
The Mysterious Death.

After the death of my friend,next day on her funeral I went to her room to find the clues or hints regarding her death but unfortunately I hadn't found any clue.After her death my life was so disturbed because she was my only friend to whom i can share my secrets, to whom i can express my feeling, to whom i can trust blindly but now iam alone, I don't have anybody to share my grievances with and that makes me angry, makes me cry, makes me curious of the killer and that everytime burns the fire of revenge in my heart. Emily and I always love to go to quiet places where there is no one to disturb our conversations. We always went there once a week and talk about our lives,about mysteries,about nature and about love.It was all so much fun but after her death i haven't went at any of those places because these all places reminds me of her and awaken all the memories I had made with her which makes me broken again, and makes me provoked and then it took a week to recover.But on December 15 I went to the park to examine the place to find all the hidden clues she had left there for me because now I couldn't survive more in this mysteryious event .I couldn't sleep properly because I always keep thinking of her and of her killer. When I went there I got espied by the tree house in which we used to sit and talk, there was a small room in the tree house which seemed scary to us and we hadn't went there because it was terrifying. I just decided to go in that room and see what is there.When I enter the room it was all dark and quiet,I turned on my mobile flashlight, but what I saw on the wall was not exceptible. I saw the name of the girl Ruby, she was the biggest enemy of Emily. Emily often talk about her but I didn't ever took notice of it at that time. I was surprised and startled because my mind never go there and I hadn't doubt her.But I didn't only saw her name, I also saw the tiny box beside her name and that box named Emily on top.This somehow made my doubt bolstered about Ruby.But the problem was that the box was locked and now the task was to find the key.I picked up the box and bring it with me at home.I don't want anybody to know about that all because i didn't want any type of hurdles in my way and thats the only reason I didn't talked to Ruby or make her aware that I found out that she is the killer because if I did that so she may kill me or make me do anything she want.Thats why I did this all on my own.

But unfortunately Ruby got aware of what iam upto and now she started to interfering in my work. Everybody knows that she owns the key of that box and she always think that she is the smartest but no she was wrong she didn't know what iam upto because I knew that and so I already planned for it.After the day when I discovered the box I changed my attitude and made everybody confused in my family and my friends also.I lied to everyone and told that Emily was the criminal and not only the criminal but the lier and the manipulator and thats why she got killed because of her bad deeds and acts.

This makes everybody perplexed and changed my status in their minds from friend to enemy. Now I started investigation very secretly and quietly. I used to visit all the places at night where we once went and exploring through the places and finding clues .I also made a secret friend who came from abroad Germany named Jake.He was the consultant detective and was highly educated. As Ruby was the clever and cunning person.She was jealous of my and Emily's friendship and thats why she couldn't believe on whatever I told and oneday she tracked me and followed me at night but she wasn't aware of my new friend she tried to abduct me and killed me but she got mistaken and exactly at that point my friend Jake appeared as he was the Consultant detective and thats why he got successful in finding me. He secretly recorded the whole conversation between me and Ruby and then help me to escape from her place.Ruby didn't expected that Jake had recorded the conversation and she got fooled.Me and Jake decided to drive her in court and show the whole world her real face.Ruby was master in fooling and she thought that with the help of her fake reports or expressions will save her from life sentence but we showed the judge the whole video and she got the life sentence . After her sentence I went to her mysterious place which she named the" death town" where she had hidden the key in the locker.I tried to open the locker and with the help of Jake i was successful in opening it.The code was Emily.Hilarious! I grabbed the key quickly and opened that mysterious box, in here I found the USB.I played the USB and inside I found the whole story of Emily and her last words before death.Her last words were Jacob will take my revenge and after I heard these words I felt grateful and fortunate that I am the one she chose and now I have fulfill her last wish.