
The Music Speaks

A unique [melody] sits within all of us, only waiting to be played by the worthy during the [fracture] ritual. The individuals who accomplish this task are referred to as the [enlightened], the apex of humanity. All Alden wishes for is to prove himself worthy during his ceremony in order to support his family. When the day finally comes, what meets him is beyond his wildest dreams, his path as an [enlightened] will be like no other. As a near-singular entity, Alden embarks on a perilous journey riddled with challenges and revelations through the world of the [enlightened]. It won't be long before he realizes that this world is far grander than he ever could have imagined. Release schedule: 1-2 chapters a day

Trichoplax · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Chapter 10 - The first day

A chauffeur personally takes me from DaiKar to the Golden Gate district. Once we've arrived, I exit the car and inspect my equipment. I've been granted a special permit to use force if necessary as well as a watch given to us by Maestro Lauren. According to her, this was a courtesy of the manufacturing department. It is to be activated once we have reached the mission area. I press on the 'on' button of the watch, a holographic image appears and a pre-recorded message plays. 


"Since you've opened this watch, that must mean you've made it to your mission area. To ensure success. The watch you were given contains 3000 notes to use as you see fit. Additionally, it has three special features you should know about. The first, if you press the button on the left, allows you to create a defensive barrier capable of resisting 1 strike from an early 2nd stage enlightened. The second, the button on the right, fills your body with pure flow and allows you to deliver one strike with the strength of an early 2nd stage. Careful with that one though, it'll wreck your body. The third and final option, the center button, allows you to send an SOS directly to me. Use this last feature wisely and only if absolutely necessary. I will be extremely angry if you call me out for no reason. With all that said, good luck!" 


After listening to the message, I depart for the Lunar Groove Lounge. The first step in the subjugation of Calvin Swindell is investigating that place. On my way there, I explore the Golden Gate district. I had never been here before, because the Lauderdale academy is in the Evergreen district, which is quite far from here. If the Evergreen district is meant for your typical family life, filled with parks and playgrounds, the Golden Gate district is a place of business. People come here to make and spend money. 


On my way to the lounge, I stroll by a vibrant market and droves of merchants hoping to make a profit. Some are selling instruments; the options go from the basic ones to more unique options. I even see some accordi-fists in one of the stalls, an unconventional choice for novices due to the high skill level required to wield them. This instrument extends at the user's will, granting greater range in close quarter combat while still delivering formidable blunt force damage. 


I have a whole week to complete this mission, meaning that I am not currently in a hurry. I decide to stop by the market and closely study the items. I approach a merchant selling books on pure flow control. He speaks to me. 


"Oh! You look like you could use this! This book will teach you to control your pure flow to last longer in bed! By directing it to yo--" 


"Alright stop right there, I'm not interested..." 

'I look like I could use this, what does he mean by that?' 


"Do you have anything else? Something more...useful? 


"Hmm, let me see, we're not really allowed to have combat manuals down here but there are still some useful options. Ah! Look, this one will allow you to hold your breath much longer!" 


'This could be useful if I get lost at sea or if I'm attacked by an enlightened who can produce poisonous gas' 


"Yeah, that sounds good, how much?" 


"3000 notes!" 


"Pfft, are you making fun of me?" 


I have a very good grasp of money and the general going rate for goods. As someone who has been working tirelessly for years, these things are second nature to me. I may not have been an [enlightened] for long, but 3000 notes are enough for me, Asher and Aurora to live comfortably for more than half a year. My monthly salary given by the state is only 500 notes!! He's asking for that much for a manual that isn't even suited to combat!? 


"Sir, this manual is very useful, I think the price I'm giving you is quite reasonable..." 


"Oh, I see, I don't think I need it then." 


I turn around and make my way towards another vendor. 


"Wait! Maybe I can lower the price to 2500 notes." 


"1000 notes." 


"What??? I've got a family to feed sir, how could I sell it for that low?!" 


'Even 1000 is pushing it...' 






"Deal! Pleasure doing business with you." 


I store the manual in my pocket and explore the other stalls. It quickly becomes evident that this place lives up to its reputation as the district of commerce and trade. There really is anything and everything in this place. Whether for the [enlightened] in search of specialized goods or for regular people looking for everyday essentials. I guess the saying is true 'there's nothing you won't find in the Golden Gate district'. 


Having completed my tour of the stalls, I once more make my way towards the Lunar Groove Lounge. It takes me about thirty minutes of walking to reach it but once I arrive, I am stunned by the sight before me. Whatever expectations I had; this defies all of them. The front of the building is decrepit and worn down, resembling an old bar in a small town far from the big cities. The sign board reading 'Lunar Groove Lounge' is hanging by a thread, the smallest gust of wind might make it crash on the ground. The windows are tinted black, making it impossible to see inside and there is a lone bouncer standing near the entrance smoking a cigarette. 


This is Hardly the place I envisioned when told a human-trafficker was seen entering the building. Is it because he wants to keep a low profile, to evade the suspicion of the authorities? That seems unlikely. Not only because it is out of character for this type of person who loves flaunting their dirty money, but also because I doubt he'd find any business here. His business is aimed towards the rich and powerful, considering their pride, they would rather die than enter such a place. 


Instead of approaching the bouncer, I decide to exercise caution. I conceal myself and observe those who are coming in and out of the Lounge. I remain there for a few hours. I notice that quite a few [enlightened] frequent the establishment. It's not uncommon for them to partake in such activities, but the frequency of their visits to this particular nightclub is quite suspicious, leading me to take a few pictures to document their movements.


I rent a room in a motel nearby for 50 notes a night. The front desk lady greets me warmly and she explains the facilities of the motel as well as their usage. I decide to have dinner at the motel's cafeteria, and I tend to my laundry before retiring for the night. With that, the first day of the mission comes to a close. 

this mini-arc is more infiltration style so the next few chapters might be a bit boring but don't worry, I plan to end this one with a bang.

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