
Hati The Humiliated.

At first, Hati was disgusted. He had to eat regurgitated food from his mother and with his past life as a human, it didn't sound pleasing.

But after trying, Hati was like a kid who discovered cocaine. He was addicted.

And the regurgitated food was amazing. He would never go back to eating his own food and would always ask his mother to regurgitate.

Cathwulf (His mother) easily comply with his request. Who doesn't want a child to depend on their mother? But then again, Cathwulf knew that strength was everything in the outside world.

But maybe a couple more years of spoiling before training them. They had all the time in the world.

After all, her bloodline allowed them to have abnormal intelligence from birth and immortality. There were more perks to her bloodline, but those were secrets... For now...

(Don't worry. The bloodline is the only real plot *a shit plot*, as I'm going for a chill novel and also I'm too lazy to plan for a plot. I'm mostly just writing and thinking on the fly.)

And whenever Cathwulf was sleeping and Hati was hungry, he asked his older sister, Luna, to regurgitate his food for him. It took a lot of convincing. And I mean A LOT.

He tried to promise her things like clean her bed, clean her fur, promise her that she would have five things he would have to do for her in the future no matter what, and such.

But in the end, he accidentally said I will do everything you want for the rest of my life when he meant he would hunt everything she wants for the rest of her life.

Damn my old life's speech impediment!

And she accepted that one! He tried to correct his mistake, but he saw Luna glare at him with sadistic eyes and had a wide scary smile on her face, with drool dripping down her teeth.

That shut him up immediately.

Anyways, at first he was skeptical if it would taste the same as his mother's and surprising enough, it tasted good! Whenever his mother regurgitated his food, it tasted a bit sweet, but his sister's tasted a bit salty. And he liked salt.

Salt was something that he always put on his food in his past life.


One month later.

He really REALLY wished he hadn't accidentally said he would do everything Luna wants for the rest of his life.

It was seriously inhibiting his sleeping time.

Not only would Luna making him hunt, but she also made him do other productive things. Like 'wrestling' and 'tag'.

Bullshit! That ain't wrestling, that's a one-sided torture beatdown.

Tag? Fuck that, I thought she was hunting me!

And when he tried running away, she would always bite him on the tail, immediately making him weak. She once even bullied him, by sleeping on top of him. He swore he was going to die! He even saw his life flash before his eyes once again.

But that wasn't even worst.

Luna made him lick her toes at the end of the day, every single day.

It was so humiliating! And his mother even made him do the same for her! Torture I say, torture!

Manicure my fucking ass!

And when he tried to run away she and his mother would always sit on top of him and forcing their feet into his mouth. Damn! I'm not a masochist! Go do that with your future husband!

And mother, where is dad? Go do that with him instead!

Not only that but his sister once even kicked him in the legs! Although it didn't really hurt. All it really did was made him yelp, trip and allow them to sit on top of him.

Thank god, Lupin had an early sleep schedule, he wouldn't want Lupin to see him like this. He at least had a shred of dignity left.

Well if you count the shred like 5% left then yeah.

At least he got some tasty food.

Although for some reason, their feet tasted somewhat good. Was that a good or bad thing?


AN: Welp, I think I did a bad job of trying to do some incest and sibling and mother moments. At this rate, MC might turn into a closet masochist.

I know that many of you are gonna drop this novel because it might seem like MC is gonna be a masochist and yes he is gonna be one.

I've never seen a masochist mc so Imma makes him one. But gradually. Too many sadistic mc.

Although Mc might be both a masochist and a sadistic. So he takes pleasure in both pain and watching others in pain.

But don't worry, he won't take pleasure in getting his arm cut off or something in battle. He would only feel pleasure if he's horny or if it's a nonhostile threat kinda pain.

Anyway, you guys might drop, but tbh I don't really care. I'm just making this for fun. And really REALLY bored. I'm basically putting whatever comes to mind and throwing it in this novel.

Whenever chapter 3 comes out it will be moments with Lupin. (Younger sister)