
The Mysterious Son In-Law

[Warning Mature Content] "Hey, Miss Savannah. Come have a taste", he said in his causal voice, as if what he did was normal. Savannah couldn't even find herself to speak as she stood by the door in shock. She doesn't understand what was happening and who exactly the man she has as a fiance is. She had never known anything about him except his name. Her eyes swiped across the dead bodies lying on the floor and back to the man who was seated comfortably on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hands, which Savannah assumed could be blood from the dead bodies on the floor. He had a devilish smile on his lips and bloodstains on the tip of his shirt, she swallow the crap in her throat. "Don't tell me you're scared?" He asked with a smirk, reading the fear in her eyes. He could hear the beating of her from where he sat and also read the thoughts racing in her head. The thoughts of fear and horror. And the voice telling her to run away as fast as her legs could carry. But she was still standing! She had mistakenly made a deal with the devil she knows nothing about. She could feel her hands shaking and every part of her body trembling. What the hell has she gotten herself into? Elijah stood and fastened his steps to her. And within a blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of her. Savannah almost missed a step as she was stunned by his sudden appearance in front of her, but before she lost her balance, his hand held firm on her waist to keep her stable before she fell. His devilish smile was still on his face. "Who..who are you" she whispered in fear. "The devil is going to be your husband" he said, and the smile on his face expanded. Right there, Savannah knew she was screwed. * * * * Savannah was one of Brentwood's granddaughters. The most influential family in T-city. A law was made in the Brentwood family that all the granddaughters should get married before inheriting their wealth. Each one of them must bring in a son-in-law and present him before the oldest family members in the family__ Old Mrs Brentwood . Savannah was determined to be a part taker of this but she wasn't interested in marriage because she had no believe in it. She asked her best friend to fix a blind date for her. Someone she could pay to pretend to be her fiance and husband but later divorce when the deal is done. That night on the blind date, she mistook the devil as her date.

DaoistJhgTfu · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Silly party

Savannah had just finished her relaxing bath and put on her comfortable nightwear. After a long and tiring day, she lay on the bed with a sense of weariness, looking like she wouldn't mind if the world came to an end.

Today had been incredibly tough and hectic for her. Despite finding a fake spouse to please her parents, she was now burdened with the presence of the mysterious man, Alex Mark. She stretched her arms and legs out on the bed, feeling the freedom it offered, while gazing up at the beautiful green chandelier above her. It reminded her of Alex's captivating eyes, and her thoughts wandered to the enigmatic man. She never for once thought that such a man would take over her thoughts the way Alex did.

"Alex Mark," she murmured his name, a smile creeping onto her face. She couldn't help but wonder what made him so intriguing, even with the strange aura surrounding him. There was something about him that felt mysterious, and she couldn't put her finger on it.

Even in the cafeteria, an inner voice told her to run away from him, but she couldn't resist the urge to try to learn more about him. What was it about this guy that made her heart race every time she saw him?

"Maybe it's just his good looks," she concluded to herself, the smile fading. Savannah Brentwood was not the type to fall for anyone, so why was she captivated by him?

"That's silly, right?" she scolded herself. After all, he was just a regular service man she hired to pretend to be her fiance. Once she received her inheritance, she planned to forget about him and move on with her life. With that thought in mind, she decided to call it a night and drifted off into a deep and much needed sleep.

An expensive Rolls-Royce Phantom parked in front of an enormous hotel building. The building had a large billboard sign displaying the words "Welcome to Victoria Hall" at the top. 

Damon stepped out of the car and politely opened the back door for Elijah, who had on a serious expression. Elijah wasn't keen on attending this party, but he had decided to come along anyway.

"Which floor did he say the party was on again?" Elijah asked, adjusting his suit while looking up at the tall building.

"I think he said it's on the fifth floor," Damon replied. "Are you having second thoughts?"

Elijah hesitated, showing his reluctance about the event. Damon knew if Elijah wanted to back out, he wouldn't be able to stop him. Surprisingly, Elijah's face suddenly lit up with a mischievous smile.

"Why not?" he chuckled. "Who knows, I might end up having a lot of fun."

Damon sighed and shook his head, well aware of what that smile meant. Elijah was known for causing trouble, and he hoped they wouldn't create any problems at this party. Being with Elijah definitely meant they had to keep a low profile.

"Shall we?" Elijah asked as Damon remained silent, lost in his thoughts.

"Oh, Yes!" he replied, snapping his head as he followed him towards the building. 

They got to the entrance and as they entered, the receptionist hurried to welcome them, it almost seemed like she had been expecting their arrival. Elijah assumed Kane must have arranged this. They were directed to a private elevator, they stepped in and as the doors closed, the receptionist let out a huge sigh of relief. Their presence was both intimidating and charming. Meeting Elijah Landon in person was a rare privilege, as he usually kept his identity hidden from the public.

She had never imagined that a day would come when she would come face to face with Elijah Landon. When the assignment was given to her, her breath almost escaped as her eyes scanned the names in the file her boss had handed her. "Elijah Landon and Damon Sterling will be attending the party on the fifth floor," it said. No pictures were provided, only a few descriptions of the men. However, the moment they walked into the lounge, she immediately recognized them.

For her, this was a true miracle, as the face of the mysterious Elijah Landon had remained unseen by anyone. Despite his name being known all over the city, no reporters or journalists had ever caught a glimpse of this enigmatic man. His age was a mystery as well, leaving the entire T-city in a state of curiosity about him and his reasons for concealing his face from the public eye.

Only a select few, such as some of his high-ranking managers who worked closely with him, had been granted the privilege of seeing his face. The majority of his employees had never laid eyes on him. Yet, she was one of the privileged few who had the opportunity to behold the countenance of the man that the whole world was endlessly discussing.

They got to the fifth floor of the elevator and stepped out, they walked to the end of the corridor and got to the door leading to the party hall. Four men in black uniforms guarded the entrance, and they stopped the duo as they approached.

"Excuse us, sir, you must show your invitation before getting in," one of the guards stated, authoritative, not minding the appearance of the men. 

"What nonsense, we're VIP, clear the way!" Damon uttered in annoyance.

Damon was irritated by the request. He couldn't understand why they were being asked for invitation cards when the receptionist had recognized them immediately. But Elijah had something else in mind.

With a mysterious grin, Elijah decided to provide some entertainment for both himself and Damon before entering. He grabbed one of the guards by the neck and effortlessly lifted him off the ground with one hand. The other guards all took a step back looking shocked at what they had just witnessed.

Elijah's eyes turned into fiery red orbs, and his calm demeanor had suddenly turned menacing. The fear of death consumed the guard he held, swallowing as he regrettably started to realize that Elijah was a very dangerous man, perhaps even more than their boss.

"Do you still need an invitation card?" Elijah's voice came booming like crashing waves, at the terrified guards who stood in front of him.

"I... I... I'm sorry, sir," the guard stammered, overwhelmed with fear. He now understood the gravity of dealing with Elijah.

Elijah released him, he and Damon continued into the room. The remaining guards bowed their heads with respect as Elijah passed them.

As they disappeared into the party, the other guards rushed to help their shaken colleague off the floor. . The man was still coughing and gasping for some air. Elijah had almost killed him, despite the fact that he was more muscular than Elijah was, he still looked shaken by the events that had just happened.

 Elijah really raised him up with just a single hand. Elijah's display had left them in awe, his strength was unmatched and a man like this would definitely be able to challenge their boss.