

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 95: Shocking Turn of Events

Chapter 95: Shocking Turn of Events

~Third POV~

[Fuyuki City, Alley]

A man was sitting down on a lonely alley only lit by the few rays of the rising sun. He was writing in pain and multiple bulges emerged on various parts of his body, mainly the left side of his face which was deformed. He grinned in delight, "The Master of Caster and Caster… Both managed to kill Archer and Tokiomi. Hahaha… oh if only I was the one to end them."

The man sitting down on a desolate alley was Kariya Matou the Master of Berserker with his Berserker Class Servant Lancelot in his astral form on standby. Kariya struggled standing up as he muttered having his duty with 1 year left to live in a determined tone, "Wait for just a little longer… Sakura…"

Kariya Matou uncle of Shinji Matou, Master of Berserker, Kariya makes a deal with his father Zouken Matou that he will win the Grail War in exchange for Sakura Matou's freedom.

He originally refused to learn the Matou magic as the oldest son, which meant becoming a Master in the war would be life-threatening in the best case. He is the only member of the Matou family who truly loves Sakura and is upset that Tokiomi allowed his younger daughter to be adopted by Zouken.

Knowing what happened to poor Sakura Kariya Matou took on the challenge of obtaining the Holy Grail to Zouken to free her. He knew that facing Tokiomi and Archer would be a challenge to his performance.

But when news of their demise is the first to die made him smile. The biggest threat in the Holy Grail war died leaving anyone to win the Holy Grail to anyone with the biggest obstacle killed.

However, everyone was not wary of the Master of Caster everyone seeing him on par with a Servant. This made everyone in the Holy Grail war reconsider attacking him.

But it was also an important moment of weakness of him being tired from fighting Gilgamesh unaware if both parties were killed or there was a victor. Thanks to Medea's interference with her Magecraft the Masters were left guessing what occurred.

It was only made apparent when the [Bounded Field] around Ryuudou Temple was turned off making false assumptions that everyone pondered Archer, Caster, and Assassin had died in the war.

But it was only Archer and his Master who died leaving only Mash, and Kirei to know what occurred that fateful night to their knowledge…


[Later, Fuyuki Church]


Kirei in a rare moment of emotion exclaimed in bewilderment at hearing about Tokiomi's unexpected death from his father Risei after the events that unfolded that fateful night against Caster's Master.

The priest overseer spoke with restrained sorrow in his voice to his son of his Master's departure grasping his shoulder, "It is true my son. Your master Tokiomi, friend, and Ally have died. Archer is also gone."

Kirei Kotomine sat in a room hidden within the church. He simply contemplates the action that has just transpired.

Kirei was in turmoil about how to proceed and the unexpected events threw all his father and Tokiomi's plans out the window. This left a troubling issue for them with their main firepower gone all of their plans were left in shambles.

However, Kirei Kotomine was left in a dilemma listening to his father's voice in a strained tone, "My son, I ask if you if it turns out it was a Master killed our ally, I would like you to return the favor."

Kirei looked almost stunned by his father's request as he responded in a stoic tone with Assassin on standby listening, "Of course, father. Although brief, Tokiomi was my Master and ally in this war so whoever interfered with our plans will pay."

Risei nodded at Kirei's actions however the Master of Assassin had different ideas in his head. Kirei was contemplating his motives seeing that Tokiomi had died in the Holy Grail War.

To his knowledge, he didn't have any desires. Yet, against all odds, the Holy Grail chose him to participate in the war as he thought a question to himself, 'What was even my wish if I didn't know myself… perhaps I should ask Kiritsugu Emiya or… ask for the Grail to grant my wish that I don't know lie in my heart.'

Perhaps he thought mechanically, he would find an answer if he acquired the grail. Or perhaps not. It was ambiguous, but he felt the duty to attempt it anyway.

Risei looked away from his son as he thought to himself closing his eyes and giving a silent prayer thought, 'At any rate, whatever shape it may take, the battle has now begun. The Fourth Holy Grail War has finally begun. It seems like these old bones of mine will finally be able to see this war through to the bitter end.'


[Fuyuki City, South Forest]

Standing before the destroyed forest area that used to be a lush forest was Kiritsugu Emiya silently inspecting the damage before lighting up a cigarette.

He vaguely wondered if it had been bad luck the battle had taken place not too far away from where the Einzbern Castle was located. Luckily, the conflict had ceased before it could escalate even further.

And for good or worse managed to view Caster Master Mash Bastion be the victor against the King of Hero's demise having Saber with Irisviel witnessing the footage caught by his and Maiya Hisau's familiars.

Kiritsugu was on edge on how the battle ended between Master of Caster and Archer. The way when Archer suddenly killed himself brought concern of the unknown factor of Mash's Servant to control a Servant.

He hypothesized many Servants that could fit the role. But when the footage managed to get the name of the Servant Medea Saber immediately knew what kind of enemy they would be facing would be valuable information to them.

Identifying Caster as Medea brought concern when the info regarding her came to light of the situation. Medea had many titles in her legends according to Saber that made Kiritsugu wary of both Master and Servant.

Medea the [Magus from the Age of the Gods], [Witch of Colchis], and [Witch of Betrayal]. It certainly didn't ease the Master of Saber's mind knowing these villainous titles. Such a troubling foe they are facing.

However, there was one question concerning Kiritsugu's mind plaguing him before the confrontation between Archer and Mash was their conversation exhaling smoke from his mouth and muttering in a suspicious tone, "Divine Spirit. Coming to my domain. And… purifying the corrupted Grail? Just what is the Master of Caster's goal in all of this? There's no way he simply here to clean the Grail there must be some deeper meaning behind his actions."

Overanalyzing the situation Kiritsugu could only ponder Mash's true intentions as he thought grimly, 'I would need to make begrudging alliances with the other Masters to take down both Caster and Master. Making temporary alliances with other Masters was a certain possibility. The threat of Medea and Mash needed to be prioritized and eliminated. No matter the cost.'

Steeling his mind and heart he left to formulate a plan. He was the one to save this world and against the evil villain in his eyes, he is standing in his way. Aim for the heart and win.


[Fuyuki City, stores]


Landing down at the airport Irisviel and Saber finally arrived exiting the city. They talked about Saber being the first to arrive in her body and took the chance to sightsee the city instead of heading towards the prepared Eizenbern Castle.

While sightseeing Irisviel took the chance to take Saber in an old-time classic of women… shopping as Irisviel showed Saber a dress fitting her daughter's size, "Saber, Saber! Look at these dresses! They'd look so cute on Illya, right?!"

As a King, Saber thought of herself as a person of patience. However, that said patience is was being put to the test in an old-time classic… shopping.

Irisviel von Einzbern had spent her entire life isolated from civilization and thus wanted to experience the outside world to its fullest. That unfortunately brought Saber to the dreadful chore of shopping.

Saber mused it would have been a terrifying efficient torture method had it been in her era she would be wrong… it always had been in every era.

As rigorous as the process was for Saber, Irisviel herself was very endearing. Although that couldn't be said about her true Master. Saber understood his approach but never the methods to do it not approving of his actions as her code of chivalry dictated so.

Artoria Pendragon, better known in legends as the King of Knights, maintains a high code of honor. Kiritsugu allows Saber to accompany Irisviel as a decoy to allow him stealth tactics within the war, and she becomes good friends with Iris as a result.

Though she and Kiritsugu are Servants and Masters seeking the same goal of peace, their differing ideological perspectives result in a strained relationship where Kiritsugu does not directly acknowledge Saber.

But even so, they were cautious as the reminder of the first battle and vital info about Caster and Archer resulted in a Divine Spirit donned in flesh named Mash Bastion was alive much to their dismay.

Saber understood from her Master's perspective that the most favorable situation was that they both died but that was wishing for too much for them. But despite how the fight went there was a genuine chance of victory.

Mash may be a Divine Spirit in the flesh he was also mortal. Something that was made obvious in the footage against Gilgamesh the King of Heroes showed.

Despite facing against possibly a person on par with a Servant and Caster. It didn't mean it would be difficult to win against them just extremely difficult but very much possible for them to win.

But Saber's musing quickly ended hearing a voice she didn't want to hear this early in the war revealing to be Mash Bastion talking to them, "Oh? Fancy meeting you Saber Artoria Pendragon. Where's your Master Kiritsugu Emiya."

Both froze turning to Mash in the flesh grinning and waving at them as he introduced himself in a sheepish tone, "My you ladies giving me the stare is going to make me blush. I'm Mash Bastion Master of Caster pleasure to meet you both."

Saber subtly prepared for battle. If he attacked in broad daylight, that would be breaking the rules of the Holy Grail War but then again, those rules were nothing in the eyes of some individuals.

However, Mash followed the rules as he raised his hand stopping any conflict and speaking to them in a friendly manner, "Hey chill Artoria. It's broad daylight no combat time during this hour. I at least honor the rules… unless you force me."

Saber frowned seeing Mash manage to identify her true name she looked up and down at him suspiciously as he casually replied rubbing the back of his head, "Welp! You two must have just gotten down from the airport so… interested in some lunch? I know some good places in Fuyuki City. And besides, I know the best Chinese food around."


Saber's face flushed in embarrassment as her hunger just had to strike then and there her stomach grumbling at the mention of food with Irisviel having a helpless expression blushing in embarrassment.

The two looked at each other having faced the toughest challenge yet… skip lunch or have lunch with the enemy. Truly the toughest choice Saber had to face.