
The Mysterious Son In-Law

[Warning Mature Content] "Hey, Miss Savannah. Come have a taste", he said in his causal voice, as if what he did was normal. Savannah couldn't even find herself to speak as she stood by the door in shock. She doesn't understand what was happening and who exactly the man she has as a fiance is. She had never known anything about him except his name. Her eyes swiped across the dead bodies lying on the floor and back to the man who was seated comfortably on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hands, which Savannah assumed could be blood from the dead bodies on the floor. He had a devilish smile on his lips and bloodstains on the tip of his shirt, she swallow the crap in her throat. "Don't tell me you're scared?" He asked with a smirk, reading the fear in her eyes. He could hear the beating of her from where he sat and also read the thoughts racing in her head. The thoughts of fear and horror. And the voice telling her to run away as fast as her legs could carry. But she was still standing! She had mistakenly made a deal with the devil she knows nothing about. She could feel her hands shaking and every part of her body trembling. What the hell has she gotten herself into? Elijah stood and fastened his steps to her. And within a blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of her. Savannah almost missed a step as she was stunned by his sudden appearance in front of her, but before she lost her balance, his hand held firm on her waist to keep her stable before she fell. His devilish smile was still on his face. "Who..who are you" she whispered in fear. "The devil is going to be your husband" he said, and the smile on his face expanded. Right there, Savannah knew she was screwed. * * * * Savannah was one of Brentwood's granddaughters. The most influential family in T-city. A law was made in the Brentwood family that all the granddaughters should get married before inheriting their wealth. Each one of them must bring in a son-in-law and present him before the oldest family members in the family__ Old Mrs Brentwood . Savannah was determined to be a part taker of this but she wasn't interested in marriage because she had no believe in it. She asked her best friend to fix a blind date for her. Someone she could pay to pretend to be her fiance and husband but later divorce when the deal is done. That night on the blind date, she mistook the devil as her date.

DaoistJhgTfu · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Playing with fire

Savannah was lost in her imagination as she gazed at the man in front of her. 

Her eyes darted up and down at the man. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

He resembled a young, handsome British duke, hot in style and appearance, even hotter than T- City's supermodel, Sylvester Brown —the guy who was trying to hit on her and she declined. 

She couldn't process why she was so taken with this man's appearance when, a few seconds ago, she was trying to act like the prom queen she had always been. 

Like there was something strange about him, something like a metal trying to drown her in his fantasy world, which had never happened to her before, but at the same time, she felt a dangerous aura around him like she was playing with fire.

She could not understand where this feeling was coming from.

His outfit alone was enough to throw her off her feet. It smelled like money. It was a little much for a service guy, or did he decide to dress this hot to impress her? Maybe, she concluded with a dreamy smile.

The strange man was already exhausted, and his eyes had been staring at her inquisitively for nearly a minute without her saying what she needed from him. 

He didn't have time to waste because he was a man with no time in the world, especially with a strange woman. It didn't help that she was drowning in her head like that.

"Miss, you should tell me what you want. I have no time to spare," the strange man said in an intimidating voice, getting tired of Savannah's forever silence.

Her eyes fluttered, and she felt thrilled at his audacity. She liked him already.

"Well, what I was trying to say is that I'm Savannah Brentwood. You're my new pretend fiance." Savannah stated, trying to act as firm as she did before.

The strange man raised an eyebrow at her to see if she was truly serious with her statement, and indeed she was.

There was this strange confidence all over her face that proved she was damn serious about her words. 

She smiled comfortably when she saw the surprised look on the man's face and believed he was flattered about her becoming his fiancee; besides, who in their right senses wouldn't be extremely happy to date one of the granddaughters of the Brentwood family, especially when it came to them on a silver tray? 

Men were so madly in love with her that they would go to any height to get things done to satisfy her. No one could reject her. Absolutely no one.

A thin smile framed the man's lips as he found it a little bit amusing.

He adjusted himself and lay on the table, his eyes looking straight at her. "Don't you think you're with the wrong person?" He asked again in a low-pitched voice that sounded more like a threat than just a word, but Savannah was not bothered or felt threatened by that. 

However, she considered the strange man to be a bit stubborn and playing too dumb to understand what their meeting was made for.

"Why should I be mistaken? See, I don't have time to explain things to you more than I've already done.

Your job is just to play a fake fiance in the presence of my family and nothing more," Savannah explained, but the strange man was still lost there. 

He was trying to explain to her that she might be mistaking him for someone else, but Savannah was so engrossed in making him her fake fiance that she didn't seem to listen to him. 

The more she spoke, he started seeing another possibility. He just had to play along and see how this would turn out, since the lady was too blind to see that she had missed her date.

Savannah opened her handbag and took out a brown envelope, which she handed over to the strange man.

"That's the contract file detailing everything you need to know about this job."

He took the envelope and raised his brow at her.

"What you need to do, the instructions and the most important thing you need to know about this contract is all in there."

"Hmm..." the strange man sighed and looked at the envelope strangely. "What makes you think I want to act as your fake fiance?" He asked.

Savannah let out a soft but intimidating laugh as she found the service guy to be overconfident, as if he were some sort of king. She is the boss here and the one who was in charge, not him.

"Perhaps you're forgetting something. Savannah Brentwood is my name. One of the city's most recognizable females, and who do you think you are? 

A common service man who should be grateful for the opportunity of a lifetime. If you think the money is insufficient, I can increase it. All you have to do is give me a call."

Savannah was arrogant, and she didn't care at all how words were perceived. After all, she was a Brentwood.

She couldn't figure out why the man was acting so coldly, as if he were the one who was going to pay the money while she was there. 

Maybe it was his good looks that got into his head and made him think he was in charge there.

There were some seconds of silence between them as Savannah waited for him to answer her while his eyes were glaring at her like he was in some kind of deep thought. 

Was he considering the offer or what? Savannah asked inwardly, feeling suffocated by the fact that Jane had bought an impossible man for her. 

Normally, in all her meetings with men, they're the ones that always act uneasy around her, but this case was different. 

Instead of him being so happy and excited to be her fake fiance, he was still trying to consider her offer, when other men could kill, to just have a glance at her. 

Aside from that, another thing that bothered her was the fact that she was still trying to convince him to accept the offer when she could easily get another man before the end of the day.

She got frustrated. She couldn't take any more of his silent treatment, so she decided to break it.

"So, what are you saying? Are you in or not?" She asked with some authority like she was getting tired of the situation already, but that wore a lascivious grin on the man's lips, and his eyes sparkled along the reflection of the restaurant's dancing lights.

"No, I should be the one to ask if you're in or not, Ms. Savannah," he said with a smirk. 

"I'm sure you know what you're getting into. Are you sure you want to risk it all? 

All of your reputation as the granddaughter of one of the most powerful families in T-City and your relationship with your family just with a fake fiance?" He continued, his face getting serious.

"Are you in or out?" He asked her.