
The Music Speaks

A unique [melody] sits within all of us, only waiting to be played by the worthy during the [fracture] ritual. The individuals who accomplish this task are referred to as the [enlightened], the apex of humanity. All Alden wishes for is to prove himself worthy during his ceremony in order to support his family. When the day finally comes, what meets him is beyond his wildest dreams, his path as an [enlightened] will be like no other. As a near-singular entity, Alden embarks on a perilous journey riddled with challenges and revelations through the world of the [enlightened]. It won't be long before he realizes that this world is far grander than he ever could have imagined. Release schedule: 1-2 chapters a day

Trichoplax · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Chapter 25 - Never meet your idols

I store the check in my pocket and prepare to hear the details of Sylvia's plan. With compensation secured, and the certainty that someone of suitable strength will accompany us, I have no more qualms about participating. Ivana speaks first.

"Now that this is settled, when does that guy get here Vivi?"

"He will meet us on the day of the mission, he is quite busy."

"How unfortunate, we even have his biggest fan on the other side of the table!"

Ivana glances in my direction, but I do not answer her poor teasing attempt and simply keep sipping on my coffee. She clicks her tongue and looks away.

I realize it may sound hypocritical for me to idolize the successor of a great family when I openly dislike them, but this is different. Sebastian FullCastle is the hero of Melodica, hailed for his talent, personality and achievements. He reached the second stage even before leaving DaiKar and proceeded to immediately go to the frontlines . He could have enjoyed an easy and fruitful career by staying within the reaches of the FullCastle family, but he didn't. Instead, he choses to risk his life everyday to keep us safe, a living legend. He has my full and unapologetic respect, nothing Ivana says will make me embarrassed to admire him.

This time, Sylvia speaks up.

"Now what we've all agreed, I've created a group on Muse with us three and sent a location. Meet me there on Thursday after nightfall. I will provide suitable instruments and attire on that day."

With these final words from Sylvia, all three of us stand up and part ways. Ivana goes with her, while I go a sperate way by myself. Before they are out of sight, Ivana throws a last glance my way, sneers and leaves. 

'Does she think I'm jealous of her or something?'

I return home, cash in the check and spend more quality time with my siblings, Thursday comes in a flash. I leave my apartment and head towards the promised location. Once there, I wait for the others in a storage unit of some sort. The first to arrive after me is Ivana.

"Hello Alden"

"Hello Ivana"

An awkward silence fills the air. We have never truly talked before, the only thing I know about her is her name and that she is disgustingly rich. We both lean against the wall far away from each other, waiting for Sylvia and Sebastian to arrive. Eventually, tired of waiting and slightly bored, I speak.

"So... full moon tonight huh, pretty coo-"

"How did you guys beat that bear back at DaiKar?"

"... Well, you know, Sylvia's pretty strong, I was just in the back supporting her."

"Don't lie to me."

"...Are you reading my thoughts again?"

"No, I'm not, you know that's not how it works. It's just that, ever since that day, you two have been much closer, she even chose you to help her with this. Something happened right?"

"Who knows... Why do you even care?"

"Because she's my friend."

"Okay? Are you afraid that I'll take advantage of her or something?"

"Nah, she's a very smart woman and an excellent judge of character. I'm just curious as to what got her to take a liking to you, that's all."

Silence fills the place once more. Unsure what else to say, I do not attempt to continue the conversation. Ivana does the same, she simply leans back onto the wall and and directs her gaze straight in front of her.

'Man, what's up with her? It's even more awkward now...'

"I heard that."

"I know."

It is hard to tell because she is relatively far away, but I could swear I see Ivana's lip curl upward for a split second.

Truly, she is different from the successors I've had the misfortune of encountering before. When we first met in the café, I thought she was just like the rest, but, so far, I've been pleasantly mistaken. She does not address me as if I am an inferior life form and seems sincerely interested in forming her own opinion of me. Just as she said, Sylvia is indeed an excellent judge of character, she knows how to choose her friends.

Around 20 minutes after this interaction, Sylvia and her brother Arrive. Sebastian FullCastle is here in the flesh and in all his splendor! He stands at around 6 feet tall, dark hair, chiseled jaw, bulging musc-

Well, anyways, he's here and I can barely contain my excitement! I've even brought a poster from home for him to sign! As they both walk in, Sebastian is the first to speak.

"Good evening Ivana, you've grown so much since I last saw you!"

"Hey... Sebastian."

Sebastian turns his attention to me.

"AH! Are you that man little Sylvia has been talking about! I've heard so much about you! Come here young man! Let me get a closer look!"

'Omg! He's just like in the movies!!'

I'm not sure if it is just my imagination, but both Sylvia and Ivana wear rather somber expressions on their faces as I approach Sebastian. He extends his hand, but when I reach for it, he pulls me closer and whispers into my ear.

"Don't get any funny ideas with Sylvia, commoner. She isn't meant for someone like you. I'd prefer if you never approached her again after today you hear?"

He squeezes my hand harder, I can feel my bones creaking. I direct pure flow to my hand, but it's useless, he refuses to let go. Sylvia shouts,

"Brother! Enough!"

Ivana, slightly nervous, speaks as well.

"Just let him go Sebastian..."

Sebastian remains obstinate. He exerts more pressure on me, threatening to shatter my hand. A shield manifests itself from thin air I strike it and more strength flows through me.

I realized during the Lunar Groove incident that I lack raw power and I needed a way to address that shortcoming. A thought came to me, If I can weaken another's [melody], then I should be able to make my own stronger right? Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. Creating a destructive interference pattern for a split second against enemies is somewhat manageable if my insight is half-decent. But even just amplifying my own [melody] without risking my life is a much taller task. As [it] said, if I mess up and my instrument can no longer play my [melody], I may explode and die. It is for that same reason that the second stage is so difficult to reach. Second stages have all brought a suitable change to their melody. Pure flow however, that is manageable. It is much simpler, and I perfectly understand my own usage of pure flow, amplifying it only required a few days of training. 

More pure flow than I should be able to handle rushes to my hand. My new ability takes effect.

'Crescendo: Song of power'

"Oh...? I though his ability was purely defensive, but what do we have here... I think I'm starting to understand what you see in him my sister. Still, let's see how long he can keep it up."

More flow directs itself to my hand, my muscles tear, my bones groan and blood trickles from my nose. When using crescendo, I forcibly bypass the subconscious limitation that our brains put on pure flow usage. In the same way that an ordinary human would risk injury if they were to truly use all of their strength, [enlightened] limit their flow usage to safeguard their bodies. However, this is still not nearly enough to match Sebastian who is a peak second stage and an unparalleled genius. If this continues, he will truly turn my hand into dust. Sylvia finally intervenes, she launches a kick at her brother, he finally lets me go and catches it. Sebastian takes a step backwards and a shockwave is produced form their clash, Sylvia's strength still baffles me.

"I said enough brother!"

"Alright, alright, no need to get so serious. Now, young ones, let us get ready to uproot these criminals!"

I massage my aching hand, Sylvia apologizes and asks us to follow them to their vehicle where the equipment is stored. Ivana approaches me and speaks.

"Still a fan?"


'Never meet your idols they say...'