
The Mutation Madness

Mutation , a small and sudden change in the DNA sequence , but who knew this small change would've this big impact on the whole world. Krev was just studying for his Mutant Corp. medical exams , with a pen in his hand solved some questions on his tablet. Just then something hit him and in the next few moments his whole life changed. Let The Madness Begin!!! ×-×-× Chapters : 13-14 per week Chapter Length : 1000-1100 • I don't own the cover so if the owner wants to remove the cover drop a comment on any of the chapter.

sageT_T · Action
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131 Chs

•Your Decision

Hate? I never hated them , I killed them cause I...


Like always with earphones in his ears Krev relaxed on the couch , infront of him was emptied can of energy drink.

"Its a joke... my life's a joke"

He rested his left hand on his eyes hiding the tears welling up in his eyes.


Few hours ago.

"It's up to you , in the end you have to make the decision. Will you start being a 'real' assassin..."

'Is this what I've came to?'

"... or leave the church."

'Forcing a kid to kill. This isn't the reason why we created this church.'

"Of course if you leave the church there will be some consequences , the sensitive information we've told you and the time I wasted training you will have to repaid. You'll have to pay for that..."

'Only if 'he' didn't change.'

"... with your life. You know very well how your gift will keep you alive , but are you confident enough to become an enemy of the whole church with that gift?"

After the conversation with Seven , Krev was given 1 day to decide what he was going to do.

"In the end , it's 'your' decision."

Those words of Seven rang in his head.


'It's always been like this'

"What's there to decide?"

'All my good qualities get chained down by someone."

"If I don't take this offer , I'm going to die."

'I was quite good at my studies , but my family was there to chain me down.'

"Why couldn't I just live a normal life?"

'And now that I've special gift only granted to Desired one's , I am getting chained again.'

"Wasn't this gift supposed to be my second chance?"

'It just happens to be a different person who chains me down.'

"Then why!?"


In that moment he remembered the reason why he killed his family.

'... right'

"I remember now."


Following the loud lightning the hardly visible dark cloud covered the whole city S. It was the night Krev understood more about his gift.

Grave Saints Base , Sector-30

"Hey Migil , you there?"

"Oh , Bishop Krev. What are you doing here at this hour? If you're looking for Archbishop Seven then-"

The black jacket he wore was completely wet because of the heavy rain outside.

"Give me the list."

"The list?"


In the dim lit room Seven lied on her lover's body , while Seven rested on his chest he read a book.



"What do you think happened to him?"

The man closed the black book he was reading and looked at the beautiful face of his wife. Unable to control himself he started playing with Seven's long red hair.

"Don't you know how the saying goes? The most blessed , suffer the most. If he is a desired one , his power is one of kind. He is destined to walk the path full of suffering."

Seven got up from the man's chest and looked right into his eyes.

"What if another person like 'him' appears? Cain , do you thi-"

Pulling Seven in his arms he said ,

"Then he will suffer as well. He will be one of the most powerful mutant , he will reach the heights which we can't even think of. He is a special being and to make up for being special and different than normal beings he shall suffer."

Patting her back Cain said ,

"It'll be alright that crybaby is only lost he will return to his normal self one day , and all we've to do is wait."

Wrapping her arms around him Seven rested her head on Cain's shoulder.

"Yeah , we just have to wait."

'I hope Krev doesn't lead the same path 'he' led.'

Cain noticed worried expression on Seven's face and thought ,

'It's that kid again huh. She must've seen some similarities between the kid and that crybaby. Just when are you going to return , my friend.'

'Trin Trin Trin'

Pressing one of the black buttons Seven put the telephone located besides the bed on loudspeaker.

"Who is it?"

<Archbishop Seven it's me , Migil>

"Migil? What do you want at this time?"

<I'm sorry for disturbing Archbishop this late , but it's about Bishop Krev>

Cain who was sitting besides Seven also seemed interested in this conversation. Why wouldn't he? Lately his wife was paying more attention to a kid than him.

"What happened?"

<Bishop Krev asked me for this month's hit list>

"And did you hand him the list?"

<Of course , Archbishop. I handed Bishop the list>

Just as Seven was about to shout at Migil Cain put his hand on her shoulder telling her to not do anything.


"Okay , be ready to get the payment for the requests."

<Okay , Archbishop Seven>


With that the call ended. Seven still worried about Krev , but it was the path that he chose which was why she didn't do anything.

"It's his choice Seven. We can't do anything if he wishes to change. You've done enough for him , you should sleep now it's pretty late."

"Ah , yes. Let's sleep."

While Cain tried to reassure Seven that what she did wasn't wrong , Seven couldn't help but worry. Switching the lamp near the bed off both of them slept in the embrace of one another.

While Seven was in a deep sleep Cain looked at her peaceful face , he remembered all the things both of them went through to get here.

'Don't worry too much , Seven. You deserve to live a good life.'


Her sleepy voice made him chuckle.

'That kid will live. Cause in the end Desired one's don't acquire a gift what they acquire is a everlasting...'


"Curse... it's a curse."

Standing before the lifeless body of four Krev shook the blood off his jacket using his gift. The blood drops lifted off his jacket and splattered on the wall.

"The next one is..."

Reading the paper which he held in his hand Krev looked for his next target.

"A base huh. It looks like I'll have to borrow some blood."

The small child which was covered in his mother's embrace suddenly started spitting blood out of his mouth.

'This much should do it.'

Divine End Base , Sector-21.

"F*ck , how long do we have to hold onto this sh*tty warehouse? What the f*ck is the pope doing!"

One of the sinner wearing blue uniform was frustrated as the higher ups of the church didn't help them. Fred who was his fellow comrade tried to calm him down.

"Be patient Mich."

Mich gulped down the whole bottle of beer and let his frustration out ,

"Be patient? Do you even know how long we've been hiding here? The Archbishops are just ignoring our requests , the Cardinals don't even know about our existence. Hey Ron , what was the last order again?"

Ron , who was sitting in the corner of the room took the cigarette out of his mouth and let the white smoke out.

"The higher ups want us to wait for few more years."

"You heard that? Few more years they say , how the hell are we going to survive?"

The small room these three sat in was their home , Invaders , that's what sinners like them were called. As the name suggested Invader Faction were one of the most important faction of a church.

While Frontliners defended the attacks head on , Invaders invaded the enemy church's country and tried to collect as much as information possible. For some church , Invaders were like sacrificial pawns that they could sacrifice anytime for good information.

But few churches thought of Invaders as a valuable asset that could be more than just a mere pawn.

Mich who was tired of living in the small ware house let a sigh out and said ,

"Hah , the world is a f*cked up place , isn't it?"

"Yeah , you got that right."

Right after hearing the voice three of them who were drinking in the room became alert , they didn't show any sign of being surprised and tried to act as normal as possible.

"Huh? Who is it? Let me guess."

Mich was loud as always when confronted the unknown person.

"Yeah , go ahead and guess."

"You're one of the Grave Saints lackey , aren't you? Hey Ron

is this a psychic like the one they sent last time?"

Brain waves could only be emitted by psychics which is why they could tell if a mutant was a psychic or not. Ron closed his eyes and released the waves , few seconds passed and Ron still sat on the chair with his eyes.

"Hey Ron , why is it taking this long to just sense his waves?"

Mich who spent more than a year with Ron knew what kind of person he was. It didn't take him more than 10 seconds to tell if anyone in his range was psychic or not.

'What is going on? Is Ron having a hard time sensing his waves?'

"Ron it's not funny anymore-"

To clear Mich's doubts Krev interrupted.

"Are you talking that dead body over there?"

'Huh? Dead body?'

"The smoke bothered me so I killed him first , now that I think about it... your breath stinks too."