
The Mystery

As Aura was staring at the gem in her room she randomly rubbed it and suddenly the whole chamber was covered in light. As the light vanished Aura rubbed her eyes and saw a portal in front of her.

On the other side when the lady saw light coming out of Aura's room she went upstairs to check what Aura was up to. When Aura heard footsteps she hurriedly jumped into the portal. Till the lady arrived Aura had already disappeared. The lady was surprised but soon let it go.

As for Aura, she was in another world. She was stunned as she stood in a beautiful and mysterious forest. As she roamed roughly she saw a little furry creature behind the tree which left her astounded. When the creature realized that he had been found came out and revealed himself. The creature introduced himself as Ash a magical creature named " The Whirls ".....