A perfect being... can it ever exist?
"You know , when I look at the dead bodies of people I've killed-"
Migil interuppted him right there and said ,
"For god's sake Bishop Gray , I'm having my lunch."
It was afternoon and Migil along with Gray was having his lunch. Migil cooked himself a good healthy lunch while Gray was sipping on his favourite beer.
"Just hear me out , I felt like a genius when I thought about it."
Gray continued paying Migil no further attention.
"When I see the dead bodies of people I've killed , I think about how they're just a human with no life in them."
Migil thought of it as an obvious speculation and continued with his lunch.
"A human with no emotions in them , and that's when I see the true beauty of them. All those dead bodies are same , they have different past and would have a different future but in that moment they are same. A human body with no emotions."