
The Mysterious Son In-Law

[Warning Mature Content] "Hey, Miss Savannah. Come have a taste", he said in his causal voice, as if what he did was normal. Savannah couldn't even find herself to speak as she stood by the door in shock. She doesn't understand what was happening and who exactly the man she has as a fiance is. She had never known anything about him except his name. Her eyes swiped across the dead bodies lying on the floor and back to the man who was seated comfortably on the sofa with a glass of wine in his hands, which Savannah assumed could be blood from the dead bodies on the floor. He had a devilish smile on his lips and bloodstains on the tip of his shirt, she swallow the crap in her throat. "Don't tell me you're scared?" He asked with a smirk, reading the fear in her eyes. He could hear the beating of her from where he sat and also read the thoughts racing in her head. The thoughts of fear and horror. And the voice telling her to run away as fast as her legs could carry. But she was still standing! She had mistakenly made a deal with the devil she knows nothing about. She could feel her hands shaking and every part of her body trembling. What the hell has she gotten herself into? Elijah stood and fastened his steps to her. And within a blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of her. Savannah almost missed a step as she was stunned by his sudden appearance in front of her, but before she lost her balance, his hand held firm on her waist to keep her stable before she fell. His devilish smile was still on his face. "Who..who are you" she whispered in fear. "The devil is going to be your husband" he said, and the smile on his face expanded. Right there, Savannah knew she was screwed. * * * * Savannah was one of Brentwood's granddaughters. The most influential family in T-city. A law was made in the Brentwood family that all the granddaughters should get married before inheriting their wealth. Each one of them must bring in a son-in-law and present him before the oldest family members in the family__ Old Mrs Brentwood . Savannah was determined to be a part taker of this but she wasn't interested in marriage because she had no believe in it. She asked her best friend to fix a blind date for her. Someone she could pay to pretend to be her fiance and husband but later divorce when the deal is done. That night on the blind date, she mistook the devil as her date.

DaoistJhgTfu · Urban
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Dangerous Aura

In the dark garage, a man approached the brightest automobile in the lot with icy footsteps. It was the city's most recent Rolls-Royce, parked not far from the garage's door. 

His presence had a frightening aura that even the air can attest to, as the air in the garage became trapped owing to the atmosphere he carried. This man was not simply a regular person. For the first time in his life, he had a happy grin on his face.

He wondered what boldness Savannah had that made her think he looked like a service guy —such a bold step.

The car's light signal in the lighting showed the car doors were open. The strange man entered the back seat and sat down comfortably.

"I was thinking you weren't coming out again." The man who was sitting in the driver's seat said.

His thoughts were still on the scene back at the restaurant, everything the man in the driver's seat said, passed him like a breeze. 

He hadn't expected what Savannah offered, but since the deal was done, he was going to act as a service guy for some affluent brats. He didn't mind. 

He was going to give it a shot. How bad could it be to explore how acting like a regular guy felt?

The man who was sitting in the driver's seat looked at his expression in the rear-view mirror. "I believe today must have been a great day, Elijah," the man said, smiling too.

Elijah adjusted in his seat and crossed his legs. "Yeah, I think so," he stated in a not too concerned tone. But Damon had already guessed what was amusing Elijah. His eyes had already told him what had happened.

"Now, spill out the beans. Who is she?" he asked.

"Some rich girl who thinks she is on top of the world."

"Really? Did you taste her?" Damon asked further. He was a little surprised that Elijah was even taking the time to chat about this rich girl. 

If the rich girl could make Elijah talk and even smile, he needed to meet her too. Damon thought.

"It's not the way you're thinking. She came to me herself."

"Really?" Damon asked. He was utterly surprised.

He spun to face Elijah to see his expression, which was already covered in a strange smile that made his green eyes brighter.

"So, what do you do?" Damon urged with curiosity. He was eager to know exactly what had transpired between him and this girl.

"She offered me a job," Elijah said a bit proudly.

"A job? Really?"

Elijah shook his head and elegantly closed his eyes, approvingly responding to Damon's questions.

"What job?"

"To become her fake fiance..." 

Damon quizzically shot at him, as if he were joking because that wasn't funny. And in fact, Elijah wasn't good at jokes; he was the worst at them. If he was trying to be funny, it was already failing. But this could only be a joke. Right?

"Tell me you're joking," Damon inquired with a raised eyebrow. 

Elijah opened his eyes, and they sparkled in the color red before returning to their emerald green. 

Immediately, Damon accepted that what he was saying was true.

"And you accepted that?" Damon could not believe it. "Isn't that a little risky?"

"Yes, I know, but it is also exciting. I wanted to decline, but there was something about that girl that triggered me to accept her request."

"Hmm..." Damon sighed and tried to see things the same way as Elijah, but he couldn't come up with a clue. 

Damon was certain Elijah didn't just accept the girl's offer because he wanted to. There must have been something about this unknown girl, and he didn't want to ask more about it. 

He knew that Elijah could do the right thing if he wanted to. At least, this might lighten up his mood and his busy days.

"Anyway, Kane sent in a request," Damon said, and Elijah's lightened mood died off instantly.

"What does that coward want?" Elijah asked in an irritated tone that was a little harsh.

"He just wants us to attend his stupid party, but he said this time it was going to be fun," Damon assured him.

Elijah rested his head back on the couch and took a deep sigh. There was nothing good about Kane's party. He always came up with silly and crazy ideas when it came to parties.

"Where is he hosting this one?" Elijah asked after he had thought a bit about Kane's multiple parties he had been having in the last couple of months. 

He just finished two parties at the beginning of this month. Now he was having another.

"Victoria Hall," Damon stated.

"Hmm..." Elijah sighed and placed a hand on his jawline like he was thinking about something.

At that moment, a car drove roughly into the garage. The car door opened, and a young, beautiful, drunk girl staggered her way out of the car while laughing like a fool.

"What's that noise?" Elijah asked, still in his position.

"Just a stupid, drunk human girl," Damon replied. 

"Hmm... I see. Don't you want some taste?"

Damon turned to him and answered.

"Only if you permit me, because you might need it more than me."

Elijah smirked.

"Damon, I need some quietness," he uttered, retreated his back on the car couch, and closed his eyes.

Damon nodded and turned to look at the drunk girl, who couldn't figure out whether she was on the left side or the right. She was still making stupid jokes and talking to herself.

Damon smirked at her stupidity. "What an easy prey," he muttered. And his eyes turned into shining red orbs.

Just when he wanted to emerge from the car, Elijah stopped him.

"Damon, make it clean," he stated.

Damon understood what he meant and walked out of the car toward the drunk girl. Within a few seconds, Elijah heard

The horrific screams of the girl, and a mysterious grin framed his lips.

"What a sweet death!" he muttered.