
The Mutation Madness

Mutation , a small and sudden change in the DNA sequence , but who knew this small change would've this big impact on the whole world. Krev was just studying for his Mutant Corp. medical exams , with a pen in his hand solved some questions on his tablet. Just then something hit him and in the next few moments his whole life changed. Let The Madness Begin!!! ×-×-× Chapters : 13-14 per week Chapter Length : 1000-1100 • I don't own the cover so if the owner wants to remove the cover drop a comment on any of the chapter.

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131 Chs

Birth: 12 Hours⁴⁹

Under the orange sky three kids sat on the wooden bench , the three of them were quite and didn't talk much. The twins sat on the extreme left of the bench while the girl sat on the extreme right of the bench.

. . .

The boy with black hair whispered to his brother ,

'Brother if you didn't wanted to play we could've just cancelled this plan with mona. Cancelling would've been less awkward than this.'

Cone didn't react and stayed quiet , sandwiched between Mona and Cone Dor didn't have a clue about what to do break the silence.

"It's okay if you don't want to play with me... I'm just here cause I was the one to invite , my goal has been achieved already."

'Don't say that my brother's gonna hate you more!!!'

"That's good."

said Cone who had his hands folded.

Dor looked at Cone's and Mona's bored face and thought about something interesting to break the silence.

"Hey Mona."
