
The Mutation Madness

Mutation , a small and sudden change in the DNA sequence , but who knew this small change would've this big impact on the whole world. Krev was just studying for his Mutant Corp. medical exams , with a pen in his hand solved some questions on his tablet. Just then something hit him and in the next few moments his whole life changed. Let The Madness Begin!!! ×-×-× Chapters : 13-14 per week Chapter Length : 1000-1100 • I don't own the cover so if the owner wants to remove the cover drop a comment on any of the chapter.

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131 Chs

Birth: 12 Hours⁵¹

"Soo... you want to kill them?"

Cone didn't beat around the bush and asked whether his intentions were to kill his parents.

"Well... basically yes. But also no."

"I feel you..."

Dor let a sigh out and said ,

"Hah. Good luck on you 'part time job' , hehe."

Cone got up from his seat and sat down on his knees looking at his name engraved on the bench. While staring at it he asked ,

"What would you do if you could do anything?"

"Brother you're thinking too deep nowadays , something wrong?"

Dor picked on how his brother gave a different vibe today.

"Hmm... nothing's wrong."

Cone brushed his finger against his name which was engraved on bench and cleaned it. The wooden bench has a lot of scratches on it but Cone , Dor and Mona's name could be easily seen on it.

"It's just about a book I read few days ago."

Dor tried to remember which book his brother was talking about.