
The Mysterious Rebirth

Dr Leonardo Dante came back from work feeling uneasy. He was taken upstairs to rest, he falls asleep and woke up in the 400th century. He was in the body of a teenager by the name of Edmund. He also lost his memory due to the effect of the transmigration. Edmund-an 17 years old man, 6’2 in height, fairly built. He is a farmer, a profession which his whole family is known for. His great grandfather is the head of this large family. He has four close friends (Ayan, Drax, Skurt and Akima). After over a month of socialization with his friends and family, he begins to have an insight into the place. Atkins his kingdom was under forced rule by the Giza dynasty. The dynasty had taken control of them a few decades back when they got to know of their fertile land blessed with gold. Gold was a major form of exchange in the southern part of EUROPE and was extremely important. Giza also replaced their king with a *head of state ( Governor) * and captured their Chief general. He finds out that he was poisoned by his very close friend Akima and begins to investigate the reason for this. He goes to the tavern that evening where a fight ensues between some gamblers. Verola, the chief general of Atkins daughter has a habit of visiting the tavern. She alongside her friend and bodyguard Miller beat up the thugs and Edmund is amazed to see her skills. He develops the desire to become someone better and goes to Atkins medical school to become a physician. He looses his father during an attack which leaves him depressed. He pulls out of the school and is back to “ground Zero”. He learns that the killers are from the rebel nation and this leaves him on a mission to avenge his father. He joins the chief general group and begins to develop deep feelings for Verola. On one of the outings he gets captured and is about to face the same fate as his father. Would Edmund survive this?

_GABRIEL · Fantasy
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35 Chs


Edmund was now alone walking to his room. He peeped through the window at Ayan who was at his door about to enter his house.

"Today must have been tough for him." He said as he watched Ayan leaping to his house.

He lay at the back of a chair to check if his parents were still awake but thankfully the living quarter was empty.

He sighed and began to walk carefully into his room but soon felt someone behind him.

He turned slowly to see his Dad staring at him.

"Where were you?"

"I went out with the boys." He replied and bit his lower lips a bit.

"That wasn't my question." Culbert cut in and drew closer to him. His voice sounded a little harsh and Edmund was a little nervous.

He was contemplating whether to tell his Dad the truth or just lie. He looked at him for a minute and returned his gaze down.

"Judging by the look of things it would be wrong to tell him the truth. He would be offended that I returned from the tavern by this time." He thought silently and let out a sigh.

Culbert stood motionless wondering why was taking Edmund so much time to respond.

"We went out for a bit. We went to celebrate my acceptance to medical school."

"It doesn't mean you should come back this late." He spoke with a softer voice this time. It seemed he was glad that his son got to spend some time with his friends. He drew closer to Edmund and placed his hands on his shoulder. "Just make sure to always be happy with your friends."

Edmund stood still, in awe of what happened. He was wondering what caused the sudden change of mood and why his dad stopped scolding him. It all seemed strange.

"Go as have some rest son." He said and turned to go to his quarters leaving Edmund all alone.

Edmund was still surprised by what seemed like a miracle when it dawned on him that he had to be up early to see his friends.

He went into his room and lay on his bed.

It felt hard to believe that his friends would have possibly died if he has arrived a minute late.

"What happened." He spoke and rose from the bed. It was hard for him to fall asleep with all that was on his mind.

"I have to get the full story tomorrow."

He released his body to the bed and finally shit his eyes realising all the wide thoughts off his mind.

In a matter of minutes, he was fast asleep and all that could be heard were his snores.

* * * *

"Edmund wake up!" A voice said with so much authority.

Edmund opened his eyes faintly to the person at his front. He recognised the figure so he opened them.

He stared at him for a while before standing to his feet.

"Good morning Dad!" He greeted him with a brief smile.

"Good morning son. So how was your night?"

He said staring back at him.

Edmund kept mute for a while before breaking his silence.

"It was nice." He said looking confused. He was wondering what was making his dad so nice all of a sudden. He felt a little awkward and decided to leave.

"I would be heading to have my bath now." He took two large buckets beside his bed and left the room.

He got to the stables and tied the buckets to his horse heading for the stream. He didn't want to disturb his friends after what happened yesterday so he simply rode past Ayan's house.

He got to the stream a few minutes later and took his bath. He took the buckets and filled them with water before returning to his horse.

He had ridden for about ten minutes when he spotted a silver-haired man.


The man turned back and smirked a bit before turning it to a smile not wanting to break his character.

"Edmund!" He said fixing his eyes at Edmund.

"How are you feeling?"

Edmund widened his eyes at what he heard.

"How am I supposed to be feeling?" He asked himself before turning to respond.

"I'm fine. Why did you ask?"

"Well, I saw Skurt earlier and he told me what happened yesterday."

"Oh that. Luckily I wasn't injured. Actually, I wasn't even at the tavern when the fight broke out. I came there to meet them all on the floor."

He paused a bit before he continued.

"And I'm sorry for not inviting you. I wanted to come to your place but Ayan told me you weren't feeling well. So I decided that it wouldn't be right to disturb you."

"Ayan?" He asked with crossed brows. He knew Ayan made up the story and was quite sure he did so to prevent him from attending.

"What's wrong. Weren't you sick?"

"Oh…yes. That's true I wasn't well. I caught a cold." He replied and smiled faintly.

"A cold? But it's a dry season. Moreover, rain hasn't fallen in a long time." Edmund spoke and looked at him weirdly.

"It wasn't as serious as Ayan put it. It was just kind of brief but I did not want to disturb you guys that is why I decided to stay at home."

He replied swiftly not wanting to create suspicions.

"That reminds me, I want us to go out," Akima added making Edmund look surprised.

"You know, I would also like to congratulate you properly." He continued noticing his surprised look.

"That's nice. Thanks."

Edmund's expression had now changed to a joyful one. He was glad to have these kinds of friends who supposedly cared about him.

"So when would you be free?"

"Maybe, by evening." He replied and smiled at Akima.

"Okay. I promise you that this would be a night to remember. You would be so shocked."

This statement made Edmund begin to wonder what plans Akima had for the evening. He became excited to find out.

"Make sure to show up." Akima added glaring his eyes at Edmund who paid little attention.

He moved a bit and turned to look at Edmund. He detested the smile Edmund had on his face and couldn't wait to take it off.

But he guessed the wait was finally over. By the end of today, Edmund would be dead. He was so sure that this plan would work out and would make sure to watch him die this time.

He swiftly returned his gaze and headed home to get everything ready for his plan.

* * * *

How do you feel about this chapter? I have to confess, I was a bit lost writing this. So most of the paragraphs may seem incomplete. Lol

Thank you for your support and stones. Please do remember to refer my book and try as much as possible to always leave a comment.

_GABRIELcreators' thoughts