
The Multiverse of Hell.

Mirai was your average kid in high school. He had numerous friends, a nice home environment, and decent grades. That was until he was cursed by the God of Torture and Death to be reincarnated into an undead vampire. How will Mirai face this unprecedented challenge? Follow him on his journey of misfortune and sorrow. This story isn't your common multiverse reincarnation. The world Mirai will be put into will combine multiple franchises together such as Marvel, DC, Doom, etc. I don't own any of the material in this fanfiction except my OC. I don't own the cover and if the artist wants me to take it down then I will do so. I don't have a set schedule but updates will slow during the week. I hope you find this story enjoyable

Loathsome · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Lupusregina Beta.

"Who are you and what are your intentions?" I questioned her as I got into an offensive stance. The red-haired woman put her finger on her chin as if she was in deep thought. I am hoping that she isn't here for a fight, I may be immortal but being kicked around for eternity isn't ideal...

It seems the woman got out of her thoughts and she finally answered my question, "My name is Lupusregina Beta, and I'm here to check out the large magical signature that was here about 30 minutes ago," Large magical signature? She must be talking about me, "and It seems I've found where it was coming from."

Lupusregina had a dangerous smile and I watched as the mana inside and around her body skyrocketed in output. There was no way I could win, I've calculated the chances, and every outcome is 0%. So then why am I smiling?

"Now, what I'm supposed to do if I find the magical signature is to bring it back to Lord Ainz, but I think he can wait for a few hours." This fight is going to be a one-sided massacre. I closed my eyes and let my mana fill every fiber of my being, I was going to need it. Soon, Lupusregina was in front of me and before I could move out of the way, the top half of my body exploded.

I regenerated immediately but was killed again. When I regenerated again, I made sure to duck under her punch and I quickly swung my blade upwards. Lupusregina caught my sword and kicked me into one of the many floating islands. My body was torn to shreds but I regenerated immediately. I stabilized myself and jumped down to the surface of Hell. Once my boots touched the red earth, I forced my body to lean back in order to dodge a high kick from Lupusregina. I jumped back and forced my body to lean to the right, dodging Lupusregina's fist.

"Although you're forcing your body to dodge my attacks, I'm still impressed that you managed to dodge two of my attacks within 15 minutes of our fight." I didn't comment and simply sprinted forward. With my recent increase in power, I was in front of Lupusregina rather quickly. I increased the level of mana coursing through my body and swung my sword again. My attack was blocked with two fingers...

Tsk, I felt my pride, the pride I didn't know existed, get tarnished. So I swung again, only this time it was faster. When It was blocked, I swung again. Each time my attack was blocked I would only swing harder and faster until I reached my magical and physical limit. But even then, my attacks were easily dodged or blocked. Lupusregina dodged my final attack and kicked me in the stomach, causing my entire torso to explode. When I regenerated again, I jumped back.

Now that I created space between me and Lupusregina, I decided to test something I've been thinking of. If Litch can use his mana externally, then so can I. I made my mana flow to my arms and continued to increase the speed of my mana. It seems Lupusregina was going to watch whatever I was doing because she looked over at me with an amused smile. I increased my mana's flow speed until I reached my magical limit and my arms were completely black along with my sword gaining a black aura. Whatever I created was incredibly taxing so I had to act fast.

I got into a low running stance and diverted some of my mana into my legs. I tensed my muscles and shot forward as fast as my body would allow me to. The ground below me broke into pieces and I flew through the air like a fighter jet. Moments later, I was in front of Lupusregina and I put all of my mana into my arms.

"HAA!" I let out a small battlecry as I swung my blade upwards, hoping to bisect Lupusregina. How wrong I was. Lupusregina dodged my attack with ease, resulting in my blade cutting through the air and eventually splitting an entire floating island. Lupusregina then gripped my head and slammed me into the ground with so much force that the ground below me rose up, creating a large crater. My head was turned into a bloody pulp before I regenerated.

"That last attack was impressive, too bad you were up against me." Lupusregina laughed. Here I was, at the mercy of another person. Am I really that weak? As I looked up at the dull red sky, I thought of something insane. My Curse of Blood Drawing states that if I drank above my limit, I would gain a 10x boost. Now, I don't have an easy blood source nearby, but that's where I'm wrong. The easy blood source is me, it never said anything about where I had to get the blood only I had to drink above my limit.

I brought my arm in front of my mouth and sunk my teeth in and began drinking my own blood. My blood tasted horrible...it's as if I was drinking liquid shit. I felt myself become full again and I continued drinking. As I drank more, I felt my body temperature increase along with my mana capacity and recovery rate. My body was so hot that it began expelling steam and soon I was done drinking. It seems my hair color also changed from white to red.

"Oh? Round two already?" I didn't say anything and just sprinted forward. My speed was increased by 10x, so I arrived in front of Lupusregina within 2 seconds. Lupusregina had a surprised look before it turned into joy. I swung my blade with as much force as I can currently generate and instead of dodging, Lupusregina used her silver weapon to block. The force of my attack and her block created a shockwave large enough to make the floating islands move and the ground below us was turned into a large crater.

I performed a backflip and ducked under the swing of Lupusregina's weapon. I counterattacked by trying to stab her open abdomen but my blade was redirected by her knee. I regained control over my blade and jumped back. I slowly flowed my mana towards my arms, as I deflected and counterattacked Lupusregina's numerous attacks. Our fight was incredibly destructive, and many floating islands were cut in half the ground below us was nothing but craters.

As our fight progressed, I continued to flow mana into my arms until my arms were black again. Lupusregina quickly jumped back and I dashed forward. I flew through the air ten times as fast as before, and when I was in front of Lupusregina I swung my blade upwards once again. Only this time instead of dodging, I landed a solid hit across Lupusregina's torso, creating a deep wound that was dripping with blood.

Lupusregina jumped back and began laughing, "HAHAHA! Who would've thought that I would get injured in this fight! You are doing well," I don't know why but I felt a small amount of fear accumulate in the back of my mind my fears were soon answered, "but let's see how you do when I go all out!"

She was holding back this entire time?! I witnessed Lupusregina's magical signature increase by 25x and it was still rising. Lupusregina continued to power up to the point that it was affecting the world physically. The ground was shaking, and the wind was incredibly strong. I have no chance of winning at my current state, even with my 10x boost.

Lupusregina finally reached her full power and she smiled at me dangerously, "Let's see how long you can last!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know and sorry for the late release, was a bit busy with real life. Just for that, expect three chapters today :)

Loathsomecreators' thoughts