
The Myriad Sky Sect

Day after day, week after week, year after year Wang Tian cultivated with all his might. While others played he cultivated, while others celebrated he cultivated. All this so he could achieve his life long dream, the dream of founding his own Sect.

Derob · Eastern
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 First Training Session

Out of thin air 28 manuals appeared in Wang Tian's hands. Seeing this the disciples were naturally shocked, but it was Zion who had the greatest reaction. "Spatial Ring!?" He exclaimed in shock. Hearing this Wang Tian merely nodded with a smile before distributing the manuals.

"You seem quite knowledgeable, what's your name?" Wang Tian asked handing Zion the Iron Body Technique manual.

"This disciple's name is Zion Eden." Zion answered his voice full of respect. 'According to father the clan's been trying to buy a Spatial Ring for years, even if one has enough Spirit Stones it isn't just something anyone can buy.'

"Oh Eden? Your Clan has raised you well." He remarked before continuing to hand out the manuals. Zion looked as though he wanted to say something else in response but stopped himself deciding to read the Iron Body Technique instead.

"All right, now that you all have a copy let me explain. In the world of cultivation there are multiple grades of techniques, ranging from Mortal, Yellow, Black, Earth and Heaven Grade, with each grade being further divided into the ranks Low, Middle, High and Peak.

Earth and Heaven Grade techniques are almost mythical, I myself have only heard rumors of Earth Grade techniques, and Heaven Grade techniques merely exist in fantastical tales. Besides these two, Mortal Grade techniques are all but useless, their only importance being as foundational martial arts knowledge.

On the other hand the Iron Body Technique you're holding is a Peak Yellow Grade technique. Its a technique which boasts a strong defence and strength, focusing more on solidity and setting up a strong foundation. Unless your opponent cultivates a Black Grade Body Tempering method your defence will be nigh impenetrable within the same Stage of Body Tempering."

This explanation left the disciples in awe. While most of them held almost zero knowledge of cultivation they still vaguely knew about techniques and their grades. Ye Chen couldn't help but smile from ear to ear as he grasped the manual. 'Don't those Clans strut around because they have Middle Yellow Grade techniques!? And here I have a Peak Rank!'

"But that isn't the best part." Wang Tian's voice resounded once again, bringing the disciples' attention back to him. "While other techniques may require you to train for 10 years to complete Body Tempering, the Iron Body Technique will have you finished in 5 years if not earlier depending on how hard you work!"

"Only five!?"

"Five years sounds much better than the seven I thought it was going to be."

"Heh I'll get it done in three."

Some disciples were shocked, others sighed in relief, while some (Ye Chen) made arrogant proclamations. Wang Tian merely chuckled at their reactions savoring the moment. 'Haa, wasn't I the same when I first joined Nine Clouds Sword Sect?' He reminisced briefly.

After a few minutes, they eventually settled down allowing Wang Tian to finish his explanation. Once that was done he told them to read the manual and ask him if they had any questions but fortunately it seemed as though they had none.

When a disciple finished reading the manual they would first show Wang Tian that they understood the breathing method, after a brief display Wang Tian would correct any mistakes and once he considered them to have aptly understood the breathing technique he'd direct them to the stones and boulders.

The first disciple to arrive at this point was Ye Chen, with Zion lagging slightly behind him. "So, we just lift these?" Ye Chen wondered going for the lightest stone there, which wasn't exactly light anyway being a good 10 kilograms.

Hefting it into his arms, the boy began breathing according to the Iron Body Technique. Immediately he felt a strength fill up his body. While it wasn't anything extraordinary, it was enough to make carrying the stone much less daunting.

From this point Ye Chen wasn't exactly sure what to do, until something caught his eye. Rushing towards the running track, stone in hand, Ye Chen began racing round the training grounds. Noticing this Wang Tian smiled. 'It seems this is a good batch of disciples.' The Sect Master mused.

Soon Zion was also running as he carried a stone, and then the 3rd, 4th, 5th until all 28 disciples were running while carrying stones. Most of them had no idea why, and were merely following the crowd. Ye Chen on the other hand was simply doing this because exercise was required in conjunction with the Iron Body Technique and this seemed like the most obvious thing to do. While Zion merely didn't want to get left behind by Ye Chen, after all he had his own pride.

His job done, Wang Tian sat to the side watching the disciples. He was curious how long they'd be able to go before running out of stamina, and who would persevere to the very end. Surprisingly almost an hour later, the first disciple stopped running due to fatigue, which was much better than his initial expectations.

Unfortunately his had a cascading effect, in no less than 10 minutes over half of the disciples had also stopped due to fatigue. At the hour and a half mark only 10 disciples were left running on the track, which soon dropped off to 5 at the 2 hour mark.

Wang Tian paid special attention to the 5 who made it to the 2 hour mark. 'Ye Chen, Zion, Oscar, Diana and Xiao Mei. These five will be the pillars of the Sect in the future.'

Ye Chen was a boy, about 13 years of age with scruffy brown hair and emerald eyes. He was arrogant in his own way, but more so due to his youth rather than being stuck up.

Zion was likewise 13 and a boy, he had long jet black hair and obsidian eyes, his demeanor showed his status and he held pride in himself. Despite this he seemed to be willing to help his fellow disciple and was rather knowledgeable.

Oscar seemed to be the youngest of the bunch being 12 years old, due to this he was rather meek and naive but Wang Tian noticed a fire burning deep within him.

Diana was a budding young girl, about 15 years of age with long golden hair that reached to her waist and ocean blue eyes. She was a joyful girl and happily helped her fellow disciples if they ever needed help even without being asked.

Lastly was Xiao Mei, she was 14 years old her hair shoulder length and black in colour, as were her eyes. Unlike her fellow disciples she held a cold look in her eyes.

Besides being the final five, they all had one thing in common. They had something to prove. Wang Tian didn't know what precisely, whether it was revenge of some sort, a promise, or something else but he saw it within them all, the drive and need to prove themselves.

Time ticked by slowly but surely, at the two and a half hour mark after giving it his all, Oscar stopped. Limited by his tiny body he was forced to stop here. In the mean time other disciples had tried to continue running but were soon stopped by the others as they decided to see who'd stop last.

The second to fall was Diana at two hours and forty five minutes in. She had given it a good effort, and had a strong determination but it wasn't equal to Ye Chen, Zion and Xiao Mei's.

At three hours in Xiao Mei tripped and fell forward. Fortunately Wang Tian swooped in and stopped her fall before anything bad could happen. Her body was already strained enough and falling face first stone and all wouldn't end well. Xiao Mei naturally felt indignant but decided to catch her breath nonetheless.

Finally it was down to the last two, Ye Chen and Zion. They both trudged ahead seemingly unbothered by the running, breathing via the Iron Body Technique like they were born using it. Step after step, it seemed as though they'd never stop.

Three and a half hours, four hours, four and a half hours, and then five hours. The exercise had taken its toll and both Ye Chen and Zion were beginning to falter. 'Just until he falls!' Zion roared internally, and then it happened Ye Chen fell forward. Instantly the Sect Master appeared catching him as he did Xiao Mei before placing him down.

Taking one last step Zion fell and Wang Tian caught him placing him down. He had done his best but his best wasn't good enough.

"Zion! Zion! Zion!"

The disciples cheered, but he felt no glory in his victory, while the others may have forgotten he didn't. Ye Chen had started before him, at least an entire minute before him, while he merely lasted an extra 10 seconds after him. This was no victory.

"All right, all right, quiet down. You all had a nice long rest now so continue training lunch will be held in an hour at the canteen." Wang Tian commanded causing them to immediately begin running once again.

Unlike the top 5 who were physically unable to run anymore, they were capable of doing so after a good rest. Wang Tian then instructed the five to continue circulating the Iron Body Technique and rest as needed, they had all already trained more than enough for today and should wait until lunch before continuing their training.

An hour soon passed, and then the disciples headed to have lunch, thus the first training session came to a close.