
•The Wrecker

In a room filled with injured men stood a young man wearing white jacket , some of his black hairs were covered with blood. His black eyes shone as a lightning fell infront of him , after the bright light disappeared a man wearing same clothes as the young man appeared.

"Bishop Krev , we've cleared the other bases. What should we do with these remaining injured ones?"

He looked at the shaking and struggling bodies who were asking to forgive them and let them live. Turning his head towards his comrade he said ,

"I'll leave that to you Gray , if you want to dispose them... then do so. If you want to spare them then... you know what to do."

"As your wish."

The young man walked out of the room absorbing the blood which stained his jacket , he was a sinner working for a church. On his way out he saw few of his comrades running towards the injured people , some of them looked inhumane because of their gifts while some looked humane even though they were no less than monsters.

Seeing those people with killing intents he thought ,

'I'm not a monster like them... yet.'

"Hey why doesn't the bishop clear this himself? Making us do extra work when he could've just killed them himself."

"I've also he fought against 'The Wrecker' , Archbishop Seil and lost. Is he scared to kill because of that loss? Hahaha."

Gray who was using lightning to puncture their hearts heard those words and replied ,

"It's his own problem , why don't you focus on your work and clear these morons out?"

"I-I'm sorry... I wasn't aware of Priest Gray being here , we will quickly carry out this duty. And if Priest Gray is available why don't we go to drink after the work?"

"Do your work and go yourself , I've more important things to do."

"Yes sir."

'These guys don't know sh*t.'

On his way to the bar Krev thought to himself ,

'It's been a month since then huh...'


"Who did this!?"

The pressure that Seil created made Krev suffocate he struggled to even catch a breath. He saw Liok standing there with no problem , Sian was in the same condition as Krev.

'Thank God I chose to bluff and didn't attack him... this pressure is heavy. Even with this kind of pressure Liok is able to stand like nothing , with Seil here escaping is impossible. All I can do is bring up the offer and hope that Seil hears me out.'

"H... ey I was... the one who di... d that."

Seil heard Krev's words and launched himself in his direction his angry expression was enough to scare Krev.

'I hope I can withstand this.'

Krev used his gift to harden his blood near the location he thought Seil was going to hit , but this time it was hard to predict. Unlike Vik's psychic gift Seil had physical gift , when Vik slammed him in the wall Krev was able to harden the blood in time.

But with Seil coming near and near it became hard to predict , Seil smashed his right hand into Krev's face sending him flying towards the cracked wall.

At the same time far away from the abandoned warehouse danced a butterfly , with it's blue and black shiny wings it jumped from one flower to another. It danced until... it died , the impact waves created by Seil's one punch killed the butterfly.

Warehouse's wall cracked along with it a loud sound of Krev's cracking skill echoed , luckily he was able to survive his fatal attack. With his eyes rolled up he lied unconscious on the ground , his earphones half out of his pocket he was helpless and could die any second.

Seil didn't further attack and ran to help Vik whose feet were stick-like because of Krev's attack , pressing some buttons on his phone he called someone.

"Yeah Seven , it's me Seil I need you to send some doctors quick."

<Hey hey , don't just call me and order. First tell me what happened , if it's your pinky finger hurting then it's cause you punch too hard just chil->

"Shut up with your talk , I'm not the one injured it's my friend he's injured."

<I see tell me specifically what his condition is>

"His legs are like ice cream stick , like someone's sucked his blood out. Hey Liok , what the f*ck happened here? Also who is that kid?"

<He can tell you that later I'll send someone who can help , is he still bleeding?>

"Bleeding? He doesn't seem to."

<Um Seil I don't know if you know or not... but unless you don't bleed the blood won't come out>

"I know that , but he really isn't bleeding."


<I see , then I'll personally come there and see myself. You better not be lying , I'm going to kick your a** if you pull a prank like last time.>

"He really isn't bleeding , there are few... holes? Under his feet but no blood is coming out , wow I can even see his bones from these holes. Anyways come here fast."

<Send me your location>

After messaging Seven his location Seil then turn his attention to Liok.

"Liok , report everything that happened here."

While Liok talked about how Krev beat Deacon Sian's small gang , Krev unconsciously absorbed his own blood to heal himself. His jaw was dislocated , same went for his left shoulder which was smashed into wall. Cracks were formed in his skull and in many of his facial bones , all it took put him in such condition was Seil's one punch.

Seil looked at still breathing Krev and said ,

"Ho... He survived a punch like that , Liok contact the other Archbishop's for a meeting. I don't care whether it's online or offline , just contact them and ask which one's convenient for them. Tell them there's a new candidate for one of the vacant Bishop position."

Liok was surprised after hearing what he said ,

"But sir-"

"Vik did make him a offer so instead of Archbishop we will give him the position of Bishop. He defeated a Bishop so Bishop position is fair for him , at his level he can't even leave a cut on me."

Even though Liok thought it was a bit unfair he didn't object.

'Isn't Brother Vik supposed to be Archbishop Seil's close friend?'

He saw the smile on Seil's face and thought ,

'These monsters don't care about their close one's all they want is to be on top , Archbishop isn't a place for me. I should just be content with being a carefree Bishop.'

Like Liok thought Archbishop was position which was desired by everyone but also feared by everyone , it's a position where you start to get into the politics of churches. You've to keep up with what's going on with the mutant world , every deal that is struck behind the scenes , every move the enemies make you've to work hard to make your name in the sinners world.

Seil was a excellent example of an ideal Archbishop , even though sometimes he make rash decisions he would always take actions which would profit his church. One of his decision is to accept Krev as a Bishop.

"Get some Deacons to clear this up , I'm busy so I'll go now."

"Archbishop Seil what about this Deacon , he's the one who lost to that kid. Even though he was in a group he lost."

"Huh!? Hey Liok , who do you think I am? I don't have time to make decisions about the lowly Deacons , just kill them if they're problematic. I don't give a f*ck if a Deacon dies , just kill this trash."

Sian started begging for his life.

"P-Please Arch... bishop Seil , please s-spare me."

Without wasting another second Liok hardened his skin and rammed his left hand in his head , no skull was cracked... no blood came out. With just a punch his whole brain was destroyed , from outside there was not even a single scratch on his head.

But with his deadly attack Liok was able to kill Sian , he took out his phone and typed a number.

<Every Laundry here , how may I help you?>

"It's me Liok , I need you to clea-"

'Wait, didn't Archbishop Seil called Archbishop Seven to cone here?'

"Sorry it was my mistake , I mistyped the number."

<It's okay , if it's Bishop Liok>


Right after the call a car arrived on this location , it was black luxurious sedan with a gold lining on the edges. The driver opened the door for his master , a women wearing black red trench coat came out of the car. Her reddish hairs and black eyes she caught Liok's attention.

'It was right choice to worship Archbishop Seven , what the sect describe her as doesn't even come near her realy beauty.'

The sect he was talking about was a fan club created by those who liked Archbishop Seven and Liok was a proud member if that sect.

"Hey Liok... Hey... Hey. Slap him and see if he's awake."

Mesmerized by beauty Liok forgot that she was already standing before him , that was until a slap came flying towards his left cheek.


"Finally awake?"