleep when most people are always awake,WEIRD!

RobusEgidiuscreators' thoughts