

I didn't do anything.


Righ after hearing the announcement the crowd started moving towards the exit of the party hall and headed towards the main hall. With numerous cameras present in the hall all the guests started entering the room.

"I hope the product is worth it."

"Yeah , it's a complete mystery. Apparently there was not a single leak about this product."

"The Corp. really went in on this one."

Everyone was curious of what Mutant Corp. was going to release today , while all this was happening Krev followed his target. Right before she could enter the room he ran and made a desparate attempt to get her attention.

"Excuse me."

At first Serin didn't pay any attention to his call which is why he tried again.

"Excuse me Miss Serin."

Infront of Krev was a beautiful lady wearing a black jumpsuit , her neck was decorated by a platinum necklace on which 3 diamonds were embedded minimalistic way. With a smile on her face she said ,


"Ah yes , my friends over there..."

He pointed in the direction where Gray and John were drinking alcohol.

"... gave me a dare of getting your number so , could you do me favour and just dial some random digits on my phone."

The smile on her face disappeared the second she heard John's name come out his mouth.

"Huh? You're John's lackey and you want to help you?"

The talk didn't go the way Krev thought it would go which is why he thought of the way Seven told him. Taking a small device out of his pocket he leaned near her ear saying ,

"Wanna f*ck? Boss Wan sent me."

He remembered what Seven said.

"No one is perfect they can only look perfect , so just find their weaknesses to control them."

Without thinking much Serin took the round device and put it in her pocket , pulling Krev by his tie she turned on clicked a button on the device.


Krev let out a small moan trying his best to be as quite as possible , his cheeks reddened as she whispered ,

"Be a good boy and wait."

Her warm breath aroused Krev , leaving him she joined the group of people she came with. Krev waited as Serin told him to , he saw the disappointed look on the face of her friends as she bid them farewell.

'He looks good , it would be a shame if I don't make him one of puppies.'

With her black heels she walked towards Krev in her left hand was the device Krev gave her , on the device a round dial could be seen. A click could be heard when the dial moved one level up , she looked forward to see Krev reactions when she moved the dial up.

"Come with-"

"Shut up."

Serin's eyes widened when she heard those word come out of her 'puppy's' mouth.

"H-349 , Grand Fire Park , Sector-30. If you don't want everyone else to find out quietly follow me."

'Who needs to seduce when you can f*ck people up with their weakness.'

"H-How did y-you? Who a-"

"Follow me QUIETLY."

Serin flinched , her father was one of the most ricchest person in the whole country. For her 18th birthday her father bought her an island , the power she held would scare anyone. But after hearing Krev's words she couldn't even try to escape or make any kind of move.

She followed Krev towards the exit of the party hall , her bodyguards were still following her which is why Krev made her book a room in the hotel. On her way to the room she used the dial on the device goven by Krev but saw no reaction.

Krev noticed her and grabbed the device from her hand , putting back into his pocket he said ,

"You're dumb to think this would work."

'If she broke this device then Archbishop Seven would've most definitely killed me.'

"Do anything again and the Corp. will be more than happy to raid 'that' place."


After that Serin didn't ask a question or made any attempt to escape , even with her bodyguards around she couldn't cry for help. The reason for that was the 6ft man walking next to her , it wasn't his stature that scared her. It were his dead eyes , a hint of red in his dead black eyes made him someone to fear.

Both of them stood before a brown door on which a plate with 'G23' written on it could be seen , for her bodyguards none of her actions seemed suspicious. They knew that it was normal for Serin to book a room for 'puppies'.

The white card slid right through the machine near the door making a click sound and opening the door. Taking his jacket off Krev took the chair near him and sat on it while Serin nervously sat on the bed.

"Now that we are here... spit some secrets out for me."


Walking around on the stage a person said ,

"Today affects our tomorrow , but the product which will be released today will change the whole future of the society we live in."

Saying that he pressed a button on the device he held in hand which blackened the screen behind him.

"Mutants are different , they're superior , special and gifted beings. We rejected them for some idiotic reason , when someone's son or daughter was mutated they lost their kid to the previous Mutant Corp. While we can't change our Corporation's past , what we can certainly change is the future."

Again pressing a button the blackened screen lightened , images of what looked like medical equipments appeared on the screen.

"These are equipments that will make the change , few years back our corporation tried something called 'Marking'. With the help of programmed chips they could predict when a human will undergo mutation , but due to privacy issues and bad management the project was cancelled."

"This idea could've helped our society but the execution was not the best , when a human undergoes mutation it's necessary for that human to be under good influences. Otherwise they might choose the other path that is the path of sinners , the increasing number of sinners lead to destructions of cities if not keep them under control."

"Because of this our corporation requested the World Government for their support so that we could make a better future. The chips will not be activated unless and until a human is mutated , with the new and advanced technology we were able to make this possible. This solved the privacy issue , and for the management..."

He pressed the button again showing a image of numerous people stading wearing blue uniforms.

"... we've created a new team."

The person continued talking while the guests sitting infront of him started chatting among themselves.

"What? This sh*t again? I'm really disappointed."

"Privacy issues? I heard they could track any person they wanted , that's f*cked up you know."

"Even with the new activation system , I don't think the citizens are going to accept this."

Not many of the investors present were intrested in the project , that was until Vice President Neol started the rumor between the crowd.

"I heard the product is going to be mandatory for every citizen."


"W-What secrets? I don't know anything , I-I swear."

Letting a sigh out Krev said ,

"Hah , I really didn't wanted to do this."

He got up from the chair and walked towards her , leaning down close to her face and said ,

"Last chance."


Seeing no response he reached for her right shoulder which was shaking in fear.



Letting a loud scream out she cried in pain with her left hand over her shoulder.

"I know quite a lot about anatomy so tearing a few muscles won't be a problem for me , I ask again do you have any valuable information to give? I might just leave you , my mission is to just get info out of you."

Still holding her dislocated shoulder Serin didn't reply , tears came running down her cheeks. With a bit of force Krev removed the hand off her shoulder and placed her shoulder back to it's place.

But he didn't stop there and went for the other shoulder next.


This time no scream could be heard , instead Krev heard another crack , it wasn't from Serin's shoulder. It was his own fingers bending. With jump he returned near the chair he sat on.


Her dislocated shoulder was fixed.


With her head down she fixed her body up.

'... this certainly is a first time...'

"Did you think... I was going to be easy?"

'... a rich kid with gift.'

oof writing this is harder than I thought , anyways I hope you like this chapter. (sorry for the chapter length)

sageT_Tcreators' thoughts