
The Music Speaks

A unique [melody] sits within all of us, only waiting to be played by the worthy during the [fracture] ritual. The individuals who accomplish this task are referred to as the [enlightened], the apex of humanity. All Alden wishes for is to prove himself worthy during his ceremony in order to support his family. When the day finally comes, what meets him is beyond his wildest dreams, his path as an [enlightened] will be like no other. As a near-singular entity, Alden embarks on a perilous journey riddled with challenges and revelations through the world of the [enlightened]. It won't be long before he realizes that this world is far grander than he ever could have imagined. Release schedule: 1-2 chapters a day

Trichoplax · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter 2 - To compose

"A composer? What? What even is that?!" 


"Hmm, do they not teach you this at your schools? Not everyone has a melody implanted in their body since birth" 


This goes against everything I have learned until now. Does this mean that I can have any ability I desire? Can I turn myself into some sort of god?


"Oh, I know what you're thinking, probably along the lines of 'I'll make an ability so powerful that nobody will be able to look down on me!!' or something like that. Yeah no, if the ability doesn't match you, you'll explode and die." [it] says with a smile on its face 


Well, there go my delusions of grandeur. A bum is a bum until the end, I guess. 


"Can I at least know why I'll explode and die before I start composing? Whatever that means...." 

I still have no idea what composing even is, and there are about 30 minutes left to the day. Despite that, I still think it would be nice to know what would and wouldn't kill me. 

"Do they teach you nothing?? It's not like composers are rare, they should account for about 1/100000th of you humans. No matter, I'll explain it! Your [melody] needs to be in tune with your soul, boy! Why do you think some melodies seem to yield weaker abilities than others? That is because the soul itself is simply not tuned to the scale of the [melody]. Imagine your soul as a finely tuned instrument, and your [melody] as the song it plays. When your soul is perfectly tuned to the scale of your [melody], it's like hitting the perfect chord - unlocking the full potential of your abilities! However, if your song is off-key, it's like trying to play a symphony with broken strings - it just doesn't quite hit the mark! Additionally, if the melody is too difficult for your soul to play, you explode and die! Does that about cover it?" 


This has never been taught in school and I do not recall ever seeing this information anywhere on the net. Tunes? Scales? The soul is an instrument? It makes sense if you just think about it for a second, but why have we never seen this in class? Does that mean that it is possible to manually tune one's soul to better play a melody? Somehow, I feel like I am not the only one to have figured this out. I have the unshakable feeling that Sylvia and other powerful [enlightened] are aware of these concepts. This may be why enlightened families seem to always yield powerful heirs. While that is concerning, I have bigger fish to fry at the moment. I need to compose a melody that aligns with the tuning of my soul in a matter of minutes or else I will lose my chance at enlightenment. 


"Okay, okay. I get it, how do I compose?!" 


"Listen here boy, your [melody] is a reflection of your soul, it represents who you are as a person. Your [melody] is your life. What do you desire? Who are you? Where does your path lead? That is what your melody is. To compose your melody is to build your own narrative, to clearly define yourself amidst the cacophony of life. Others have this part done for them by external forces. This may result in melodies that don't quite fit. However, you get to shape your destiny, and create something that embodies your very being!" 

I still don't understand, but I am running out of time, and the day cannot end before I become an [enlightened]. Thus, I begin to question my very identity - Alden, that is my name, given to me by my mother who wished I would have the strength to protect those around me. Thanks to her, I never truly lacked anything when I was younger. I had shelter, food, clothes, and love. She worked day and night to ensure that I could enter the academy with the best aspiring [enlightened] program in our sector. Well, that is until the day fate took a cruel turn and we were attacked by a rogue [enlightened] who wielded the power of telekinesis. I still believe that she wasn't supposed to die that day. The thief, simply seeking material gain, would have left with only her handbag. If only this event hadn't happened on the day my mother received her paycheck, she would have given him the damn bag. But she didn't, she refused to do it, how would we survive the month without that paycheck? This led to the [enlightened] dropping a small flowerpot on her head by accident. She fell to the ground and never woke up. This left me alone, at only 15 years old, with 2 younger siblings, no mom, and no dad. How I wish I was able to protect her that day... No, how I wish I could have squished the thief who robbed my mother of her life under my feet that day...

A chilling melody, dripping with malevolence, slithers through the air. The kind to send shivers down your spine and cast a sinister shadow over the atmosphere. It's a haunting tune that invokes an undeniable sense of dread and darkness, leaving an indescribable feeling of doom upon all who hear it


"Hmmm...Is this really what you want your melody to sound like? I don't know If I like it boy. Would your mother have liked it?" 




"I have seen the way you took your mother's role and raised your siblings while still attending classes. The way you fought through many sleepless nights and pitiful looks from your professors. Despite all this, you never once complained to anyone and supported your family in any way you could. Your actions speak volumes, revealing not a soul consumed by vengeance, but filled with love and duty." 


"I thought I was supposed to compose my own melody, are you a co-composer or something?" 

"...Alright boy, you won't hear from me any further, I just hope you make the right choice" 

He is right, though. I don't like the way it sounds either. Though I've stumbled in safeguarding what matters most, I refuse to let darkness consume me. Instead of turning my pain outward, I wish for the resilience to withstand life's trials. My greatest desire is for the power to shield: to shield my siblings from prying eyes, my mother from thieves, and myself from the hardships of this world.

What plays is now a melody of resilience and determination, building from soft, introspective notes to powerful, uplifting crescendos. It begins with a solemn tone, reflecting the struggles and setbacks faced, but gradually transforms into a stirring anthem of perseverance. The melody carries a sense of resolve, echoing the determination to protect and endure despite the odds. It showcases hope and strength, inspiring courage in the face of adversity.

"Ahhh, what a nice song, it seems an exceptional composer has been born, rejoice [ ], your child has succeeded!" 

With these last words from [it], I open my eyes. It is 23h59 and I manifest my ability. The music plays and a simple aegis of circular shape floats in front of me. 

chapter two! did you expect this ability?

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